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Advanced DHTML Layers ProfessionalDiscount

Advanced DHTML Layers Professional

Get Your Visitors Attention When & Where You Need It, Fast!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, Me, XP, 2003, Vista
Check it out folks, you can also get

Advanced DHTML Layers Ultimate
ADP Video Template
Advanced DHTML Layers Professional ScreenshotHTML Widget Software ScreenshotAdvanced DHTML Layers Professional, HTML Widget Software ScreenshotAdvanced DHTML Layers Professional, Development Software ScreenshotHTML Widget Software, Advanced DHTML Layers Professional ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Advanced DHTML Layers Professional ScreenshotDevelopment Software, HTML Widget Software Screenshot

Advanced DHTML Layers Professional is a comprehensive application that lets you create fully customizable, dynamic, and unblockable Floating DHTML windows for your website without the need to write a single line of javascript/DHTML code.

Yes, you can use Advanced DHTML Layers Professional to produce attention-grabbing floating layers, but that's only the beginning. It's a fantastic tool for creating any complex DHTML floating layer with content-switching and dynamic capabilities that works on all browsers and hand-held devices.

This promotion includes the following:
Advanced DHTML Layers Professional ($39.95)
Advanced DHTML Layers Ultimate ($74.95)
ADP Video Template ($29.95)
Review Written by Roger Thomasson

Check out some popup samples:

The Conversation
The Fine Print
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LU Hello and greetings.

When was the last update to this script?
Nov 16 2013 at 3:17am Copy Link
Joe Mercier There was a minor update a few days ago, the main updates are shown here:


Digital Flow Software - Nov 16 2013 at 6:07am Copy Link
Eustace Phenackertiban I downloaded the trial and it looks really good so far, except for one thing. I have specific folders where I install things to keep my system organized, and to keep things OUT of my profile (i.e. Program Files)--Productivity, Multimedia, Graphics, Utilities, Webdev, etc. That last one is where I would have ordinarily installed this program. Unfortunately, your installation program does not offer the option to change directories. This is a standard feature in modern installation applications, and I'm sure that I am not alone in being disappointed in its lack. Please revise your installation program to permit selecting a folder of your choice (or create a new one) in which to install the program. Thank you.
Nov 16 2013 at 1:51pm Copy Link
Robert Reese I do the same thing as Eustace, and concur that applications should be put where the user wants it.

Also, your claim that these are unblockable. This is not true. After visiting your examples, I never once saw a popup or other layer. You might want to reword that claim.
Nov 16 2013 at 6:15pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Eustace,

Since vista the installer permissions are strictly limited to certain windows folders. However, the projects you create can be placed anywhere and you can define a path in the options settings
Digital Flow Software - Nov 16 2013 at 10:08pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Robert,

In 7 years of this application selling no one has ever made that claim. I suggest you provide more information as to what agent you used to view the site and what is installed in it.And of course, if you have JavaScript disabled you will see nothing.

You need to understand that all modern sites use dhtml floating layers these days as standard for all kinds of puposes, and normal popup blockers do not block them because they only block the old style irritating external window popup.
Digital Flow Software - Nov 16 2013 at 10:11pm Copy Link
Robert Reese Joe,

Your reply to Eustace is nonsense. Use a different installer then, since most other installers permit installation at the user's location of choice.

Second, which claim have you never seen: your claim that your layers/popups are unblockable, or that someone successfully and trivially blocked your unblockable popups?

Let's assume the latter. If, in seven years, you've not once heard of anyone blocking the popups and layers then you haven't been paying much attention. I doubt, though, that you haven't heard this before since you go on explain how to block it by blocking the associated javascript.

You need to understand that *not all* modern sites use DHTML. And the ones that do should properly fail backward gracefully. To do otherwise is poor practice. Nor do 'normal' popup blockers only block "the old style irritating external window popup". Many modern blockers block all sorts of irritating popups, whether external or internal.

Incidentally, the agent I used is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0.
Nov 16 2013 at 10:42pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Robert

since most other installers permit installation at the user's location of choice.

You simply do not understand what you are talking about - this is a vista onwards security decision.

As for not seeing any examples, you have clearly done something like disable JS or have some ruthless web addon like avast, which even blocks images.

Hey - its free, why not stop all the negative comments and just try it?

Thats my last comment on this unnecessary thread
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 12:32am Copy Link
Nov 17 2013 at 12:56am Copy Link
Robert Reese Hi Tess,

Thank you for your reply.

My point is that the maker claims the popups are unblockable, which is patently false, especially given how trivial it is to block them.
Nov 17 2013 at 12:58am Copy Link
Nov 17 2013 at 1:17am Copy Link
Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 1:20am Copy Link
Richard Andersen As for the installation thing it's being discussed here:
Nov 17 2013 at 1:25am Copy Link
Robert Reese Joe,

Here are two perfect examples of installers which let post-Vista users choose the installation location: NSIS and INNO, both of which are free to use, even for commercial software. Do you still want to assert that I don't understand what I'm talking about?

I don't use Avast. None of my add-ons are 'ruthless'. They are simple security measures, nothing more, and if a little javascript whitelist stops your software than it is anything but unblockable. Maybe you should restate the claim as 'typically unblockable'.

These aren't negative comments, Joe. I discovered that your software doesn't quite live up to the unblockable claim and commented that you might want to adjust that claim. I also expressed that I, like the previous poster, choose non-standard locations for installing software and that it's the computer owner's prerogative to install software where he or she sees fit. Instead of listening, you became defensive and took it upon yourself to make more untrue statements which I have challenged. Twice.

I will try the software, and if I find it useful I'll review it as such without spite or regard of your comments/replies.

Nov 17 2013 at 1:27am Copy Link
TESS273 @Robert,

I understand what you say. But this type of function needs JS but Firefox using NoScript etc. blocks JS automatically if you don't allow it about particular site. This is not developer's fault.

And thank you Joe for comment.

Why my comments not displayed properly after adjusting?
Nov 17 2013 at 1:30am Copy Link
Joe Mercier @TESS273

And thank you Joe for comment.

Your welcome

Why my comments not displayed properly after adjusting?

Same thing keeps happening to me, I will ask the guys


Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 1:32am Copy Link
Robert Reese @Tess

It is exactly the need for JS to the software to work that makes the statement 'unblockable' false.

The developer has no control over the browser a user has, and since an increasing number of people are using script blocking, then saying the software is unblockable is disingenuous at best.

The developer making that claim makes it the developer's fault. It is not the responsibility for the end-user to configure his or her browser to popups can be shown, but for the developer to back up his or her claims.
Nov 17 2013 at 1:41am Copy Link
TESS273 @Joe,

I've installed and tested ADL. This is a very nice program but has only one problem.

ADL creates three js files encoded ANSI. These files don't display East Asia Characters properly on Web.

As I change encoding type of OOO_ADPcontent.js to UTF, it works.
Nov 17 2013 at 3:16am Copy Link
Joe Mercier @TESS273


This is a common issue solved easily with the use of an external page with the proper character encoding linked into the ADP content via the URL option on the top left (an iframe in tech speak)

We have users all over the world using different character sets in this way. In short, if it works in a page by itself, it will work in ADP.

Hope this helps,


Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 3:32am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler I tried to buy the Video Templates using both Paypal and a credit card but both were refused by your payment service! What's up?
Nov 17 2013 at 4:35am Copy Link
LU I am having the same issue Ralph Bressler.
Nov 17 2013 at 5:04am Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Ralph,

I will look into this and push it through for you


Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 5:12am Copy Link
Joe Mercier @Lifetime Upgrades

Likewise, I have submitted a request for the payment to proceed,

Many thanks
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 5:17am Copy Link
TESS273 Thanks for your reply. And I have another question.

I saw in your signature. What's the difference between OptinPlayer and ADP Video Template?

If I buy OptinPlayer, can I use it as plugin in ADP?
Nov 17 2013 at 5:21am Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi,

OptinPlayer focuses on video but has most of the dhtml layer properties that ADP does as well, both video and custom floating layers can be combined with optinplayer, and the player itself is more advanced.

It is not a plugin, but a standalone product,


Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 5:43am Copy Link
Math Mike Tried payment option of PayPal first and got message that payment was not accepted. Email from PayPal said that payment was authorized but no funds will leave until Fast Spring processes order. Unfortunately, tried other payment options with same message and now concerned that multiple payments will hit. Order in limbo. Please advise.
Nov 17 2013 at 6:07am Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Math Mike, I will look into this and post back here, thanks,

Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 9:15am Copy Link
Joe Mercier A note to all attempting to make purchases but having issues, I am in contact with fastspring about those that are being held up and hope to have a response soon.

Either way I will honor the offer that is beging made even after this promo has ended to those who are having issues,

Thanks for your patience,

Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 11:03am Copy Link
CodeDog @ Robert Reece:

I always like to read the comments here before actually reviewing software for possible purchase, but filling up this space with useless chatter (which I am also doing now) about semantics serves no purpose.

Obviously there's no such thing as totally 'unblockable' popups, depending on any number of things client side. It's advertising.

Go to any web hosting company on the planet and they all offer at least one 'unlimited' hosting plan. Are they really unlimited? No.

Buy a light bulb that's guaranteed for life. Whose life?

How about that flashlight that's guaranteed to work under any conditions? I can think of a plethora of places that would make it quit working.

These advertising claims are always made given normal, average conditions and understood by the general public to not be absolute.

I apologize to to everyone else here who, like me, just wants to see usable product information, which I've also derailed by adding to this 'discussion'. But hopefully we can get back to evaluating the product itself...
Nov 17 2013 at 11:53am Copy Link
Joe Mercier Thank you CodeDog for such an intelligent comment

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 12:07pm Copy Link
Ralph Bressler Still unable to place any orders! Any word on what the problem could be? are these the same people you normally use for your business?
Nov 17 2013 at 12:22pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Ralph,

Yes, FastSpring is the provider and they are generally very goo - I am in contact with them right now to see whats happening and allow all orders through.

I apologize for the issue and repeat that I will honor any discount even after the promo has ended

I will post back here as soon as I have news from them


Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 12:34pm Copy Link
Robert Reese CodeDog,

I've never seen a flashlight guaranteed to work in every condition. If they did, and the flashlight failed, then I'd expect the company to honor its guarantee. I've never seen a lightbulb with a lifetime guarantee. If I did, and I bought it, I'd expect a free replacement if it ever fails.

Advertising is expected to be honest. Being an advertisement doesn't give rise or acceptance to false claims. Maybe it does for you. But the general public doesn't tolerate false advertising. Sorry to burst your bubble.

When a claim is made, it is expected to be true. Most advertisers are skirt these issues with weasel words or disclaimers that are indicated at the point of assertion. This is the recommendation I made at the beginning.

Quite frankly, this *is* a discussion about the product itself. It doesn't work as advertised, nor does the installer give the user a choice of install location. How is that *not* about the product itself?
Nov 17 2013 at 2:01pm Copy Link
Ralph Bressler The suggestions have been made and the developer can choose to act on them or not just as visitors here can decide to download the FREE software or not. This type of software certainly has a more limited appeal than some but for those who would like to try this method, it may be just what they need. Thank you to those developers who offer their packages here at no cost.

By the way, I got an e-mail that allowed me to pay for the Video Template without a problem!
Nov 17 2013 at 2:13pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Ralph,

Yes, getting the issues sorted now with fastspring, thanks for your patience

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 2:16pm Copy Link
TESS273 I've just bought optinplayer in optinplayer's homepage using VISA card. I think fastspring's billing system is operating normally.
Nov 17 2013 at 2:18pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi TESS273

Thanks for that purchase - its a great product and is getting better all the time. Email me for Skype support if you wish, reserved for buyers of optinplayer only at the moment

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 2:32pm Copy Link
TESS273 @Joe,

Fine print says,

You must install/register the software while the promotion is active, and cannot do so afterwards.

It means that if I change the computer after promotion, can't I activate ADP again?
Nov 17 2013 at 2:34pm Copy Link
Obiwan Canobie Excellent...appreciate the software!
Nov 17 2013 at 3:02pm Copy Link
riff jones Installed from bitsdujour but the "activate advanced html popup" dialog will not accept any written or pasted details that I received by email.

There is apparently still 8 hours before this offer on bitsdujour expires.

I have windows 7 ultimate 64bit
Nov 17 2013 at 3:34pm Copy Link
Aaron H. I think the software would make a valuable asset to several different kinds of websites, ranging from giveaways, to alerts. It's made even more useful by its typical unlikeliness of being blocked in most browsers, ensuring that your messages reaches every site visitor.
On the flip-side, however,I think the questions that Robert had asked were valid, and I don't think the response was even remotely appropriate. I have no present or future intentions to support a software company whose response to a question is to tell the customer that they were wrong. I think there are more proactive steps that could be taken.

With kind regards,
Aaron H.
Nov 17 2013 at 5:55pm Copy Link
JL num I have downloaded the Advanced DHTML Layers Professional twice, and both times i get a CRC error when I try to run it.
Nov 17 2013 at 6:25pm Copy Link
CodeDog @ Aaron, you have a valid point, and notice I didn't say the response was necessarily appropriate.

My point was that there is very little sense in making post after post arguing a moot point. Most people over the age of 10 understand that there is no absolute, except for the fact that there is no absolute. Any claim made by anyone can be shown to be not true in every possible instance.

And as far as advertising claims go - watch TV, get on the internet, go shopping. It's up to us as consumers to be smart enough to not believe everything we're told, and to understand that marketing is just that, marketing.

Internet Explorer claims to be the best browser on the planet. FireFox claims to be the best browser on the planet. Chrome claims to be the best browser on the planet. Maybe Robert could better spend his time complaining to Microsoft, Mozilla, and Google about their false claims.

Mentioning that an advertising claim may not be correct in all instances is one thing, running it into the ground is another.

I'm not associated with this company, and probably won't be buying this product simply because I use a similar product I'm satisfied with (which makes the same claims, I might add). I just find it unnecessary to argue a point like this to this degree. And though I could post tons of links and carry on an argument in the same fashion, I'll make this my last post and let someone else continue ranting. This seems to be a good product to me, and if I didn't already have a viable alternative I'd purchase it.

But I'll leave just saying thanks to BDJ and developers like this one for offering great products to us at great prices...
Nov 17 2013 at 6:38pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier @TESS273

You will be able to activate again, don't worry, its simply that during the promotion at least 1 activation should be done. The license permits activation on 2 machines also.

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 8:10pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier @riff jones

Contact me through and I will email you a text file with the codes, this always works because it ensures there are no line breaks when you copy them

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 8:11pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier @ JL num

Try downloading from the site instead at

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 8:12pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier @ riff jones

The product is being re-branded at the moment, that's all, it will not affect the keys in any way

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 8:14pm Copy Link
Daniel Gaudet I am having a problem purchasing Advanced DHTML Layers Ultimatef and ADP Video Template.

I tried it twice using PayPal and I get the following message at the end:

We regret that your payment or order could not be accepted. There are many reasons why this might occur. We value your business and would like to help you complete this order. Please contact us for assistance.

I did send a message the first time.

Any help would be much appreciated!
Nov 17 2013 at 11:01pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Daniel,

I am currently working with FastSpring to find out what is happening to some orders, please bear with me,


Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 11:10pm Copy Link
Daniel Gaudet Thanks Joe. It is much appreciated.

It's pretty late here, so I will be going to bed. Hopefully this can be resolved after the promotion finishes in 45 minutes.

Nov 17 2013 at 11:14pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Well, if I can't, I will still honor the discount after, so don't worry,


Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 17 2013 at 11:18pm Copy Link
Jeffrey Taylor The download and installation of the product went smoothly, and I received the confirmation e-mail with the registration information almost immediately.

Normally, that covers all the bases for a successful giveaway transaction. But not this time. I can copy the registration info from the email, being careful just to copy the appropriate part of one line at a time. However, when I open the "Help" Activate Advanced DHTML Popup", I can't paste. Even though the form is designed to receive it from the clipboard (i.e., right-click shows a "paste" option)--nothing happens in either line.

Neither can I enter any text manually.

Please advise how I can proceed. You have my email on the purchase order if you prefer to respond that way rather than in this space.
Nov 17 2013 at 11:53pm Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Jeffrey,

Please contact me through the form at (I don't have your address yet) and we will sort this out, thanks

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 18 2013 at 12:27am Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Jeffrey, I have replied to you by email - pleaes let me know you got it ok,


Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 18 2013 at 1:33am Copy Link
Bill Butler I downloaded and installed the Advanced DHTML Layers Professional, but it won't run.
I get a window--Error: Could not copy Template directory, then another window--Error initialising ADP - Program must close. I can't even put in the activation codes.

I installed the first time as my normal user, tried to Run as Administrator; no luck. I then uninstalled it and installed as Administrator; same problem.
I'm running Vista 32 bit.

Any ideas?
Nov 18 2013 at 5:18am Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi Bill, please contact me through the contact form at and I will help you sort this out, thanks

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 18 2013 at 6:22am Copy Link
DrTeeth @ Joe Mervcier

You simply do not understand what you are talking about - this is a vista onwards security decision

I wish you had told me before I started installing software *where ever* I wanted under Vista, Win 7 and Win 8/8.1 ;-).
Nov 18 2013 at 10:04am Copy Link
Eustace Phenackertiban You might want to make that "Check out some popup samples" above a live link to your examples gallery, which is pretty damned impressive.
Nov 18 2013 at 10:05am Copy Link
Joe Mercier Hi,

All those with problem orders have now been sent an email with a URL for quick order completion. Please do so while the coupons are still valid,

All the best and thanks to all,

Joe Mercier
Digital Flow Software - Nov 18 2013 at 10:58pm Copy Link

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