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AceReader EliteDiscount

AceReader Elite

Reading Speed & Comprehension Software

AceReader Elite ScreenshotEducational Software ScreenshotAceReader Elite, Educational Software ScreenshotAceReader Elite, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software ScreenshotEducational Software, AceReader Elite ScreenshotHobby, Educational & Fun Software, AceReader Elite ScreenshotHobby, Educational & Fun Software, Educational Software ScreenshotAceReader Elite, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software, Educational Software Screenshot

Please note folks, AceReader Elite runs on Windows 10 (and lower OS versions). It is not actively being updated since AceReader, Inc. came out with their newer cloud edition, but there is no taking away that it’s still considered a great program with 18+ years of development and the winner of over 50 honors and awards. It’s unclear how long we will continue to make the legacy/classic AceReader Elite version of AceReader available, so if you want a version of AceReader that is still downloadable where you pay once and own, you may want to take advantage of this promotion. Note: The Mac edition of AceReader Elite is no longer available, so our solution for Mac users is our latest cloud edition (Refer below).

Also, AceReader Elite is an enhanced version of the older AceReader Pro series. AceReader Elite now includes all the Test Sets (American History, Earth & Space Science, Famous People and Fun Facts) for a total of over 800 reading/comprehension tests, Goal Setting, a Speed Reading Stopwatch (which allows you to see your reading speed in real time while taking self-paced tests), 625 eBooks, Video Tutorials, Text-To-Speech capabilities and unlimited logon accounts.

In today's fast-paced information age, it is more important than ever to be a proficient reader. AceReader will help you and your children read faster while maintaining or even improving overall comprehension.

AceReader helps you break two major bad habits: Subvocalization (pronouncing the words in your mind while you read), and Re-Reading/Regression (letting your eyes wander back to re-read the text).

But that's only the beginning. AceReader will also help you: Reduce Your Eye Fixation Time (time spent when your eyes are focused on a single point), Expand Your Eye Fixation Zone (ability to read a wider text width when your eyes are focused on a single point) and Increase Your Re-Fixation Speed (ability to reposition your eyes at a rapid rate).

When you master the art of reading with more efficiency, the process itself becomes something like watching a movie. You'll be equipped with the ability to absorb far more material in a shorter amount of time.

Our latest edition of AceReader is our cloud based version. Differences between our legacy/classic edition of AceReader called "AceReader Elite" and our newest online cloud edition: With our cloud based version of AceReader, there is no software to install and you don't need to mess with activations since it runs in your web browser. Since it simply runs in your web browser, you can use it on your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone and Android devices. You can use it one day on one device and pick up where you left off the next day on your other device. The "Reader" feature which allows you to load your own text, set the display modes and speed settings does not include some of the lesser used features such as bookmarks and text-to-speech with the cloud edition, but it can handle loading more file formats (Word, PDF, mobi, .epub and .txt). The cloud edition includes Pre- and Post-testing which makes tracking your overall progress much easier.

Please note folks: the Online Cloud version is a 1 year subscription product meaning that after 1 year you would have to renew your subscription if you want to continue using it.

This promotion includes the following:
AceReader Elite (PC/Windows Version) ($69.95)
AceReader Online Cloud - Personal Edition (1 User / 1 Year) ($39)
AceReader Online Cloud - Family Edition (2 Users / 1 Year) ($59)
AceReader Online Cloud - Family Edition (4 Users / 1 Year) ($79)
AceReader Online Cloud - Family Edition (8 Users / 1 Year) ($99)
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Mary Wilson I am looking at the program for myself only. What I liked was the option for loading some of your own text in the export mode. Will this work in both versions or only one version. I own a few of the voices you have as I purchased them for Text Aloud. Can I use them with the program?
Sep 8 2008 at 1:35pm Copy Link
Brenda G4 I tried the Pro version in demo mode. I am unable to test it because it is severely crippled.

* In the demo version, sometimes you are forced to read the same text even though in the paid version you would have new text. This means you cannot tell if you have improved because you are reading the same thing over and over. (There is a lot of new stuff, but it is not accurate to test your speed at the beginning and then later on use the same text to see if you have improved.)

* Can only do 11 of the activities in a "course set". It said you could switch to another course set, but there seems to be only 1 course set. When I tried to switch it just asked if I wanted to clear my previous results, and it used the same text.

* If you read too fast, it will not let you try to go faster. (I think the limit was 400 wpm.) It locks you down to a slower speed even though you could have actually progressed in the none demo version. (I think I started at 179 and then was locked down to 358.. but again I cannot tell if I have improved because I can't do enough of the course to track my progress.)

I feel that the 30 day limit should be enough without the additional crippling of features.

I would not buy this program because I have no idea if it was actually helping me or not.
Mar 28 2009 at 5:00pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Brenda,

We respect your opinion. We have been listening to our customers for over a decade now and we will continue to keep a close ear to what they have to say. After reading your comment, I wonder if it would be better if we gave a fully functional 7 or 14 day trial instead of a 30 day limited trial. This is something we have thought about in the past, but we hesitated to make any changes since we have not received any complaints.

* Our main goal with our "demo" is to allow you to test drive the program so that you can get a feel for how we approach the problem and to give you a taste of all the program features. We want our demo to give you confidence that by using our program with all it's features turned on that you can see how it will help you accomplish your reading improvement goals.

* Please also note, in addition to our free demo, we also offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

I hope this helps! Support is a high priority with us, so don't hesitate to call or email if you continue to have questions.

Bernie Marasco
1-800-ACE-READ (223-7323), Ext. 2
StepWare, Inc.
StepWare, Inc. - Mar 30 2009 at 5:02am Copy Link
Prof Abronsius Deal missed because "* Error: Your shopping basket total is below the minimum value required to use this voucher. Please check your promotional offer for details."

Meanwhile I have discovered post of the Software Guy post... Thank you!

Prof Abronsius
Apr 2 2009 at 10:08am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Prof Abronsius - I thin you're referring to the wrong deal here! This does not apply to AceReader, but applies to PhotoPlus:
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 2 2009 at 10:20am Copy Link
Jean-Marie User This Deal Expires in 01:57:30 HOURSMINS SECS and I got The message:
* Error: This offer has expired. Please check the offer details for more information
Impossible to buy with the voucher.
Apr 2 2009 at 3:04pm Copy Link
Julie Julie How does AceReader Pro work with Windows 7? (both 32 & 64 bit)
Feb 6 2010 at 1:11am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco AceReader Pro has been tested and certified for Vista and Windows 7 (both 32 bit and 64 bit).
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 6 2010 at 2:43am Copy Link
Michael R Is this software multi-lingual; does it contain the german language too?

Does it make sense to use this program, if English is not the user's first (native) language, even if he understands English?

Can the test-texts be modified?
Feb 7 2010 at 4:40pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco The user interface and the reading material that we provide is in English only. But please note that our AceReader products do support the International ASCII character set, so it will work with most of the European languages (i.e. Spanish, Italian, French, German ...).

You can load AceReader with files (.txt, .doc and .pdf files) and also by using the clipboard. When you use the clipboard, you can bring in text from Web pages, word processing documents, e-books, e-mail, and the like.

The Deluxe versions of the program allow you to incorporate your own text into the program for use with the Tests, Drills and Games.

We also sell a text-to-speech add-on for the PC versions of the software. The text-to-speech add-on will vocalize the words as they are displayed on the screen. We have English, Spanish, French and German voices. It should be noted that these are very high quality human sounding voices.

In summary, the program can be useful even if English is not your first (native) language since you can use it to help improve your English and since you can load AceReader with your own text (i.e. German text).
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 7 2010 at 11:52pm Copy Link
Ron K I have two questions.

First, I reformat and reinstall my OS more often than most. How is activation handled, i.e. I be unable to reinstall the software after a few times? I'm talking about on to the same computer, but a fresh OS installation. I've been locked out of expensive software in the past because the activation scheme would count installs, but not uninstalls.

Second, portable installations on to a USB device let me bypass problem #1. Is it possible to make a portable installation?
Feb 8 2010 at 1:54am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco It is not possible to perform a portable installation (i.e. onto a USB device).

By default we allow up to 3 activations. If you need more, you will need to contact us via email or phone and provide enough information for us to look up your order and then we will proceed with helping you with additional activations.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 8 2010 at 2:14am Copy Link
Bob F Your website lists a version for Mac OS. is this special good for that version?

I believe version 6.0.2 is the latest for MAC OS and version 7.0.0 is the latest for Microsoft OS. Are the data files compatible between these two versions?

Also, your website says you get 3 activations for up to 3 different computers. Does this apply across different platforms or must all 3 be the same platform?
Feb 8 2010 at 2:21am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Today's special applies to the PC/Windows version only.

The data files are compatible between versions 5, 6 and 7.

The PC/Windows product and the Macintosh product are sold as two separate products. We do this since both products took independent development efforts. If you purchase the PC/Windows version of AceReader Pro, then you can install it on up to 3 Windows computers. If you purchase the Macintosh version of AceReader Pro, then you can install it on up to 3 Macintosh computers. Again, this promo is for the Windows version only.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 8 2010 at 2:48am Copy Link
H. User Hallo,
1. is therea possibility to save the activation file in case of reformatting the harddisk (I'm speaking about the same pc, same hardware, only different or formatted harddisk). I've made bad experiences with an expensive software, which I had bought for using in a longer holiday - and already the 2nd activation failed - and the support did not answer promptly - so I had spent a lot of money for a software which Icouldn't use for many weeks and when I really needed it. After that experience the kind of actiavation procedure has become an important checkpoint for the decision if buying a program or not.
2. what would happen to the activation in case your company would no longer exist (don't hope so) (I'm asking this, because I spent money on buying a software via digitalriver-regnow) from a company which possibly doesn't exist any longer - and I didn't get the licensekey for the money I spent.
3. can german words be put in the games and exercieses (in the deluxe versions)?
thank you for answering promptly in advance
with kind regards

PS please apologize my mistakes in english language
Feb 8 2010 at 6:09am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco 1. There is not a way to save an activation file that will help if you reformat.

2. Just like any company, we can't guarantee that we will be here forever, but we have no plans of going anywhere. :) We have been around for 12+ years so far. Once you activate the program, it will be activated on that computer forever (unless you reformat your hard drive). By default you do get 3 activations for the purpose of re-installing the software and/or if you want to install the software onto another computer used by you and/or your immediate family. If you need additional activations, you need to contact us via email or phone with enough information to find your order and then we will assist you.

3. Yes, the Deluxe version will allow you to incorporate German text into the program for use with the Tests, Drills and Games.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 8 2010 at 6:38am Copy Link
H. User H. H. (Visitor) Says:
Hallo, I've the following questions
1. is it possible to save the activation file in case one want to change or reformat the harddisk (same pc, same other hardware of course). I'm asking this because I've made ba experiences with an expensive piece of software which I had especially bought for use in a longer holiday. Already the 2nd actiivation failed and the support didn't answer promptly - so that I couldn'use the software as purposed and it was unusable for many weeks. Since that time the read morekind of activation procedure has become an important checkpoint for the decision if buying a special software or not
2. what would happen with the activation in case your company would no longer exist (don't hope so) (I'm asking this, because Ishortly bought a shareware program via digitalrier- regnow, from a company which possibly does not exist any longer - so that I din't get the bought license-key.
3. is it possible to use german words for the exercieses and training games?
thank you vor answering promptly in advance
with kind regards

PS please apologize my mistakes in english language
Feb 8 2010 at 7:18am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello H.H.,

It looks like you posted the same thing twice. My answer is above (under your first post). You will need to refresh the page to see my reply.

Let me know if you continue to have questions.

StepWare, Inc. - Feb 8 2010 at 7:47am Copy Link
Jim Lohse I wish to take advantage of today's special pricing and order AceReader Pro Deluxe, but I cannot find a link to an Order Page. Can you help me?
Feb 8 2010 at 12:13pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Jim,

You should see the big green "Buy Now" button above. Just scroll up and you should see it.

The promo is sometimes at the top of this page or underneath another promo. Bit du Jour promotes two products at a time, so you will need to scroll down the page if you don't see the AceReader promo on top.

StepWare, Inc. - Feb 8 2010 at 12:18pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Jim,

I spoke to you on the phone, looks like you're all set!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 8 2010 at 12:23pm Copy Link
Bettina R. Hallo,
I just wanted to buy the deluxe version and filled out the formulars to buy via paypal , pressed the complete button- and then the site loading stopped at half way , showing "waiting for
there is written, that one should not press the complete button twice or stop, but now since half an hour nothing happens. What to do. I want to get the prodcut for the special price,- I already posted to setsystems, but I only got a mail, which didn't help - I don't know if there is a difficulty because of paying via paypal ( I only filled out paypal, not credit card (when paying viy paypal I never had additional to tell the credit number). So please tell me what to do for getting the product but not being charged twice.
Please answer promptly, because I soonly have to go to work
thank you
Feb 8 2010 at 1:11pm Copy Link
Bettina R. Hallo,
you can delete the above questions, inbetween I got a link for setsystems to complete the order
thank you
Feb 8 2010 at 1:30pm Copy Link
Richard H. That was a great deal for some very nice software - the screenshots show some nice updates from 2.0 :) sorry I missed it...
Feb 8 2010 at 6:00pm Copy Link
Kevin Houser Will the Deluxe version also be on sale for the same discount?
Sep 7 2010 at 7:07pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Yes.  Both version will be on sale.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 7 2010 at 7:12pm Copy Link
Mary Wilson I purchased this from you about two years ago. I believe that you had an up grade since then. Is this the new version? Will it work with the voices that I have purchased in the past from you?
Sep 11 2010 at 4:44am Copy Link
Michael Guilfoyle Can I buy it and use it on my mac and PC?
Sep 11 2010 at 6:37pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco We treat the PC and Mac versions as separate products since it took separate development efforts.  It is possible to run the PC version on your Mac if you have a PC emulator (i.e. Parallels).
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 12 2010 at 10:17am Copy Link
Jaap Aap My virus scanner (Kaspersky) prevents installing the demo version as it detecs a Trojan. Is this a known problem?
Sep 13 2010 at 11:02am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco In regards to the question about the version from two years ago...  I'm not sure exactly what version you have, but over the past few years we have continued to make improvements with the program.  To see if you have the latest User Interface which was much improved, you may want to visit our web site and refer to the screen shots ( and/or the video tutorials ( or you can download our latest demo's from: .  To best understand the differences between the Pro and Pro Deluxe versions, please refer to: .  The latest Deluxe version now includes an SAT/ACT Prep Test Set and leveled vocabulary exercises available from our Menu Mode.  Version 7 now includes graphical warm-up drills.  Our latest version also allows up to 3 activations per household (for
multiple computers, or to handle the event that you need to re-install
the software).  We have also made many other minor improvements with the program.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 13 2010 at 11:35am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco In regards to the question about Kaspersky...  We are aware of an issue with Kaspersky.  It has to do with our activation system since it creates temporary files that keeps changing.  If you purchase the program you can contact us and we can help you get around the issue.  Note: Kaspersky is the only anti-virus program that seems to cause this issue.  We are currently working with Kaspersky to resolve this issue, but it will probably take some time for them to address the issue.  Again, we do have a work around for the issue if you contact us.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 13 2010 at 11:38am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco In regards to the question about if this latest version will work with the voices you already have...  I believe the answer is yes if your version is only two years old.  If you have any issues with the latest version and your existing voices, just contact us and at worst case, we will send you new voices.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 13 2010 at 11:41am Copy Link
Mary Wilson Thank you for the information on the voices. I saved everything to a CD-Rom before I lost my hard drive and have everything except that I saw you where offering a new version and putting it back to Bits du Jour, so I decided to wait to reinstall until after deciding on whether to get the new version or not. You stated that the latest Deluxe version now includes an SAT/ACT Prep Test Set and leveled vocabulary exercises available from our Menu Mode.  Currently trying to learn new vocabulary for a Anatomy class. Can you make your own vocabulary lists and other test sets? I would like to make some for my Anatomy class.
Sep 13 2010 at 12:39pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Yes, the Deluxe version includes Editors that you can access from the Admin Tab that allows you to create your own Tests, Drills and Games with your own content.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 13 2010 at 12:42pm Copy Link
Mary Wilson Hurray
Sep 13 2010 at 12:45pm Copy Link
AKBAR MOHAMED CASIM SHAIKH How to order AceReader Pro Deluxe with the same discount as AceReader Pro?  Does your software works with Windows7? Rgds
Sep 13 2010 at 7:48pm Copy Link
Harald Vogel Hello,

I also bought your software with the latest BDJ offer two years ago and now use Version 6.1

Do you also offer an upgrade discount for V7 with this offer here?

How much would an upgrade to V7 (Pro) cost?


Sep 13 2010 at 8:58pm Copy Link
_*_ I read above you mentioned the "activation" system of the program.  Would you please explain how the licensing of the program works?  Is there any form of DRM on the program (it appears so with a needed activation)?  Thanks
Sep 13 2010 at 11:30pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco In regards to question pertaining to ordering "AceReader Pro" vs "AceReader Pro Deluxe"...  When you press the Buy Now button, you will see the option to select either program.  You can purchase either one at the 50% off one day price.  And yes, our program is both Vista and Windows 7 certified.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 14 2010 at 4:09am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco In regards to the question about the upgrade cost for V6 to V7, we charge 50% of the normal cost, so the current BDJ offer is the price to upgrade.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 14 2010 at 5:14am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco In regards to the question about our Activation system...  When you purchase the program, you will receive a Serial Number.  We programmed the Serial Numbers to allow up to 3 activations.  The 3 activations are for the purchaser/household and allow you to install the software on more than one computer and/or allow you to re-install the software if you reformat your hard drive or get a new computer.  We will go beyond the 3 activations if you contact us.  We provide two methods of activation: (1) Electronic Activation via the Serial Number (utilizes the Internet) one time and (2) Manual Activation which involves an email/phone/fax exchange with us.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 14 2010 at 5:22am Copy Link
Kit Kagaya Does the program run on a USB drive?
Sep 14 2010 at 12:11pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco The program will not run on a USB drive.  It needs to install onto your hard drive.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 14 2010 at 12:14pm Copy Link
K Bruns Hello,

I own a few of the voices you have as I purchased them for Text Aloud. Can I use them with the program?

Thanks in advance for answering!
Apr 6 2011 at 8:21pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco You need to purchase our text-to-speech add-on one time which activates the voice functionality within AceReader. After the one time purchase, it is possible to use other voices that may be on your computer.
StepWare, Inc. - Apr 7 2011 at 2:22am Copy Link
S B This is good, comprehensive, well-thought-out software.

Speed reading's certainly wonderful, but I think this does more--people are using AceReader to push some of the limits of visual and mental acuity and speed. (I will be looking into AceReader for this, too)
Apr 7 2011 at 9:54am Copy Link
bvssunnydale Hi, I have version 5 of this software (haven't used in awhile) - what version number is this? Can I upgrade to this version? How so, if so? Thanks.
Apr 7 2011 at 11:21am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Thank you for noticing S B! We have been focused on nothing but AceReader for over 13+ years and we have put a lot into making sure it's loaded with capabilities while keeping the program easy to use.

People primarily use AceReader as an "educational tool" to help them learn how to read more efficiently both on and off the computer. Other people use it as a "productivity tool" to help them get through their reading materials more efficiently while on the computer by utilizing the powerful display modes included in the "Expert Mode". The program includes a flash card game preloaded with state capitals and times tables for younger students and the Deluxe version includes SAT Prep and college level vocabulary exercises for older students. The flash card game can be used for reading improvement purposes, but it can also be used for memorization purposes. With the Deluxe version you can even incorporate your own material for use with the Tests, Drills and Games. The program is primarily used by older students and adults, but is also used by middle school and even grade school students.

In short, AceReader is referred to as reading improvement software, reading assessment software, online reader software, reading fluency software, vision training software, and speed reading software.
StepWare, Inc. - Apr 7 2011 at 11:50am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Wm Shore, we do have an upgrade policy. Minor updates are always free, but we do charge for major updates. We are currently at version 7.3.1. Feel free to email with your request and you should promptly hear back on what we can do for you. Please include enough information so that we can look up your order.
StepWare, Inc. - Apr 7 2011 at 11:56am Copy Link
Eddie Tex Well the deluxe version also be available for the discounted price?
Sep 19 2011 at 6:14am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Yes! They both will be available. Actually, there will be 4 versions available. "AceReader Pro" (PC and Mac versions) and "AceReader Pro Deluxe" (PC and Mac versions).
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 19 2011 at 9:17am Copy Link
Bob Zozus Just wanted to make sure that the Mac version is Lion Compatible. Thanks!
Sep 19 2011 at 4:47pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Yes. It is "Universal" and is Lion compatible.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 19 2011 at 6:14pm Copy Link
JP Was thinking of buying this but see that you are only allowed 3 installations per footprint. I frequently re-build my system and am concerned that this will be reached very quicky.
Am not going to buy if it just ceases to work and cannot get it re-activated.
Can vendor comment as to what happens when the 3 activations are used up?
Sep 21 2011 at 1:31am Copy Link
JP Doh! Just seen previous messages regarding activation, I assume the answer to my question is still the case. I appreciate that you have to control your software, but this system always seems very restrictive for people that often re-build /change their systems, and then have the hassle of emailing/calling to re-authorise the software.
Sep 21 2011 at 1:35am Copy Link
Carlos Leite hi,
if I need both english and spanish versions, do I have to buy two separated licences?
Sep 21 2011 at 2:59am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Jason - By default we allow 3 activations. This takes care of most people's needs in the event that they have more than one computer, or they need to re-install the software. We will go beyond the 3 activations if you contact us (i.e. via email or phone). If you still have a concern, please call or email us and we can address your specific questions.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 7:41am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Carlos - We do treat the English versions as separate propducts from the Spanish versions since both versions took separate development efforts. Our product includes a lot of text in the tests, drills, games and user interfaces. To create the Spanish versions was a large multi-year process. I hope you can understand why we need to charge for both versions. Also note, you will not be able to install the same version of AceReader more than once on the same computer (even if one is English and the other is Spanish). You can install the Pro and Deluxe at the same time, but for example, you can't install two Deluxe editions even if one is English and the other is Spanish. One other thing to note, the English version does include a Spanish Test Set add-on option which is a Spanish translation of the original 260 English tests (refer to the $15 Spanish Test Set add-on option on the order form).
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 7:56am Copy Link
Alex Wilson What's the (usual, current, etc) upgrade price from Pro to Pro Deluxe, should we want the additional features later on? Thanks.
Sep 21 2011 at 10:02am Copy Link
Luiz Marques One very annoying thing about the AceReader trial is that it insists on opening every screen on my left monitor. I move it to the center monitor, but the next time it opens a screen it goes to the left monitor.

Any way to fix that?
Sep 21 2011 at 10:08am Copy Link
Julie Julie I am about to depart on an international trip and will not return until the middle of November. Does the 30 day return and 90 day support begin once a user has installed the program or from the purchase date?
Sep 21 2011 at 10:12am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco We like to encourage people to pick the correct version up front. Usually, you will know up front which version you need. To best understand the differences between the two versions is to refer to the feature table at: . In situations when someone has purchased the Pro and meant to purchase the Deluxe within the first month of use, we will only charge the price difference. Again, I think if you study the feature table, you can make a good decision as to which version you need up front.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 10:12am Copy Link
garrett james can one use Acereader pro or deluxe to speed read websites or other online or content on ones hard drive like word or pdf files? If so, how is this done easily? does one have to copy and paste?
Sep 21 2011 at 10:22am Copy Link
Mina Friedman Hi,
I have a PC (used for work/travel) and a Mac (primarily used for home). I'll be the only person using the software at one time, but my question is - do I have to purchase a PC license and then a Mac license, or will my software license key be applicable to both?
Sep 21 2011 at 10:45am Copy Link
Robert Zozus Bernie. Thanks for your responses on this forum. They have been most helpful. From your last answer, it seems that we have 30 days to upgrade from the time of activation- not that purchase date. That is important for Julie Julie above- but, also for me- as I do not plan activation until I jump to Lion on the Mac. And, finally (sorry for the additional complication)- will we be able to upgrade for the $10 price difference today- or, would we need upgrade for the $30 difference there normally is between the two products. As you can see, I like clarity- hope this is helpful.
Sep 21 2011 at 11:21am Copy Link
Robert Zozus One last question. For me, the only reason the Deluxe version may be preferable is this feature: "READABILITY STATISTICS AND SPELL CHECKER TO HELP YOU DETERMINE TEXT COMPLEXITY/LEVEL IN DRILL AND TEST EDITORS"- My interpretation is that for text you provide for the speed reading exercises, your software develops a readability statistic- which lets you know what level complexity your selection may be. Is that right? Thanks for your anticipated response- Bernie.
Sep 21 2011 at 11:26am Copy Link
K X @ garrett

I use & recommend AceReader Pro Deluxe (but Pro works the same, I think), for speed reading personal content, at home and at work (This is my primary use of the program, more than the lessons. But the training is good for increasing speed, monitoring your progress, testing reading comprehension and for warming up.)

You can load files in txt, pdf, doc, docx format Or cut and paste from websites (or anything else that's cut & paste-able).

This feature is in Expert Mode. See the second screenshot.
Sep 21 2011 at 11:29am Copy Link
K X Robert,

If you have Deluxe, and are creating your own tests, when you import your text, with one click you get a whole bunch of statistics to help you know the reading level of your text.

Story Readability Statistics

# words
# chars
# sentences
avg. chars per word
avg. words per sentence

Recommended for Grades ____

Spache Grade Level
Dale-Chall Grade Level

Flesch Reading Ease
Flesch Difficulty
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

Fry Graph
Sep 21 2011 at 11:42am Copy Link
K X Support for AceReader has been first-rate, and any questions I've had have always been answered and resolved quickly--whether by email or phone--by Bernie.

In some of the earlier discussions, a couple of people asked if they could use TextAloud voices with AceReader. In case anyone else is wondering, I think the answer is "it depends." The TextAloud Acapela voices I have only work with TextAloud.

"Additional Voices

This page provides more voice choices for use with Aloud products. Some additional voices, like AT&T Natural Voices™ and Cepstral™ Voices, work in other SAPI4 or SAPI5 compliant speech programs. However, the additional voices available from Nuance RealSpeak and also Acapela™ Voices ONLY work in products."

AceReader's text-to-speed add-on ships on CD with AT&T Mike and Crystal voices.
Sep 21 2011 at 11:54am Copy Link
Robert Zozus I will chip in on K X's endorsement. Bernie has responded well to my one inquiry. Also, I have used an earlier version of AceReader Pro- which I found quite useful. In fact, I have to continually use it to maintain my gains (not an indictment of the software- more of myself). Anyway, I am upgrading because the previous version will not work on the new operating system for the Mac. I'm just trying to decide how best to do so. AceReader Pro was the last major program holding up the upgrade for me....
Sep 21 2011 at 12:31pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Alex - The cost to upgrade from "AceReader Pro" to "AceReader Pro Deluxe" is $30 and is available for 30 days after your purchase. Again, it makes sense to purchase the proper version up front depending on your needs. The feature differences are listed at: .
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 12:33pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Luiz - Yes, the program is not good about running on a 2nd monitor. It will want to run on the primary monitor if you have multiple monitors. It is a current limitation.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 12:36pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Julie - The 30 day return policy is from date of purchase. Having said that, it's worth mentioning that we hardly ever get returns. We like to think this is because people like the program. :) The low returns number may also be because we offer a free trial which lets people see up front what they are purchasing before they purchase. Note, the demo does have restrictions which make it not overly useful for learning, but it does let you see first hand how the program works. In special cases, we can allow over 30 days. Just write us an email within 30 days of your purchase with your situation and we will take care of you. .
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 12:44pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Garett - Yes, with both versions there is an Expert Mode screen. That screen gives you full control and lets you load your own content, set the display modes and speed settings. You can load PDF Files, Word documents (with PC version), plain text files and you can also use the clipboard to copy/paste text from web pages, emails and other sources. This mode is a powerful part of the program that makes the tool useful forever since you are not restricted to the text that comes with the program and it lets you read or train with material that you may have needed to read anyway. Again, both versions have this "Expert Mode", but if you want to incorporate your own material to create your own Tests, Drills or Games, then you will need the Deluxe version.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 12:50pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Mina - We treat the PC version as a separate product from the Mac version since it took a separate development effort to create both versions. So if you need both version, you will need to purchase both versions separately. Note: If you have a PC emulator on your Mac, you can buy just the PC version and install it on both your PC and Mac.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 12:52pm Copy Link
K X I've also been experimenting with speed reading on the computer screen using Iconico's LineReader, when I'm working with a computer file which doesn't allow copying of text (so I can't paste it into AceReader) or if I'm at a computer without AceReader installed.

AceReader doesn't run from a USB flash drive, but LineReader does.

See the comments about the "white card method."
Sep 21 2011 at 12:54pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Robert - The 30 days starts from your purchase date. It is $30. If you have a special situation that you foresee and need more than 30 days, just email us ( within the 30 days of your purchase and we will accommodate you.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 12:57pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Robert - Yes, the Deluxe version includes Readability Statistics that allow you to determine the text complexity of any text that you type in or copy/paste from other sources. The Readability Stats function is included in the editors that allow you to create your own Tests and Drill text (only in the Deluxe version). If you want to know the readability of some text, you can temporarily paste in the text in the editors to get the readability, then back out of the editors and paste it into the Expert Mode to read the text. This would allow you to know the text complexity without actually creating formal Tests or Drills. Again, this functionality is only available in the Deluxe version.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 1:04pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello K X - Thanks for the input. Much appreciated! :) We do sell a Text-To-Speech add-on. You will see that add-on option available on the order form. For the PC version of AceReader, it is an implementation using SAPI 5 and uses the latest AT&T Natural Voices release. We just updated the program recently to work with their latest release. The Text-To-Speech for the PC product comes with Mike and Crystal voices, but we do sell additional voices (even Spanish, French, German and Italian voices). So if you paste in Spanish text into the Expert Mode and you have a Spanish voice it will speak in Spanish. The multiple language voice fonts are available only for the PC version. The Mac version uses the built-in Text-To-Speech voice engine that come with the Mac OS.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 1:11pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Robert - Thanks for the endorsement. We appreciate it. We do try hard to provide great support. We feel that is important. We sincerely want people to succeed with their advanced reading goals. Don't ever hesitate to call or email if you have any questions. Thanks again!
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 1:13pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello K X - Line Reader looks like an interesting product. My only comment is that AceReader is trying to help you become an efficient reader without the use of pacing devices which can sometimes be a little bit like using a crutch. It's not a bad thing, but we do think it's best if you can learn to get your eyes to do the right thing without an such devices. Line Reader may be another good tool in your arsenal, but should not be confused as a replacement for AceReader. I think this is obvious, but just figured it would not hurt to put in my two cents. :)
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 1:22pm Copy Link
K X Line Reader's a different sort of reading aid, I know, and not a substitute for a dedicated speed reading program. I like to tell people about it because it's a cool & versatile tool, depending one one's needs, and it's one of the many programs put out by the guys behind Bits du Jour.
Sep 21 2011 at 8:30pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello K X - Thanks for clarifying that it is not a substitute for AceReader. I agree that it sounds like a very useful tool. I hope my comments did not come across like we were saying anything negative. We believe that the best solution for problems often come in the form of multiple solutions. This is a great place to bring up solutions to help people read better. We are sincere in our desire to help customers improve their reading abilities in any way they can. And we are big fans of Bits du Jour, so anything they put out is on my recommendation list. By the way, I just purchased a copy for myself. It's great! :)
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 21 2011 at 9:21pm Copy Link
qmyg jhwp Is there a way to trial the product with the:
Add-on: Text-To-Speech

Also - does the discount apply to add ons?
Feb 3 2012 at 3:18pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco For the PC version of the software we use the AT&T Natural Voices for the Text-To-Speech add-on. The Mac version simply uses the built-in voices that you get with your Mac. Even though our application is only less than 20MB, each PC voice is about 500 MB is takes up the space of a whole CD. So for size reasons and consistency reasons, we don't offer that option as a download and it's only available on CD when you purchase. For PC, you can test to see what the voices sound like by clicking on the voice samples on our web site. To hear the PC voice samples, refer to: and then scroll down the page and you will see the voice sample links.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 3 2012 at 3:44pm Copy Link
qmyg jhwp Yes, I have the voices installed.

I wanted to see how it integrates with AceReader.

Is it part of the advanced "no eye movement" bit, and if so, how does it handle the speeds of display?
Feb 4 2012 at 6:33am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco The Text-To-Speech add-on is integrated with the Forced Speed Mode Comprehension Tests, the Drills and the Expert Mode. The Expert Mode is where the Text-To-Speech add-on is most used. The Expert Mode allows you to load your own material, set the display mode and speed settings. You can then press the Play/Stop buttons to start/stop the flashing of text. If you have the Text-To-Speech add-on, you can turn it on or off. There are 20 different Text-To-Speech speed settings. The voice will stay in sync with whatever display mode you are using. You can be flashing text in any of the available display modes. NOTE: When you have the Text-To-Speech turned on, you do have 20 speed settings, but it obviously does not allow you to go at super high speeds (i.e. speeds that are faster than fast talking). On a PC, the fastest Text-To-Speech speed setting of 20 can allow you to go at about 400 to 500 words/minute. It's fairly chipmunk sounding at the highest speed, but it is understandable. Keep in mind that the Text-To-Speech add-on is typically used for special uses such as early reading fluency training (grades 1 to 3), certain other type of special vision training purposes or simply allowing one to reduce eye strain and fatigue by allow you to listen to the material you need to read.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 4 2012 at 9:19am Copy Link
qmyg jhwp Thanks
I'm just about sold!
If I can't try it for myself - can I see a screen capture of it working at something like 300 wpm?
If it is in sync - then I'm happy.
Also - please confirm that the plug ins are also included in the discount.
Feb 4 2012 at 2:59pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco I tried to create a small video demonstrating the text-to-speech add-on, but the when you play the video, the sound is behind, so it does not demonstrate what you want to see. So unfortunately, a video is not a good way to demonstrate it. The sound does stay in sync with whatever display mode you are in. Concerning the price, when you purchase the Text-To-Speech add-on by checking that option on the order form, you do get a discount for that add-on ($31 instead of the normal $42). From this deal, you will get a 50% discount on the software and if you want the optional Text-To-Speech add-on, you will pay an additional $31.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 4 2012 at 7:06pm Copy Link
Stephen Kunkel I bought it last time it was here. Very powerful. Glad I bought it. It definitely has increased my reading speed a noticeable amount. A+
Feb 6 2012 at 7:13am Copy Link
Matt I purchased AceReader Pro Deluxe 10 years ago and have been keeping it updated throughout the years. My wife and I have been using it with great success.

Bernie provides the best customer service!
Feb 6 2012 at 11:46am Copy Link
Goran Janevski After playing with this for a couple of this, I like it a lot, and I believe it has quite the potential to help me with fast reading.

When I purchased I didn't know if I was going to keep it, but now I am pretty sure I will.

Two things.

First the big one: My preferred mode (so far) is to go into Expert mode, open one of my PDF files, and read it. What is missing is the properties of the text as it was in the PDF file. That is to say, if the text was bold in the PDF, then Ace Reader should show it as bold, too!

As it is, I lose some of the information from the original PDF which would normally help my comprehension. Is there a way to enable this, or is this a missing future feature ;-) ?

Secondly, I don't understand why I have to log in as admin in order to save my custom settings. There should be a way for me to save my preferred display mode, font size/colour screen width in my own user id. Is there?

Other than that, as I said this tool is awesome. I think I am ADHD, and the tool forces me to pay attention and keep up with the highlighting, which is great!

Not to mention that presumably I will build habits and get rid of sub vocalization, and get better over time.

Two days later, I am already doing 280 words per minute. At my initial assessment, I was at 199wpm.

Keep up the good work!
Feb 9 2012 at 11:53pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco In regards to Goran's two questions:

The Expert Mode is a very powerful part of the program that has many display modes. The one thing it's not designed to do, is to display text with all of the "original" formatting. It does have one display mode called "Formatted Page" that will keep all the white space information (spaces, tabs and newlines) which makes it easier to see paragraph breaks and simple indenting from the original document. As you have probably noticed from the Options menu, we do support a lot of display options, i.e. ability to set font, font color, font size, background color, margin widths, flash/display mode: center of screen or in modes that will pace eye movement left-to-right/top-to-bottom like you do in normal reading, ability to set how much text to flash or highlight at a time, speed settings, fine tune speed settings and much more. So in summary, the program does not attempt to maintain original format, but instead supports the ability to present the text in many modes that should help you with your training needs. I should mention that many people use the Expert Mode beyond training needs. They also use the Expert Mode as a "productivity tool" to help them get through their volumes of reading while on the computer. For example, they may find a mode such as displaying a few words at a time in the center of the screen allows them to read without moving their eyes. Many people find that an efficient way to read.

One of the features of the Deluxe is that it's a multi-user edition, so it includes a logon screen. It will keep the program settings and test scores separate for each user. Custom Option settings is a global action. To avoid allowing students from being able to affect what other students see, we only let the Admin perform administration functions. If you are going to be the only user using the Deluxe edition, I would recommend that you just logon as the Admin user, then you will automatically have access to the Admin functions.

I hope that helps. Concerning your comments on your improvement... That's great! We appreciate you sharing your experience.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 10 2012 at 8:16am Copy Link
Spectrum Research An old favorite that worked well. We highly anticipate this latest version...
Sep 10 2012 at 1:01am Copy Link
Mark User will the pro deluxe also be offered at half price?
Sep 11 2012 at 11:26am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Yes, both the "AceReader Pro" and "AceReader Pro Deluxe) are offered at 1/2 price (both PC and Mac versions).
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 11 2012 at 12:27pm Copy Link
Matt My wife and I purchased AceReader Pro Deluxe back in 2002 and have kept it updated throughout the years. Other speed reading software doesn't even come close. And the 'Test Sets' are excellent add-ons!

Thank you, Bernie, for your excellent customer service over the years!
Sep 12 2012 at 4:09am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Thanks James! We appreciate the kind words.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 12 2012 at 8:35am Copy Link
J India Do we get both the Mac and PC versions with Pro Deluxe?
Sep 12 2012 at 11:34am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco No, we treat the PC and Mac versions as separate products since it took separate development efforts to create both versions. I will point out that if you purchase both version today from bitsdujour, you are getting both versions for our normal 1 copy price.

Also note, if you purchase the PC version and if your Mac has a PC emulator, you can run the PC version on your Mac.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 12 2012 at 11:50am Copy Link
bvssunnydale Yeah, just my two cents, this is excellent software if you have the need. [No, they're not paying me - the only other software I always leave my opinion for is askSam, just saying..]
Sep 12 2012 at 2:25pm Copy Link
J India Hi! I just bought AceReader Pro and want to add the test sets but I didn't realize I had to buy them earlier. Is there a way I can do that now? Thanks!
Sep 12 2012 at 2:40pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco The order form includes options to pay for the test sets. They are offered for 25% off when you purchase at the same time as when you purchase the program.

They are also offered at: but you would need to pay $20 for the first test set and then you get the same discount for additional test sets when purchasing more than one.

Since you already purchased, we can give you the full discount if you call us at 800-223-7323, ext. 2, (or 970-243-9390, ext. 2). Or email us at and let us know which test sets you want, then we will respond with directions.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 12 2012 at 3:16pm Copy Link
Amit 1) Beyond The 3 activation policy - will further activations require more amount - as I need to reformat pc quite regularly. The license is not suited to persons who regularly format their Operating systems etc.

2) On the order page it says upto 3 household pcs - so how can I use this software on say 1 home pc and 2 business pcs as no business licenses are sold separately.
Sep 12 2012 at 3:18pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco By default we provide you with 3 activations. We will go beyond that if you contact us (via phone or email) and if you are keeping the activations within your household, your immediate family and/or for yourself (i.e. on a home and business computers).

The 3 activations takes care of most people needs, but if you ever need another activation, just call or email us and provide us with enough information to find your order. We can then increase the number of allowed activations.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 12 2012 at 3:25pm Copy Link
Harald Vogel Dear Sir or Madam,

I use an older version of AceReader (bougth in 2007). Do you also have discounted upgrade path to Pro or Elite? Thanks
Feb 15 2013 at 12:20pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco If you had purchased the Deluxe edition within the past year, we would have upgraded you to the Elite for free. For customers that purchased longer than 1 year ago, we allow you to purchase any of our newer products for 50% of the normal price (same as the BitDuJour sale price today). I hope that makes sense since we have been continuing to develop and improve the product line over the years. The Elite edition has many new features and content over the prior Deluxe edition. If you have questions, feel free to call me at 800-223-7323, ext. 2. Thank you.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 15 2013 at 12:31pm Copy Link
bvssunnydale Hi, I'm a registered AceReader user (somehow I've gone thru several version but never actually "worked" it. Is there a link showing the difference between the previous and this version. Thx.
Feb 15 2013 at 11:35pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! StepWare, Inc. has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 16 2013 at 12:11am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco On our download page, you can refer to the "Version Details" link next to the download buttons for version history. Using the links above, you can learn about what's new in AceReader Elite and also look at our comparison chart.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 16 2013 at 12:27am Copy Link
bvssunnydale I like Aceeader and consider it an excellent program but I asked for a link comparing the previous and current version and you provided a description of how to find the link (on pages over-stuffed with information). I tried to use it but, while I'm sure it's very clear to you guys, I still can't find the comparison page, or at least one that was really helpful. Could you please avoid the go north-east, then south-west, then take fifty steps left approach and just provide the link? Thanks very much.
Feb 16 2013 at 4:32am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale See the "Version Details" links on this page:
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 16 2013 at 4:34am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale The comparison matrix is here:
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 16 2013 at 4:35am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Sorry about not providing a direct link. Since I don't know which version you have, the best I can do, is have you visit our download page at: and then click on the "Version Details" link next to the download button for the product you are referring to. Let me know if you continue to have questions.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 16 2013 at 8:18am Copy Link
Chris Roy Jackson I bought AceReader Pro Deluxe version 8.0.3 on February 6, 2012, for full price. I must have missed the Update Email, so can you tell me the link to go to where I can download the new version ?? Also, my current Serial # should work with that... Is that correct ???
Chris Roy Jackson
Feb 16 2013 at 8:39am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Chris, I see that you purchased AceReader from BitDuJour with the 50% discount in February 2012. You also purchased a few add-on's. We have no problem giving you a free update since your purchase was close enough to less than a year ago. I will send an email to the email address we have on file for you.
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 16 2013 at 8:54am Copy Link
Philip User I can't get it to install - I jest get the message:

Access violation
Program terminated

Any idea why?

Feb 16 2013 at 10:24am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Hello Philip, I just sent you an email. Let me know if you did not get it. Since you have a Virtual Machine I'm thinking the activation system may have gotten confused. Just email me back a reply to my email once you do what I suggested. I'm sure we will get you going. Thank you!
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 16 2013 at 10:37am Copy Link
Chris Roy Jackson Bernie, I got the email that you sent about 3 hours ago (I just returned home) and I will folllow your instruction about 12 hours from now.
Thanks again for your prompt assistance and Have a GREAT Day !!!
Chris Roy Jackson
Feb 16 2013 at 12:44pm Copy Link
Philip User Thaks Bernie - for taking the time to get it working.

If anyone else has a problem - it turns out my display settings were the problem...changed to standard Windows Theme and all was well.

Thanks again
Feb 16 2013 at 4:48pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Philip, I think the issue was just with that specific display theme on your computer. You should be fine with other themes that you have available on your computer. If you continue to have any issues, just email me. Thanks!
StepWare, Inc. - Feb 16 2013 at 4:57pm Copy Link
Brian W How does your program compare to "The Reader's Edge", which also has periodic BDJ discounts?
Sep 4 2013 at 10:11am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco There are similarities and differences as you would expect. Every program approaches the problem at different angles. Sometimes some people even find owning multiple programs is useful. I’m not very familiar with their program, so I can’t provide you a list of differences. I would recommend that you download our demo and give it a try. You may want to do the same with any other program you see. We do feel the demo is an honest way of giving you the information you need to make a decision before purchasing the program. We also do honor a satisfaction guarantee after your purchase.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 4 2013 at 10:58am Copy Link
Nelson Therrien I already have Ace Reader Pro... What's the difference? Is there an upgrade price?

By the way, I reinstalled the latest version of Pro yesterday and it tells me my serial is wrong... I used to have to put my name and serial, but now there's just a place for a serial...
Sep 5 2013 at 4:45am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco For “major” updates, we normally charge a nominal fee (similar to today’s deal). This latest release was a major update. To see what’s new with the latest version, please refer to the bullet list at: . For support on an existing product, feel free to call or email.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 5 2013 at 7:17am Copy Link
Matt I purchased AceReader Pro Deluxe 11 years ago and have been keeping it updated throughout the years. My wife and I have been using it with great success. Because we liked it so much, we purchased two additional licenses for two family members.

I recently upgraded to the newest AceReader Elite version. It has a lot of nice, new features.

Bernie, from AceReader, provides the best customer service!

About a year ago, I also purchased The Reader's Edge here on BDJ, thinking it might help increase my reading speed even more. Other than installing it on the 'allowed' two PCs, I haven't made the time to experiment with it.

But I did make several attempts in contacting The Reader's Edge Customer Service. I needed (and still need) to move my two installed licenses from two old PCs onto two new PCs. Moving licenses requires that the existing licenses be 'de-activated' with customer service. After several contact attempts and several months, The Reader's Edge Customer Service has failed to return even one single email.

I'm sticking with a winner... AceReader!
Sep 5 2013 at 2:59pm Copy Link
Nelson Therrien I know that this release is a major update... but the Pro version I downloaded yesterday shouldn't be...

Anyway, I'll contact customer service...
Sep 5 2013 at 3:12pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Thanks so much for the comment Matt! We do our best at providing the best product with the best support and at a great price. We have been at this for 15 years and comments like this along with knowing our product is really helping people is what keeps us motivated. Thanks again!
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 5 2013 at 3:17pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Nelson, yes, please do contact us ( We can help you with your older version.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 5 2013 at 3:20pm Copy Link
Nelson Therrien Well, forget about it... I'll buy this one... Mine might be too old anyway (bought in 2007) and if the upgrade price is similar to today's deal, it's best to go with this elite version...

Thanks anyway.
Sep 5 2013 at 3:23pm Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Thanks Nelson! Don't hesitate to call or email if you have any questions with the new version.
StepWare, Inc. - Sep 5 2013 at 3:31pm Copy Link
Mustang Is there an upgrade option for v5?
Mar 6 2014 at 7:28am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Today's offer is the best price for upgrading from version 5. The program has gone through many updates since version 5. Too many to list, but here are a few highlights: (1) We now include all our Test Set themes (American History, Earth and Space Science, Famous People, Fun Facts, SAT-ACT Pre) with the program and they are also incorporated into the Courses for a total of over 800 tests, (2) The General Test Set theme has been updated with longer stories and levels 3 to 13 now have 8 questions per story instead of 4. (3) Goal Setting, (4) Speed Reading Stopwatch (which allows you to see your current reading speed in real time while taking the self-paced tests), (5) 625 eBooks, (6) Video Tutorials, (7) Text-To-Speech capabilities...
StepWare, Inc. - Mar 6 2014 at 7:45am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! StepWare, Inc. has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Mar 7 2014 at 12:11am Copy Link
Charles Beauchamp I am starting an instructional system designed initially to educate 50 Community Health Workers to do their jobs as contact tracers. The roll out to these workers will come as they are recruited; and training is initiated. This will occur over at least the months of August, September and October. If 50 versions of AceReader Elite are purchased, is it possible to install these versions until at least the end of 2020 without "losing" licences purchased when this sale is activated? Is it possible to install even into 2021? These will be installed onto tablets that will be owned and managed centrally. Is it possible to install, activate, deactivate, install onto a new the future so that these licenses perpetuate to future classes of community health workers without violating license agreements? BTW, do you have me still registered as an owner of an ancient AceReader version?
Jul 30 2020 at 3:54am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco Greetings, I do remember you as a past customer. I hope you’re doing well.

You can purchase 50 licenses of AceReader Elite, but please know that version of the software will only run on PC’s running Windows. When you purchase AceReader Elite during this promotion, you will get instructions for downloading, installing and a serial number for activating the software on your computer. You will receive a Serial Number for each copy that you purchase, so if you purchase 50 copies, you will receive 50 Serial Numbers. The Serial Number can be used at any time (now or in the future, i.e. August, September, October…).

Since you mentioned that you want the program to work on tablets, 50 accounts and also possibly have central control, I would recommend that you go with our online cloud school edition of the program. If you are interested in purchasing our online cloud school edition during this promotion, please contact us directly so that I can better explain this option.
StepWare, Inc. - Jul 30 2020 at 11:05am Copy Link
Charles Beauchamp Will contact you directly. Thanks very much for the information and for discussing best options.
Jul 30 2020 at 2:46pm Copy Link
Stephen Kunkel Really good software and tech support. I used an older version for many years and now I use the above one. Lots of good warm up and drill exercises and you can use your own books too. A+
Aug 1 2020 at 7:32am Copy Link
Angel Will this still work if I update pc to windows 11 in the coming months?
Jul 20 2021 at 4:25am Copy Link
Bernie Marasco We have not tried it on Windows 11, but my understanding is, most apps that work on Windows 10 should be fine on Windows 11. If you do run into any issues, let us know and we will give you two years with our online version. Please know that the online version does not require any apps or software to be installed since it simply runs in your web browser.
StepWare, Inc. - Jul 20 2021 at 7:09am Copy Link

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