Do you want to learn Chinese? Sure, we all do! But no matter how proficient you are in the Romance languages, you know that asian languages are a completely different ballgame. No matter how long you stare at a Chinese character, it's unlikely that its meaning will suddenly dawn on you. You need help. You need guidance. You need today's discounted software promotion, Easy Hanzi!
Easy Hanzi is a flashcard software application designed to help you learn Chinese. With Easy Hanzi, you'll benefit from an intuitive interface and proven algorithms that let you learn at your own pace! Just launch Easy Hanzi and start practicing as the program tracks your learning sessions, quizzing you more frequently in areas that need improvement, while easing off on concepts on which you've demonstrated mastery.
And just as important as seeing the Chinese characters on your screen is learning how to write them. Easy Hanzi includes thousands, yes - thousands, of stroke animations that let you practice writing each character in the correct stroke order. You can even choose to view each character in animated strokes, or as a decomposited image. You can even take advantage of Easy Hanzi's integrated Chinese/English dictionary, with the ability to search by simplified or traditional Chinese characters, pinyin, or English. Get started immediately with the included flashcard decks, then progress to building your own decks to challenge yourself and learn even more!
Review Written by Derek Lee
- Learn Chinese at your own pace
- Benefit from a proven algorithm that emphasizes areas of weakness
- Learn how to write Chinese characters by watching stroke animations
- Practice writing characters in the correct stroke order
- Take advantage of a Chinese/English dictionary with simplified, traditional, pinyin, and English
- Get started right away with included decks, or build your own custom decks
- You can download and install a free trial of this software before purchasing
- Download available for: Windows XP, Vista, 7
- BitsDuJour's giveaway promotional discount gets you all this at no cost!
- After you purchase Easy Hanzi it may be used indefinitely.
- Easy Hanzi is licensed per user, so if more people are going to use Easy Hanzi you will need to purchase additional copies.
- Each license allows installation on a single computer and a laptop.
- Transfer of a license to another owned computer is not allowed.
- License activation isn't required. what's this?
- Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for minor versions only. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will not be discounted.
- Support is provided for this version and any minor versions that are released later.
- No return policy.
- Prices do not necessarily include taxes, which will vary by country.