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Daily Deals Affiliate Marketing Program

Open a Discount Deals Affiliate Account to refer sales to our Software Promotions

BitsDuJour Affiliate Program

How It Works

Our affiliate program allows you to refer visitors to our site and earn commission on ever sale made. Signing up is quick and easy. Just link to any page in our store, and if the visitor makes any purchase in the next sixty days, you'll get 50% of the commission from every sale.

Benefits to You

Here are a few highlights of our system:

  • Quick to set up, with no coding skills required
  • Link to any page on our store, and no matter what is purchased you'll get comission
  • Link to a specific software deal as part of your promotion
  • Generate standard sized ad units which refresh with daily content
  • Payments to you by PayPal or check
  • Minimal time investment on your part
  • No setup fees
  • Our promotions have a 7:1 download to purchase ratio, which is a great yardstick to measure your success against
  • Access to our Service Center where you can customize and track traffic/sales data for your affiliate account

Frequently Asked Questions

Commission and Payment

How much commission will I receive?
Since we offer a unique product every day, the amount you receive per sale will vary based on the software. Our minimum commission is 40% of the final discounted price after any e-commerce fees. As our affiliate you will receive 50% of the commission the store receives.
How and when do I get paid?
You will be paid on a monthly basis when your balance is over $100. If it is under $100, the balance will rollover into the following month until the $100 minimum is reached. We pay via PayPal or physical mailed check. Payments are made around the third week of the month.
Are there any setup costs or fees?
No, we will never charge you anything.
How accurate is your sales tracking?
The system that we've created needs to interface with a number of different eCommerce companies, none of which are exactly similar. In order to accurately report sales and ensure proper payments, we use technology such as cookies, javascript, hit logging, and IP address tracking. As with any system there is the potential to incorrectly assign a sale, however, this occurs in only a tiny fraction of transactions, and for the most part these mistakes balance out over time.
Are there sales you cannot track?
Some of our vendors allow orders to be phoned or faxed in, and we know of no way to accurately track this. However, these orders represent substantially less than 1% of our total volume. Some systems do not allow us to track returns, but this actually works in your favor as we will absorb any according costs.
Can I use my affiliate links in emails?
Yes you can use your affiliate links in emails and post them on the web, we don't limit what you do, we just ask that you don't spam people or do anything that we would frown upon.


What happens if there is a problem with a deal?
Problems with deals do occasionally happen, especially as we work with so many suppliers and eCommerce providers. We ask for your understanding when this does happen. When an error occurs we mark the deal as having problems and ask people to wait. If we can't resolve the problem that day then we usually re-run the deal a few weeks later.

Affiliate Account

How do I see my sales?
You view sales via the 'Sales Report' in your Affiliate Account. Sales occasionally take a few days to post depending on the eCommerce system in question.
Do I need to be approved?
No approval is needed! You can sign up today and have your account created and making sales in a matter of minutes! If you need help, please contact us, we are happy to give you a hand.
Can I create Ad units for use on webpages?
Yes! We supply you with a tool for creating ad units for the software that you are currently promoting, perfect for placing on your homepage or the sidebar of a website. The ad units automatically list each day's deals, and can be easily customized.
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