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9 Amazing mac apps for $45Discount

9 Amazing mac apps for $45

Nine Great Apps for a Tenth of the Cost

for Mac  Download Trial
Platforms: Mac OS X 10.6.8 or above
9 Amazing mac apps for $45 ScreenshotOther Utilities Software Screenshot9 Amazing mac apps for $45, Other Utilities Software Screenshot9 Amazing mac apps for $45, Software Utilities ScreenshotOther Utilities Software, 9 Amazing mac apps for $45 ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, 9 Amazing mac apps for $45 ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, Other Utilities Software Screenshot9 Amazing mac apps for $45, Software Utilities, Other Utilities Software Screenshot9 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 89 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 99 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 109 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 119 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 129 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 139 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 149 Amazing mac apps for $45 Screenshot 15

What would you do with $456? The possibilities are many, including going out and treating yourself to a whole bunch of killer apps for your Mac. How many apps would that $456 get you? If you guessed about nine, you'd be right. Now what would you say if I told you that you could get nine Mac apps for only $45? It's true! With today's discount software promotion, 9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45!

9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45 gives you a batch of the best selling Mac apps, with a combined value of $456, for a tenth of the cost. With 9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45, you'll be able to enjoy the latest and greatest full versions of nine apps, complete with full post-sale support from the developers. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is different except for the price. So, what does $45 get you in the 9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45 deal? Read on!

You get MotionComposer, and with it, the ability to create engaging Web content and run it anywhere on both Mac and Windows platforms. Produce stunning animations and interactive content that's compatible with all platforms, from desktops to laptops to tablets and smartphones.

Next, you get RapidWeaver, which lets you build professional-looking websites with absolutely no coding knowledge whatsoever. The program produces completely validated XHTML and CSS coding, and all you need to do is design the site.

If safety is a concern, you'll love MacScan, which offers you protection against malware of all types. Good enough to justify a separate purchase on its own, but yours with the purchase of 9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45 today!

Next up is Screenium, which comes in handy when you need to create live movies of your Mac's display. With Screenium, you can capture all desktop activity, applications, mouse movements, and actions in high-quality, real-time broadcasts.

DEVONsphere Express gives you the power to discover connections between seemingly unrelated files, by keeping track of related emails, articles, and web pages. It's the express train to smartville, and it's called the DEVONsphere Express!

And now...PulpMotion! Want to create animations using your own photos, videos, and music? Can't program? Well, just use PulpMotion and create all of these things, and more, just by using drag and drop actions, then transmit using email, copy to your iPod, or upload to your website.

So you know that 9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45 is a good deal, but maybe you're not so good with other money stuff. That's where iFinance comes in, offering you the ability to manage your personal finances like a pro. Create budgets, monitor stock performance, and manage cash flow across multiple accounts quickly and easily.

If you're installing the nine apps of the 9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45 deal, you'll want to make as much room as you can on your hard drive. Thankfully, this bundle also includes Tidy Up, a complete duplicate finder and disk tidiness application that will free up unprecedented amounts of hard drive space in the blink of an eye.

Lastly, there's Cocktail, a general purpose utility that makes it simple to clean, repair, and optimize your Mac. While your Mac runs pretty well as it is, you'll be amazed at the performance boost you'll get once you run Cocktail!

Don't delay! This deal is available for a limited time only, and you'll find all of these great apps only in the 9 Amazing Mac Apps for $45 bundle!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Matt Wills There are only eight apps in the trial download. Where is Cocktail?
Dec 9 2012 at 5:30am Copy Link
Samuel Kessington There are several versions of the cocktail download. You can download cocktail here:
Macbundler - Dec 9 2012 at 5:51am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Macbundler has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 12 2012 at 12:11am Copy Link
Jim Parker Out of curiosity, where does the amount $456 come from?
I just did a lookup on the retail price of all 9 of these applications, and they barely total half of that price. And that is looking at each app individually, not even as a bundle!
Dec 12 2012 at 10:49am Copy Link
Samuel Kessington Hi Jim, do the calculations again. The total price is: $535.92. The price of the apps are as follows:

MacScan - $39.99
Rapidweaver 5 - $80
MotionComposer - $149
Tidy up - $39
Screenium 2 - $39.99
iFinance - $29.99
Pulpmotion Advanced - $129
Devonsphere express - $9.95
Cocktail - $19
Macbundler - Dec 12 2012 at 11:05am Copy Link
Mark Johnson I just took a look at the prices on each product's website, and come up with $521.91 if you buy each product, full version, no discount codes. That's the problem with quoting exact prices since they change often.

From the product sites:
Tidy Up is $30, not $39.
Cocktail is $14, not $19
Rapidweaver is off by a penny in the previous posting.

So basically if you could use 1 or 2 of the higher dollar products in the bundle, it's definitely well worth it.
Dec 12 2012 at 3:01pm Copy Link

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