You may not realize just how much of your personal information is stored in your computer. Think about it - every time you make an online purchase using a credit card, use your driver's license number to renew your car registration online, pull your credit report using your social security number, or even just use a username and password to log into a site, that information is stored somewhere on your hard drive. You may not know exactly where, but trust me, it's there.
Identity Pro turns the idea of privacy protection on its head, offering an innovative approach that protects your confidential information in ways that other antivirus/antispam applications haven't even dreamed about.
With Identity Pro, one click will begin a scan of your system, revealing all of your sensitive data that's stored on your computer - you'll be shocked and amazed at the sheer amount of identifying information that Identity Pro uncovers! Think about how many times you've entered your name, address, and telephone number into an online form - unless you use Identity Pro to erase it, that info is still there!
Identify Pro gives you a choice about how you want to handle your sensitive data. For information that you just don't feel comfortable leaving on your computer, you can tell Identity Pro to remove it completely. For other data, you can choose to leave it on your computer, but have Identity Pro encrypt it so that it becomes utterly useless to anyone snooping for information!
Folks, please note that Atherion will be releasing a substantial update to Identity Pro shortly, addressing a number of known bugs. Not to fear -- it will be available to all BDJ customers via the built-in update feature.
After you purchase Identity Pro, it may be used for 12 months.
Review Written by Derek Lee
The Fine Print
- Reveal all of the personal identifying information on your computer with a single click.
- Choose to erase personal identifying information or encrypt it securely.
- Gain an additional layer of protection against identity theft.
- You can download and install a free trial of this software before purchasing
- Download available for: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
- Buy with BitsDuJour's promotional coupon code and get all this at a discounted price!
- After you purchase Identity Pro it may be used for 12 months and will not function after that unless you renew your subscription.
- Identity Pro is licensed per computer, and not per user.
- Transfer of a license to another owned computer is not allowed.
- Online license activation is required. what's this?
- Support is provided for 12 months after your purchase.
- 30 days return policy.
- Prices do not necessarily include taxes, which will vary by country.
- Review what others have to say...
- “Wow! I was shocked to click a button on your free scanner & suddenly my usernames & passwords, social security number & several credit cards were right there in front of me! Talk about scary! I bought your full version & I sleep better at night!”- Ian R. Augusta, Maine
- “Hello, a friend told me about your product & after checking out the background of your company I gave it a try. All I can say is wow! You found all kinds of my personal info without me typing in anything. Today I keep my copy updated & I scan regularly. I consider identity pro to be just as important as my anti-virus & anti-spyware.”- Lincoln A. Topeka, KS