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Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate EditionDiscount

Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition

Enjoy This Fully Customizable File Manager

v8.15.24033 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 10 64-bit with .NET 4.5.2 (4K/2K/1K monitor compatible)
Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition ScreenshotFile Management Software ScreenshotVole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition, File Management Software ScreenshotVole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition, Software Utilities ScreenshotFile Management Software, Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, File Management Software ScreenshotVole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition, Software Utilities, File Management Software ScreenshotVole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition Screenshot 8Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition Screenshot 9Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition Screenshot 10

File management needs have evolved, but unfortunately Microsoft Explorer has not! So whenever you need to find a document, you’re stuck wasting time navigating through stacks and stacks of files trying to find the right one, as the sun slowly sinks behind the horizon and everyone else in the office goes home. You could be one of them, if you get a copy of today’s discount software promotion, Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition!

Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition is a universal file manager that offers the ability to preview multimedia files, Microsoft Office files, PDF documents, and more. With Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition, you’ll be able to fully customize the way that you manage your files and documents, so that it makes sense with the way that you work. Move and dock windows to compare and contrast file lists.

Got a lot of multimedia files? Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition will automatically produce thumbnails for you, letting you browse from a bird’s-eye view. Best of all, Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition lets you organize your views based on function, so you can have file and document windows dedicated to General, Learn, Work, Leisure, and more. Nothing fits your bill? Use Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition to create your own custom collections!

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Ram Iyer Why do you make things awkward after announcing a "deal"? Please be straightforward and either give the software free (as you claim you are doing) or say that it can only be purchased at a price. I am unable to find any link which takes me nearer t5he deal you are boasting about.
Jan 2 2014 at 6:10am Copy Link
Bruno Verschraegen @Ram Iyer

You possibly overlooked the orange label saying "Deal Coming Soon". This means this is just a an announcement of a forthcoming deal which is not live yet - but will be within the next few days.

I am not part of BitsDuJour or of the makets of Vole Windows Expedition; jujst another (happy) user of the BitsDuJour deals.
Jan 2 2014 at 6:20am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ram Iyer -
Under the product box, there is a small blue "Website" word, you may click it to go to our website. Well, we list it directly here:
Sanwhole - Jan 2 2014 at 6:31am Copy Link
Joe M I am confused by these 2 statements in "The Fine Print".
1. After you purchase Vole Windows Expedition Professional Edition it may be used for 12 months.
2. Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for the lifetime of the product.

What happens after 12 months. Does the program stop working?
Why does it say the software will be free for the lifetime of the product when the first statement says 12 months?

If this offer is FREE at Bitsdujour, are upgrades free forever?

I am confused buy this offer.
Jan 2 2014 at 9:58pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Joe McCormick -
Please go to
see online document 1.1, 1.7 and 1.8.
Sanwhole - Jan 2 2014 at 11:48pm Copy Link
Ralph Bressler @Norman Wong

Sorry, Norman, the website doesn't really answer the questions clearly. After 1 year the program reverts to the free edition. Is that correct? Then you can only get updates to the free addition. Also correct? What is the price to renew? What is the price to buy?
Jan 4 2014 at 12:25am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ralph Bressler - Yes, correct and also correct.
The renew price equals the price to buy. And If you frequented BitsDuJour, you may get a 100% discount giveaway again. Thank you!
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 12:52am Copy Link
LU Norman, I am very confused as well why you would call your products as having free upgrades for life. Am I missing the concept of your policy as well.

To me, the only free upgrade is the free edition.

If I am not to consider this giveaway and purchase any of your software, from what I am understanding is, I must renew my license to the purchased product for any sequential year to keep it active (except for the free version). Is that correct?
Jan 4 2014 at 1:13am Copy Link
Brian Johanson Where do I "install / register" the license key and registration information as instructed in the Software Receipt ? I have the Key-number but seem to be only able to maintain the "Free Version" versus the "Professional".
Jan 4 2014 at 1:36am Copy Link
Norman Wong Brian Johanson -
Please go to and see online document 1.2.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 1:44am Copy Link
xCurt 1) You register by first clicking "renew" in upper right corner.
2) Vole Explorer does not support Unicode, only old Latin.
3) It could not preview any of my pdf files, not even one.
Jan 4 2014 at 1:45am Copy Link
Brian Johanson Thanks for the reply. I have attempted this by filling the first "YOUR" box with my name as per Registered, The third "Renew" box with my Key Number, ....nothing; the Renew Button stays un-accessible. I then filled in the second YOUR box with "home", "PC", ....nothing. The Renew button remains fogged-over as if something is incomplete.
Jan 4 2014 at 1:54am Copy Link
Brian Johanson looks like the First "YOUR" box is my Registered Name, the third "RENEW" box is the Key Code; ....what goes in the second "YOUR" box ?
Jan 4 2014 at 1:57am Copy Link
Norman Wong Brian Johanson - Please fill your first name and last name into the first and second box.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 2:02am Copy Link
Norman Wong Curt Henning de Thurah -
Vole Windows Expedition certainly supports Unicode and can preview PDF files from it's first release. Please go to and see "Installation requirements".
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 2:09am Copy Link
Brian Johanson Come on.....the first and second boxes on the first line are for my first and last name. THERE IS ANOTHER YOUR BOX BELOW IT; WHAT GOES IN THERE ?
Jan 4 2014 at 2:12am Copy Link
Brian Johanson I have successfully entered my first and last name in the first YOUR box on the first line, successfully entered the Key in the RENEW box on the third line, ...what goes in the YOUR box on the second line ?
Jan 4 2014 at 2:14am Copy Link
Norman Wong Brian Johanson - What's the title of " THERE IS ANOTHER YOUR BOX BELOW IT; WHAT GOES IN THERE ?".
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 2:17am Copy Link
Brian Johanson It's another YOUR box. So, the first line has two YOUR boxes for my first and last name- successfully accomplished. The next line is a third YOUR box (I have tried Order number, "PC", "HOME"; no success. The third line is a RENEW box of which I entered the KEY number- successfully.

Jan 4 2014 at 2:21am Copy Link
Norman Wong Brian Johanson - What's the title of "THEREFORE, WHAT GOES IN THE SECOND-LINE YOUR BOX ?".
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 2:28am Copy Link
Brian Johanson you tell me ! what goes in there.

- First Line "YOUR" boxes (2); I have entered my first and last name successfully into this as indicated by a green check next to it;

- Second Line "YOUR" box (1): this is my question;

-Third Line "RENEW' Box (1): I have entered my Registration Key successfully as indicated by a green check next to it.

Jan 4 2014 at 2:34am Copy Link
Norman Wong Lifetime Upgrades -
Sanwhole Vole Products support free upgrade for life no matter Free Edition or PRO Edition and no matter minim version upgrade or major version upgrade and no matter payment users or giveaway users.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 2:38am Copy Link
Norman Wong Brian Johanson - Could you tell me the title of the SECOND LINE BOX that confuse you? Maybe I or others can help you.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 2:42am Copy Link
Brian Johanson I have entered "Lifetime Upgrades"; wrong answer.

Is that what you were asking my to enter, or are you basically stating for me not to worry about it since my currently FREE Edition is subject to the same benefits as those with the PROFESSIONAL version ?
Jan 4 2014 at 2:43am Copy Link
Brian Johanson The title of the second line box is, "YOUR". So that makes a total of (3) YOUR boxes (2 in the first line, and 1 in the second line). Just as I have made it perfectly clear numerous times in the aforementioned.

Here's the deal Wong.....stick it. You and this software.....and I'll determine very soon whether I expose myself to this Bits Du Jour horseshit any longer....
Jan 4 2014 at 2:47am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Brian Johanson - Sorry, that is for a user named "Lifetime Upgrades" here.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 2:54am Copy Link
Brian Johanson FYI for those that are following-

No Wong- "Lifetime Upgrades" when inserted in the third YOUR box on the second line is incorrect and does not enable the "Renew" execute-button. That is, "Lifetime Upgrades" with quotes and without are both incorrect.
Jan 4 2014 at 2:58am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Brian Johanson - The font causes the second line title shows wrong. The title should be "Your Email".
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 3:04am Copy Link
Brian Johanson Indeed it is.

Thank you very much Mr. Wong for your follow-up and and my rapidly declining patience.

First Line = Your Name

Second Line = Your Email

Third Line = Registration Key

Thanks again.
Jan 4 2014 at 3:35am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Brian Johanson - Thank you for choosing Vole Products!
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 3:40am Copy Link
LU Thank you for the reply and answer.
Jan 4 2014 at 4:59am Copy Link
Michael Johnsson Humm the RENEW windows show support offline and a HID number the rest i grey and can not be altered.

Skipping this giveaway.
Jan 4 2014 at 5:26am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Michael Johnsson - We are very sympathetic to what happened to you.
Maybe your firewall blocking the communication to our registration server. You can try to close firewall for a while, or choose another registration server. We provide users with two registration servers which are located in UK and US. You can switch them at the the upper right toolbar.
BTW, we find you've successfully activated one of our products recently. You can refer to the experience before, because we have not changed the way of registration.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 5:54am Copy Link
Thomas Evans When I click 'renew' the Renew box comes up, the HID is filled in but I can't write to any of the other boxes to finish registering the software.
Jan 4 2014 at 8:51am Copy Link
Heidi-Ann Kennedy-Fourkiller Ok I understand the renew cost, though the following makes absolutely no sense:
"Vole Windows Expedition Professional Edition is licensed per computer, and not per user.
Each license allows installation on 2 computers."

The way this is written I could put it on two computers so long as I'm two different people. . . this kind of logic would even confuse Spock, or is this a deal just for schizophrenics.

Anyhow, free for a year would give one ample time to decide the worth, which by the way does look worthy.
Heidi-Ann Kennedy
Scientific Frontline
Jan 4 2014 at 9:19am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Thomas Evans -
The boxes in Renew dialog are disable when your computer can't communicate to Vole activation server. If your internet link is OK, maybe your firewall blocking the communication to our registration server. You can close firewall for a while and try again.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 11:14am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Heidi-Ann Kennedy - Your logical analysis is certainly worth us consider at the next promotion. Our original idea about the licence is this:
Vole Windows Expedition is a Scene-Reproduce file manager and supports Scene export and import. The software support one user two PC installation, that is because, the users can synchronize Scene data between the portable laptop and the desktop at home via a USB disk . The licence supports one user install 2 PC, but doesn't support the two PC concurrent using.
Thank you very much!
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 11:34am Copy Link
Big Tex The first thing this developer must do is pay someone to convert his written material into good, understandable English. This product will never sell without it.
Jan 4 2014 at 4:20pm Copy Link
Louis H @Big Tex. You are aware that people from all over the world, folks for whom English is not their first language, visit BDJ to buy software, right? Perhaps those of us who do speak good English, as you phrase it, might consider learning how to listen to folks from other countries in such a fashion as to be able to hear the content of what they are saying, rather than getting too distracted by how the sentences are constructed? Just a suggestion.

@Norman Wong. Thank you for the discount today here at BDJ. I admit that with all the other File management programs I currently own, I would probably not have given this one a second look. It installed and registered, for me, without any problems. Since I now have a license for a year, I will be able to explore this program and see if it meets my needs better than, or at least as well as other file manager programs I currently utilize.

I do like that it very quickly generates thumbnails for all of my media files. A request, however, for consideration in future releases. I work with RAW files quite a bit. Vole generates thumbnails, but does not preview them. JPEG files? No problem. And it quickly previews video files. Perhaps I am overlooking something? If I am, please let me know. Otherwise it would be nice to be able to preview the RAW files the same way I can preview JPEG and video files.

Thanks again for today's promotion.
Jan 4 2014 at 7:18pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Louis H - Thank you!
Vole Windows Expedition uses Windows Media Player to playback audio and video. If you update codec to latest version, you can almost playback any media. Please go to and see "Installation requirements". You may google or bing such as "codec for windows media player" and you will find many free codec.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 7:34pm Copy Link
Stephen Cohen I, too, had initial problems registering. But I didn't give up and tried several things until I found one that worked. (Unfortunately, I forgot what I did, or I'd tell you.)
Einstein once said that his accomplishments were not so much because he was smarter than most, but that he persevered...he didn't give up.
Jan 4 2014 at 8:01pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Big Tex - Thank you for your valuable suggestion, without it we will stand still.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 8:05pm Copy Link
Paul Schlegel I'm on .net framework 4. The program reads PDF and txt files fine, but doesn't seem to be able to read .docx files on my PC (Windows 7). I looked at support on the site and couldn't find any answer to that issue. Any ideas?
Jan 4 2014 at 9:45pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Paul Schlegel - Do you have a MS Office installation on your computer? Vole Windows Expedition can preview Word, Excel and PPT if you have MS Office installation. Please go to and see "Installation requirements" for more.
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 9:58pm Copy Link
K James I installed the software, and have received a code via email. However, I cannot seem to open the software. It is not presently running, and I cannot find it in my Windows program list, nor in either of my program file folders. I tried installing again and clicked on "repair" and it said everything was good. How do I get the software window to come up so I can enter the license code?
Jan 4 2014 at 11:31pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @K James - Do you have .NET 3.5 installation on you PC? If you have, restart your computer and try run Vole Windows Expedition again and wait a bit long if your computer isn't very fast (10~30 seconds).
Sanwhole - Jan 4 2014 at 11:52pm Copy Link
R Master This software is most definitely NOT ready for prime time. Says "Free Version" on title bar, but does not let me register the code emailed to me. Bait and switch here?

Confusing and ridiculously involved "Registration" "Update" and about 3-4 other screens that control registration details and some don't even let you type anything in the spaces provided. Looks like you have to online "Renew" this software every 12 months. No way. Registration terms and controls are too paranoid for my taste, sorry.

No advantages to this software over what I have, and too much grief for what it does offer, so I will be running my uninstaller on this one.
Jan 5 2014 at 12:52am Copy Link
Norman Wong @R Master - Please go to and see online document 1.2 "How to activate Vole Products".
Sanwhole - Jan 5 2014 at 1:01am Copy Link
K James I had some folders for Microsoft NET but couldn't figure out what version they were from, and i think I had it installed before but some other software had been incompatible with it so I uninstalled it last year. I tried installing 4.0 and it wouldn't let me so iI tried installing 3.5 and that didnt' work either. So this has become too ridiculously complicated and just not worth my time, and now it's past midnight anyway, so Vole is just not going to ever see my computer. Oh well.
Jan 5 2014 at 1:16am Copy Link
R Master Norman Wong, I saw that page, but it still did not work. Also, I forgot to mention ANOTHER registration restriction from the line in your registration email that stated:

"You must install/register the software while the promotion is active, and cannot do so afterwards."

Promotion is over, so it still would not work. Too many hoops to jump through for me! Judging from the comments, others having similar problems too.

Thanks for the reply but I already deleted the program from my system.
Jan 5 2014 at 4:01pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @R Master - Thank you for your participation.
Sanwhole - Jan 5 2014 at 4:08pm Copy Link
Thomas Evans This software really sucked, deleted it. Just would do what it was supposed to do. Couldn't get it registered, worst executed software I saw in many, many years.
Jan 5 2014 at 7:55pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Thomas Evans - Sorry, this promotion has ended, welcome to participate in the next promotion.
Sanwhole - Jan 5 2014 at 8:16pm Copy Link
Joseph Hyde Good Stuff!
Jan 7 2014 at 10:46am Copy Link
_*_ @Brian Johanson. Two things.

First, I think it will keep working but it reverts the "Free" version. So, no matter what version you purchase you end up with the free version once you stop paying, *sigh.

Second, it appears Sanwhole believes what they offer are "lifetime" updates. It is convoluted for sure, as they are lifetime updates as long as you keep paying for life.

I am with you though, it will not be installed on my system.
Apr 12 2014 at 3:46am Copy Link
Loco Driver Hmmm... Let's see now. A company invites people for, what amounts to, a one year free trial period of it's top-level product and hopes that you'll like it so much that you'll pay for a renewal - with full license. And if you don't want to keep using the full version you can probably still use their product but with some reduced functionality.

So, except for the generous offer to use their stuff for free, for a whole year, how does this differ from the one week, or 30 day free trial that most other software companies offer?

Perhaps "some" people would prefer small, independent software developers to PAY them to use their products? Sheeesh!!!!
Apr 12 2014 at 7:38am Copy Link
_*_ @Loco Driver, Hmmm, the whole point of trial is to get people to purchase at some point. I know plenty of sites that offer free programs for life as long as you do not reinstall the software.

However, Sanwhole products on the other-hand that people purchase and one day stop paying end up with the free version even though they paid for a professional version of their product. Sheeesh!!!!
Apr 12 2014 at 9:33am Copy Link
Loco Driver Just to explain my original comments. I have a number of indie friends who are trying to make honest livings developing software utilities. They work hard, long hours making something they're proud of and bend over backwards to insure their customers are satisfied. But I hear incredible stories about some of the dishonest, cheap, customers they've put up with. If you don't like a product you're free to just walk away.

Thank you for posting that succinct self-description. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Apr 13 2014 at 6:45am Copy Link
Brian Johanson This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
Apr 13 2014 at 7:03am Copy Link
Loco Driver Just to explain my original comments. I have a number of indie friends who are trying to make honest livings developing software utilities. They work hard, long hours making something they're proud of and bend over backwards to insure their customers are satisfied. But I hear incredible stories about some of the dishonest, cheep, customers they've put up with. If you don't like a product you're free to just walk away.
Apr 13 2014 at 3:42pm Copy Link
Ram Thiru I just dont understand what is this program for
Apr 15 2014 at 12:15am Copy Link
Kit Kagaya Making an honest living developing software utilities is one thing, but extortion is something completly different.

- After you purchase Vole Windows Expedition Professional Edition it may be used for 12 months and will not function after that unless you renew your subscription.
- Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for the lifetime of the product.

A) Either you get free upgrades or the software stops when you don't pay to renew. You can't have both because they are mutually exclusive.
B) It is extortion to make someone continue paying for the product or have the funtionality reduced. If you want to make them pay to continue receiving updates/upgrades, fine. But you cannot disable a product the customer has already paid for.

The software being given away for free today on BDJ is neither her nor there as the terms are the same for software purchased from the developer's website (

The offer of 80-90% off from April 16th is good, but as the cost of a true lifetime licence for the Ultimate version is $1000 and $600 for the professional version, I guess they can afford to give such a discount.
Apr 15 2014 at 1:40am Copy Link
Bob Bacle I do not even download anything that wants to give me a license for a certain period of time. If I get software, I would expect for me to be able to use it as long as I want...not with a time restriction, or pay more for it.
Therefore, I will NOT download & install this software.
Apr 15 2014 at 11:11am Copy Link
Ian Bunting It simply is not being presented honestly.
What they are offering is not a free product, but a 1-year license. Something very different.
Stop defending them with the silly arguments about "cheap customers", when we simply want to know exactly what is being offered.
It is simply misleading, and inaccurate.
Apr 15 2014 at 2:00pm Copy Link
Ronn Blankenship Downloaded and installed. When I try to run it, it never opens but crashes with the error box "Vole Windows Expedition has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." The "Event Type" is clr20r3 and the Exception code is 0xe0434f4d at an address of 0x000000007c812fd3. Tried re-installing, no joy. I've submitted a report to Sanwhole but thought I'd check to see if anyone else is having this problem or has a suggestion.
Apr 15 2014 at 2:11pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ronn Blankenship - This is a system exception, you may search "clr20r3 Error" in Google or Bing for more information. You may activate the software on another computer before the promotion end. You can activate this computer with the same renew code when you fix this issue, because professional edition renew code can activate 2 PC.
Sanwhole - Apr 15 2014 at 7:07pm Copy Link
David Phillips D Phillips I have the registration information but do not have the foggiest notion as to where to insert--this is not very intuitive!
Please advise.
Apr 15 2014 at 9:25pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @David Phillips - Please see
Sanwhole - Apr 15 2014 at 9:33pm Copy Link
David Phillips Thanks, Norman.
Apr 15 2014 at 10:38pm Copy Link
Ronn Blankenship @Norman Wong -- Okay, I finally got it working (after reading I reinstalled .NET Framework 3.5, and that at seems to have done it. ). Now I'm trying to enter the code. I read your message to @David Phillips and went to . I have the window titled "Vole Window Expedition Renew" up, but *it won't let me type or paste anything into any of the boxes*. I've been working on this since this morning and now there's less than an hour left to register: what must I do to get it to work?
Apr 16 2014 at 6:32am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello everyone! I am Norman. After a year of continuous improvement, Vole Windows Expedition is more stable, more feature-rich. Thank BDJ for hosting this promotion for us, we will offer you real discounts and a variety of choices. Thanks, again for your support.
Sanwhole - Jan 14 2015 at 5:24pm Copy Link
Jorge Watanabe Hi,
After 1 year, what happens? Can I continue using it, or it will stop working? Thank you
Jan 15 2015 at 3:42am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jorge Watanabe - What happens after 1 Year depends on what edition you buy, but whatever edition you buy, it will definitely not stop working.

If you buy any LTUD or LTUG edition, you can use it indefinitely.

If you buy any AUTD edition except for the $1.58 one, you have to renew it after 1 Year or 4 Years. If you don’t renew at that time, you can still use the software but only free edition features are available.

If you buy the price $1.58 one, you will get the coupon automatically. Because it can’t be renewed, only free edition features will be available after 1 Year. But the coupon keeps the discount rate 1 year for you, so you can buy any edition above with the price 90% Off after 1 Year.

Thank you for your question!
Sanwhole - Jan 15 2015 at 4:59am Copy Link
John H Way too many complex choices and cryptic names and numbers just to make a purchase decision. Too many brilliant programers have no idea about marketing.
Jan 17 2015 at 9:53am Copy Link
Stefan Hauber So, the LTUG stands for free 'LifeTime UpGrades', right?
Always the newest version, without any additional payments...
Jan 18 2015 at 12:38am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Stefan Hauber - Yes, you are correct. And the first letter abbreviation positioning is accurate.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 12:50am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello everybody! Thank you for purchase our products. Please go to our FAQ webpage and watch the tutorial video to learn how to activate the software online, how to retrieve your account information, how to register your second computer, how to switch in renew codes etc.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 3:56am Copy Link
Svend Östergaard Payd! Then what? Do I get a serial key by e-mail?
Jan 18 2015 at 4:08am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Svend Östergaard - Thank you for purchase our product. We should send you the renew code within 1~2 minutes. If you can't find it in Inbox, please check spam folder. If you can't find it. Please send your payment receipt to and I can check it for you manually. Sorry for inconvenience.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 4:21am Copy Link
Sam User One of the best file managers money can buy is the Free Commander, and it is FREE. Updates are free as well, and there is a portable version that requires no installation.
I have been using it for many years, at least 15 years.
Very powerful and versatile file manager.

You can download it from
Jan 18 2015 at 5:35am Copy Link
Joe M Does the trial version work with full features as the paid version?
Jan 18 2015 at 8:06am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Joe McCormick - Precisely, is the free edition. You can see the edition comparison table here

We have opened almost all features to free edition from version 3.18. Click for more.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 8:33am Copy Link
peter anon couldn't find any file search and the featured tab is distracting and annoying.
it's also pretty sluggish

LMK if you ever fix those things.

for now even I've uninstalled the demo.
Jan 18 2015 at 9:59am Copy Link
Norman Wong @peter anon - Obviously, Vole Windows Expedition is not the software you're looking for. You can try free Windows file explorer.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 10:09am Copy Link
Gary Mugford Norman,

I'm VERY happy with my current file manager: xplorer2. But at the throwaway price offered here, I thought why not? I also use Q-Dir and even have xyplorer on the system. I LIKE testing out new software. I would have trialed your product, but the promotional video wore me out. Still, enough splash and pizzazz that I decided to plunk down my two bucks (exchange rate here in Canada). Then, I saw the deal has one gazillion options with your SKUs being not 'some-what' cryptic, being almost intentionally obtuse. I have no problem with a product having a code like LUG in the file name. But the software should say LIFETIME UPGRADES when you DESCRIBE it in a catalog. I shouldn't need a table of contents, a legend and a half-dozen key-clicks back and forth to know what I'm buying. The Please Note Folks links to explanations SHOULD BE IN THIS OFFER, not referenced to. You made me buying your product a LOT OF WORK. I still bought it, sending 11 bucks along the way for your pro life time upgrade product. Curiosity does have a price.

By the way, Lifetime Upgrades that are only for minor updates is a VERSION UPDATE. Nothing Lifetime about it. In fact, I think the move (you're not the only one) to 1-yr licences rather than all minor updates free is counter-productive. But that's just me. I don't want to be nagged every year to send along another X number of bucks. I KNOW it's popular now to do that. And, like me, many just opt for the ultimate version of whatever they are buying just to get away from the constant nagging. But that's a scheme that works for the constantly updated products like an Anti-Virus. For an occasionally updated product ... it's a sales beater more than a maker. At least in my experience.

My recommendations: Ditch the VIDEO manuals at your site for honest to goodness help files that can be perused and SEARCHED through. Ditch the acronyms. Rename the minor upgrade version to something that doesn't say Lifetime, 'cuz it's NOT Lifetime as far as consumers would think of it. Re-edit the promotional video down to something less than a half-hour. A LOT less. It was too much to work through. Ten minutes in, I swore I had seen the same thing a dozen times. KEY features only. Stuff that makes YOUR PRODUCT stand out away from the competition. The links you have here to comparisons and legends SHOULD be easy to find at your website. They aren't. Try entering in comparison into your search box. Or search for professional and ultimate. Neither search led me to the links you DID provide here. Redefine the difference between pro and ultimate so that people who haven't used your product, even in trialing, UNDERSTAND the difference. I'm GUESSING that the difference is in sampling numbers and length. So I bought Pro.

Why did I buy it if I had such a ridiculously hard time at your web-site and in ordering the product? I get the feeling that you're on to something. A media oriented file manager isn't exactly new. But it looks like I can combine what I want in any way I want. That's something that is missing in the competition. Maybe I'm wrong. But I am willing to bet 11 bucks to get a look and, if I like it, use it forever nag-free.

Hope I was right.
Jan 18 2015 at 10:33am Copy Link
Sam User Here (at TechReplic) you can find 5, that is FIVE, FREE replacements to Windows Explorer, with no confusing (intentionally?) acronyms.
Take a look at the article and decide which one is best for you, if any:

Jan 18 2015 at 10:55am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Gary Mugford - Hello Gary, thank you very much for your valuable suggestions. We will add some of them to our to-do list, and some of them are underway. We would like continually improve our products. If you are not satisfied with some functions of the software, please let me know. Thanks again for your great ideas.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 11:46am Copy Link
Gary Mugford Norman,

Still haven't played with it. But here's my thinking on your Licences:

AUTD (Alway Up To Date) should be changed to One-Year and Four-Years Licences
LTUD (LifeTime Up to Date) should be changed to Version Licences
LTUG (LifeTime UpGrade) should be changed to Lifetime Licences

NOTE: All licenses, with the exception of Lifetime licences, operate as free-level licences when they expire. Vole will occasionally upgrade old versions to fix bugs, but will not add features to non-current versions.

Have your Free, Professional and Ultimate SKUs. But DEFINE what is the difference between Professional and Ultimate. For example, Ultimate equals Professional with double the number of media snippets, with twice the size capacity and twice the duration. Or somesuch description. Still link to the table.

Get rid of the VSIN tables. I'm a customer. i don't care about your SKU's. I assume when I order that your store will figure that all out for me.

And lastly, DO NOT USE ANY ACRONYM ANYWHERE. Externally that is. Go ahead and use them internally. And why does the downloaded files only show the build number and not the major and minor version numbers? I downloaded 3.19.50105 which was initially offered as WindowsExpedition50105. Again, that makes sense to YOU INTERNALLY. NOT much sense at ALL for we consumers, who are interested in Version 3.19, which tells us what VERSION that version licence is going to get us.

Sigh. I REALLY hope this is worth the time. And the money, too. But the time.
Jan 18 2015 at 12:36pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Gary Mugford - You suggestions are really useful. If you don't mind I want to explain the reason for the current.

We use AUTD,LTUD and LTUG to response to the current software market existed upgrade options but naming confusion. We make it clear to users in our products.

We use VSIN is because eCommerce can't support the long product name. For example: Vole Windows Expedition Server Business Professional AUTD 10 PCs 1 Year.

The most difference between our products and others is we offer AUTD and LTUG edition, so we can always add features to the software and provide users with the latest features without having to hide the features to the next major version. For us, version number is not important, version time is important. The latest version time has the most powerful features. So we change major version number depending on time not feature. So 50105 means the version released in 2015-01-05.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 2:16pm Copy Link
Jim Parker I took a look at the ads for this software on your website. I don't understand what your software is. Your website says it is a file manager that is better than windows explorer. But it does not include any file management features that even the free file managers have. It seems that it is not a file manager but instead a way to view the same images, videos, and songs over and over again.

Also I installed this, and 2 hours later my network administrator came to my desk and made me uninstall it. He said that it was causing network firewall alerts all over the place because it was constantly hitting 5 internet ip addresses trying to send and receive information. That confused me because I was looking only at files on my own computer. My network administrator said that there was no good reason why this software would be constantly using the internet so it had to be uninstalled. He said that every few seconds it was trying to communicate with all of these ip addresses:
I uninstalled it and will not install again.
Jan 18 2015 at 2:22pm Copy Link
lemonade soda I laughed when I went to this page:

The level of complexity for various license models is just plain complexity for the sake of complexity. As though it adds value. This is not some serious server software powering multi-connected-secure-website-datamanagement-server portal. This is a simple file manager. ROFL. Put your time into developing another software utility, not trying to spin and flog an extra cent out of a simple file manager tool, where there are tens of free alternatives.
Jan 18 2015 at 2:22pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jim Parker - That are our Customer Service Center which located in UK and US, without them you can't activate the software at any time, you can't retrieve you account information at any time, you can't transfer you license out from your damage computer. Do you expect the software can do these for you at any time but not try to make handshake signal with our CSC?
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 2:32pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @lemonade soda - I don't know Vole Windows Expedition is simple or complex, but I do know it is much more complex than the latest Windows 8.1 file explorer. Do you think Windows 8.1 file explorer is very simple?
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 2:40pm Copy Link
Amit The interface doesn't look self revealing.

1. How do I open multiple tabs ?
2. And where are copy paste, back forward buttons ?
Please answer both.
Jan 18 2015 at 2:46pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Amit -
1, Watch tutorial video
2, You can use right menu and shortcut directory panel.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 3:02pm Copy Link
Stefan Hauber Jim Parker wrote: "My network administrator said that there was no good reason why this software would be constantly using the internet ..."

> Do you expect the software can do these for you at any time but not try to make handshake signal with our CSC?

All the examples you refer to are good reasons for handshaking. But as it seems Jim didn't try any of these and nevertheless every some seconds a communication with the CSC... What data are tried to be transferred?
Jan 18 2015 at 4:31pm Copy Link
Chris Paid but no email except from PayPal and yes I have checked my spam folder.
Jan 18 2015 at 4:50pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chris - Thank you for purchasing our product! Could you send me ( your payment receipt? Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 5:05pm Copy Link
Chuck While this claims to be a file manager, I see it as more of a niche multimedia manager with very limited project management capability. While interesting on the surface, at offers nothing I personally need wrapped into a pricing scheme too convoluted to follow.

From a capability standpoint, it offers a visually intriguing multimedia wrapper with an ability to move multimedia of various types into a user-created project folder. Other, than the ability to view these multimedia files within the program, what else is there? It seems like a whole lot of style with very little substance.
Jan 18 2015 at 5:20pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chris - Your payment receipt is correct, but our CSC can't deal with your payment way. I will do with this manually for you. Please wait about one hour. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 5:24pm Copy Link
John H Norman, If you listen to what the people have said here maybe next time you can come back and offer it for a half price deal instead of begging for $1.58.

Apple became a quality product because its focus was strictly on the user experience. ....

This has been quite the entertaining blog to follow today.

I would have liked to try this but I disable Windows media player and use open source players that do not phone home or search for extra data. It is not about free or cheap to me, it is about simple prorams that just play music of videos and do nothing else.

Bits DuJour, not for the weak of heart developers.
Jan 18 2015 at 5:29pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chris - I've sent you the renew code email, you may activate the software now.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 6:26pm Copy Link
Mark Johnson I downloaded this, installed it, tried it out, uninstalled it.

I wrote a lengthy review of Vole Magic Note and the bad experiences I had with it when it was on sale here, but really don't see that it is worth my time to do the same here. Suffice it to say my testing of Vole Windows Expedition went about the same as Vole Magic Note.

I would like to ask those who purchased this software from the BitsDuJour sale to come back here (or in the forum) in a couple of weeks and post your experiences with it. Try it out for a couple of weeks, or longer, then post what you think about the software. That would be very interesting.
Jan 18 2015 at 6:37pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @John H - Would you like to listen to what I said if I suggest you buy our original price product if I'm still begging for $1.58 next time.

If you think low price stands for low quality, how do you think about free software.

If you only use the play music and videos functions, you can use free edition. Free edition has much more features than you want.

DitsDuJour is a good place for developers. And we meet so many best customers here today. Thanks BDJ, And Thanks our customers.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 6:42pm Copy Link
Chris @ Norman Wong ~ I got the code. This does mean I will receive all future versions free Correct?

Jan 18 2015 at 6:51pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chris - Yes, you are correct. That is what LTUG edition is. And thank you for purchase our products again. We will notify you when you Vole Magic Note coupon is valid to use.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 7:01pm Copy Link
Norman Wong It is a funny story about Mark Johnson and his "review" plus his "video review" on our product - Vole Magic Note.

Today I heard he said "I would like to ..." again. I really doubt, maybe he will eat his words another time. Because he's eaten his words over and over again.

You can learn about all the process here.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 7:20pm Copy Link
Sara Dee What the difference between Professional and Ultimate?
Jan 18 2015 at 7:22pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Sara Dee - The most difference between Vole Windows Expedition and Windows file explorer is Scene-Reproduce, built-in Edutainment and Powerful Document Previewer.

The most difference between Professional edition and Ultimate edition is the limitation on the first two features. For example, professional edition allows to save 10 scenes, but ultimate edition allows to save 20 scenes; professional edition allows to link 128 M media to edutainment multimedia library, but ultimate edition allows to link 256 M media to the library.

You may click to see the comparison table for detail.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 7:28pm Copy Link
Mark Johnson Norman, it is funny how you are providing a link here to where I originally reviewed Vole Magic Note, and you kept asking me again and again to do a video review.

As I have already stated numerous times Norman, you are the only one who has asked me to do a video review of your product. I asked you numerous times for a time-limited version of your product to do the review with, and you refused to provide that yet still kept badgering for a video review.

Norman, unless you can provide a time-limited full version of your software for me to review, your software is not worth my time to review. I have now tried two of Sanwhole's products and did not find either one of them worthwhile. I don't see any reason to try any more Sanwhole products as I expect them to all be of the same poor quality. I certainly will not waste my time doing a review of any of your products unless you provide me with a time-limited full version of the software for that review.

I believe I have made myself clear on that point, yet you still keep badgering me about doing a review.
Jan 18 2015 at 7:32pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Mark Johnson - I provide the link here not for you but for others. Because you want to let them know the truth. I have nothing words to you.
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 7:40pm Copy Link
Techtoysavvy @norman and gary.
:) this product has been one of the the more amusing experiences on BDJ.
I too own lots of these explorer replacements back many years into the dos world with things like Norton Commander. These days I am more with Dopus but I have X2 and older versions of XY etc etc. I am an easy mark. I nearly bought, especially for this price just to muck with the software.

I am in the software biz and I was willing tolerate the ridiculous marketing of your options. ... Glad you write code for a living ... it give the rest of us things to do.

But just before I bought I looked at your video and that was the clincher. I am not buying this. ... and I really wanted to but your video talked me out of it.

BTW. trying to understand your licensing model and options is a chore but the video is truly exhausting.

now buried way down here is some advice from Joe Costello who ran a billion dollar software company a while back. If your press release is not convincing then forget it! The press release is as good as the product gets. It only gets worse from there.

Put it another way. The trailer is always better than the movie.
if you have a knockout trailer for a bad movie people will buy tickets.
If you have a great movie and a bad trailer ....good luck.
Jan 18 2015 at 8:52pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Techtoysavvy - Do not expect too much from us. We only can guarantee that we do better than we say. And you will get better return from us than you pay "Joe Costello".
Sanwhole - Jan 18 2015 at 9:39pm Copy Link
lemonade soda Norman Wong. You need to get your ego out of our faces, and concentrate on Customer Service and Active Listening. Start with a better attitude.
Jan 18 2015 at 10:30pm Copy Link
Jim Parker Norman : your response to my network administrator's concerns do not make any sense. He showed me how for over 2 hours Vole Windows Expedition was sending and receiving data over all five of those listed ip addresses.

Are you saying that even though I was browsing nothing but my local hard drive, I can expect your software to communicate through the internet every 15-30 seconds? That makes no sense. My network administrator showed me that during those two hours my browser made a few requests but 100% of the rest of the traffic came from Vole Windows Expedition, and all to those 5 ip addresses.

Why does your software need to communicate with your servers constantly every few seconds when no other software does that?
Jan 19 2015 at 2:30am Copy Link
SKY I wanted to buy the $15 option but pity that you only offer PayPal as a payment method which I do not use and never will. Please let me know if I can pay through another processor like avangate or cleverbridge or fastspring, or MyCommerce, etc. (and not Plimus or PPG). Othwise, I will miss this offer and can never be your customer. Thank you for your immediate attention as only 2 hours left.
Jan 19 2015 at 2:31am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jim Parker - I noticed you registered on BDJ just in 2015-01-18 and additionally all your network ideas are totally depends on your “Network Administrator”, so I can make a conclusion that you're a totally newcomer and fully not understand network traffic.

But I can't believe that "Why does your software need to communicate with your servers constantly every few seconds when no other software does that?" is your "Network Administrator"'s opinion. If S/he is really exist, let S/he join this forum, I will ask him/her some basic network communication question and I can explain all to your "Network Administrator".
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 3:09am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Serhan K. Yasar - Thank you for your supports. We are very sorry that we can't accept other eCommerce now. I will learn about the eCommerce you listed. Once we can use it, we will notify you. We can keep the same discount rate for you if you are still interested at that time.
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 3:43am Copy Link
Jim Parker Norman, I have been working with computers for many years. I have no reason to monitor what kind of traffic is moving through my network card, but my network administrator does. Of course I did not notice anything unusual but he did.

I find your attitude insulting and there is no reason for it. I can make a conclusion that your software is sending information about what I am doing on my computer to your cloud servers. Why else would it need to send data back and forth across the internet constantly for hours at a time when I am doing nothing but browsing folders on my computer?
Jan 19 2015 at 8:34am Copy Link
SKY @Norman Wong: Great, thank you. Yes, I am definitely interested and as long as it is one of those 3-4 companies (and NOT Plimus or PPG), I will definitely buy your product at this price. Have a nice day.
Jan 19 2015 at 9:20am Copy Link
Gary Mugford Norman,

Here's my review: The 'Call Home' protection against piracy is an insult to those of us who BUY software (I'm a programmer too). Modules SVX1007.exe and SVX1005 repeatedly hammered at my firewall to get out EVEN AFTER I TURNED OFF all the default checkmarks I could find. This security feature is reasonable in multi-thousand dollar cad programs. In a file manager, whether you paid two bucks or ninety plus? No. Sorry, NO!

And the randomness of my one try that seemed to fail bothers me. It hasn't repeated. But if it happened once ...

The idiosyncratic interface is a puzzle, which solving will entertain me. But I've written off my purchase. Too bad. I think some of what I saw in those endless videos was interesting. But for regular work? No. The standard windows interface cuts users' learning curve markedly. Doing away with it HAS TO BE BENEFICIAL to the USER. Norman, YOU understand everything, every icon and every placement. WE DON'T. Remember the first rule of programming: Make sure the USER understands.

Beyond the non-traditional interface and the licence security scheme, there's other issues. The video manual concept DOES NOT WORK. IF you went to a StepShot-like process where each step in doing some task could be outlined, you MIGHT be able to level the learning curve. Doing it in a video in real-time with somebody who's intimately familiar with the interface is a MASSIVE FAIL. Heck, I'm not sure WHAT your program can do. The stuff you pitch as being worth moving up to Ultimate from Professional are things I HAVEN'T STUMBLED upon yet.

Your file previewer depends on having Microsoft Office installed (I have an earlier version that doesn't DO DocX files) and that security sinkhole, ADOBE READER. Which no sane person installs if given a choice. I have FOUR PDF programs on the computer. Your product can't use any of them. As a programmer, I know there are libraries out there to do file viewing internally, without hard-coding in access to specific DLLs from other products. And to finish off this section: GIVE me the OPTION to have graphic files FIT PREVIEWER SCREEN. Icon view, which I CAN ALREADY see in the file list in the bottom pane, is JUST AS SMALL in the previewer. NO!

Give users an option button that brings up a sub-form where all the DOZENS of options a complicated product like a file manager should have for customization. Indeed, give us a choice at a traditional interface. I daresay better than 85 percent would switch. What you are doing is making the same mistake Microsoft made with the Metro/Modern interface in Windows 8, you know, the product that created all the 8-Haters!

Get rid of the licence checks. Allow users to turn ON things like update checks and your tab for internal sales promotions. Make the program start quicker. Let me choose the background colour of the previewer pane. Give me a true local CHM file (with a PDF version to work on my eBook reader). Understand, selling in the non-Occidental market means we think Left to Right, not Right to Left. Understand that vertical tabs that are more than a single letter or two are HORRIBLE. But if you insist on that kind of usage, give me colour options so i don't have to read the words. Have an option to keep file panes open until I close them. THat way, when I start at the beginning with the space-showing pane, I can still open a particular folder and then have TWO panes showing. Up to some number of panes, such as four. Or, I can do the equivalent of Use the Same Pane, like Windows does. Which Windows Expedition does. I actually think the product can do that already... if ONLY I had someplace to find out how to do it.

I appreciate language and culture issues have clouded the communications you have had with others here. But LISTEN/READ carefully. THESE are the people you want to get to GIVE YOU MONEY. They aren't pirates looking to steal from you. HONEST people who want to become Vole customers. I appreciated your honest feedback on my suggestions. I disagreed with it, almost completely. But it was done respectfully and programmers CAN agree to DISAGREE. But customers and program sellers can't. That's rule ZERO for programmers.
Jan 19 2015 at 9:55am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Gary Mugford - Gary I appreciated your honest feedback and suggestions on Vole Windows Expedition (abbreviate VWE after). But I do not think your “review” is your review, it is only your feedback or suggestions. Because if you review software you should base on the software’s features but not the features you imagine. And you can review if the software does perform as advertised. And you ought to list both the Pros and the Cons.

While your article full of criticism and accusations, because I would see these as your honest suggestions, so I politely reply as follows.

1, If you can only accept “This security feature is reasonable in multi-thousand dollar cad programs” as you quote above, you may take a look VWE price table The Sever Business Edition $1500/year and Server Enterprise Edition is ten times. They are all meets your “multi-thousand dollar” standard. So “This security feature” is acceptable now as your opinion.
You got VWE with $2 or $9 (you don’t pay $90, I think that is your typo.) doesn’t mean the software only worth $2 or $9. If you really think so, you look down us and you look down yourself, too.
As I quote above “That are our Customer Service Center which located in UK and US, without them you can't activate the software at any time, you can't retrieve your account information at any time, you can't transfer you license out from your damage computer. And without CSC we can’t check the concurrent users limitation too.

2, The interface style is our unique features. We leave the least icon button for us just because we want to leave the maximize space to customer. Our interface supports Docking-Tabbed. There are seldom software can do this include Window file explorer, Microsoft Office Word, all kinds of web browsers, etc. As far as I know Microsoft Visual Studio has this feature but has not our double click to maximize the page feature. In addition we also offer a fine selection of 6 beautiful themes.

3, Regarding Powerful Document Previewer, do you see the software manual before your feedback? I copy them here.
“1, You do not have to install Office Word, you can browse the latest Office Word .docx files.
Install Microsoft Office 2002 or higher if you want to preview Office Word .doc, Excel and PowerPoint files.
2, Update Windows Media Player Codec if you want to watch more kinds of video.
3, Install Adobe Flash Player if you want to play YouTube video.
4, Install Adobe Reader if you want to preview PDF doc. “
You can find these both on VWE manual webpage and download webpage, the link addresses are here:
Why do we use the standard controls rather than trying to do it ourselves? It is not the reason your mention “As a programmer, I know there are libraries out there to do file viewing internally, without hard-coding in access to specific DLLs from other products.” That is because we think the best previewer is the one the author provide.

4, The most difference about our help system is we use VMC media library as our help. That is a Microsoft Office Word based multimedia CHM help system. You can press F1 to open the help window. Learn more about VMC multimedia CHM click
So I appreciated your honest feedback and suggestions on VWE. And we always appreciate our customers too. I know you are our customer. But please don’t ask me to treat others like Mark Johnson as you. If you really want to know why we treat Mark Johnson like that see the link above
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 2:21pm Copy Link
Gary Mugford Norman,

We have come to the end. We've exchanged points of view and we disagree. I accept that and can live with it. I can't (it seems) convince you that some of your choices do not work as well for me and for some others as you fervently hope they do. I understand. I have my own programming style and I'm sure some of my users think, "What a poor/confusing interface!"

I assure you what I wrote was my real review in a first look pass at the product. Was I alerted to situations by other comments? Of course. That doesn't invalidate their experiences and their worries about things like security. I honestly don't equate personal home applications with business server products. To conflate those two is to rationalize a position that is anti-consumer. At least in my mind.

My HONEST, PERSONAL review? I uninstalled the product, using Revo Uninstaller which followed your uninstaller by getting rid of all the files you left in the Local AppData folder.
Jan 19 2015 at 3:26pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Gary Mugford - Very sorry. But I respect and understand your choice. Anyway, thank you for your feedback.
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 3:41pm Copy Link
Mark Johnson Norman, you just don't give up, do you?

I reviewed your software, and I posted that written review. You asked me to do a video review. Nobody else asked me to do a video review, only you.
At first I accepted the request to do a video review, but I asked you to grant me a time-limited license to do the review with, and you never even responded to that request but instead just kept belittling me and badgering me for a review.
Because you made it extremely obvious that my video review would not matter in the slightest, I could see no reason at all to do that review, especially since you would not even respond to the request for a time-limited license to do the review with.

Gary has also done a review of your software here, and you discount his review just the same way you disregarded my review. You obviously do not believe or just close your mind to anybody's negative opinion of your software.

People are giving you honest opinions and tell you of real problems in your software, and all you can do is belittle them and tell them their opinions are wrong because your software is perfect as it is.

I feel sorry for you, Norman. You have some real issues.
Jan 19 2015 at 4:14pm Copy Link
John H Are we done beating this dead horse?

Since so many other products were mentioned, I will break my own rule and post another competing product for playing music. It follows folder structure and file sort order. The only player I found to play a classical album in the correct order without editing tags. Also has a non invasive Android app to side load. Free but not Open Source.

Interesting that BDJ ran this for 2 days despite all the criticism. Must have sold well. I would like to have heard from people who have actually used the product and their specific experience with the features.

I learned a lot. I tried some of the other mentioned file explorers and find the Windows Explorer good enough for just about everything.

Gary Mugford brought up the issue of software phoning home. Could someone recommend something that would allow me to monitor which programs phone home all the time.

Imagine your washing machine being taken from your home when the manufacturer goes out of business. Corel did that to me when they bought Bought Paint Shop Pro From JASC. oops. One more lash to the poor dead horse. Sorry.

Thanks BDJ for allowing such open discourse even though it may be contrary to your short term interest.
Jan 19 2015 at 4:26pm Copy Link
John H Forgot to mention the name of the Media play I mentioned above:

1by1 directory player
Jan 19 2015 at 4:28pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Mark Johnson - I respect the truth; I will not give up in the face of truth. I seriously reply Gary‘s feedback because the feedback is real, and some of them are very valuable. I just feel sorry that he has not had time to understand the whole but left. Mark you've lost my respect to you, if you continue to eat your words, you will lost others.
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 4:43pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Shall we get rid of this “great” guy that has 199 Comments on 117 products; standing there buys nothing but posts fake comments? How can you compare with Gary? Gary is one of our customers, no matter what Gary says, it is his true thoughts and his true experience. “I will break my own rule...”, it’s funny, and do you have rules? I did not think you still have your rules.
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 5:08pm Copy Link
Sam User @John H (Gary too) .... I think you are wasting your time. I have been in the computer business for almost 35 years, and responses of this kind by a vendor are very, very, very rare, and unusual. Normally you'd get a short and diplomatic response to attacks, and appreciation to feedback, without dragging on.
The business golden rule will always apply, which is "the customer is always right!!!"
As for 1by1, I have used it for many years, and it is a good and simple player. There is one that's even smaller (32KB), called TinyPlayer that I also use for simple listening. For multiple (tabbed) playlists, I rely on Foobar2000 (still a very small & powerful player and format converter). Of course Winamp is well known, but after it was sold to AOL, and then AOL recently sold it, I'm not sure if it'll be ruined even more.
For video, I highly recommend the open source SMPlayer (which is built on the world-renowned and respected MPlayer. I like it much better than VLC or PotPlayer.
Jan 19 2015 at 6:42pm Copy Link
Sam User It's never ever a good idea for a vendor to resort to confrontation with their customers, or potential customers.
Some of these responses / comments make me believe the writer is a teenager.
Jan 19 2015 at 6:50pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Sam User - I think you are wasting your time too. The whole things your done here is just recommend other software over and over again. You should think about why you get that kind of response by a vendor.

Yes, "The business golden rule will always apply, which is 'the customer is always right!!!'" Unfortunately, you are not our customer. Maybe that is fortunate for us.

I have been coded more than 35 years, my first computer is Apple II.
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 7:06pm Copy Link
Sam User It's too bad that you have written me off as a potential / future customer! As if I were!
I think I'll survive. My store has thousands of customers, and we sell software and hardware from more vendors than I could list here.
I do select my vendors carefully, and I do pay full attention to the way they treat their customers, potential customers, or even haters!
I learn a great deal by coming here and watching how a vendor treats potential customers before I would approach the vendor for a business deal, especially new developers!
Your 35 years of coding is fine, but, if I may, let me suggest just 35 hours of a business relations class. It would be more beneficial than the 35 years of coding.
Best of luck to you.
Jan 19 2015 at 7:38pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Sam User - I believe your said "My store has thousands of customers, and we sell software and hardware from more vendors than I could list here."

You finally let us know you have a store and sell software too. I finally see why you recommend other software over and over again here. You want to sell your software here!

But, here is BitsDuJour. Yesterday here is my store, here is definitely not your store. Is this the way that your "business relations class" suggestion. I agreed your honesty, but I'm ashamed of your behavior.
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 8:09pm Copy Link
Sam User We don't mind recommending free products of this kind.
Hardly anybody buys file managers or media players. They know they have numerous free choices on the Internet, plus they know how to get free accounts on Spotify, Pandora, etc.
It's that simple. Customers are smart too.
Good luck to you.
Jan 19 2015 at 9:02pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Sam User - I don't mind recommending free products too. Because free edition is our official formal edition in product list and we've opened almost all features to free edition. I clarified this just at this page

Do you notice I didn't response your first two recommend other software posts. But you should know anything has its bottom line. Some people in this forum do the same thing as you. But you are the only man to admit it. In this scenario your business classes is not enough. Good luck to you.
Sanwhole - Jan 19 2015 at 9:54pm Copy Link
Svend Östergaard John H,
you asked for a program that logs other programs that "phone home".
Ok try this: TcpEye
If you run it, you will see that many programs constantly "phone home" and nothing strange at all in these days where many programs need to update.

I am very surprised at the time that Norman put down here. Not many software developers would do it! Good!
There are always people who have, in their own eyes, better solution than any other.
Here in Europe we call them "Besserwissers"
Continue the good work, Norman!
Jan 20 2015 at 2:25am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello Svend Östergaard,

Thank you very much to stand out to be fair. I insisted my viewpoint for a long time here. You are the first person who can stand up and support me. Thanks again!!!
Sanwhole - Jan 20 2015 at 3:25am Copy Link
Jim Parker Svend: You are right. There are a lot of programs that "phone home".
The difference is those programs do it once, when you start the program, then not again until you close the program and launch it again. Or at most, other programs do it once an hour, something like that.
The difference here is the sanwhole vole software phones home constantly the entire time you have it open. It is constantly sending and receiving information. If you watch your network activity the sanwhole vole product will be communicating constantly across the internet. That is not normal "phone home" activity.
Jan 20 2015 at 2:33pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jim Parker - I’m waiting for your “network administrator” to join this forum. Since I have not seen S/he here and you did not tell me he does not come. I ask you to invite S/he to join this forum second time. That because
(Quoting the last post to you) “@Jim Parker - I noticed you registered on BDJ just in 2015-01-18 and additionally all your network ideas are totally depends on your “Network Administrator”, so I can make a conclusion that you're a totally newcomer and fully not understand network traffic. But I can't believe that "Why does your software need to communicate with your servers constantly every few seconds when no other software does that?" is your "Network Administrator"'s opinion. If S/he is really exist, let S/he join this forum, I will ask him/her some basic network communication question and I can explain all to your "Network Administrator".” You can find the post here:

Since you don’t know enough about network communication, but very “curious” about it, so before your “Network Administrator” coming, I’ll tell you a little about it that you can understand.

Do you know some software that can be install more than one computer and allowed to concurrent using? Such as Autodesk, Microsoft Visual Studio, any popular Anti-Virus, Office 365, Windows operating system … They all allow concurrent using at least one computer. Ask yourself a simple question, how do they check the current using? How do they notify you real time when you violate the terms of use.

I told you the constant communication is the handshaking signal see here:

The handshaking signal is something like “I am online”. The handshaking signal is constant but very small. Your “network administrator” told you “constant”, did S/he told you how big the communication data length?

So if you are still curious about our communication. The best ideal - Quoting what I stated above, let you “network administrator” join this forum.
Sanwhole - Jan 20 2015 at 4:35pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Dear Svend Östergaard, We are very willing to let you know first that we made further efforts on the communication problems here. You may go to our website home page and click the left bottom “Data Transmission”. Thank you very much for your support.
Sanwhole - Jan 20 2015 at 4:51pm Copy Link
Jim Parker Norman: I already told you I have been working with computers for many years and am not "just learning". My network administrator alerted me to the problem with your software but that does not mean I know nothing, just that the network administrator was monitoring network traffic and I was not.

How does software monitor concurrent use? Typically one of two ways. One way is that as an instance is opened, it broadcasts on a specific port on the local LAN, and other instances on the LAN respond. If only one instance is allowed, the new instance is closed. Another way is that as an instance is opened, it broadcasts to a server. Neither one of those require constant communication across the internet every 15-30 seconds. Besides, why do you even ask that? This is not what your software is doing. It is transferring way too much data every 15-30 seconds to be just doing a handshake.

Your software is sending several kilobytes per minute, not a tiny "I am online" handshaking signal. Besides, why would an "I am online" signal need to be sent every 15 seconds from software that does not use an online server for anything? This software does not maintain a connection with an online database for anything it does. I can see it performing a handshake every time it is launched if you are really paranoid about license usage, but it is nonsense for software like this to be constantly communicating online when it is not online software at all. This software does not use an online database, it does not store any data online at all, it does not need to be doing the constant online activity it is doing.

This software is sold as a Windows explorer replacement. Windows explorer does not communicate with online servers every 15 seconds. Total Commander doesn't. XPlorer2 doesn't. QDir doesn't. XYplorer doesn't. Directory Opus doesn't. At most those programs communicate across the internet once each time they are launched, not every 15-30 seconds while they are running.

If none of the software your product is competing with need to communicate across the internet every 15-30 seconds, why should yours?
Jan 21 2015 at 1:49am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jim Parker - I believe your said "I have been working with computers for many years and am not "just learning"".

OK, quoting what you state above - "it broadcasts to a server", please tell me the detail process - how the broadcast to a server work? How does server know you online and how does you know server online?

Please tell me if I transfer only one charter - ''A' to a secure web server, how many bytes will be show at least in your task manager?
Sanwhole - Jan 21 2015 at 3:24am Copy Link
Jim Parker The issue here is that Sanwhole Vole software is doing things that are bad.
In every discussion you have here with somebody that is trying to point out a problem with your software you just ignore what they are saying and try to twist the conversation to something else. You are not a genius Norman, quit trying to convince people you are.

Software like a file manager does not need to communicate with the company's software on a cloud server all the time.
There is no online hosted component to a file manager.
Let me repeat:

Take a look at the software you are competing with.
How often do other file managers communicate with host servers?
1 - When you register the software.
2 - Once per day or once per week it checks for updates, and how often that happens can usually be set in the software itself. That happens when you first open the program, not continually the whole time the software is running.

The software you compete with does not "call home" more often than once per day, and only to check for updates. Most of them don't "call home" more than once per week or less. Some of them allow you to completely turn off update checks, so the software does not EVER "call home".

How often does your software communicate with host servers ("call home")?
Every 15-30 seconds, and there is no way to change that.

Why does your software need to call home every 15-30 seconds when absolutely no software you compete with does anything like that?
Jan 21 2015 at 11:50am Copy Link
Norman Wong Jim Parker - Let us recall what you did here. Let us speak with the facts, not personal evaluation or attacks. (1/?)

1, Quoting state in your first post –
“But it does not include any file management features that even the free file managers have.”
“Also I installed this, and 2 hours later my network administrator came to my desk and made me uninstall it. “
“He said that…”
“My network administrator said that there was no good reason why this software would be constantly using the internet …”
“He said that…”
“I uninstalled it and will not install again.”
You can find your post here:

You are concerned about two things in your first post, one is that you make a conclusion that VWE doesn’t do any file management features, the second is that totally quote your “network administrator” said - why this software would be constantly using the internet?

VWE can integrate as many latest Windows 8.1 file explorer as you want and every integrated file explorer is 100% compatible with latest Windows 8.1 file explorer features. Even file management feature in our free edition, its document previewer features are much better than Windows file explorer. But since this is your first post, I didn’t response this; I want to leave time for you to change your mind yourself. Do you still insist your opinion NOW?

Regarding your second concerning I replied you “@Jim Parker - That are our Customer Service Center which located in UK and US, without them you can't activate the software at any time, you can't retrieve your account information at any time, you can't transfer you license out from your damage computer. Do you expect the software can do these for you at any time but not try to make handshake signal with our CSC?” You can find this post here:

Did I “In every discussion you have here with somebody that is trying to point out a problem with your software you just ignore what they are saying and try to twist the conversation to something else.”?
Sanwhole - Jan 21 2015 at 1:14pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Jim Parker - Let us recall what you did here. Let us speak with the facts, not personal evaluation or attacks. (2/?)

2, Quoting state in your second post –
“your response to my network administrator's concerns do not make any sense.”
“He showed me…”
“My network administrator showed me that …”
“Why does your software need to communicate with your servers constantly every few seconds when no other software does that?”

In your second post, you were still “curious” the software communication. And you think any other software doesn’t do like that – see above “when no other software does that”.

I can’t believe you think “no other software does that”. Because this kind of communication is everywhere. Just like Svend Östergaard said (

And I noticed that all your network communication ideas are totally depends on your “Network Administrator”. So I can make a conclusion easily that you know nothing about network communication. And after I checked your account in BitsDuJour I found that you register your account in 2015-01-18, just the same day with this promotion.

Because you are a total newcomer, know nothing about network communication and only obey what your “network administrator” said. So the best way to help you is to invite your “network administrator” here, I explain to s/he via professional way and then s/he told you via the way that you can understand.

So I reply to you “@Jim Parker - I noticed you registered on BDJ just in 2015-01-18 and additionally all your network ideas are totally depends on your “Network Administrator”, so I can make a conclusion that you're a totally newcomer and fully not understand network traffic. But I can't believe that "Why does your software need to communicate with your servers constantly every few seconds when no other software does that?" is your "Network Administrator"'s opinion. If S/he is really exist, let S/he join this forum, I will ask him/her some basic network communication question and I can explain all to your "Network Administrator".” You can find this post here:

Did I “In every discussion you have here with somebody that is trying to point out a problem with your software you just ignore what they are saying and try to twist the conversation to something else.”?
Sanwhole - Jan 21 2015 at 1:51pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Jim Parker - Let us recall what you did here. Let us speak with the facts, not personal evaluation or attacks. (3/?)

3, Quoting state in your third post –
“I have been working with computers for many years.”
“I find your attitude insulting”
“I can make a conclusion that your software is sending information about what I am doing on my computer to your cloud servers.”
You can find this post here:

In this post, it’s full of yourself introduction, your attitude and your guess. I didn’t reply you, because say those are your freedom.

4, Quoting state in your forth post – (You reply Svend Östergaard)
“Svend: You are right. There are a lot of programs that "phone home". ”
“That is not normal "phone home" activity.”
You can find this post here:

You finally admit Svend Östergaard option that “There are a lot of programs that "phone home".” You change too fast, did you remember what you said in your second post. You said “Why does your software need to communicate with your servers constantly every few seconds when no other software does that?”

This means you even didn’t know there are a lot of software “phone home” at that time. I can definitely make a conclusion that you know nothing about network communication. That being the case, how dare you say which “phone home” is normal and which “¬phone home” not normal? Don’t you know you are just learning here now?

So the best way to help you is still to invite your “network administrator” here, I explain to s/he via professional way and then s/he told you via the way that you can understand.
I replied you here:

Did I “In every discussion you have here with somebody that is trying to point out a problem with your software you just ignore what they are saying and try to twist the conversation to something else.”?
Sanwhole - Jan 21 2015 at 2:32pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Jim Parker - Let us recall what you did here. Let us speak with the facts, not personal evaluation or attacks. (4/4)

5, Quoting state in your fifth post –
“I already told you I have been working with computers for many years and am not "just learning". My network administrator alerted me to the problem with your software but that does not mean I know nothing, just that the network administrator was monitoring network traffic and I was not. ””

“How does software monitor concurrent use? Typically one of two ways….”

“Your software is sending several kilobytes per minute, not a tiny "I am online" handshaking signal.”

“This software is sold as a Windows explorer replacement. Windows explorer does not communicate with online servers every 15 seconds. Total Commander doesn't. XPlorer2 doesn't. QDir doesn't. XYplorer doesn't. Directory Opus doesn't. At most those programs communicate across the internet once each time they are launched, not every 15-30 seconds while they are running.“

In this post, you want to let me know you are a network expert, you want to tell me “How does software monitor concurrent use?”, you want to tell me “sending several kilobytes per minute, not a tiny "I am online" handshaking signal.”

So I believe that you have been working with computers for many years and you know about network communication. Then answer 2 simplest question within you mentioned above. If you can answer it you will know you are total wrong, if you can’t answer it you will let others know you are total wrong too. I replied you here:

You did not answer any of my questions in your sixth post, only personal attract and keep asking the same question over again and again. And blame me twist the conversation to something else - “In every discussion you have here with somebody that is trying to point out a problem with your software you just ignore what they are saying and try to twist the conversation to something else.” You can find you post here:

I have to ask who exactly twist the conversation to something else.

1, We didn’t say VWE is the Windows explorer replacement. But we do say VWE has much more features than Windows explorer replacement.

2, We don’t know what other file managers can do. But we do know VWE can play any YouTube video, VWE can browse any website. VWE has VMC discovery feature that can browse any VMC multimedia library in any web page.
Sanwhole - Jan 21 2015 at 3:03pm Copy Link
Jim Parker Norman, again and again you completely ignore when people bring up problems in your software and you start attacking them. You do it each time. You keep linking back to other posts in this same discussion thread and quoting things that do not answer questions. You are not answering questions at all but instead just trying to create confusion. People are bringing up real problems in your software and all you are doing is trying to make them look bad.

Three different times now you have quoted and for some reason even linked back to this quote: “@Jim Parker - That are our Customer Service Center which located in UK and US, without them you can't activate the software at any time, you can't retrieve your account information at any time, you can't transfer you license out from your damage computer. Do you expect the software can do these for you at any time but not try to make handshake signal with our CSC?”

What is it you say it is doing every 15-30 seconds?
From your quote, it is doing one of these things:
1 - activating software.
2 - retrieving account information.
3 - transferring a license from a damaged computer.

"Activating software"? Isn't that done when the software is installed or when account information is first entered in the software? How does activating software happen every 15-30 seconds for as long as you have the software running?

"Retrieving account information"? Why would I need to do that unless I was doing something with my account like registering software? I certainly don't need to retrieve account information at all to use a file explorer, and definitely not every 15-30 seconds.

"Transferring a license from a damaged computer"? Isn't that part of registering the software? Again, how can communicating back to Sanwhole every 15-30 seconds the whole time the software is running going to help transfer a license from a damaged computer?

"That are our Customer Service Center which located in UK and US" -- are you saying that Sanwhole has a service center in the UK and one in the US? Norman, I don't think anybody believes that. You have online accounts that use cloud servers in the UK and the US for data storage and transfer. That is not the same as having Customer Service Centers in the UK and US.

How can it possibly be doing the things you say it is doing every 15-30 seconds for as long as you have Sanwhole Vole software open?
All 3 of those things are taken care of by registering the software at time of install. That is one time communication back to you through the internet, not every 15-30 seconds.

If you have Sanwhole Vole software running on your computer, it is constantly, every 15-30 seconds, communicating back and forth with one or more of five IP addresses which resolve to cloud servers that Sanwhole has accounts on. This is software that does not have any reason at all to communicate online every 15-30 seconds, yet the entire time it is running it is doing that.

Your answers make no sense, and they are not even on topic.

I very specifically asked why Sanwhole Vole products need to communicate with Sanwhole every 15-30 seconds when it has no online database and does not sync data online. NONE of the competing products keep communicating back to the parent company the whole time you have them open. Several people have asked the same or similar questions. I have asked this many times now, and you are completely ignoring the question or answering with things that are completely unrelated.

Let's take a hypothetical registered user named Bill. Bill lives at 123 1st Street in Houston, TX, and has registered two Vole products, Windows Expedition and Magic Note. He uses Windows Expedition to browse files on his home computer and his laptop. He uses Magic Note to take personal notes on each of those computers too. Since both of those pieces of software are communicating back to Sanwhole every 15-30 seconds as long as he has them open, Sanwhole knows exactly when Bill started taking notes and when he started browsing folders on his computer. Sanwhole knows which computer he was doing it on also, and by keeping track of the IP even knows where Bill is every single time he uses his laptop, with updates every 15-30 seconds. Sanwhole knows when Bill is at home, when Bill is on the road, when Bill is visiting his girlfriend in Arkansas.

Do you really think Sanwhole has the right to collect information like that on each customer, when that customer has no idea that information is being collected? Bill thinks he is typing notes into a local database. Bill thinks he is just browsing folders on his own computer. Bill has no idea what personal information is being shared with Sanwhole every 15-30 seconds the entire time he is using that computer.

I understand that this coming Sunday another Sanwhole Vole product, "Vole Edutainment" will be featured here. If people try that software and have concerns about it do you plan to attack them also instead of actually answering their questions?
Jan 22 2015 at 1:44am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jim Parker -

I've replied all your questions line by line, paragraph to paragraph. And I've summarized them in four parts.

Jim Parker, you have not replied any of my question until now including 1) whether agree my invite your “network administrator” join this forum,
2) How the broadcast to a server work? How does server know you online and how does you know server online?
3) If I transfer only one charter - ''A' to a secure web server, how many bytes will be show at least in your task manager?

Why are you afraid of my quoting what you said before and what my replied? You said “Several people have asked the same or similar questions”, tell me who the several people are? Until now, only you constantly asked the same question that I've replied you at you first time asked. And only the people that I can see here is Svend Östergaard that has taken the place of us answered your question.

I told you so many time (from the first reply) that the constant signal is the handshaking signal, constant but very small.,,

Jim, whether we have CSC in UK and US that is our business. You may believe it or may not believe it. If you don’t believe, then you told others it is not exist. That is your problem. How can you decide the truth just by your guess? According to your thinking logic, can I draw the following conclusions? Because you didn't buy our product, you register BitsDuJour account in 2015-01-18 just same as the day we promote at BDJ, only you constantly asked the same question trying to make us look bad… So you are one of our competitors and coming here just trying to make us mess. Shall we?

Oh, your Bill story are exactly excellent. I especially like the paragraph that Bill visiting his girlfriend in Arkansas. I look forward to your Bill sequel.

What you are talk about is just Apple, Microsoft… are doing now. We also want to provide these services, but to be honest, we cannot, and will not dare to think that we can in the nearly future. $1.58 a copy can’t support us to do so.

Learn About what collected from user by Sanwhole, Click
Sanwhole - Jan 22 2015 at 4:03am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Stefan Hauber - You can click here to learn more about "What data are tried to be transferred?"
Sanwhole - Jan 22 2015 at 5:04am Copy Link
Sam User ..... and Bill has no idea his machine might've become a botnet ... bill has no idea if the botnet is serving the CIA, the Chinese army, or North Korea ... OK, that was just for humor, and now let's wait and see the reaction ... :)
Jan 22 2015 at 8:32am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Ok folks, comments are closed. Nothing more to see here.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 22 2015 at 10:47am Copy Link
Lupke Brother @Sanwhole,

before testing:
1. does it replace MS Explorer or can it work together/collaborate with MS explorer and other file managers, i.e. like XYPlorer, Total Commander, Directory Opus and others? Let's say, pictures and video with Vole WE and other files with another file manager.
2. Does it play and make thumbs for 4K Ultra HD video files?
Jul 17 2015 at 9:21am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Lupke Brother - Vole Windows Expedition doesn't replace MS file Explorer and can work together/collaborate with other file managers. Vole Windows Expedition uses the same kernel as MS file Explorer, so playing or making thumbs for 4K Ultra HD video files depends on your current MS file Explorer and your current media codec installed. That means if your current MS file explorer can do that, Vole Windows Expedition can do that, too.
Sanwhole - Jul 17 2015 at 2:08pm Copy Link
Ronnie Cohen Hi - I seem to be having a problem with the program. After installation I try to run the program and get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object," error. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program and tried to repair the program and the same error appears. I am running Windows 7 and have tons of disk space. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you...
Jul 18 2015 at 6:23am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ronnie Cohen - There are several reasons can cause this such as font missing, class unregistered etc. But it is hard to say now. We need more info to solve this. If you would like to help us to solve this. Please go to, submit a ticket with detail descriptions and screenshots. We can keep this discount for you till the problem solved. Thank you for your feedback.
Sanwhole - Jul 18 2015 at 6:58am Copy Link
Ronnie Cohen Thanks, done...
Jul 18 2015 at 8:26am Copy Link
B Kampa On your site, "Terms | Renewal | AUTD edition renewal price is same with order price. LTUD and LTUG edition may be used indefinitely.

Does that mean annual renewal of AUTD 1-YR Ultimate will be $2.40 in perpetuity?
Jul 18 2015 at 11:08pm Copy Link
Paul joubert I tried to purchase using a visa card not accepted, insisted that I create a PayPal account. then tried a master card same story not accepted! Is this for real?
I then loaded the 153 older comments.
This vendor has serious issues!! "Whew" maybe a blessing in disguise.
Jul 18 2015 at 11:09pm Copy Link
Mark Latimer This is a very nice program and I wanted to purchase it, but I have been having a problem with the checkout process. I fill in my information (7 times) I get a "wrong information" message. All the information is accurate. Too bad, I really wanted this program.
Jul 18 2015 at 11:09pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @B Kampa - Yes, the renewal price is unchanged and same with the original purchase price.
Sanwhole - Jul 18 2015 at 11:29pm Copy Link
Danny Is this a Windows File Manager as everyone else , or more ?
Jul 19 2015 at 2:56am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Danny - Vole Windows Expedition is totally compatible with the latest MS file explorer, lets you be more comfortable with normal file managing. Vole Windows Expedition provides so much more features such as Document Preview, Docking-Tabbed, Scene Reproduce, Music Mate, Favorite Folder, Dual Explorer, Play Folder, VMC Discovery, etc. You may go to the software web page to learn more.
Sanwhole - Jul 19 2015 at 3:28am Copy Link
Samir Desai Only 2 PC for Home Professional LTUG edition? This is a deal killer. How is this better than Free Commander?
These guys need to really simplify purchasing options. License only for 2 computers? Get real.
Jul 19 2015 at 9:56am Copy Link
Ahmed Fahmy I made a purchase and moeny as taken by paypal but no receipt from bitsdyjour or from vole website
Jul 19 2015 at 9:56am Copy Link
Paul Kelly error 2503 trying to install on Windows 8.1 ... usually means compatibility problem
Jul 19 2015 at 9:57am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Ahmed Fahmy, I've just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 19 2015 at 9:59am Copy Link
Ahmed Fahmy ok, but also it does not appear on my purchases
I think you should refuse any seller who does not put you in the middle
Jul 19 2015 at 11:15am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Ahmed Fahmy, I assume you are referring to the Purchases page from your BitsDuJour account:

If so, the application does appear in that page but there are two sections containing purchases in that page. The top section of purchases contains the purchases made for promotions which ran with the BitsDuJour e-Commerce. The bottom section of purchases contains purchases made for promotions which ran with a third party e-Commerce (in the case of this promotion this is PayPal).

The Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate promotion appears in the second section (the one tagged as Off-Site Purchases).
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 19 2015 at 11:19am Copy Link
Ahmed Fahmy I choose the first one
Jul 19 2015 at 11:58am Copy Link
Ahmed Fahmy Ok

I checked it but no references like in purchases with Download and activation, or even vendor website and other details
Jul 19 2015 at 11:58am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Ahmed Fahmy, For the Off-Site Purchases (these are the purchases which appear in the second section), we have no information like the one you mention: download link, license key, vendor website, etc. This is because we have no control over the third party e-Commerce used so we do not know if you went all the way with your purchase. The fact that a product appears in the Off-Site Purchases section (this is the second section in the Purchases page) it means only that you clicked on the Get This Deal button while the promotion active.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 19 2015 at 12:03pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello everyone! I just saw your emails. Sorry for my late reply.
Sanwhole - Jul 19 2015 at 1:09pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ahmed Fahmy - Could you send me your PayPal receipt (
Sanwhole - Jul 19 2015 at 1:39pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ahmed Fahmy - Thank you very much for your information. I resend you the renew code email just now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sanwhole - Jul 19 2015 at 3:11pm Copy Link
Dom Franco The Paypal link takes me to a purchase, but not for the "Ultimate" version, just the "Professional" version. Why the difference?
Jul 20 2015 at 1:14am Copy Link
Jaydeem I purchased the Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate LTUG several hours ago but have not received my code and download link.
Jul 20 2015 at 1:15am Copy Link
Jaydeem I have not received my software code for purchased Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate LTUG. Would you please resend.
Jul 20 2015 at 1:15am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jaydeem - Could you send me your PayPal receipt (
Sanwhole - Jul 20 2015 at 2:26am Copy Link
Danny @Norman Wong,

This morning just before termination of the BDJ promotion is in order by pc failure error. It is no longer possible to continue the order?
Jul 20 2015 at 8:45am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Danny - I want to help you very much, but I'm sorry. Because this promotion has ended , all the web pages, links, buttons has been removed on our side. Do you have BDJ purchase receipt? If you have, I can try to contact them for you.
Sanwhole - Jul 20 2015 at 10:58am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Hello everyone! Thank you very much for purchasing our product! I found that some users have not yet activated the software. Your license file has been sent to your PayPal email address immediately (Note: your PayPal email address maybe is different from your common email address) . The new code (register code) is just in the email. You may go to and see the first three items to learn how to activate the software online. Please activate the software ASAP, because we will upgrade our Customer Service Center in the near future. It will be offline at the time. That means you can't activate the software at that time. Thank your for your cooperation.
Sanwhole - Jul 20 2015 at 4:55pm Copy Link
CFGuy Hi- I am getting a "404 - Page Not Found" error screen when I click on the links for "To learn about the comparison table, you may click here" and "To learn about VSIN Index Table, you may click here." Thanks. -CFguy100
Mar 28 2016 at 6:55am Copy Link
CFGuy Hi- For Sanwhole representsative, or anyone else currently using this program. I havce to admit that this is a very good price for a "customizable file manager", however I am currently a die-hard XYPLorer user- use it many times throughout each day and love the featiure set that it offers me. What can this file manager, "Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition" offer me that XYPlorer currently does not. Are there any reasons I should consider switching from XYPlorer for this file manager, or perhaps could they complement one another, without duplicating features? Thanks. -CFguy.
Mar 28 2016 at 6:55am Copy Link
Norman Wong 8.1 @ CFGuy
Sorry for the late reply, we are focus on preparing the new software release for this promotion. I’ve just released it, the version is 3.43.60330. If downlink on BDJ is not the latest, you may to download page or download directly here:

There are some good file managers on the market. In addition to the basic file management functions, each has its own characteristics. In fact, if you are only using the file management functions, Windows file explorer is good enough, especially for the latest Windows.

We create Vole Windows Expedition is because our work habits. We don’t want to waste my time to search, open and close the same folders or files every day. We don’t want to open several file explorer and adjust their size and position time and time again. All these repeated senseless actions should be completed by software.

Vol e Windows Expedition derives from the latest Microsoft Windows and totally compatible Windows file explorer to ensure provide you Windows style file manager functions. Vole Windows Expedition Scene-Reproduce feature reproduces all the files and folders that you customized automatically, Docking-tabbed feature lets you dock and table your files and folders as you want. Double-Double-file explore provide you 5 file explorer to record your frequently used folder. You do not have to manually search, open and close the same files and folders again and again. You do not have to manually adjust the files and folders docking and table position again and again. So have a cup of coffee, open the software lets Vole Windows Expedition do all for you, it will save much time for you every day.

And more, there are a lot of practical functions provided that we use each day. Such as Magic GIF – the creator that create all the gif animation in our website, Image Watermark - the image watermark of all Sanwhole Store images, Find and Replace which I use every day, Music Mate, Word to CHM etc.

Vole Windows Expedition is a new generation file manager, a fast and more graceful way to manage your documents!
Sanwhole - Mar 30 2016 at 11:11pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello Everyone, maybe you are not familiar with our new registration system, the purchase process are:

1, SIGN IN: After you recharge, you will receive a recharge notification email, you may sign in follow the instruction in the email.
2, SELECT PRODUCT: Select Vole Windows Expedition in the main page and double click it to see the software detail.
3, ADD TO CART: Select Purchase table (the last one) and select the edition you’re purchased and add Qty to 1 then click Add to Cart.
4, PLACE ORDER: Click Place Order in Cart Form.
5, PAY ORDER: Click Pay Order and click “Add Promo Code” to reduce your price in Order form.
6, ACTIVATE: Activate software on Licenses form via click the top right button “Submit Activate Computer”

You must install the latest software 3.4360330. You may go to FAQ and see tutorial video. And you may Chat with me, too.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 1:36am Copy Link
Danny The prices are quite a bit higher than previous BDJ promotion last year . Is that right?
Mar 31 2016 at 1:40am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Danny - The software price is slightly increased, but you can still get the heaviest discount price today. We've add many new features in the software.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 2:00am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello, Learn how to purchase and activate Vole Windows Expedition after recharge? Please go to and see the short tutorial video.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 5:42am Copy Link
Christian User The fine print :
"You must install/register the software within 12 months, and cannot do so afterwards."
These instructions are them valid for this order ?
Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate LTUG ($19.20)
Is this last version able to be used indefinitely in the time ?
If yes, that becomes the activation if one changes computer ?
Mar 31 2016 at 10:46am Copy Link
Chris User @Norman
Does this program have any overlap with your other products, such as Internet Expedition, Magic Note, or Media CHM? In order to get the functionality of these products is each one required separately or are they covered in one or two products (especially between Internet Expedition and Windows Expedition)? If in order to get the benefits of each product requires purchasing them all separately, do you offer any bundle purchase options? This information will help in deciding how to proceed with ordering. Thanks very much!
Mar 31 2016 at 10:46am Copy Link
Edward Smith The offer here is to rent the software for $3.88 for 12 months. Is every subsequent year guaranteed at $3.88 or does the price increase? I apologize in advance if this is explained somewhere, but with a cursory look I did not see the renewal price.

Maybe this my day to be dense, but I can see no difference between the Professional and Ultimate editions:

Lastly, am I correct in understanding the fine print that I may use this product on 2 computers but not at the exact same time (which actually would be difficult to do anyway).
Mar 31 2016 at 10:47am Copy Link
Tomas Barth Too complicated purchase and registration procedure. First time I can't manage to make an online purchase. Creating account is not possible because it ask for Referrer ID. What the ... is Referrer ID? No explanation anywhere. It also asks for Enter code. What code?
Perfect procedure if they don't want customers. No purchase from me, because it will only be a lot of time wasted for refund when I can't make it work.
A pity because it looked interesting, and I wanted the lifetime license with upgrades.
Mar 31 2016 at 10:48am Copy Link
Danny What piled this file manager himself above another good file managers ?
Mar 31 2016 at 10:49am Copy Link
Metta Zetty We can only use this offer for 12 months?

After that, what happens?
-- Does the software lock up and we have to upgrade? If so, what is the cost to upgrade?
-- Or, is the software still functional and we no longer have access to the AUTD automatic updates and upgrades?
Mar 31 2016 at 10:49am Copy Link
Cary Adams How is this different from the wonderfully free Q-Dir?

There I have 1,2,3 or 4 windows, with view capabilities much like your product.
Mar 31 2016 at 10:51am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Christian User - After you activate the software in your account. You can activate your computer within 12 months for AUTD 1 - Year and liftetime for LTUD and LTUG edition. But you have to activate the software in your account ASAP becuase the Promo Code is time limited. LTUG edition can be used indefinitely and lifetime upgrade. You may go to the software page and see "THE FINE PRINT" for detail.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 11:58am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chris User - Volel Internet Expedtion a web browser, Vole Windows Expedtion a file manager, Vole Magic Note a diary and Vole Media CHM a multimedia library, are all separate software products. We don't offer any bundle purchase options on BDJ now.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 12:06pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Edward Smith - The renewal price is same, you may go and see Renewal Price item for detail. You can go and see FEATURES TABLE bottom to see the edition difference.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 12:12pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Metta Zetty - The software will convert to free editon after 12 months (AUTD 1-Year edition). You may renew it with the same price at any time.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 12:15pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Tomas Barth - You don't have to create an account before recharge. Because our system will automatically create an account for you base on your PayPal email when you first buy. And will send your account information 1~2 minutes later just after you pay.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 12:17pm Copy Link
Metta Zetty Just now found the "Fine Print" answer to one of my previous questions:
> After you purchase Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition it may be used for 12 months and will not function after that unless you renew your subscription.

Still wondering: what will be the cost to upgrade after I've been using it for a year?
Mar 31 2016 at 12:57pm Copy Link
MBe @ Norman Wong,
i have paid for Professional AUTD $ 2,38. When I want to Renew, it shows me the full price of $ 23,80. Is this a mistake? I have Vole Edutainment Pro AUTD for $ 1,50 and i can renew for this price. Please correct this, thanks.
Mar 31 2016 at 12:57pm Copy Link
Christian User No answer.... no purchase.... good day !
Mar 31 2016 at 12:57pm Copy Link
MBe @ Metta Zetty,
i have bought today Pro AUTD for $ 2,38. In my account the license is shown with $ 23,80. When i try to renew, it costs $ 23,80. If you buy today Ultimate AUTD (12M use - after that it is a free licence again) you will pay for 12M $ 3,88. Renew is then $ 38,80!!!
Time ago i bought a licence under the "old procedure". This licence is still in my account with the paid Endprice and i can renew for this price.
It seems, that this is a new licence model. I don't think, that he will answer your question, because he don't want to give away his software for such a low price...
Mar 31 2016 at 1:47pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Metta Zetty - Your renewal price is always $3.88/Year if you buy Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate ATUD 1 - Year today. You may go and see "Renewal Price" for detail
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 4:38pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @M Be - The price will be reduced to today discount price when you enter the promo code. Plesae see this short tutorial video here:
Please Note: the process in the tutorial video is not let you pay PayPal again, it just show you how to use your recharge in your accont to activate the software.
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 4:48pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Christian User - I've answer your question here: Do you have any other question?
Sanwhole - Mar 31 2016 at 4:50pm Copy Link
Edward Smith I just purchased LTUG and the process worked perfectly. This is quite a program, one of those that you can use for years and still discover new things you did not know it would do. So far I'm very impressed.
Mar 31 2016 at 4:56pm Copy Link
M User Sorry, I'll get sick of this kind of registration!!
I recharge for $19,20 for Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate LTUG ($19.20)
Follow the steps ... and nothing. Add promo code". Witch code???
I'm professional IT-er for 30 years ... never seen this before.
Ok, my balance says $19,20.
I follow these steps:

1, SIGN IN: After you recharge, you will receive a recharge notification email, you may sign in follow the instruction in the email.
2, SELECT PRODUCT: Select Vole Windows Expedition in the main page and double click it to see the software detail.
3, ADD TO CART: Select Purchase table (the last one) and select the edition you’re purchased and add Qty to 1 then click Add to Cart.
4, PLACE ORDER: Click Place Order in Cart Form.
5, PAY ORDER: Click Pay Order and click “Add Promo Code” to reduce your price in Order form.
6, ACTIVATE: Activate software on Licenses form via click the top right button “Submit Activate Computer”

But it does nothing and the price stay on $192. Spend more than 2 hours for a stupid registration and it stays on Free Edition AUTD??!!
Sick of it, really. What is the promo code???
Apr 1 2016 at 1:10am Copy Link
M User Just purchased LTUG, charged $19,20 (see it in Balance) - but ... sorry, don't now what do do! Follow the steps discripted above, I must enter a promo code when I click on “Add Promo Code” ... what is the promo code??? I stay's on $192 ???
Why is this so difficult?? Never seen this way before in my 30 years experience as ... IT-er! So, it stays on Free Edition AUTD. And now please???
Apr 1 2016 at 1:11am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ M User - See this short tutorial video to learn how to purchase and activate via promo code Your promo code should be in your BDJ receipt.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 1:17am Copy Link
MBe @Norman Wong
If this is so how you told, then please correct the price in my account. I have paid 2,38 but it shows under licences 23,80!! And if i want to renew, i don't get the price of 2,38. Thank you for help
Apr 1 2016 at 1:19am Copy Link
MBe @Norman Wong
In your video your price under licence is not the price 92% Off. It is 38,80. How can someone renew for the price of bitsdujour? When i right click the licence to renew, it shows not the 90% reduced price. You can only renew for the price of 38,80!!
Apr 1 2016 at 1:20am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ M Be - Thank you for your comments. I just checked renewal prices in your account. It indeed show the price without applying the promo code. We will fix this issue in the next release within 2 weeks. You don't worry about the renewal price issue, you may see our renewal price policy at Renewal Price item. You don't renew now, because you may renew a year later. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 1:50am Copy Link
Tomas Barth Worst purchase and license approval procedure I have ever experienced. It took me one hour to go through the whole process.
As it is allowed to have it on 2 computers, if not used at the same time, I fear big problems when I will install on my second computer which is in another country.
Apr 1 2016 at 4:36am Copy Link
colin User Hi, I am not able to purchase due the amount showed 0.00 when the paypal payment appeared. Tried twice, yesterday and today, same problem :-(.
Apr 1 2016 at 4:36am Copy Link
_*_ When I installed this software to evaluate it.

Two problems arose.

1. When I went to uninstall the software it told me I did not have permission to uninstall a file called Tetris.exe.
I had to force uninstall the software through Smarty Uninstaller and then do a lot of searching to remove all Sanwhole and Vole traces.

2. My Bitdefender virus protection software gave this report. I will post here verbatim as there is no way to attach an image of the actual warning.

"The file C:\Program Files (x86)\Sanwhole\Vole Windows Expedition\Games\Tetris.exe is infected with Gen:Trojan.Heur.JP.muW@ai9mjck. The virus has been successfully blocked and your PC is now safe. Please contact Bitdefender support for more information regarding the infection."

Others may have a better idea what this means but this was my experience with this software. It was not a good one.
Apr 1 2016 at 4:40am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ colin User - Could you send your PayPal receipt to
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 4:50am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Tomas Barth - If you see this short tuturial video first, I believe your process will be reduced to several minutes.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 4:58am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ _*_ - Vole Windows Expedition is totally clean and get the highest value 0/56 report in VirusTotal: Include Bitdefender that installed in your computer.

If anti-virus program made a false positive check, maybe block or delete some part of the software and cause can't uninstall problem. So you may update your anti-virus database to the latest 20160330 and try again.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 5:11am Copy Link
_*_ @Norman Wong,
First Bitdefender updates daily to keep itself current so you can stop trying to indicate it must be an older version.
Second, you can tell me here it is clean and that Bitdefender gave a false positive, but what you fail to talk about is the file Tretris.exe which is part of your program.

What is it, what does it do, why is it there?

Finally, It is hard to believe you can seriously tell me to reinstall this software after not being allowed to remove it the first time, having to do a force uninstall, and then spend a lot of time making sure no traces of this program remained,

No thank you.

Others should take warning about this software and the potential issues they may have with it.
Apr 1 2016 at 6:45am Copy Link
Ian F Like Colin, when I tried to purchase using PayPal at first I had an amount of 0.00. So I entered the amount manually in a box, $3.88 and paid.

Some two minutes later I had both a receipt for my payment and a renewal code.

I then downloaded 6.330 (as above) and the trial version was installed. The fun came when I tried to enter my "renewal code" either under "Purchase" or "Renew" and found in both cases Sanwhole to be Offline.

What next, Norman? I have my email address and login password and I'm all ready to go. And just kindly confirm also exactly what I would need to do in my case in a year's time to renew the Ultimate Edition at this same price.
Apr 1 2016 at 6:45am Copy Link
Danny Dear people, What do you make yourself that hard! All questions is answered with FAQ and videos on Sanwhole website today I have bought LTUG licence, everything went smoothly and flawlessly! Just relaxed the FAQ and videos on Sanwhole reading and viewing, and all will be well!
Apr 1 2016 at 6:48am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ _*_ - Vole Windows Expedition is totally clean and get the highest value 0/56 report in VirusTotal: Include Bitdefender that installed in your computer.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 6:53am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Ian Fraser - Could you see this short tutorial video: and try again. If it still doesn't work, try chat with me.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 7:03am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Ian Fraser - Could you first see this short tutorial video and try again. If it still doesn't work, you may chat with me.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 7:06am Copy Link
Ian F It was hard to read the tutorial video as the resolution was too low to read the legend across the top of the screen. After persevering I was able to make out the word "Service" and now I got as far as entering my account name and password.

As others have commented, this is a very unusual and complicated registration process whereas what we are mostly used to is something like Help, About (then enter registration code) or "Register" and paste in the code into a box. It also registered me using my PayPal account email whereas I would have chosen a different email address had I had the option.

I find myself now on a three day trial with no apparent way to proceed. Chat was offline when I tried several times.
Apr 1 2016 at 10:42am Copy Link
Radik Shavaliev I Can not to pay throu Paypal- my credit card is not acceptible. Have yoy another payment method?
Apr 1 2016 at 10:43am Copy Link
Reg Rygus GReetings

I want to purchase the Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate AUTD 4-Year ($12.29)
but the computer I want to install it on is in for repair.Is there a way I can purchase this today and then install it when I get my computer back? If so how do I do that?

Can I install it on more than one computer (desktop & laptop).

Apr 1 2016 at 12:53pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Ian Fraser - There are two same video at the address, one is YouTube and another is HD video, the resolution is 1600X1000. If you watch the first YouTube video, the resolution is changed automatically by YouTube according the internet speed. Some time they will use very low resolution such as 360 or lower. You may force to use HD resolution via the bottom setting button. The second video is always HD video but it need you have more internet speed.

Our Customer Service Center automatically creates your account when you first buy using your PayPal email. If you don't want to use PayPal email as your main email, you can add another email address in your account. But I suggest you do it later. Because adding and changing main email needs a verify email process.

Chat is online now.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 4:20pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Reg Rygus - Yes, you can. You may purchase via BDJ and recharge today. Then contact me when you are ready.

The license support two computer installation, so you may activate your desktop and laptop computer.
Sanwhole - Apr 1 2016 at 4:31pm Copy Link
Support I tried to go through the purchase thing this morning and after about 30 minutes (with vole support) just gave it up.. I was willing to try - but seriously - you guys have to change your purchasing system. I'd bet you lost about 80% of the customers who wanted to buy your software and couldn't because of a proprietary - non standard purchasing method.

Also, I'd like to add another comment about this whole - must be installed before a certain period of time thing.

First - Did the person purchase a Valid License or not? Yes or No. Period.

I bought it - I should be able to install it whenever I want. I threw down money for that license. But if that's how you want to mess with folks - that's going to be your problem at the end of the day - in many ways.

Secondly, if you offer software that only allows a certain number of Installations - then you MUST also add to your interface the ability to Remove the license from a computer so that that next incremental install on another (new) computer can proceed.

I have purchased a lot of software over the years and gotten burned when I purchased a new computer and then got a message when installing software I had purchased - something like 'installation count exceeds limit'. Meaning - even though you bought it - and there is an "Installation count Limit" - there's no way to 'Remove your License!!!" from the old machine and put it back so it can be used again on a New computer".

Power Desk Pro was one of these. I loved it until I had to rebuild my machine or purchased a new one and then got the "Installation count limit exceeded" message.

I sent emails to them - heard nothing back. They never got another cent from me even though I still get emails from them about their "New Version".

This whole idea that you purchase today but if next year you get a new computer or your HDD is so messed up and you have to rebuild your OS -means that whatever money you just spent is "G-O-N-E".

Even iTunes has a 'De-Authorize' computer method to avoid this foolishness.

If you buy a license and there is only one license allowed then you should be able to 'de-authorize' that license on the old computer so you can install it on the new computer.

Without that ability - it's over the minute you rebuild your existing OS or purchase an new machine and throw out the old one.

Unfortunately this licensing mentality still exists - and it truly is unfortunate because once one gets burned once like this - as I did with the before mentioned program - I NEVER purchased their product again... and never will.

Those that continually implement 1990's licensing systems will lose repeat customers as a consequence. Vole - think about it.

Either you're trying to build up a customer base or your not - you decide... this way however - is not the way to go about doing that. Instant returns do not convert to 'growing a customer base'.
Apr 2 2016 at 1:40am Copy Link
LM Stafford I have been purchasing software on line for near 20 years and,I have never, ever, ever seen such a convoluted, contorted process to purchase and register. I full interned to purchase and paid the requested $ 1 top Paypal, received an acknowledgement and password with a link that pulls up a process to then go watch a video to see how to install and register. Who needs THIS HASSLE??. Ive used Powerdrive for many years and more lately OPUS Directory or the last few years but this one looked interesting and had maybe better graphics display ..........if you can muddle through the various subscription alternatives and easily and quickly, pay, download, install and register the app.
If you wish, I will proceed and will send you the Paypal receipt and hopefully you can direct me to a simplified install and Ill give it a shot. Otherwise, not worth the effort. I SUGGEST THAT IF YOU WANT TO SELL SOFTWARE, SIMPLIFY YOUR PROCEDURE. Thanks.
Apr 2 2016 at 1:41am Copy Link
K James I followed the instructions given on the next page, but when I hit the Service button as asked, it give me the following error message: "510060318
Vole Windows Expedition encountered a problem and needed to close, continue to run may be unstable. The current software version is too low to use Sanhwole Store."

After looking in here and finding nothing, I simply tried it several more times, after hittijng the about button. It finally worked, but when I went to create an account it asked for a referral id. Tehre is nothing in the instructions about this.

And now, because this whole process is such a FUBAR mess, I've now missed out on another Bits du Jour product that is also ending in a couple mninutes. Tha
Apr 2 2016 at 1:46am Copy Link
colin User Thank you, Norman.

I just keyed in the correct amount on the Paypal payment page, and payment got through.
Apr 2 2016 at 2:32am Copy Link
Norman Wong colin User - You are welcome. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!
Sanwhole - Apr 2 2016 at 4:42am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Martin Hamilton - Thank you very much for your comments. We agree that Sanwhole Store software registration system is complicated when in cooperation with BDJ system. The main reason is the user has experienced two buying process. We will improve as soon as possible.

But if you purchase software from Sanwhole Store or any other e-Commerce such as Amazon, eBay etc. You will find, the Add to cart, Pay order, Recharge and Activate the license steps are must-have process. Sanwhole Store embed full e-Commerce capabilities, including account, cart, order, shipping, balance, points, coupons, invite etc. e-Commerce management process and support software activation. Sanwhole Store not only supports for buyer but also for seller. You can see that one seller is in Sanwhole Store now.

As you said, transfer license is a very important feature. We think so, too. Our software totally support transfer license and no any installation limitation. I just made a “How to transfer license” short tutorial video, you may watch here:
Sanwhole - Apr 2 2016 at 4:42am Copy Link
Ian F Unlike me, until just a minute ago. I decided that if Colin could succeed, so might I. I got as far as The Purchase and Renew Form early this morning. When I clicked on Pay Now, nothing happened. I gave up and went out, late for my appointment.

I tried again just now. Finally I worked out that the various steps that had been introduced along the way to make it extra difficult. An order quantity of Zero, that had to be changed to 1. Ticking a box, although only choice one choice was offered. A right click at one point and then making a choice between two selections. Finally I have paid, a day later.

I don't know how many times I changed between watching the low resolution video and trying out various steps in the sign-up process..

I'll say one thing. NEVER AGAIN.
Apr 2 2016 at 8:10am Copy Link
Brian W Suggestion 1: Get some knowledgeable reviews.
Your primary market is probably people who have tried other explorer replacements but not been satisfied, so I suggest finding people who have written decent reviews for other products so that you can get decent reviews and a comparison to other products. (Your screenshots look so busy/crowded that my guess is that few novices who only use Windows Explorer will try this.)

Suggestion 2: Simplify the number of versions.
The difference between ultimate and professional is only the number of scenes. This doesn't seem to be worth the complication of adding a version. If comparing versions feels complicated, then they will expect the software to also be complicated.

Suggestion 3: Simplify the licensing.
Never before have I seen 10 buying option links for one piece of software. No-one wants to follow a link to determine what your abbreviations mean. Simply:
- Annual subscription
- Lifetime licence with free updates of this version number.
- Lifetime licence with free upgrades to all new versions.

(I don't see why a 4-year subscription is offered.)

Suggestion 4: Work on your sales pitch.
I didn't quickly see why this would be an advantage. There were a couple things in the screens shots that looked potentially appealing but I didn't get a great feel for it. Look at how your competitors advertise their products and features. People are probably comparing the products, so make it easy for us to see what really make the difference for yours, whether that be a particular feature or use case.
Apr 2 2016 at 8:13am Copy Link
Ian F I'll add to my comment just above. When I posted it, I really thought I had completed the process ! Certainly I have registered and paid, carrying out along the way each one of the many steps that were required.

Then after closing and reopening the program I too had the same K510060318 error as K James reported above.

After rebooting the computer and reloading the program once more, alas I am still on the 3-day free edition and the clock is ticking down with only two days left ...
Apr 2 2016 at 9:41am Copy Link
Chuck While the concept looks promising, several things raise red flags for me:

1. Licensing plans: confusing and too numerous based on seemingly minor detail differences
2. Time-limited: regardless of license, the software essentially shuts down without a license renewal. While I understand some software licensing is evolving this way, it is NOT appealing to me as a consumer. I would be more likely to purchase this if I could do so outright with a time-limited upgrade scheme.
3. Purchase process: convoluted process requiring a video to even explain it. Even then, customers are having issues.

If the vendor would streamline licensing, let me own the specific version without question, and simplify the purchase process, I would be more than happy to purchase.

Until then, I will pass.
Apr 3 2016 at 1:58am Copy Link
thecableguy This whole convoluted purchase/registration process really got me confused. I thought I was buying the "Vole Purchase Expedition"! :)

This program uses about 290 Mb of physical memory. If you have an older computer with little RAM, consider it carefully before making your purchase.
Apr 3 2016 at 1:59am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello, if you cannot watch the YouTube above, you may try our voMedia style video here: Many thanks.
Sanwhole - Oct 13 2016 at 7:04pm Copy Link
_*_ Since I could not find a way to contact you through your website I will ask here.
After this software is installed, can it be used completely offline without having to connect to the internet in any fashion if the user chooses?
That is, the software does not need an internet connection to work and it does not "phone home" ever?
I understand the internet is needed for updates.
Thank you
Oct 16 2016 at 10:11am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ _*_ - Any time you can use the software offline and keep Free, Pro or Ultimate edition. The edition depend on if you activate the software online before. So, once you activate the software, you can use the software offline later.

You may check "Pause Customer Service Center" setting to stop any communication with CSC. Click here for detail

Learn more about our privacy and terms, please click

Thank you for your question.
Sanwhole - Oct 16 2016 at 2:40pm Copy Link
Tuomas Hi! Are you planning publish next major version updates and when? Where I can find release notes so I can check how often you update your software? =)
Oct 19 2016 at 1:07am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Tuomas User - You may get the whole release version history in the software Version History window. You may click here for detail.
Sanwhole - Oct 19 2016 at 1:26am Copy Link
Wearsie Jackson Hi - I like the various license options - very flexible. I think you're link to them is incorrect..... I think it probably should be

Oct 20 2016 at 1:46am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Wearsie Jackson - You may find the license abbreviations in the middle of price and comparison table here
Sanwhole - Oct 20 2016 at 2:07am Copy Link
Chuck If I understand the fine print and your website's license explanation correctly, this is for the Life Time use + free minor Updates (LTUD) version. Is this correct?
Sep 23 2017 at 9:29am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chuck - Yes, it is.
Sanwhole - Sep 23 2017 at 4:33pm Copy Link
Bjondc How am I supposed to register/unlock/activate this version?

The download (from the button in the confirmation email) is the 'free version' and I don't see anyplace to register as is referred to in the email.

Log in to what account where??
Sep 24 2017 at 12:25pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Bjonc - You may find the activation 5 steps in BDJ receipt. The first step is "Login in to your account". If you haven't registered an account, you may visit Sanwhole home page: and click the top "Log in" menu and select "Register as a new user" in the page.
Sanwhole - Sep 24 2017 at 1:23pm Copy Link
Bjondc @Norman -- thank you for the info; the steps in the BDJ receipt don't make it clear about going to the website first to sign in.
Perhaps the instructions should *start* with a link to where to sign-in/create-account.
Sep 25 2017 at 6:55am Copy Link
Metta Zetty Does this software include the option of adding descriptive notes to files and folders?
Jul 5 2018 at 4:48am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Metta Zetty - Hello Metta Zetty, the software supports favorite folder features. You can select a folder and add it to preset seven favorite folders. You can add descriptive notes to the folder when add to favorite folder.
Sanwhole - Jul 5 2018 at 6:07am Copy Link
Joe M Will the Document Previewer view Word Perfect files?
I did not see it listed as a file that can be viewed.
Jul 5 2018 at 11:09am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Joe McCormick - Hello Joe McCormick, Sorry, I don't know the file type. But if I can get a free test license from them, maybe we can support it in the near future.
Sanwhole - Jul 5 2018 at 2:40pm Copy Link
Ed Ward Does the Document Preview view Office Powerpoint (.pptx) files?
Jul 6 2018 at 1:54am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ed Ward - Hello Ed Ward, the software cannot preview .pptx files.
Sanwhole - Jul 6 2018 at 5:49am Copy Link
Ronnie Cohen Be careful... Purchase Vole PDF creator, it did not work and I asked for refund three times. They never responded.
Dec 1 2018 at 9:58am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Ronnie Cohen, I just sent you an email regarding your comment above.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 1 2018 at 10:03am Copy Link
Ronnie Cohen O.K.
Dec 1 2018 at 10:35am Copy Link
Rick I always read the fine print/license agreement before downloading a trial version or purchasing software from Bits or any similar site. In this case the Fine Print indicates “You must install/register the software within 30 days, and cannot do so afterwards.” I am personally a bit dumbfounded as why any software vendor would include this stipulation and why any consumer would consider purchasing software with this stipulation.
Dec 1 2018 at 2:44pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ronnie Cohen - Hello.

The technical issues you care about have been answered at BDJ, see
Sanwhole - Dec 1 2018 at 11:54pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Fredrick - Hello.

During this time, we focus our resources on dealing with your questions.

The registration code you purchased will not expire. However, we cannot guarantee that the registration code will be permanently compatible with subsequent software upgrades. Therefore, it is recommended that you register, activate and use it in time after purchase.
Sanwhole - Dec 2 2018 at 12:04am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Sanwhole has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 2 2018 at 12:11am Copy Link
Amit Have some queries -
1. I want to buy now and install and register it after 30 days, whats the way ?

2. How do we use registration code to install and register on new OS or OS reinstallation after format of system partition c: ?
Dec 2 2018 at 2:47am Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Amit - Hello.

The purpose of redeem is to add purchase records to your Sanwhole account. You can then download the registration code file (VoleLicenses.txt) from your account at any time. With VoleLicenses.txt, you can activate any of your computers offline. therefore,

1) You can purchase and redeem the code to your account now. The Redeem process is all in your Sanwhole account and is not on your computer.

2) After 30 days, or after you have updated your computer, you only need to log in to your Sanwhole account and download the registration code file (VoleLicenses.txt). Then activate your computer. There is no time limit and number of times limit to download the registration code file.
Sanwhole - Dec 2 2018 at 3:23am Copy Link
Radu Focshaner So... I paid with paypal using my mail address as recognized by PayPal. When I try yo make an account in order to complete the very tedious registration I get this:

An error occurred while processing your request.
EXCEPTION: Sorry, email domain is not supported. Temporary, random, 10-minute false mailbox are not allowed. Change your account email and try again. (How to change account email: Click 'Chagne account main email' at login page.)

This is OUTRAGEOUS ! I am using this account for ages !!! It is the same company (MAIL.COM) as GMX.COM I use to get here !!

Constantin, I will uninstall the software and I demand a full refund !!!
Dec 2 2018 at 11:17am Copy Link
Amit Some more to ask after I tried after downloading -

1. Cannot understand you completely. please Just confirm that installing and registering after 30 days would be easy and no hassle.

2. Is this software a multitabbed file manager. nowadays all managers are tabbed. if so, I cant find a way to create new tabs, pls guide.

3. Also one feature missing is the tab bar - havent found it in the usage, need help on this.

4. The software has very high memory usage and pagefile usage - and even much more when it had 2 processes running - I dont know which the second one is, maybe compatibility checker or error reporter. both combined used more than 1GB (memory + pagefile usage) with Just one tab opened and nothing much else. What is the reason for such high usage and is there any way to reduce it ?

5. Are upgrades given till next maJor version and not 1 year? when is the next maJor version expected ?

6. There are some bugs - like it shows some error asking to continue or exit after some time of using and clicking on a video file in the software. Many error notices were shown to me. Please help on this too.
Dec 2 2018 at 11:21am Copy Link
tony User does this have a "send-to" menu that can contain nested folders, like win 98 had?
I still really miss that functionality.
Dec 2 2018 at 11:22am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Radu Focshaner, I just sent you an email regarding your comment above.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 2 2018 at 11:32am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Radu Focshaner and Constantin - Hello.

I just fixed the problem, please try again.
Sanwhole - Dec 2 2018 at 1:02pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Amit - Hello.

1. Redeem after purchasing and the answer will be Yes.
2. A screenshot is required.
3. A screenshot is required.
4. Shoud be 150 MB around. A screenshot is required.
5. See for detil.
6. Recent upgrades have dramatically improved software performance. But add some small bugs. We will deal with it as soon as possible. Feedback from you and other users, especially error feedback, can speed up problem discovery and release new versions faster.

You can email to

Thank you!
Sanwhole - Dec 2 2018 at 1:46pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ tony User - Hello.

Could you please send us a screenshot to show "send-to" menu that can contain nested folders, like win 98 had?

You can email to

Thank you!
Sanwhole - Dec 2 2018 at 1:50pm Copy Link
Nigel Blumenthal Hello Norman:

I bought and installed a copy of Vole Windows Expedition, and I have a couple of questions:

1) I don't seem to be able to view two different drives on the same screen (obviously in different windows) as I would expect to be able to do, and as I thought I would be able to. I only seem to be able to access one drive at a time. Is this correct or am I missing something?

2) The screens are referring to this as the Free version, and the installation screens said the same thing. But I have paid for a copy. Is this correct, and do I have the copy that I paid for?


Dec 2 2018 at 3:35pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Nigel Blumenthal - Hello.

You have not activated the software in your computer yet. After activation it should display Vole Windows Expedition - Ultimate Edition LTUD. You will see 3 dual-explorer in the software.

Please follow the instructions in your purchae recicpt email from BitsDuJour. If you cannot find the email, please check your email Spam folder.
Sanwhole - Dec 2 2018 at 4:01pm Copy Link
Mary Wilson Does this program work with Apple AAE files?
May 15 2019 at 12:03pm Copy Link
Terry I installed the "Download Trial" on Windows 10 Version 1809. When I attempted to execute the program, it threw an error indicating that .NET Framework 4.5 or later is required to be installed. According to my Windows Registry, .NET Framework 4.8 is installed.

Has something been overlooked?
May 15 2019 at 12:04pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Terry User - Hello,

We just released a new version 3.92.9051. It can support .NET 4.8 (Windows 10 1903).

Please download here:

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sanwhole - May 15 2019 at 4:24pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Mary Wilson - Hello,

Vole Windows Expedition just can run in Windows system. I'm afraid that it can't work with Apple AAE files.

But you can try by download a free version of Vole Windows Expedition.
Sanwhole - May 15 2019 at 4:52pm Copy Link
Amit The interface is nice. I would like to buy but test and try it first. I have 3 questions about the use and functionality. Please guide how to go about them -

1. Can we have 10 tabs opened in both the dual explorer panes? In my now free version (as had this installed a few months ago, so the trial may have expired n now it must have become the free version). So in my free version I cant find any way to open even 2 or three tabs even in the single explorer pane which is opened at present. So how to open like 10tabs in the explorer?

2. Also my installed version just doesnt open the dual panes for me to try n see the features well, maybe bcos I had this installed a few months ago and now it has gone into the free mode. how can I try n see all features of the paid version now, when its free version now on my pc?

3. Also now I cant find a way to create TO TRY the different explorers like - General, Learn, Work, Leisure etc. If I click any explorer mode, for the first 2 trying of any mode, it SIMPLY DOESNT DO ANYTHING - I dont understand why? It should do something, shouldnt it?
And after clicking on any mode for 3rd time, It just gives a error msg, like -

Reach Free Edition usage limitation, invalid operation! (2 >= 2)

In the free version, for the first two clicks on any mode, it should still do something. Why doesnt it?

Please guide on about each of these 3 queries.

May 17 2019 at 5:48am Copy Link
Ronnie Cohen Hi

Thank you for the offer. Is there a Shareware/Freeware version of the program to make sure it will run on my system? Thanks...
Nov 16 2019 at 11:30am Copy Link
Charles Beauchamp What does a business get with: Sanwhole Office Business Ultimate Edition LTUD (Lifetime) v3.92.9051 ($96)?

does the business get the right to load Sanwhole Office Business Ultimate Edition on every computer it owns?

what about updates of the OS? Is it necessary to have Net 4.5.2 on each computer running the Business Ultimate Edition?
Nov 16 2019 at 1:33pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Ronnie Cohen, hello.

You can go to Sanwhole Download Center here:

You can download and try free version, portable version and install version for almost every Sanwhole software.
Sanwhole - Nov 16 2019 at 4:11pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Charles Beauchamp, hello.

1. 'Business' is the highest software using environment, you can use it for business, commercial, certainly it can be used for personal. See here for more:

2. Yes. You can use the software on all your own computers with one license.

3. Each computer need Net 4.5.2 installed. But you only need to install .NET 4.5.2 for Vista & Windows 7 OS, it is already pre-installed in Windows 8 & 10. You can download from Microsoft here:
Sanwhole - Nov 16 2019 at 4:32pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Sanwhole has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 17 2019 at 12:11am Copy Link
Charles Beauchamp Great Thank you. What is the cost for Business LTUG?
Nov 17 2019 at 3:27am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Charles Beauchamp, hello.

This discount does not include LTUG edition.

If included, the discount rate should be the same.
Sanwhole - Nov 17 2019 at 4:26am Copy Link
Ronnie Cohen Norman - Thank you... Ronnie
Nov 17 2019 at 9:13am Copy Link
Rob User Hi: Does Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate have the ability to keep track of and undo file / folder changes (i.e. moves/renaming / creating / deletion)? Does it maintain an 'undo list', with history list of changes so that user can review what has been done with files/folders? Thanks!
Nov 17 2019 at 12:31pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Rob User, hello.

Vole Windows Expedition makes complex Windows file management Simple, Easy, and Fun. Therefore, the special features used by professionals are not included.
Sanwhole - Nov 17 2019 at 4:15pm Copy Link
Norman Wong To help students learn safely and reopen schools in the fall, Sanwhole is offering its iSchool tele-education system completely free of charge to schools around the world. Those who have a common ambition are welcome to join. For more information, please see:
Sanwhole - Jul 17 2020 at 11:55pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Vole Windows Expedition, iSchool and any other questions, please post here or chat on our website if I am online. Thank you!
Sanwhole - Jul 18 2020 at 2:45am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello, according to the request of an enthusiastic user just now, put the download address here for your convenience.
Sanwhole - Jul 18 2020 at 3:06am Copy Link
Felix User I bought a license and got an email, but not a link to download the software.
Jul 18 2020 at 6:30am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Felix User, I am sorry about the issue. It has been fixed.

Also, I have just resent you the receipt email containing the Download button.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 18 2020 at 6:31am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Felix User - You can download the latest software from the link within the above post here:
Sanwhole - Jul 18 2020 at 6:34am Copy Link
Richard King How can I install Windows Expedition without installing the whole Sanwhole Studio thing?
Jul 18 2020 at 12:32pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ Richard King,

No, you can't. They are one and inseparable.
Sanwhole - Jul 18 2020 at 3:14pm Copy Link
Keyboard Cowboy This has been a very difficult process and I still do not have the software. I purchased a license for the Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition LTUD (Lifetime) v5.6.20073 this morning. I did not received an email with the license and instructions....I requested a resend. I still have not received anything at all except the receipt from PayPal. I went to the Vole site and tried to use chat - "Norman" was VERY slow to respond and no help at all. I downloaded the "suite" (sure hate to have all that extra code when all I wanted was the windows expedition) and installed it. It is a "freeware version so many features don't work. I also tried to put in the "purchase code" on your site but got a response that the code wasn't valid (perhaps because it's from BDJ?). This is very frustrating! What I'd like to have is an email with a link to the setup file, and the proper code to register the program. My purchase order is BDJ-onlCIr. Can you help?
Jul 18 2020 at 4:39pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Keyboard Cowboy, I just resent you the receipt email containing the registration code. Let me know if you didn't get it.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 18 2020 at 4:43pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Keyboard Cowboy,

I'm sorry to make you feel helpless. Generally speaking, my chatting reaction is fast, but through chatting, I can only help one person at the same time. In order to provide more help to more people, it may cause that some users feel that the waiting time is longer, while others feel that the help has been interrupted prematurely. The conditions are limited, please understand. You can also post here or email us for help.
Sanwhole - Jul 18 2020 at 5:22pm Copy Link
Keyboard Cowboy Constantin, thank you for the follow-up. I have received three emails from BDJ regarding this thread, but no email with the registration, etc. I know the email address BDJ has is correct (and doesn't go to SPAM) as I received the other emails.
Jul 19 2020 at 5:12am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Keyboard Cowboy, I have resent it at your address. In any case, could you please contact s at confirming the email address where we should send you the receipt email? I will then reply to your email with the registration information.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 19 2020 at 5:21am Copy Link
Kevin D I really like to support independent software developers, but it is asking just a little too much to download and install a 350MB executable to try the file manager component. Please come back in the upcoming months with a more tailored download - and I'm certain more individuals will try and subsequently purchase your software. Thanks.
Jul 19 2020 at 5:40am Copy Link
Norman Wong Upgrades usually make the software larger. Throughout the major software companies, it is the case. Vole Windows Expedition from less than 50M at the beginning, has undergone more than 100 upgrades in eight years.

File Manager are not to be underestimated. People spend a lot of time on it every day. If the efficiency is increased by 1%, I don't know how much social labor time will be saved.

350M is not big. Compared with the T-class hard disk, Gigabit network speed, it is really not big. Maybe 10 years ago, but now it's really not big.
Sanwhole - Jul 19 2020 at 6:52am Copy Link
Phil Me In I bought it yesterday and it does what it says, although I haven't fully tried everything yet, but as so far, I am impress that the windows expedition was able to preview word documents, images, and PDFs in a dual plane mode. It took a little time to load some of the previews however, but it still got it done. The preview for Excel files though didn't display the grid.

I also encountered a glitch where when previewing an html file with an animation, the preview of it pops up in an overlay window, but there was no obvious way to close that window. In future versions, I hope the developer includes an X mark on the pop-up window's top right corner, which is the standard way for closing a window. It would be nice if you can include many more themes as well.

As so far, I like the vole windows expedition software very much. If you are on the fences about it, just know at this discounted price here at BitsDuJour, it's a great deal. The vole windows expedition also comes as part of a larger suite consisting of many useful office apps, but these are the free editions, so no worries, you have nothing to lose. You are not obligated to buy or upgrade any of them. They are fully-functional as is.

Thank you Norman for creating a very customizable and unique file manager / explorer. I currently use several file explorers, some free, some paid, so the Vole Windows Expedition will give me yet another way to find, search, view, and manage my files.
Jul 19 2020 at 2:30pm Copy Link
Lazar Voin [Your computer did not install .NET4.5.2 or higher, this software is not working, please go to for more help.] !!!

Can't run the software. I have Win 1909 64bit with a higher net version and can't go back to an older version. Something sticks here folks.

On the other hand, you have the "Total Commander", by far the best file manager to this da,y and you can use it FULLY for as long as you want in trial mode if you Can't Afford the price!

My 2.5%!
Jul 19 2020 at 2:31pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Lazar Voin

This is an early version of the software issue and has been resolved. Please use the current version of software.
Sanwhole - Jul 19 2020 at 4:22pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Phil Me In,

Could you please send us an example that can reproduce "previewing an html file with an animation, the preview of it pops up in an overlay window, but there was no obvious way to close that window. " to Thank you very much!
Sanwhole - Jul 19 2020 at 4:27pm Copy Link
Phil Me In Norman, to stop the overlay popup running in an endless loop, I had to uninstall and reinstall the software. Even though I closed the program, restarted my computer, and relaunch the software, it still picks up where it was left off at in the previous session. That's why I had to uninstall and reinstall it. I'll try again later, maybe it was just a glitch, I don't know.
Jul 20 2020 at 5:13am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Phil Me In,

Please make some screenshots, or even better to record the screen. If I can reproduce what you said is true, I can issue your another software within Sanwhole Office licence for free.

BTW: see the above post, send us an example, please.
Sanwhole - Jul 20 2020 at 5:47am Copy Link
Phil Me In Ok, I've sent you the recording.
Jul 20 2020 at 10:03am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Phil Me In,

Please send a screen video about the issue
here and attach your corresponding documents to facilitate us to reproduce your question.

Your email has been replied, please provide the corresponding information according to the content of my reply email. Thank you!
Sanwhole - Jul 20 2020 at 2:36pm Copy Link
Phil Me In Ok, I've sent you all the necessary files to troubleshoot.
Jul 21 2020 at 5:52am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Phil Me In,

Thank you for the screenshots, videos and original files. We have tested the files you provided several times. It has been tested on three different operating systems and five different computers. The test results are normal and can not reproduce the fault phenomenon in your computer. See screen shot for details here: and .

Therefore, we still need your efforts to solve the problem of your computer. If you think of anything, please let us know.

In order to thank you for your active cooperation, we are willing to give you another software licences. Please tell me which software you like best in Sanwhole Office.

Thanks again.
Sanwhole - Jul 21 2020 at 10:02pm Copy Link
Phil Me In I've just replied to your email, Norman. I will continue to look into it. Perhaps it might be a compatibility conflict with another software on my computer, or maybe a windows 10 configuration (a particular driver, perhaps). I will gladly update you if I have found a solution. Thank you for your excellent support!
Jul 22 2020 at 4:44am Copy Link
Phil Me In Hi, I think I solved the problem. It wasn't a software conflict or a windows configuration. It had to do with the monitor's DPI resolution display. Please check your email for my follow-up response. Like many software developed for windows, it won't display properly, unfortunately, in 4K monitors or very high resolution.
Jul 22 2020 at 5:50am Copy Link
Jeffrey User Phil Me In. Fwiw here is a solution I applied to another, completely unrelated program, which wouldn't work properly on Windows 10 on a high resolution laptop screen. I've replied thus as this may be useful to you or some other user who comes by here.

"Right click on the software icon/link > properties > tab "compatibility"> change high DPI setting > mark the checkbox "override high DPI scaling behavior"> select "system" in the window below (the default is "application")"
Jul 22 2020 at 6:13am Copy Link
Phil Me In Jeffrey, thanks for the reply. Originally I set the program's DPI display to 'system' but with this setting, it generates a pop-up overlay window for .html and .pdf files. I just recently switched to 'application', and although the top-most tabs are cut-off a bit, and the icons are extremely tiny, at least there is no pop-ups to worry about. I think I will stay with the settings set to 'application'. Anyone who uses a higher resolution 4K monitor will know it will never be perfect, there's going to be trade-offs.
Jul 22 2020 at 6:42am Copy Link
Derek User I have purchased many times on BitsDuJour but this is the first time that I cannot get a program to even install.

This software will not install. I get the error message 305082125 which states that I must have >NET 4.5.2 or later.

I followed the download instructions including installing the .NET Developer Kit 4.6.2 Targeting Pack. I am using a Windows 10 desktop which already had .NET 4.8 installed.

Please help me resolve this issue which was mentioned by another customer in the BitsDujour comments. Sanwhole said this problem had been solved in the latest version of this software. I used the download link in the BitsDujour e-mail that confirmed my purchase.

I also wrote this morning to BitsDuJour customer support but so far no response. I am trying this route in case it a better way to communicate with the vendor.
Jul 24 2020 at 12:54pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Derek User, I just contacted the vendor regarding the issue you mentioned as he will be able to better help in this case.

We haven't received any emails from you so far. You can always contact us at
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 24 2020 at 12:57pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Derek User, Hello

This is an early version of the software issue and has been resolved. Please download the latest software here:
Sanwhole - Jul 24 2020 at 3:30pm Copy Link
Derek User This version of Sanwhole Studio installed without error. Version 5.9.20076
Followed the steps to activate.
The software license manager shows Vole Windows Expedition Unlimited with the correct date. Yet the title bar of the installed product still reads Vole Internet Expedition Free. How do I verify the license for Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate is applied?
Jul 25 2020 at 9:41am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Derek User,

You can click "Explorer" button on the top title-bar, just next to the first "Browser" button.
Sanwhole - Jul 25 2020 at 2:21pm Copy Link
Derek User Got it. Thanks for your help.
Jul 26 2020 at 9:46am Copy Link
Norman Wong To help students learn safely, Sanwhole is offering unlimited iSchool tele-education servers and client side software completely free of charge to schools around the world. For more information, please see: or follow us at:
Sanwhole - Nov 25 2020 at 5:16am Copy Link
Edgar Werner Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition offers the possibility "Dual Explorer" or alike. When trying to start Dual Explorer I'm confronted by the message

"Need to Upgrade O 2001312002: You cannot use this feature now, please upgrade the software and try again."

But I didn't detect any offer of upgrading. What is wrong with my installation or the program?
Nov 26 2020 at 6:30am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Edgar Werner, Hello.

Your Vole Windows Expedition version is too old. Please go to here to download the latest version

The latest version supports 4K (3840X2160) monitor and add Tri-Explorer and Quad-Explorer new features, and more.
Sanwhole - Nov 26 2020 at 6:35am Copy Link
Edgar Werner Hello Norman.

The installed version was the most recent one.

After installing the app again I 've got the same unpleasant result. It became quite clear, however, that the application of the password and subsequently the activation was disturbed. I didn't find a way out whatever I tried following the list that contains the "about" item, too. Mostly, I experienced the reproach of using a false combination of e-mail address and password.
What is the recommended browser for these actions. I work with the Firefox, latest version.

Maybe you have a way to circumvent this troublesome activation procedure, I would try it. Otherwise I prefer to ask you to apply the moneyback procedure.
Nov 26 2020 at 10:45am Copy Link
Edgar Werner I replied just several minutes before.
I would like to add the following info after starting the activation procedure:
"Failed to download the licenses file, please check your email and password.
What I inserted was an exact copy of the necessary characters.
Nov 26 2020 at 10:46am Copy Link
John Gill Is it possible to set Vole Windows Expedition to be the default file manager in place of Windows Explorer under Windows 10?
Nov 26 2020 at 10:46am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Edgar Werner,

I didn't find your account. Please let us know your account email. We just release a new installer. Please download and install the latest installer and try again.

Learn more here:
Sanwhole - Nov 26 2020 at 12:47pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @John User,

A good idea, we'll think about it. thank you!
Sanwhole - Nov 26 2020 at 12:52pm Copy Link
R W BEWARE - You have to download all of their programs in order to get VWEUD.
953MB of space required - WTF.
Cancelled installation.
Nov 26 2020 at 1:30pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @R W,

So far, we haven't provided a way to download all our programs.

It's curious how you know the size of the software before "Cancelled installation".

Where did your "953MB of space required - WTF." come from?
Sanwhole - Nov 26 2020 at 1:53pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Sanwhole has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 27 2020 at 12:11am Copy Link
Edgar Werner I downloaded the most recent version and examined whether now the activation would work. It didn't. Therefore I'd like to ask you to inform me what I have to do to get the money back. My patience is exhausted.
My account e-mail is
Nov 27 2020 at 5:17am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Edgar Werner,

You have not registered at Sanwhole. Of course, you cannot activate the software. Please follow the instructions in the BDJ receipt email.
Sanwhole - Nov 27 2020 at 6:12am Copy Link
Edgar Werner After installing the software I opened the Sanwhole Studio, clicked on the circle in the left above corner, in the list that appeared, I clicked on "Activate this PC", inserted my e-mail address and the password received from BDJ. The answer was: "Failed to download the licenses file, please check your email and password."

Is there any step I had omitted to be registrated? I already had communicated to you that the inserted characters were definitely correct.
Nov 27 2020 at 9:18am Copy Link

1) There are no individual links to download the program that you want.
2) The “953MB” comes from YOUR installer, when it asks which drive to install on.
3) At that point, you are still not asked which program you wish to install.
4) You’ve updated your download page since my post to remove the } around the list of programs, and also a reference to all the programs using the same installer.
Nov 27 2020 at 9:19am Copy Link
Donald User I was about to buy 2 licenses for this but based on the experiences above I think I'll pass and just use my XYPlorer lifetime program.
Nov 27 2020 at 11:33am Copy Link
Roslyn I should have read these comments before buying this.
1) The download link consistently takes me to the Sanwhole Studio download page instead of a option to only download VWEUD. So the SetupSanwholeStudio_X32.exe file has all the programs and we have the option to only install the one we want?
2) Nortons does not like the SetupSanwholeStudio_X32.exe file and deleted it as soon as I tried to download it. Might want to register it as safe with them before you offer the program for sale.
Nov 27 2020 at 12:10pm Copy Link
Chuck Sanwhole's user *NOT* friendly approach to sales, distribution and installation speaks volumes to the quality of their products and reliability of their company. This is a hard pass for me.
Nov 27 2020 at 1:14pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Edward Dunkowski,

Your registration and activation methods are wrong!

Have you received an email named BitsDuJour Software Receipt from BDJ. The email contains Vole Windows Expedition redeem code, download address, activate instructions etc.?

If you have not receive the email from BDJ, please ask BDJ to resend the email first. And then try follow the instructions to activate your PC.
Sanwhole - Nov 27 2020 at 4:56pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @R W,

We only have two installers setupsanwholestudio.exe is 787KB and setupsanwholestudio.msi is 218MB. Where does your “953MB” come from?

For all the software, we only have that two installers. Is the expression of our website not clear?
Sanwhole - Nov 27 2020 at 5:22pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Donald User,

1) "I was about to buy 2 licenses"
You don't have to buy 2 licenses, only buy one license, you can activate all your PCs. See our agreement here:

2) "but based on the experiences above I think I'll pass".
I went through all the comments carefully before you. I didn't find any experience to let you pass.
A) Patiently (has responded to 4 posts) to help a buyer activate the software - is that it?
B) A user wants our software to replace Microsoft's file manager - is that it?
C) Patiently help a user who doesn't know the size of the installation file - is that it?
D) 72 Facebook share - is it too little?

Which "experiences above" lets you pass?

3) Don't advertise here!
Sanwhole - Nov 27 2020 at 6:08pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Roslyn,

BDJ download link is correct, please carefully read the description in download page.

You can pause your anti-virus software and add software to trust list. See our virus test results here:
Sanwhole - Nov 27 2020 at 6:42pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chuck,

Sanwhole's user *ARE* friendly approach to sales, distribution and installation speaks volumes to the quality of their products and reliability of their company. This is a sure for me.

I'd be happy to help you if you can give me more details to support your point of view.
Sanwhole - Nov 27 2020 at 6:50pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Edgar Werner, Hello.

Your registration and activation methods are wrong!

Have you received an email named BitsDuJour Software Receipt from BDJ. The email contains Vole Windows Expedition redeem code, download address, activate instructions etc.?

If you have not receive the email from BDJ, please ask BDJ to resend the email first. And then try follow the instructions to activate your PC.
Sanwhole - Nov 27 2020 at 10:33pm Copy Link
Roslyn Hi Norman.
Please don't complain about your customers not following directions. Your instructions are rather skimpy and confusing in some instances. They also don't give information on what to do if your users run into problems.

I did eventually get it installed, so my experiences might help if you want to improve your instructions and get better comments from users here.

1) The BitsDuJour email receipt download link should explain you are downloading a whole suite, not just the product you purchased
2) Put all the steps in the BitsDuJour email, don't make people piece together the install instructions from 2 different places
2) Get a proper digital signature. My anti-virus killed the 32bit download because it didn't like the file, and allowed the 64bit file but complained as I was installing it that the publisher could not be verified and the file does not have a valid digital signature. Not very professional.
3) Activate step does not seem to do anything. Shows License manager but no buttons to press. Wasn't sure if it had worked until I got to the redeem step where the License Manager again appeared with an extra line showing Vole Explorer ticked.

The most concerning problem was the invalid digital signature and unknown publisher warnings. Seriously, get that sorted. It makes you look like a hacker and not a proper software developer.

Since it installs the whole suite of software does the suite keep running in freeware mode while the purchased Vole Explorer keep running in Pro mode, or does the suite disappear after 30days leaving only the Vole Explorer?
Nov 28 2020 at 4:33am Copy Link
Donald User I don't understand the "don't advertise here" statement as no one here has advertised anything.

What concerns me is the dissatisfied buyers who commented so far. They said activation links didn't work, other issues. I trust the multiple buyers more than someone trying to sell something.
Nov 28 2020 at 4:33am Copy Link
Edgar Werner Indeed, I received that e-mail.

Meanwhile, I detected that the 64x download of the software was installed in the program folder of 86x installations of my Windowas 10. Whereever I have found files pertaining to the installation they had the assignment 32 bit or 86x. There exists no Sanwhole folder in the 64x directory. Some relationship to the failing activation?
Nov 28 2020 at 4:33am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Edgar Werner,

64bit installer by default also install files into Program files(x86) folder.

The problem is that you have not registered on Sanwhole website via

To activate the software you must use email and password that register on Sanwhole website.
Sanwhole - Nov 28 2020 at 5:52am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Roslyn, Hello.

Thank you very much for your real experience and detailed valuable suggestions. We really need it. We need praise, which can make more purchases of our products. Because we need more people to buy our products. At the same time, we need real criticism. Because we need to continuously improve our products.

Have you noticed that we have only one installation file and only one execution file after installation. Therefore, it is not a package, it is a program, a program with web browser, file manager, Word, Excel, Note, Remember, PDF Creator, etc. 10 large software functions. Only with extremely modular design can it be achieved. So far, we have not found other companies that can do this. For example: Microsoft Word, Excel, PPP are independent EXE.

The software provides module customization. You can click the round button in the top left corner and then select Preferred Software menu item. In the drop down menu select the software you want to display. This way, software features that you don't want to display are not displayed and loaded on the main menu.
Sanwhole - Nov 28 2020 at 8:42am Copy Link
Edgar Werner Really, I did it. You remember who said "We did it, Joe".

The point and the weakness on your side is that your description how to activate the installation has a rather huge gap.
To illustrate it, I had to go to your website, there to open the customer department, to create an account for myself and then to go to the command "import purchase" and finally "download licenses file". This file could be integrated via the list to be opened from the installed software site.

Was that not the shortest way to accomplish the task of activation?

Having had to open a lot of activation procedure I can tell you most of them were more like my step by step procedure though pedantic. If you want to sell more of your products I recommand you to diligently improve the description of the activation procedure. Better some words too much than to presume everybody has a good feeling how to transform your miserable text into action.

Excse me, I had spent too much time for your software to maintain a more diplomatic idiom..
Nov 28 2020 at 12:12pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Edgar Werner,

Glad to know that you have download license file. But you have to do "Specify Licence File" step to activate your PC. Please confirm your software title shows Ultimate LTUD.

There are 2 ways to activate your PCs. What you select is the previous one which we don't recommend it for new register. Because it is complicate. Learn more here:

The another one is recommend in BitsDuJour Software Receipt. It is more easy for new. Learn more here:

But please keep in mind that you must upgrade to the latest version 5.21.20112 to use way 2. Because this version fix a bug that cannot not activate the software. If you use way 1, any version is OK.
Sanwhole - Nov 28 2020 at 4:22pm Copy Link
Peter Blaise Sorry, but a 6-month trial is NOT an appropriate incentive for me to even download, install, try and give useful feedback on, I can get trial software directly from most vendors, there is nothing special here to motivate me to go through all the effort for something that will expire.
Apr 8 2021 at 3:35am Copy Link
John User So, I'm a little confused here....

Like Peter I was going to give this a pass as it is a 6 month license, but I had a little time on my hands so I downloaded and installed.

However, it appears that instead of Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition, I got something called Sawhole Studio which is a suite of applications.

I'm sorry, but on the installation page I was taken to I am seeing lots of applications, but NOT Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition.

Please, a little assistance....
Apr 8 2021 at 12:52pm Copy Link
Koen Andries @Peter
Even mankind will expire. Not worth the effort ?
Enjoy as long as it lasts.
Not interested ? Don't blame the Creator.

(Oops, I can't believe I wrote this myself - Please don't take me too seriously)
Apr 8 2021 at 12:53pm Copy Link
Koen Andries I defend the seller, and my post gets removed ?
Apr 8 2021 at 12:56pm Copy Link
lisba f I guess the vendor gives us an opportunity (6 months is more than enough) to try and then if we like the program to I don't see anything strange or inappropriate with that.
Apr 8 2021 at 12:56pm Copy Link
Peter User This company's licensing is confusing. Note that the LTUD version is a lifetime licence, but only 2 years of free upgrades.
The description here suggests the licence and upgrades are lifetime, this is not the case.
Apr 8 2021 at 12:59pm Copy Link
James User The Download link you sent me does not work... I even tried it in 3 different browsers. what can I do?
Apr 8 2021 at 1:01pm Copy Link
E LOMBARDI Unable to download Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate.
I keep going to the following page which will not allow me to select the product from the side panel NOR the from the large window showing the office suite.
NOTE: I also have the Vole/Sanwhole office suite (from a previous offer) that "includes a non-functional tap" for Windows Expitidtion (It tells me an "upgrade is needed to access this feature"
I keep getting the following page. Note I also have the office suite but the Expedition feature does not work.
Apr 8 2021 at 2:26pm Copy Link
JW I've previously purchased this software twice before - in October 2016 and (through BDJ) in Sept 2017 - but, mainly due to Windows 10 Pro needing to be updated many times since, I appear to have lost the license files for those "lifetime" installations.
I can find the order codes in My Account on Sanwhole site, but nowhere to retrieve
license files. As their support services seem to be unavailable (asleep?) I wonder whether it's simply worth buying another license if only because of the aforementioned 2-year limits on the updates (a fact of which I was previously unaware).
Oh well - "in for a pound" again I suppose.
Apr 8 2021 at 3:33pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @JW, I am sure the vendor will eventually reply, if you look at past comments, you will see the vendor was very active in the comments section.

At times it is possible that there is a delay until a vendor is able to reply, this is (we believe) mostly because holidays in the country where the vendor resides.

Just in case, I also contacted the vendor letting him know about your comment.

We also have a 30 day money back guarantee.
BitsDuJour Admin - Apr 8 2021 at 4:11pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @ John User, James User and E LOMBARDI

The BDJ download link is correct. We only have one download installer file. Please read the download page again. For your convenience, I copy part of the content as follows:

"There is only one installation file called setupsanwholestudio.msi and only one executable file called sanwholestudio.exe. This can be difficult to understand, but you can try this to understand, SanwholeStudio.exe can complete Microsoft File Explorer, Edge, Word, Excel, PPT, Media Player, Exchange Server, Microsoft CHM Help, Adobe Acrobat and many more at the same time with just one software.”
Sanwhole - Apr 8 2021 at 7:19pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Peter User, Hello.

Please learn our software agreement here:
Sanwhole - Apr 8 2021 at 7:22pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @JW, Hello.

I have just checked your account and there is no problem. You can collect all redeem codes (in BDJ purchase receipt emails) and activate your computer according to BDJ's latest receipt email suggestions.

We have been seriously reply to every user's email, if you have any questions, please contact us.
Sanwhole - Apr 8 2021 at 7:36pm Copy Link
Nic User Very complicated procedure to activate. Not quite clearly explained.
To start Vole Expedition you need to start Sanwhole Studio first, which takes unnecessary time.
After double clicking in Windows Expedition on a .pdf file the program foze.
Apr 9 2021 at 5:15am Copy Link
Nic User Very complicated procedure to activate. Not quite clearly explained.
To start Vole Windows Expedition you need to start Sanwhole Studio first, which takes unnecessary time.
I would prefer to have it stand alone.
It has interesting features.
After double clicking in Windows Expedition on a .pdf file the program foze.
Apr 9 2021 at 5:15am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Nic User, Hello.

Can you share the PDF file with us? It would be better to have a "foze" screen capture. Thank you.
Sanwhole - Apr 9 2021 at 5:26am Copy Link
Bill User I never got a chance to use this product. I actually was dumb enough to bite on the 8.95 version. I thought I was buying just the program but now I find out I've got a whole bunch of stuff I don't want or need. Plus I can't the program I bought to activate.I'm going to try one more time and then ask for a refund.
Apr 9 2021 at 7:05am Copy Link
Koen Andries @ Bill User :
Ever heard of "Try before you buy" ?
If you expect to get a refund, you will need very kind people to talk to.
Maybe you're lucky.
Apr 9 2021 at 11:49am Copy Link
Peter Blaise In response to Norman Wong who wrote, "... “@Peter User, Hello. Please learn our software agreement here:” ..."

I went to the link and read and found that that page terminates with:

- "... please refer to the PLANS of the corresponding software on the software home page ..."

But there were NO LINKS I could click on to do that.

One function of BitsDuJour is a platform for giving vendors constructive feedback, so let me explain about the function of using web links in web pages rather than leaving visitors at dead-ends with nothing to click on ....

I could NOT find any "PLANS" on any "home page".

Let me Google that for everyone:

Oh, there are some "PLANS" results, but NONE of them lead to anything meaningful - what did you want me to learn?

Ok, vendor feedback time again:

Just say what you want to say, don't tease that something should be findable somewhere if we just do something else, in other words, make your point directly, such as:

"... Peter, all of our software reverts to free versions with basic features that work for a lifetime after the professional license expires, so you will never ever lose any of your hard-earned knowledge or lose any data you created using a Sanwhole Vole product ..."


"... Peter, we need to make money to pay the rent, so we have found that longer trials are the best compromise, yes, we lose some folks who want a fully free fully-functional forever trial, but we gain more conversions to purchase, and that compromise works for us, sorry if that leaves you out of our customer base, but frankly, good riddance, and thank you to everyone who does purchase after a period of time, you pay our rent ..."

Those are examples of direct communication.

Anyway, after all of this, I still have no idea what it was that you were trying to tell me, I have no idea what "agreements" means to my comment on this being a long trial, not a giveaway, nor could I fond any "plans" that Sanwhole Vole offers.

Try again?

Thanks for exploring this and sharing.
Apr 9 2021 at 11:49am Copy Link
Kelly Hamblin The licensing is very confusing. However, I am surprised by complaints about the update policy. 2 years is very generous - especially since the software will only work for 6 months. Most software comes with only one year's worth of updates.

Also, people seem to be downloading the company's office suite instead of the file manager.
Apr 9 2021 at 11:49am Copy Link
John User Yeah, that's because when you 'order' the software through the BDJ forum here they send you an email with a green box (or maybe yellow?) that is prominently labelled DOWNLOAD. This is the one I always download and in this particular case I did the same thing...and got the office suite. That is why I posted the second comment saying I got the Sawhole Studio instead of any file manager.

Maybe that file manager is buried somewhere in that Studio, but the listing here on BDJ pretty much sounded like we would get a standalone file manager if we participated in this giveaway trial version. I can speak only for myself in saying if I knew this would be a full-blown suite of apps, I would not have downloaded it. I was just looking for a standalone file manager to compare with the one (xplorer2) that I am currently using.
Apr 9 2021 at 2:37pm Copy Link
Bill User The product is fine and the licensing is fine if I could just figure out how to download the file manager instead of the whole office suite.
Apr 9 2021 at 2:38pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Peter Blaise, Hello.

You can find PLANS at the software home page. For example, you can find or search "PLANS" at Vole Windows Expedition home page here

I really like "direct communication" too. However, this is not acceptable to all. Most of the time, people feel disrespected.

But thank you for your advice.
Sanwhole - Apr 9 2021 at 8:05pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @John User, Bill User.

You can learn where Vole Windows Expedition is before install it. Just preview the images in this BDJ page.

All software of Sanwhole, including server software, has been integrated into one installation file and one executable file. There is no suite concept, no advertising, no push to buy. You can also customize the main menu through the "Preferred Software" menu to display only the software functions you like.

See this reply for more:
Sanwhole - Apr 9 2021 at 8:24pm Copy Link
Bill User I went ahead an got a refund. But I really did want to find that file explorer to compare to Windows explorer. I mainly need it for images which the newer explorer handles much better than before. But still not as good as a dedicated image and file explorer.
Apr 10 2021 at 9:38am Copy Link
Bill User I understand but I was never able to get that system to work. I do see where you sent me another link to the store and I will check that out because it looks like I can just download explorer without taking the whole suite.
Apr 10 2021 at 9:38am Copy Link
PU User Thanks for post!
Jun 3 2021 at 12:58pm Copy Link
Norman Wong Hi. Sanwhole software is online. Sanwhole software is fully web access now, support all operating systems and all devices. Sanwhole is planning to bring all software online soon, except Vole Windows Expedition. Tutorial: Detail: DIY: Sanwhole Studio Online service is being sold on BDJ at an ultra-low price with a discount of 85%.

You don't have to worry about not install Windows operating system, not install proper .NET Framework, not install C++ redistribution; You don’t have to fear software virus, afraid of phone-home, worried pad or mobile phone won’t work, etc. All these problems are solved by the Sanwhole Online Server running Sanwhole Studio Online services.
Sanwhole - Dec 5 2021 at 5:44pm Copy Link
Barry Barwick I was hoping to try this file manager, but the trial version installed "Studio" which contained a lot of programs I am not interested in. Is there a link to just the file manager program?
Dec 7 2021 at 3:05am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Barry Barwick, Hello.

Click the circular Application icon in the upper left corner and select Preferred Software in the drop-down menu. You can customize the main menu to display the software you need.
Sanwhole - Dec 7 2021 at 3:12am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello. Please visit and to learn how to use the redeem code after purchase.
Sanwhole - Dec 7 2021 at 6:20am Copy Link
Barry Barwick The BitsDujour link takes me to Sanwhole Products Download Center, the only download option I see is for Studio. I tried selecting various software on the left of the screen but nothing happens? I do not see a circular "Application icon" in the upper left corner?
Dec 7 2021 at 10:58am Copy Link
Barry Barwick Ah, got it. Sorry, not for me I was looking for simple file manager. Thanks.
Dec 7 2021 at 10:58am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Barry Barwick,

Please see these, shows the location of the Application icon, shows the location of Preferred Software menu.
Sanwhole - Dec 7 2021 at 4:41pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Sanwhole has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 8 2021 at 12:11am Copy Link
Jacen I have trouble registering on their site .
Dec 8 2021 at 2:31am Copy Link
Leif Henning User Same as Jacen
Dec 8 2021 at 5:38am Copy Link
Chris I purchased this back when it was a single software and I could never sign into the software or site. I purchased the LTUG on 1-15-2015 and have never been able to use it.
Dec 8 2021 at 11:11am Copy Link
Jacen Just send an email to the address using your email, our system will automatically register your email address.
The problem is, we got no response from them.
Dec 8 2021 at 2:36pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jacen, Leif Henning User.

The problem has been solved. Please try again.
Sanwhole - Dec 8 2021 at 9:50pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chris

I didn't find any email records about you. If you need help, please contact us. We will solve the problem for you.
Sanwhole - Dec 8 2021 at 9:54pm Copy Link
Jacen Sorry, we aren't online at the moment. Leave a message and we'll get back to you.
that is what is written.
Dec 9 2021 at 3:14am Copy Link
Chris I have to use a different email here for some reason the stuff I buy thru here with their ecommerce never get delivered to my email I used with you. try aol.
Dec 9 2021 at 3:18am Copy Link
Jacen I sent 4 emails to: "Sanwhole Support"
on the site it's still offline
Dec 9 2021 at 3:29am Copy Link
Jacen Sorry, we aren't online at the moment. Leave a message and we'll get back to you.
Dec 9 2021 at 3:29am Copy Link
Jacen it's recurring: Sorry, we aren't online at the moment. Leave a message and we'll get back to you.
Dec 9 2021 at 3:29am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Jacen,

Please ignore the chat prompt on the registration page. No chat is required for registration. Just send us an email according to the requirements of the registration page. Do not close the page, wait 2 to 3 minutes. If we receive your email. The submit button at the bottom of the registration page will be valid. Then you can click it to complete the registration.
Sanwhole - Dec 9 2021 at 3:28am Copy Link
Norman Wong @Chris,

To activate Sanwhole software, you need register on Sanwhole website first, and then download the install the software. After you run the software, you can redeem the code and activate via the software menu. So what is the problem? Where did you stuck?
Sanwhole - Dec 9 2021 at 3:46am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello.

We just released two short tutorial video to guide you how to register and activate. Please visit here for detail
Sanwhole - Dec 16 2021 at 12:01am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello Everyone!

The purchased software download link:

How to activate after purchase:
Please visit page and see "How to activate after purchase?" in FAQ.
Feb 22 2022 at 3:36am Copy Link
John User I am interested in the Sanwhole Studio 365 Business Ultimate Edition AUTD 1-Year (No Renewal), but do not understand what is meant by "no renewal." The price of $3.12 is outstanding for a chance to try the software, but I am wondering what would happen after one year if you cannot renew.

Thank you.
Feb 22 2022 at 7:16am Copy Link
Norman Wong @John User, Hello.

Sanwhole Studio 365 license includes online services license and desktop software license. "no renewal." means, cannot renew after one year, the online service and desktop software will auto downgrade to free plan feature. This plan is dedicated designed for users to try the services. We also offer Sanwhole Studio 365 Business Professional Edition AUTD 1-Year. This one support renew and the renew price is same as purchase price.
Sanwhole - Feb 22 2022 at 8:07am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Sanwhole has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 23 2022 at 12:11am Copy Link
Miguel User The activaction didnt work, wast of time
Feb 23 2022 at 3:02am Copy Link
richard goodpasture followed all directions. installed the software after registering and importing license code. then when I ran the software and tried to activate....I keep getting a pop up message saying "Please try again later".
Feb 23 2022 at 8:25am Copy Link
Gaelle @Miguel
clic on "redeem purchased code" and put the BdJ emailed code.
not "activate this pc"
Feb 23 2022 at 8:25am Copy Link
Bruce Fraser Could not install. Got this error message instead:
An error occurred downloading the following resource:
Feb 23 2022 at 8:26am Copy Link
Bruce Fraser What on earth does LTUD mean? No explanation is given on this page to these mysterious acronyms.
I had to go digging on the Sanwhole website to find the answer: "This is an ultimate feature, 1-user-computer, perpetual use license plus 1-year free upgrade, for noncommercial use."
Feb 23 2022 at 1:31pm Copy Link
richard goodpasture Gaelle,
that's not what the directions say.

Step 1: Purchase license code.
License code or called redeem code will be sent to you via email immediately after payment.

Step 2: Create an account on Sanwhole website.
To use Sanwhole Studio desk software or 365 online services, you must create an account here on Sanwhole website.

You must use your register email to send an email to to prove that the register email-box belongs to you.

Don’t close register page and wait until Submit button enabled and click Submit button to complete the registration.

Step 3: Login and redeem license code to your account.
Login on Sanwhole website and click here to redeem the license code to your account.

Step 4: Download and Install Sanwhole Studio software.
Visit the software homepage and click the top 64-bit or 32-bit download button to download Sanwhole Studio installer.

Step 5: Active your PC.
Open Sanwhole Studio software and click the top left round Application button and then select Active this PC to active your PC.

But I had tried that BEFORE I sent my first comment and got the same error. lol . Also tried uninstalling and reinstalling per their directions in support forums.
Feb 23 2022 at 1:43pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Morerichard goodpasture, Hello.

I checked your account on Sanwhole. You already redeemed the code to your account. If you see "Please try again later" when activate, you can keep the software running (don't restart it ) and wait 2 minutes then try active again.
Sanwhole - Feb 23 2022 at 2:52pm Copy Link
SKY What is the purchasing price (for 1 year probably) for the "Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition AUTD 6-Month", after 6 months, please?
Feb 23 2022 at 3:50pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @SKY, Hello.

You may visit to learn the current price. And you can also follow the product in BDJ and get the first notice when the product is promoted again.
Sanwhole - Feb 23 2022 at 8:07pm Copy Link
richard goodpasture I have tried multiple times all day long (at least 50) from every several minutes to as long as 4 hours. I have not restarted the product since Norman Wong recommened not restarting it. It is still not activating and still says "Please try again later". I just tried again. not working. I guess tomorrow it will tell me after activation window. :(
Feb 24 2022 at 2:02am Copy Link
Norman Wong Hello everyone! Due to the Redeem Code in Passbook VMC prohibiting copying. For your convenience, I will copy it here: VWEPA100SAN01S01MVJL0102X??? But please modify the last three according to the VMC content.
Sanwhole - Aug 8 2023 at 6:54am Copy Link
dec fred Hi there.
None of the download links are working ;(
Best regards.

Here is the message displayed in my browser:
Aug 8 2023 at 12:49pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @dec fred, Hello.

I just checked the download link again. Both downloads are valid. Please change your browser or clear the browser cache and try again.
Sanwhole - Aug 8 2023 at 1:25pm Copy Link
Ken Stecher Not free if it only is for 12 months!
Aug 9 2023 at 4:02am Copy Link
Joseph Pardue Malawarebytes blocks the download for improper web page response.
Aug 9 2023 at 10:31am Copy Link
Daniel Wyns I followed the inxs but can't register. Where do I get the redeem code from ?
Aug 9 2023 at 1:05pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Joseph Pardue, Hello.

Please see here:
Sanwhole - Aug 9 2023 at 2:14pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @Daniel Wyns, Hello.

Activation of software does not require registration. The Redeem Code is located in the Sanwhole Promotes Passbooks.vmc file. You need to download the file, then double-click to open it, and you will see the Redeem Code in it. A password is required when opening the VMC file. At this point, use the password in your receipt email from BDJ. Please note: the password is not the Redeem Code, but the unlock code of the VMC file.

Please refer to this post when copying the Redeem Code.

For detailed information, please refer to steps 2 and 3 in your receipt email from BDJ.
Sanwhole - Aug 9 2023 at 2:27pm Copy Link
col User the instruction is so badly done, everybody is mixed up, imagine the software....uninstall and everything is ok, not using that software.
Aug 10 2023 at 2:47am Copy Link
Norman Wong @col User, Hello.

After reading your post, I know you're "mixed up".You think "the instruction is so badly done". But I don't know what's bad, and of course others don't know either. Because you didn't say it. I guess the language is not beautiful, or is there an error? Since you are posting for others to read, please take more time to write clearly. Also, I don't understand how you know "everybody is mixed up". Please answer, don't let everyone "imagine you..."
Sanwhole - Aug 10 2023 at 3:51am Copy Link
holec download Trial Version does not work
"404 - File or directory not found."
Mar 28 2024 at 1:14pm Copy Link
JW Hi Norman!
Through BDJ I've previously purchased this software (the LUTD version, back on 4/9/2021 at 5:50:33 AM) but wonder whether I can get the AUTD license as an upgrade?
As this offering is once more for the LUTD version, would it be best to try and contact you/Sanwhole via your Support address to get that authorisation code (and get a functional download link - the one I get from My Account gives a 404!) for that version? Or are you advising I purchase this version again (with an update discount?) from this BDJ offering?
Mar 28 2024 at 1:14pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @holec, Hello. Thank you for your info.

I tested the MSI, EXE, and ZIP download addresses again and did not find any issues. Please try again.
Sanwhole - Mar 28 2024 at 7:48pm Copy Link
Norman Wong @JW, Hello.

This promotion does not include upgrades. I suggest you purchase directly. Because the cost is lower than upgrading.
Sanwhole - Mar 28 2024 at 7:53pm Copy Link
Susan User Thanks for quick pay with Paypal.
Mar 29 2024 at 3:27am Copy Link
Robert Crombie Is there a download link JUST for this offering ?
It appears as if we have to install the full studio ? AGH!
Mar 29 2024 at 3:37am Copy Link
Susan User Why am I getting the blue screen of death when exiting Sanwhole Studio? I will waid for an answer before I uninstall it completely and ask for a refund on Vole Windows Expedition Ultimate Edition.
Mar 29 2024 at 3:38am Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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