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ThoughtOffice InventorDiscount

ThoughtOffice Inventor

Invent, Develop, Create & Profit!

Mac & PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 and later
ThoughtOffice Inventor ScreenshotBusiness Mind Mapping Software ScreenshotThoughtOffice Inventor, Business Mind Mapping Software ScreenshotThoughtOffice Inventor, Business & Finance Software ScreenshotBusiness Mind Mapping Software, ThoughtOffice Inventor Screenshot

Are you ready to take control of your future in 2012?

The best way to protect yourself from the economy is to:

  • Find a problem
  • Create the solution
  • Get it to market.

"Ideas come flying in at 2-3 per minute over the next hour as I begin tapping into the stream-of-thought instigated by the software. It's as though my brain is on steroids, neurons firing at an accelerated rate... and best of all, this is FUN!" -- Jason Reading, UK

Today's exclusive Product Development & Invention Software bundle will help you do just that. With ThoughtOffice Inventor, you can:

  • Develop a new product - from scratch.
  • Pioneer a new market - today.
  • Build a cash-cow - that pays you for years.

Create something complete new and unique. Or make those few critical improvements -- that turn 'just an app' into a killer app. (Whether that be a your booklet, software, hardware or conceptware).

Your brain -- combined with ThoughtOffice Infinite Intelligence -- becomes a platform that grows new neurons every day. And helps hundreds of thousands of users create The Next Big Thing.

"Within minutes your software helped me both get creative, and then get productive. The linear session technology seamlessly assembled my normal jumble of thoughts into a presentation that WOWed the client less than 20 minutes after I had launched the program "... This program is an engine of ideas that transform the way you think, making new ideas spring to life" -- James Black, Idea Centrix

What's inside the box? Glad you asked:

ThoughtOffice Brainstorming Software, giving you more than 11,000,000 unique thought particles. 5 key Expert Topic Modules that provide instant access to the thought process provided by real domain experts. THE book on Innovation and creativity using TRIZ (the proven inventors and patent-based method). 8 Breakthrough Innovation videos from Steve Shapiro, Innovation expert to more than 20,000 innovation consultants worldwide. 2000 stock photo images to embellish your ThoughtOffice presentations.

"In just a few minutes this program has offered hundreds of thoughts that might have taken a roomful of people hours or days to assemble." "...This software is an engine of facts that are, out of context, relatively meaningless. Touched by the spark of human creativity, however, new ideas spring to life." -- Peter H. Lewis, The New York Times

Make this YOUR year to shine. Invent, Develop and Market like the pros. Protect yourself. Improve yourself. Create your future.

Review Written by Roger Thomasson
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DrTeeth Some mistake here? 0% discount?

Usual price 397 USD, on offer on vendor's site for 197 USD,

Jan 8 2012 at 8:56am Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi Guy!

Sorry for the delay. And thanks for connecting.

The BitsduJour price will actually be 60% off the already deep discount on our website. Watch for that shortly.

We have a new page coming up to provide more details. And more than "just" the software are some additional bonuses and insider videos on how to rethink your ideas - make them better, more valuable and more meaningful.

Look for the sales page coming this afternoon-early evening.
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 8 2012 at 1:28pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hey, Dr. Teeth!

Enjoyed your piano work with The Electric Mayhem on the old Muppet Show. And love your new ride! That blue Police Box must really get around!

Sorry for the confusion. The everyday price for ThoughtOffice Inventor is $197. The discount will be 67% on that amount. (For some reason, that may not be showing up properly yet. That will be fixed when the promo goes live.)

That means the BitsDuJour promo price will be $65.01, give or take a few pence.

Hope that clarifies things a bit. Have a great weekend, and see you during the promo!

(For Mark Effinger)
Dave Lockman
Product Specialist
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 8 2012 at 1:33pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi Folks - in addition to the software and module bundle, we're including...
1) Videos from one of the top Innovation Experts on "inverse innovation practices" - contrarian approaches to creativity.

2) The TRIZ method book used by tens of thousands inventors, product developers and patent firms to ensure the kernel of an idea gets a full workout before being put in stone.

3) 2,000 Stock Photos (with full rights to republish in your work) to enhance your Brainstorming Sessions and pitches.

4) Quarterly updates and insights from our inventors and product developers who are applying these principles and profiting from them daily.

In case you missed it in the above copy - looking forward to working with you folks again.
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 8 2012 at 1:36pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hey, everyone.

My reply to Dr. Teeth (above) was incorrect. I mentioned a 67% discount, but that was wrong. The correct discount for this promo is 60% (SIXTY). Please accept my apologies.

This means the discounted price for ThoughtOffice Inventor will be $78.80, not $65.01. Sorry about the screwup.

Let us know if you have any questions.

(For Mark Effinger)
Dave Lockman
Product Specialist
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 8 2012 at 8:13pm Copy Link
Grenville Bingham Hello,

I bought IdeaFisher back in the 90s and liked it so I am inclined to take up this offer.

I really don't want the Inventor package, but it buys in to the basic stuff at a reduced price.

How long will the reduced "list" prices be available for the eXpert plug in modules, for example eXpert Writer at $33 so I can buy a couple that I really want?

Is there any chance of "customizing" the deal by trading in a couple of the Inventor eXpert plugins for a couple of the others either before or after buying this deal?

Best regards, Gren. Bingham
Jan 9 2012 at 2:35am Copy Link
Gren Bingham OR ......

How about offering some of the other eXpert plugins for the same super generous discount during the period of this offer??

Best regards, Gren. Bingham
Jan 9 2012 at 2:38am Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi Grenville,
Nice to hear from an IdeaFisher user.

Why don't you email and we'll see what we can do on the custom bundle.

As for module pricing: every one of them changes every month, usually between the 1st and the 5th. So you're good for about another 3+ weeks.

Let me know if we can do anything else for you as well. And let us know how you used IdeaFisher. Always curious.
Thanks again.
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 2:41am Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi Gren,

You're a clever one, aren't you?
Sounds like a radical, yet super-awesome idea.

Done deal.

Thanks much,
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 2:44am Copy Link
Gren Bingham Heads up ... some of the links in your eXpertSpeaker Demo Session PDF are getting 404 errors. I get this a lot when moving stuff around or revising in WordPress.
Jan 9 2012 at 2:54am Copy Link
Mark Effinger Doh!
Correct you are.

Thankfully, there's a plugin for that!

We'll go through that this week.

You get extra points for editorial clicking, Gren!
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 2:59am Copy Link
Gilles Gauthier Hi Mark,

I bough IdeaFish back in the 90's and the upgrade a few months ago with all the extra modules that you sold at the time (16 or 18)

Is this Inventor a new one? If so, what is the price for this module considering that I have all the others?


Jan 9 2012 at 8:01am Copy Link
John H Mark

I bought a a bunch of modules about a year ago. I don't use them much but when I do use them they are invaluable.

Have currently built two successful prototypes. For me inventing is the easy part. Have not used the Inventor module. The business and marketing modules are the valuable ones to me because that is where my weakness is.

I have come to discover that asking the right questions are more important than having answers. All the answers are out there, we just have to know what to ask and that is the strength of your software to me.

Thanks for the great software and generous deal in the past!
Jan 9 2012 at 12:05pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi Gilles,

Thanks for connecting - and no need to upgrade. YOu have the Mother of all ThoughtOffice programs.

Let me send you a PM and get you a little something special for your contribution.

Watch for that.
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 12:33pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi John!
You and me both. I use the program more like a Ninja or Parkour runner:

1) If I have a problem to solve, I hit the appropriate module, pull 5-20 questions into a Session, and go to work. Takes 5-10 minutes to get to that "a-HA!" moment when poked and prodded byt the right question.

2) I al constantly on the lookout for unique "stream-of-consciousness" associations for copywriting or product development. That's when I pop a word into the IdeaBrowser and "recursively" click through an endless stream of links in the Synonyms, Definitions, Lyrics and Word Associations.

Cool stuff. BTW: Have you tried our (somewhat intentionally hidden) Headline Creator?

yeah - pretty fun.

Thanks much.
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 12:42pm Copy Link
H. H. Hallo,
the following questions

1. is there a possibility to create an own module, or at least to add own questions to a module?
- if not, will it be a feature available within the next future?

2. since ufnortunately your software uses the hardware footprints , is there a possibility fo deinstall when planned formating of harddisk or replacement of hardware,
so that at least for planned changing the activation counter isn´t touched?
(you may read why that has become an important question for buying a software or not in the forum

3. I think another customer has asekd a similiar question, but I´m not sure how to understand your comment (english is not my nature language)
so please apologize asking again:
a) - is it possible to change some of the modules which are
offered with the today bdj package?
b) is it possible to buy another of your bundles at the bdj price?

4. in case one decides to buy the software, must it be downloaded instantly or is the download link available for some more days? (I´m asking this, because I won´t have a working tast internet connections for the next 2-4 days (just very slow, unreliable connection via handy)?

thank you for answering soonly in advance
Jan 9 2012 at 2:29pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi H. H.

Thanks for the great questions. Here are my answers, inline:

1. is there a possibility to create an own module, or at least to add own questions to a module?
- if not, will it be a feature available within the next future?
ME: Not in the current version, but in v2.0, due out very soon, yes.

2. since ufnortunately your software uses the hardware footprints , is there a possibility fo deinstall when planned formating of harddisk or replacement of hardware,
so that at least for planned changing the activation counter isn´t touched?
(you may read why that has become an important question for buying a software or not in the forum
ME: Yes, you can deinstall and reinstall unlimited times. There is a procedure to follow to maintain any custom Brainstorming Sessions you may have in the ThoughtOffice Folder. Otherwise, it's a simple deal.

3. I think another customer has asekd a similiar question, but I´m not sure how to understand your comment (english is not my nature language)
so please apologize asking again:
a) - is it possible to change some of the modules which are
offered with the today bdj package?
b) is it possible to buy another of your bundles at the bdj price?
ME: Yes, during this promotion. You bet. Our goal is to support the BDJ community as much as possible. Florian, Constantin and Roger are some of the finest people we have ever worked with in terms of channel partners. If this was just a Groupon-type gig, we would have never run a second time. They make it rock, and they are rock-star software evangelists. Guy Kawasaki could take lessons from the BDJ crew (and customers).

4. in case one decides to buy the software, must it be downloaded instantly or is the download link available for some more days? (I´m asking this, because I won´t have a working tast internet connections for the next 2-4 days (just very slow, unreliable connection via handy)?
ME: It's available for 72 hours. But a quick ping to and he'll make sure you have a link in short order.

Thanks for the questions, H. H.
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 2:45pm Copy Link
H. H. @ Mark Effinger
thank you for your fast responding.
1.It´s fine to read, that user can define own modules in version 2.
Since (because of the slow internet connection) I didn´t download the actual demo , I´m not sure what´s the version offered now is. So I´ve to ask, if version 2 is an upgrade one has to pay for, or if the current version is so close to version 2, that it will be free?
2. At what part of the ordering process, does one have to point out, that one would like to exchange a module?
3. if not buying an additional bundle, what would be the price for a seperate module?
Thank you for answering again
Jan 9 2012 at 4:10pm Copy Link
David Thomson How does this product compare with Thought Office CEO, fully loaded with all plugin modules?
Jan 9 2012 at 4:50pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger For David Thomson:

Dave Lockman here for Mark Effinger. As you noted, ThoughtOffice CEO comes with all 16 modules, and also includes some bonus materials for PR wonks and C-level execs. CEO includes all the modules and info that comes with ThoughtOffice Inventor. Or to put it another way, ThoughtOffice Inventor is a subset of CEO, focused especially for inventors and product developers.

I hope that answers your question, David. Have a fine week!

(For Mark Effinger)
Dave Lockman
Product Specialist
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 7:48pm Copy Link
John H Mark
I think every cheezy internet marketer uses your online headline generator. It is missing the "one weird tick" angle and the "your getting ripped off" angle. I tried my product and the headlines generated put my product it in the same class as weight loss and body part enlargement ads. Then I tried a fake body part enlargement headline. Yup, looks like the same boiler plate generated spam.

I think you should make it VERY CLEAR that Thought Office does not generate this kind of boilerplate solution.

Was good for a laugh.
Jan 9 2012 at 8:28pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger John, I'm both laughing and crying inside!

Good stuff - and agreed.

The difference between "templated" responded and true algorithmic responses is - huge.

We TRIED to get cheesier, but there's just no way.

Watch for more fun coming in the next update.

Thanks for playing.
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 8:41pm Copy Link
Jerry S Hiya, Mark and Dave.

Like others here, I purchased an earlier ThoughtOffice promo and at least of couple of modules I already have are included in the new offer. So how do we avoid duplication here?

Jan 9 2012 at 11:11pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi, Jerry.

Dave Lockman here for Mark Effinger.

If you like, you can use the current promo coupon to order the modules you'd like to add, at 60% off. You've got 45 minutes left - go get 'em!

You don't need to buy the core program all over again. We wouldn't do that to you...

(For Mark Effinger)
Dave Lockman
Product Specialist
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 9 2012 at 11:18pm Copy Link
Jerry S Rats.

Didn't see this until there were only 7 minutes left - and I'm too tired to think clearly. Maybe next time, I guess.

Jan 9 2012 at 11:55pm Copy Link
Mark Effinger Don't worry, Jerry.

Dave Lockman here again for Mark. We'll make sure you get Inventor for 60% off. I sent you an e-mail with the details.

And - massive, heart-felt thanks to everyone who participated in the promo today. We really enjoy doing these, and seeing the response to the ThoughtOffice program.

Warmest regards,
(For Mark Effinger)
Dave Lockman
Product Specialist
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 10 2012 at 12:36am Copy Link
H. H. @vendor
unfortunately the 23new questions aren´t answered,
especially the upgrade option - perhaps you didn´t notcie them a new questions - would be fine, if an answer would be sent before end of the offe
thank you
Jan 10 2012 at 10:01am Copy Link
Mark Effinger Hi, H.H.

So sorry for the delay in responding. It was a hectic (but good) promo, and we'll be happy to honor the discount for you, since you weren't able to get your questions answered in a timely fashion.

Let's do that now.

1.It´s fine to read, that user can define own modules in version 2.
Since (because of the slow internet connection) I didn´t download the actual demo , I´m not sure what´s the version offered now is. So I´ve to ask, if version 2 is an upgrade one has to pay for, or if the current version is so close to version 2, that it will be free?

The current version of ThoughtOffice is 1.5, and I believe that for you we can make sure that's a free upgrade.

2. At what part of the ordering process, does one have to point out, that one would like to exchange a module?

If you e-mail us after you place your order, we will be happy to swap out the modules for you as necessary.

3. if not buying an additional bundle, what would be the price for a seperate module?

Individual modules retail for about $29 - $49. Price depends on the content. You can see all the modules, and their regular prices, on our web site:

Thank you for answering again

You bet, H.H.! Again, our apologies. We just plain missed your questions last night. We'll try to do better in the future.

Warmest regards,
(For Mark Effinger)
Dave Lockman
Product Specialist
ThoughtOffice Corporation - Jan 12 2012 at 1:20pm Copy Link
H. H. Hallo, Dave, Mark
thank you for replying after all. Mistakes can happen, but what is decisive is how a company hahdles them. And that you do not let it be a disadvantage for the interested customers is a good recommandation for you rcompany. I´ve plaed my order. Thank very much for the fair deal.
with kind regards
Jan 18 2012 at 4:46pm Copy Link
H. H. @developer
is there any progress in the further development of your software?
It´s now more than one year ago, that improvements being available /planned for version 2 had been mentioned (see bdj comments), but until now version 2 still doesn´t seem to be released. Is there an approximate release date?
thank you for responding in advance
Feb 11 2013 at 2:59pm Copy Link

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