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Nitro ProDiscount

Nitro Pro

The Perfect PDF Management Solution

v11 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 10, 8, and 7 (64 bit)
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The PDF format is the king of all files because of its compatibility across browsers, devices and operating systems. Chances are, your current PDF tool isn’t working hard enough for you, so check out today’s discount software promotion, Nitro Pro!

Nitro Pro lets you build fully compatible PDF files, with support for over 300 input file formats and output compatibility across all PDF viewers. This advanced PDF management solution gives you the ability to merge documents into a single searchable PDF, scan and print to PDF format, and save PDF files for archiving in fully compliant formats like PDF/A.

You can use Nitro Pro to build custom PDF forms with text fields, buttons, checkboxes, dropdown menus, and more. And for each form, you can manipulate text, change fonts, and customize layouts! You can even turn PDFs into editable Microsoft Office files like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, without sacrificing original fonts, images, or formatting!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Frank User I noticed the single user license. But no further specifics.
Can it be installed on both my main desktop and my laptop (as long as only ONE computer is in use at a time)?
Aug 29 2017 at 12:07am Copy Link
Aug 29 2017 at 2:10am Copy Link
SoftCollector I am sorry, but at $95 this does not feel discounted.
Aug 29 2017 at 5:11am Copy Link
Dennis McKay Too expensive and troublesome. I have 5 desktops and 7 laptops at home. Sometimes I might actually use 3 or 4 computers at once. Your software license is unrealistic with the number of systems a person has today.
Aug 29 2017 at 5:37am Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen Years ago I bought Nitro Pro 7. Today they are offering Nitro Pro 11. I have always thought they are a bit out of touch with the market. They are also currently offering 50% discount on other websites, such as

When I once asked long ago what the cost would be to update to the latest version I was told that because mine was an old version, I had to pay the full price..... I never inquired again.
The app is very good and -to my knowledge- it is one of the first to offer the possibility of signing Pdfs in a very realistic way, which looks you signed it physically. Customer service -haven't used it for a long time- was also very good.
The app is regrettably not that good user-friendly but I assume the latest version has solved that. The 7 version does all I need and I wouldn't pay more than $10.00-$15.00 for the upgrade to the latest versions, let alone what they want to have.
Aug 29 2017 at 7:22am Copy Link
Nitro Hi folks,

Thanks for your great questions. The license enables you to use the tool on two machines, as @Tim User linked:

@Gunderic Hagen, very glad you've found older versions of Nitro Pro to be useful. Unfortunately, the 50% discount you linked to is over (if you follow the links, it will tell you this). This 40% promotion here is the highest you'll find anywhere currently.

Nitro releases new versions of Nitro Pro when we actually have new features to offer, not just to get more upgrades. This is why we released Pro 11 last year (in 2016).

Please let us know if you have any more questions, we are happy to answer them, and we hope you'll consider Nitro Pro if you have PDF creation, editing, converting, combining, collaborating, or signing needs.
Nitro - Aug 29 2017 at 8:43am Copy Link
Cary Adams @Frank User... as a long time NitroPro user, my experience is that the license is for one machine. So desktop or laptop.

The license is transferable, so you would have to repeatedly activate/deactivate when you wanted to switch machines.

@SoftCollector... yes this is pricey (Compare to Adobe Acrobat though) and full version upgrades are quite costly
Aug 29 2017 at 10:10am Copy Link
Mappi75 Hi,

the paid Software Assurance for Nitro Pro:

you will get the next Version for "free" even when its released in three years.
Or will this cover only one year ?

Aug 29 2017 at 10:27am Copy Link
Nitro @Mappi75 great question! We will make sure those with Software Assurance get the next major version for free when released - so we will extend your Software Assurance as necessary.
Nitro - Aug 29 2017 at 10:30am Copy Link
Tim User Hi @Nitro, quick question: I found this in the knowledgebase:

Section 2:
Software Assurance means Software Assurance or SA (previously known as the Nitro SAP - Software Assurance Program). This gives the user all major upgrades and minor updates, unlimited access to Premium Support for a period of 12 months from the purchase date.

This appears to be only for 12 months, is there an updated article that mirrors your comment above that the next major update is free, even outside the 12 month SA period?

Thank you for your confirmation!
Aug 29 2017 at 11:41am Copy Link
SoftCollector The thing is, I doubt that this has ever been sold for $159.99. This would mean that they sell it more expensively than their competitors, which is nonsense.
Aug 29 2017 at 12:26pm Copy Link
Cary Adams @Mappi75... Good luck with that. I bought v10 3 months before the v11 release. I was offered a modest discount on the normal upgrade price, the same cost that a v9 user would have to upgrade. My only consolation was that the new v12 features are not ones that an individual user would find helpful.Overall, this just didn't sit well with me, and I've found PDF-XChange to be quite competitive.

And Software Assurance isn't cheap. Year after year it adds up.

NP might do well in a corporate/business environment, but individual users would do good to look elsewhere.

That all said, for the most part, the NP is solid and capable. I do wish it had automatic form generation (that was discussed in their forums quite some time ago). For now, Nuance leads in that area.
Aug 29 2017 at 12:44pm Copy Link
SoftCollector The best and most expensive is Adobe Acrobat Pro. Then come Foxit Phantom and Nitro. It is a matter of personal preference between these two. But it is also a matter of money. Foxit is cheaper and with more user-friendly interface. They will also let you install on more machines. At this point PDFelement is not in the same league, but it is sold with lifetime upgrades, so if it ever gets fixed/improved, you will get it for free after the initial purchase. Then again, if you only need to open PDFs and not edit them almost anything would do.
Aug 30 2017 at 1:06am Copy Link
Justine Jordan Most personal/pro version PDF software allows for one desktop or two desktop/laptop installations. Anything beyond generally requires a business/enterprise version. I haven't used Nitro since the 5th or 6th version (although I did have use their PDF Reader before it was discontinued).

Nuance PDF Advanced is the best alternative to Adobe Acrobat Pro for me personally. I started using it when it was still Scansoft and the main feature I would not wish to give up in a PDF editor is the auto form typer. It is pretty good at recognizing form fields and converting them to allow for filling in. If it misses a field, it is easy to manually convert it. While Acrobat had previously form field features, Scansoft/Nuance introduced the auto form typer first and it was later added to Acrobat. I don't know of any of the other editors with that feature.

I would have stuck with Nuance version 8 but I upgraded to the Advanced version to get the redaction features. The only reason I can think of to upgrade in the future is if a major operating system change caused Nuance not to work.

While some of the other PDF editors have great and useful features, I've found that the pricing is often higher than I would pay and some of the scaled pricing for additional features already standard in Nuance is not worth purchasing any of them.

One major drawback of any Nuance product is the activation process which I find quite antiquated (only Serif's rivaled it in terms of annoyance). I don't know whether it's addressed in its current products, but you unfortunately have to uninstall a product in order to deactivate it. This makes the process of upgrading operating system hard drives more tedious. I prefer that software requiring activation also include a built-in deactivation routine. Overall, I hate activations because I am concerned that if a software company goes out of business I may be stuck if I need to reinstall.

I would recommend knowing exactly what features are important to you and testing to make sure it works for you, before spending this much money on a PDF editor.
Aug 30 2017 at 5:21am Copy Link
Dennis McKay I checked with some friends who use this software and they said don't buy version 11. They went back to 10, said it was the best version and 11 had a lot of weird things going on in it. I didn't ask them to explain since I trust their professional opinions and I know software updates aren't always for the better since developers take a good product and then trash it with junk most users don't need. So can we buy version 10, at a steeper discount of course since it is old software?
Aug 30 2017 at 9:29am Copy Link
Nitro @Dennis McKay currently we're selling Pro 11, and have not made Pro 10 available.

We'd definitely be interested in hearing from your friends what they didn't like in Pro 11, however, if you can pass anything along. And thank you for your feedback!
Nitro - Aug 30 2017 at 9:33am Copy Link
disenchanted @Tim User,
Thanks on the licensing answer.
Aug 31 2017 at 4:16am Copy Link

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