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Crack Tracker ProfessionalDiscount

Crack Tracker Professional

Automatically Find Illegal Copies and Issue Takedown Notices

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 2000, XP, Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Crack Tracker Professional Screenshot

Life is hard being a software developer. You pour your blood, sweat, and tears into making the best application you can, then sit back and watch helplessly as your source code gets cracked and keygens start popping up all across the Internet. You could pursue your rights under the law, but how long will that take? Actually, not long at all, thanks to today’s discount software promotion, Crack Tracker Professional!

Crack Tracker Professional is an amazing DMCA assistant tool that finds and logs illegal copies of your software, then automatically issues DMCA takedown notices! With Crack Tracker Professional, you don’t need to spend your valuable time trolling the darkest corners of the Internet looking for evidence. The program crawls the Internet, creating a list of confirmed illegal downloads, then sends DMCA takedown notices to the file-hosting websites. Rather than deal with the hassle, the files get taken down, and your profit stream becomes a little bigger. Best of all, the rinse and repeat process of issuing DMCA takedown notices is all done by your computer!

You can even use Crack Tracker Professional to track down illegal e-books, music, movies, and games! No illegal copies of anything can hide from you when you have Crack Tracker Professional on your side!

After you purchase Crack Tracker Professional, it may be used for 12 months.

This promotion includes the following:
Crack Tracker Professional ($99.95)
Crack Tracker Basic version ($49.95)
Review Written by Derek Lee
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Gonzo Which are the currently supported file-hosting/sharing sites? What about sites like dropbox?
How often is the list updated?
Does this also find forum attachments based on the search string?
Jun 18 2012 at 10:37am Copy Link
nikos bozinis All the major filehosting sites are supported, like etc. Crack tracker uses specialized warez search engines to discover illegal downloads that match your keyword (e.g. software title).

For more information you can see the website, there is also a demo video to watch:
zabkat - Jun 18 2012 at 10:12pm Copy Link
Xtruder UBER Do you intend to publish the "simple" version also on discount?
to Gonzo: Specialized Warez machines does NOT support hosting/sharing sites like dropbox.
And if you like to check those sites you must be able to programm not only to use + summarize + compile listings and catalogs that are "programmed" by criminals.
Jun 19 2012 at 6:37am Copy Link
nikos bozinis I believe both the basic and the pro version will be on the 50% sale
zabkat - Jun 19 2012 at 11:00am Copy Link
nikos bozinis To clarify, you can download the trial version and see how it works. The search part is fully functional in free trial mode. The DMCA notice part is disabled (so you cannot remove the links you find unless you purchase)
zabkat - Jun 19 2012 at 11:04am Copy Link
GRANT REIBELT I did a Google search for your program and could not help but notice that there are many sites distributing cracks and keygens for it. Have you used your program to issue DMCA notices to these sites?
Jun 20 2012 at 5:22pm Copy Link
nikos bozinis this is the case of who shaves the barber :)
to my knowledge there were only some cracks for an older version of crack tracker, which are now deactivated
zabkat - Jun 20 2012 at 8:18pm Copy Link
Critter Jr I've found activation key for Crack Tracker searching with Crack Tracker.. Umm okay.

Any immediate plans implementing download manager with captcha support? .. it would simplify things.

Will you add more Filehosts? .. What about Torrents? Usenet? FTP? Forums? Cloud?

What is the success rate? .. Anyone noticed increased sales?
Jun 20 2012 at 11:28pm Copy Link
GRANT REIBELT Nikos - I appreciate what you are trying to achieve with this program but I'm sure you can see that it can be used for "evil" in that users could simply download the trial version and then use it to find illegal versions of software they want to acquire?

Your program is a legitimate application that can be used for the very purpose it is trying to prevent.
Jun 21 2012 at 12:10am Copy Link
nikos bozinis @Critter ok, but does it work? ;)

crack tracker targets file downloads. It will remove the downloads, not the forum posts that mention it. That's why you may find an article in google about some crack, but you will find that the actual download is removed. That's the idea.

In terms of effectiveness, the download links reported to filehosts like rapidshare are always removed. As for sales impact you can read some of the studies in this blog:

There is room for abuse with crack tracker, however people can just do a google search for cracks and keygens. Legitimate copyright holders on the other hand will just waste a lot of time without the help of tools like crack tracker
zabkat - Jun 21 2012 at 1:02am Copy Link
Ron White What are the differences between the Basic and Professional versions?
Jun 21 2012 at 6:11am Copy Link
nikos bozinis the professional version can easily handle more than 1 products. The basic version is adequate if you have 1-2 products to manage. For more information see this table
zabkat - Jun 21 2012 at 7:33am Copy Link
Jean Cyr Many sites now block or hide downloads when the source IP is from the USA, how does Crack Tracker get around these blocks when used from the USA. In other words, will Crack Tracker find illegal downloads that can be downloaded anywhere in the world except the USA.
Jun 21 2012 at 9:49am Copy Link
nikos bozinis it does using a european proxy server. You specify proxy servers using the /P: command line switch (e.g. /P: For more information see here
zabkat - Jun 21 2012 at 10:41am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Keep fighting the good fight Nikos. It's great to see this software on here as a tool for software vendors to take down illegal cracks.

P.S. I have to ask... has Crack Tracker ever been cracked?
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 21 2012 at 10:50am Copy Link
Peter Higgins Hey nikos. Thank you for providing the tool but it misses a lot of links from various file hosters. In the end it's quite ineffective if filestube or returns a working link on the first page at any given time.
Jun 22 2012 at 7:50am Copy Link
nikos bozinis I don't claim that it finds ALL the links, but it surely finds most of them. Filestube is one of the engines that crack tracker uses so you won't have to worry about it. If you have a search engine that you believe lists cracks that the program doesn't find, you can just send it to me and I will consider it for addition
zabkat - Jun 22 2012 at 10:38pm Copy Link
shend paramore how....
Jun 27 2012 at 12:29am Copy Link

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