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PC Cleaner from PC HelpSoftDiscount

PC Cleaner from PC HelpSoft

Restore Your PC to TipTop Performance

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
PC Cleaner from PC HelpSoft ScreenshotPC Optimization Software ScreenshotPC Cleaner from PC HelpSoft, PC Optimization Software ScreenshotPC Cleaner from PC HelpSoft, Software Utilities Screenshot

Your PC is like a fly strip for unwanted and possibly dangerous files. From the moment you boot up a new PC, normal usage begins to cause a buildup of Windows Registry entries and residual files, stuff that, if left unchecked, will eventually cause your computer to behave sluggishly and become more prone to crashes. That's why you need to renew and refresh your PC every so often, and the best tool for the job is today's discount software promotion - PC Cleaner!

PC Cleaner lets you safely clean and optimize your Windows PC, without fear of deleting something critical or otherwise messing your system up. With PC Cleaner, you can improve performance by removing unwanted files and startup items, cleaning the Windows Registry, and correcting various shared file issues. You could try to do all of these things manually, but PC Cleaner will get it done faster, more completely, more accurately, and with zero risk of error.

You'll be amazed at the vast improvements in startup and shutdown speeds once PC Cleaner has given your system the once-over! But never fear - PC Cleaner will always give you the choice of selecting which programs to keep and which ones to remove, so you'll always return to the old beloved PC you've known, only supercharged and super clean!

After you purchase PC Cleaner from PC HelpSoft, it may be used for 12 months.

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jerzy gruszecki Good soft to optimize the system.
Oct 13 2012 at 2:00am Copy Link
VLM What advantage does this offer over CCleaner and the like?
Oct 14 2012 at 2:33am Copy Link
P C The last update was in Sep 2011
Oct 14 2012 at 4:35am Copy Link
Phil Tobin Every human being is different. So is every Windows computer. There is no 'standard' computer just as there is no "standard" human being. And that's a major problem when it comes to registry cleaning / computer optimization software: no developer can possibly know the configuration of your PC. Software has therefore to be written on the basis of developer expertise and experience, not so much a 'best guess' as a series of informed assumptions.

My experience of this software sector is that it's riddled with 'best guess' developers who too often turn out to be 'worst guess': their products can, in extreme cases, actually wreck a computer. For that reason, I tend to stick with programs that have, over time, proved to work without harm on my computers: TuneUp Utilities, and jvPowerTools. Both are commercial ware. Not freeware. And both, in my experience, demonstrate why in the registry clean / computer optimization sector, freeware shouldn't be regarded as king. As for my other go-to's, I have CCleaner and Revo Uninstaller.

PC Cleaner, offered here, is commercialware I'd not previously heard of. I wasn't going to bother, but this morning alarm bells started ringing when I asked Revo to uninstall -- in 'moderate' scan guise -- an old iDrive app I don't use for backups at all. Revo used the software's own uninstall routine and then, when checking for left-overs, reported 1,966 entries that could be 'safely deleted'. Yeah. Right. When those kind of numbers run on screen it's time to run for cover.

I figured I try out PC Cleaner to see how it would perform. So I've installed and run it and road-tested it for a couple of hours now, including various PC re-boots to see what effect, if any, it was having on this computer's performance -- and also to see if it in any way agreed with Revo that 1,966 registry entries were safe to delete.

Well, it certainly didn't agree with Revo. At all. As for optimization -- and yes, I do have WinPatrol PRO running on start-up -- it actually identified more verifiably unwanted / unnecessary start-up programs than even WinPatrol PRO did.

Using PC Cleaner was, well, effortless -- it didn't take long to carefully work through all the program's recommendations and agree or disagree with 'em. It'll set restore points (except on my machine, which is looked after by MagiCure's infinitely better snapshot system) and allows one-click registry back-ups. It's informative and intuitive and when pitched up against the daddy of 'em all, jvPowerTools, actually out-performed it this morning in like-for-like scans. As for optimization, it proved superior to TuneUp Utilities in examining start-up loadings (though to be honest, I wasn't looking for high-speed boot times: I'm quite content to wait for MagicCure to snap-shot and then Panda Cloud AV to load, all of which takes time.)

Obviously, no-one should ever, ever believe that the more 'deletable' or 'fixable' entries a program finds, then the better it must be -- hence why I quit Revo Uninstall this morning after its downright terrifying 1,966 'removeable entries' report.

But PC Cleaner went deep in a sensible way, i.e.: it found long-forgotten Shareaza entrries that neither TuneUP Utilities nor jvPowertools have ever detected, plus various other items that I don't need / have forgotten they're there / are safe to be rid of.

Anyway. I didn't intend this to be any kind of review, rather to say that this morning has been a real eye-opener for me: PC Cleaner has proved itself to be an exceptionally well-written program, a utility that has just shaded out both TuneUp Utilities and jvPowerTools.

I can't think why I've never heard of this Canadian developer before, or this software, but am absolutely delighted with its performance over a couple of hours of testing. The $29.95 full retail seems to me to be fair value, but at 100% off today is one heck of a bargain. Sincere thanks then to PC HelpSoft and as usual, to BDJ. (PS: npe, I've no connection with the developer.)

@ VLM: I find CCleaner to be excellent freeware because it doesn't try to impress by being over-aggressive. PC Cleaner is, however, in an entirely different league to CCleaner and capable of analysing at a much greater depth (yet at a speed noticeably faster than jvPowerTools.) You've nothing to lose by taking advantage of this special 100%-off bargain.
Oct 14 2012 at 4:54am Copy Link
Grandong Mulez Can't test it in my machine.
Crashed all the time, and forced to be closed by Windows.
AMD Turion X64, 1.6GHz dual core, 2GB RAM, Windows XP SP3 with all latest update patched.
Oct 14 2012 at 7:30am Copy Link
Cateyes713 Loaded fine - trying to register & get to developer webpage & click register & loops me back to BDJ page. Where the heck do I enter the code?? Thanks
Oct 14 2012 at 7:34am Copy Link
Avanquest Software Cateyes713 - head over to the settings tab and there should be an option to register. If the browser window opens and takes you to the BDJ page, just close it and you should see the applications registration window in behind.
PC HelpSoft Labs Inc. - Oct 14 2012 at 7:46am Copy Link
VLM Phil Tobin - Thank you, that was truly excellent!
Oct 14 2012 at 7:50am Copy Link
Cateyes713 Stephanie - thanks that worked. I was trying to do it thru the "about" tab. Didn't get as far as settings since had a prompt to register before going forward.
Oct 14 2012 at 7:53am Copy Link
Software Guy Thought I would have a look at this software but eset NOD sure doesn't like it - it blocked the site, then when I tried again it blocked the download after identifying it as dangerous (expected) but eset is not agreeing with an override. the developer should be aware of this.
Oct 14 2012 at 7:57am Copy Link
Charlie N I am getting a network error after 5 attempted downloads including from the purchase receipt.
Oct 14 2012 at 9:04am Copy Link
Peter Blaise How to register? The [i] information button just shows a "Register PC Cleaner" link that brings me to where I see a [ Register ] link that bring me back here, so what do I do with the code sent via email, and how do I confirm that this is a full install, not a trial?
Oct 14 2012 at 10:38am Copy Link
Theo Punnival Yes, there are a slew of these "cleaners/optimisrs" out there - how dows this program perform aginst CCleaner - or some of the others. The majority of these programs are awful. We've seen a few of these through here in the past 6 months or so. How is this program better?
Oct 14 2012 at 11:44am Copy Link
Peter Pan Is this software better than, say, Tune-up Utilities 2012/2013, Ashampoo WinOptimizer v9.0, WinUtilities, Nortin Utilities, etc. It seems like there is now a great proliferation of this type of software each claiming to be the best in the industry. Which one is really the best?
Oct 14 2012 at 11:45am Copy Link
Gabrielle To Charlie N, I had a lot of trouble getting it to load from the link given me in the receipt as well; many tries, no luck---but I kept trying and finally got it to install and scan my laptop. It appeared to find a lot of things that slow me down, and walked me through removal:-)

I like how it spells things out for those of us who need simple "here is what I'm doing"-type programs. Thanks, Bits and developers!
Oct 14 2012 at 12:49pm Copy Link
Charlie N Thanks, Gabrielle! I will try again!
Oct 14 2012 at 1:24pm Copy Link
Lloyd Swanburg Peter Blaise and I have the same problem. How do we register with the code provided by email? Links go in a loop without an entry point.
Oct 14 2012 at 4:10pm Copy Link
Tazzie @ Stephanie .... could you please clarify the policy for me .... it says licensed per user, but then says each license allows installation on one computer .... so which is it? :)
Oct 14 2012 at 4:43pm Copy Link
Jim Willis I'm having same problem as 'software guy'. Eset Nod 32 v.5 will not let me d/l this program. I tried several times,once from the registration email that was sent to me & also from the online registration page.
Can I get any comments from the developer as to why this is happening?
Seems like it might be worth a try if it will co-exist with Eset.
Thanks in advance.
Oct 14 2012 at 5:40pm Copy Link
internet explorer "use them (registry cleaners) in haste and repent in leisure."
Oct 14 2012 at 6:04pm Copy Link
Ricky Gallaher Where / How do I put in the registry code.


Help Guys, we count on you for bugs like this.
Oct 14 2012 at 10:19pm Copy Link
Annette Koehnlein I am trying to register the PC Cleaner program with the serial number emailed to me but don't see where to put the registration code
Oct 15 2012 at 1:08am Copy Link
xxx xxx Very soft
Oct 16 2012 at 8:32am Copy Link
Lloyd Swanburg EUREKA !!!
To enter your registration code, open the program and click on SETTINGS. Down the list you'll find ABOUT. Click on that and be sure to enter the user name as instructed, anvsoft (not your real name) and the registration code provided.
Oct 16 2012 at 7:53pm Copy Link
Phil Tobin @ Lloyd:

I'm not sure that entering the name of an entirely different software developer -- anvsoft -- is an 'instruction' for registering software by PC HelpSoft. . .

Even though this offer has now expired, it'd be best to avoid confusion should it return here. My experience of PC Cleaner was that I didn't find the 'About' tab as a stand-alone (within which one usually finds a registration / licensing facility) so assumed that it was therefore in 'Settings'. A browser window taking me back here did pop up but I minimised it and continued on with registering in my real name, using the license code provided in the email from PC HelpSoft.
Oct 17 2012 at 1:50am Copy Link
Lloyd Swanburg Phil, You are absolutely CORRECT. I made a big mistake here, doing a copy and paste from another source in my files. SETTINGS was the correct link to find a place to enter registration code, but I messed up on the user name entry. Glad you caught me on this, and I hope there won't be confusion in the future.
Oct 17 2012 at 8:35am Copy Link
Peter Blaise Although this has some useful features that can produce beneficial results, the program interface is obscure.

1 - RESIZE, LAYOUT: Please allow window display resizing: outside, to use our large monitors or small netbook monitors; inside, to show contents so we don't have to scroll, and to see entire details of the thing we need to make decisions on; don't look like a toy.

2 - MENUS, REGISTRATION, UPDATES: Use standard menus across the top, including File/Print/Exit, Edit/Cut/Paste/Search, View/Zoom/Style, Tools/Options/Settings/Preferences/Defaults, and Help/Register/Update/About and so on; don't hide or complicate the process of registration and showing that registration is successful; don't offer to update if updating will nullify our registration or convert us to short-term trial-ware, let us decide if we want to update or upgrade to a later release version of free-ware if that will diminish certain features.

3 - FLOW, DETAILS, CONTROL: Present everything left to right, top to bottom, show us where we came from, where we will go if we click on anything, allow us to go back and forth as we figure out your tools; don't obscure anything, don't take action without warning, don't hide what you are going to do, tell us what you found before you change anything; always offer to let us select (1) MS Windows defaults, (2) prior setting as found, or (3) your recommended setting; tell us details, always include the ability to scrutinize and control details.

Oct 17 2012 at 12:16pm Copy Link
Beth Pugh PC Cleaner and CC cleaner is this the same as use? I already read many conversation about cleaner in pc but I can't select what's best among the rest. One of this that I already read by now is this one a href="
Mar 12 2013 at 1:48pm Copy Link

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