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True Launch BarDiscount

True Launch Bar

A Better Launch Bar

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit), 8/8.1 (32 and 64 bit), 10 (32 and 64 bit)
True Launch Bar ScreenshotApp Launcher Software ScreenshotTrue Launch Bar, App Launcher Software ScreenshotTrue Launch Bar, Desktop Customization Software ScreenshotApp Launcher Software, True Launch Bar ScreenshotDesktop Customization Software, True Launch Bar ScreenshotDesktop Customization Software, App Launcher Software ScreenshotTrue Launch Bar, Desktop Customization Software, App Launcher Software ScreenshotTrue Launch Bar Screenshot 8True Launch Bar Screenshot 9True Launch Bar Screenshot 10True Launch Bar Screenshot 11True Launch Bar Screenshot 12True Launch Bar Screenshot 13

We like the idea of the Windows Quick Launch bar, and even -- on rare occasions -- find ourselves using it. But we're always struck with the vague, disconsolate feeling that it simply isn't reaching its full potential.

True Launch Bar is a vastly-superior replacement for the standard Quick Launch bar. Don't worry -- every Quick Launch function is also in True Launch Bar, and they share the same shortcut folder. However, True Launch Bar allows us to combine our shortcuts into groups and display them in convenient popup menus. Right off the bat it saves us space on our desktop and makes it a snap to launch our favorite applications.

True Launch Bar is extremely configurable. We love the "auto-popup menus on mouse hover" option, and the "large icon" option makes working at high screen resolutions much more comfortable. Creating a new menu is as simple as right-clicking on True Launch Bar, and you can designate hotkeys to launch applications.

Best of all, True Launch Bar supports plugins like Mail Monitor, Weather Forecast, Media Control, System Process Monitor, Color Picker, Voice Recorder, Calculator, and dozens more!

But don't take our word for it. Give True Launch Bar a try today and watch how quickly you ask yourself how you ever lived without it.

Please note folks: "True Launch Bar (Personal License)" is licensed per user however all the other license options are licensed Per-Computer. You can read more about this here

Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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The Conversation
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Barnet It is so easy to exagerate a positing both positive and negative. That said, True Launch Bar is hands down, my favorite helper program I have ever installed on a PC, since 1980. I am an IT pro and I simply would NEVER run Windows 7 without Truelaunchbar.

I am running 59 programs on my laptop and my shortcuts to lauch are orgainized in 4 truelaunchbar groups, in the order i want them to display.

Do yourself a favor - download the trial and spend enough time to be certain you understand how it works.

Well there is my 2 cents!
Aug 4 2013 at 7:10am Copy Link
Hans-Peter Guttmann Superb utility for Windows. Listing omits 100% compatibility with Windows 8, Desktop side, not Metro.

Deep customization capabilities of True Launch Bar will allow you to make your Windows supremely efficient — no more searches or typing for apps, templates, or system controls. Place everything you need, often or rarely, one or two clicks away in an order that makes sense to you!

Am a Windows system builder and have used True Launch Bar since 2006. I cannot imagine running Windows without it, especially in Windows 8
with its idiotic, inconsistent dual interface .
Sep 20 2013 at 4:54am Copy Link
GrandMaster I rely on this program on my Win8 desktop and laptop. I sync the shortcuts in my toolbars via dropbox and my interface is the same across machines.

This is an absolute must have.
Oct 11 2013 at 12:39am Copy Link
Ela S. According to their website, True Launch Bar does work in Windows 8 as well.

Windows without it would be a nightmare.

Many thanks to the developer!!!
Nov 15 2013 at 6:26am Copy Link
John Terdik I use TLB on Win8.0 and Win8.1 IMHO it is a MUST have application.
Jan 21 2014 at 2:01pm Copy Link
Guy Good Does True Launch Bar work with Start Menu X. If it does, are there any problems to be aware of?
Oct 17 2014 at 5:04am Copy Link
Christian User Great software !
Thanks to the developer !!!
Jan 31 2016 at 7:11am Copy Link
Gary Mugford Let me add to the litany of positive reviews. I use a multiple screen setup and have TLB glued to the bottom of the right-most monitor in the setting. It's the one that is, more or less, directly within my sight line naturally. I tried to remember the last time I actually used the start button (which I have modified with the also excellent AND inexpensive Start Menu X) over on the far left screen and I actually couldn't remember. And when I do (did?), it's mostly for searching for a rarely used program. TLB is easy to learn and it's up to you just how far you go with the customization. Your time is yours to spend as you see fit. I spent a lot of time early on, but have decided just to go with the defaults for a while now and am very happy. The addon widgets return to me that that Microsoft has taken away from me, which makes me happy. And let me also laud the developer for making video's of each new feature as he releases them. There's many launchers out there, but when you measure capability vs. price, the graph has TrueLaunchBar as the best in show.
Aug 19 2016 at 4:28am Copy Link
Hans-Peter Guttmann True Launch Bar remains indispensable to Windows 10 users who want straightforward access to all the parts of their system and don't have time for the continuing idiocy of START.
Apr 30 2017 at 6:52am Copy Link
Dana User I love True Launch Bar and I can't see using the computer without it. I just checked and I purchased TLB for the first time in July 2005. I have a number of individual programs, those I want to easily reach, on the bar along with a number of menus with flyout menus to organize the rest of the programs in logical, to me, groups.

Even though the license I have is a lifetime license I've purchased additional copies to make sure it stays in development.

Speaking of lifetime licensing, their website offers lifetime licensing but there's no mention on this sale. Still, I gotta believe you're licensing for a lifetime when you make the purchase.

How can you not purchase True Launch Bar. (I'm not a paid spokesperson, just a lover of this utility that would like to make sure it's always updated for my lifetime.)
Jul 20 2017 at 10:53am Copy Link
Bertie Brummel Is this still under development? Website shows the latest release is dated from Oct 2015 ......
Feb 10 2018 at 3:23am Copy Link
Gosha Mazov The best of the best!
One tip: install plugins for TrueLaunchBar.
Feb 23 2018 at 1:42am Copy Link
Bertie Brummel The software has not been updated since October 2015, so I've doubts whether it is compatible witth actual versions of Win 10. The vendor did not reply to my question 2 weeks ago .....
Reasons enough to pass this offer.
Feb 23 2018 at 8:37am Copy Link
Ray User @ Bertie Not sure where you're looking but according to their website the last update was May 8, 2017 so it appears that it is still being actively worked on and should definitely work on Windows 10.
Mar 13 2018 at 5:51pm Copy Link
Bertie Brummel @ Ray User: Perhaps you should re-read their website. Latest stable release is from 2015, you are talking about a beta version (release candidate 1) from May 2017. A bit unusual, n'est-ce-pas?
Mar 14 2018 at 2:49am Copy Link
Private User Really? I criticize the payment company for not selling me the software unless I give them my personal info and bitsdujour deletes my comment? How dishonest!

Way to keep costumers. (Unsubscribes from mailing list, blocks emails)
Aug 6 2018 at 8:30am Copy Link
Karl M. I'm using this for years now, for me and my family, and I'm absolutely happy with it. True Launch Bar is one of the best software tool available, an absolute must for Windows.
Sep 4 2018 at 2:27am Copy Link
Mariusz W " I'm using this for years now, for me and my family, and I'm absolutely happy with it." - I'm agree with it, I hope author never abandon this software and make even cosmetic update.
Mar 5 2019 at 1:33am Copy Link
Bradley MacDonald I purchased this software after going through a day's trial. It is very useful!!

It did take me an hour or so to figure it out - to have it work the way I wanted it to. And I am not yet using all its features. Now I have my main apps in the tray at the bottom - which is handy. And I have three hidden toolbars (two on the left and one on the right) that contain time and weather for 7 different cities, list of useful web links, and all my applications organized by topic.
Very handy. Keeps my desktop clean and organized, lets me have all these apps at my finger tips - but hidden most of the time. Running Windows 10 - and it works well with it.
Very happy with my purchase.
Jul 22 2019 at 2:51pm Copy Link
Mr Dave For those still wondering if True Launch Bar is still being supported: Their website says version 7.5 (Stable Release) was released on March 10, 2019. I've used this for years and just updated to 7.5, looking forward to seeing what's different.

A Windows 10 update in August seriously slowed down TLB and many other things on my PC, but another update about 2 weeks ago fixed that. Of course, Microsoft never acknowledged anything (I quit looking in September), but TLB is once again very responsive, and 7.5 seems just as fast as 7.4 was. I have over 650 programs across dozens of menus and 5 TLB plugins in my menu. Might take a second or 3 to display any given menu. Much easier to organize programs in TLB than it is in Win 10/64's start menu. My PC is almost 3 years old, Core i7 with 16 GB RAM and 500G SSD plus 2 HDDs.. So yeah it's not a toaster, but rather slow by current standards and I have more programs than most people. I almost never use the Start menu for anything, and alphabetic list or hundreds of tiles just don't help me! I need a menu of major categories, and a submenu for each, and most of those have several submenus. I can drag and drop or manage everything in Windows Explorer (or my favorite file manager, FreeCommander XE).
Oct 30 2019 at 8:28pm Copy Link
Johnny User I've been a registered user since v4.0 in 2012.....TLB is one of those programs that becomes so integral to your daily Windows usage, that you FORGET it ISN'T a part of Windows....until you do a reinstall and suddenly miss the functionality. TLB is one of the first programs I actually purchased, and I don't use 90% of its functionality- regarding it as visual fluff, but the other so indispensable, it's worth the price, alone.
Feb 20 2020 at 8:06am Copy Link
Norwel Gordon Attn: BDJ
Your "WEBSITE" link on this promotion does NOT point to the vendor's site.

I found this link which seems to be correct site:

Also "The Conversation" is loaded with Older material.

Please correct or explain.

Thank you.
Jun 9 2020 at 5:21am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Norwel Gordon, I updated the link to point to the correct home page of the product.

Regarding the comments: our system categorizes the comments depending on the type of promotion which is active at the moment the comment is added. When an EveryDay deal is active the comments showing up will be the ones which were added while an EveryDay deal was active for this product. The same goes for the 24 hours normally discounted deals, specifically: when a 24 hours normally discounted deal is active for this product, the comments showing up will be the ones which were added while a 24 hours normally discounted deal was active for this product. All other comments will be hidden under the "Load X Older Comments".
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 9 2020 at 5:42am Copy Link
Norwel Gordon @ Constantin Florea, Thank you for your prompt reply to this post and correcting the link, and pointing out my error on the second issue.

General Observation:

Some vendors hurt their credibility by failing to reply promptly, or sometimes at all, to questions or requests.

But for issues controllable by BDJ, Constantin always replies promptly and effectively.

Thank you, again.
Jun 9 2020 at 7:40am Copy Link
Mariusz W I've bought it ages ago and still I'm recommending it to everyone. It is the best software to increase your productivity. For me only one missing feature. Standalone True Launch Bar have no function to not hide it when you click keyboard shortcut "Win + D", so I must have some icons on my Windows Desktop.
Oct 25 2020 at 2:22am Copy Link
Hans-Peter Guttmann Is True Launch Bar Compatible with the now released Windows 11? Thanks!
Oct 6 2021 at 7:46am Copy Link
Mario Does TLB work in Windows 11?
Dec 5 2021 at 11:06am Copy Link
Stephen Kunkel TLB is really good. I've used many different launchers over the years, but I always come back to TLB. Regarding Win 11 compatibility, I still have Win 10, but Edwin at elevenforum says, "It'll work on the current W11 Beta but you have enable Classic Taskbar with Winaero Tweaker." So IDK.

EDIT: BTW the developer (Yuri) is around. He just answered a support question for me on the tordex forums.
Jan 9 2022 at 8:40am Copy Link
HJ B There have been several questions raised as to whether this program is compatible with Windows 11. Those questions go back to last year. There has been no effort by the developer to respond to that very important question.

The BDJ promotional blip says "Download available for: Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit), 8/8.1 (32 and 64 bit), 10 (32 and 64 bit)" No mention of !!.

However, at the developer's site, it is stated "True Launch Bar can be installed on Windows™ Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 ".

The website says that the last stable version was 7.5 as of March 10, 2019 and that there is a version 7.5.1 beta issues on Nov 19, 2021. The beta description says nothing about windows 11.

Before installing this on my computer, I need a statement from the developer that the stable version works, as is, in the Win 11 environment.
Mar 6 2022 at 12:38pm Copy Link
William Henry Does this program replace the START MENU and TASKBAR settings? Are the Applets from 3rd party developers?
Mar 18 2022 at 7:09am Copy Link
Jacen awesome and beautiful program
May 16 2022 at 7:56pm Copy Link
HJ B It is a bad sign that this developer does not seem motivated to answer questions.
Jun 11 2022 at 6:55am Copy Link
Eduardo Amado @HJ B I have it installed in Windows 11 and works fine as in older OS.
@William Henry. No it does not replace start menu either taskbar. TLB adds a lot more functionalities.
Jun 29 2022 at 5:19am Copy Link
Hans-Peter Guttmann I have confirmed / explained / illustrated the compatibility of TRUE LAUNCH BAR in its 'Desktop Toolbar' mode with Windows 11 here:

It is not necessary to alter the Windows 11 Taskbar in ways that subsequent updates / upgrades to '11' undo.
Oct 5 2022 at 11:41am Copy Link
Karl M. I'm using TLB for years now, it's one of the best addition to Windows. I purchased it multiple times as a gift for my children and wife. Yes, it works with Win 11.
Jan 7 2023 at 2:54am Copy Link
stuart ponthier As of now TLB is officially freeware according to the developer website. the one and only developer is Russian and still living in Russia (although he does not support the war) where he can not be paid for his work even if he wanted to be. I don't understand how this software is still being sold on this site.

TLB does work with windows 11, particularly well if you use anything like Start11 or StartAllBack or any of the many other taskbar modification programs available, but I doubt the developer even knows his program is being sold here any more so don't expect any direct communication outside his official website.
Jan 12 2023 at 7:39am Copy Link
tony saint @ Constantin Florea
I thought I was misunderstanding something, seeing as on the TLB website (linked from the BDJ site) it states that TLB is now free. It also mentions that OPTIONAL DONATIONS can be made via bitcoin

How does buying on BDJ at $13.93 represent anything other than an infinite MARKUP on a free product?

Further question arises is that if the developer says it's free but it's being sold here, is it authorized and where does the money go?

As someone who has purchased from here several times, and appreciate BDJ, it worries me that my trust is being eroded. I hope there's a good explanation and my worries are dissipated.
Jan 15 2023 at 1:03am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @tony saint, Thanks for letting us know about this. We have updated this promotion to show a (regular and) discounted price of $0.00.

At times it is possible that changes like this happen for a title and the vendors don't always notify us about these changes.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 15 2023 at 5:04pm Copy Link
tony saint Thank you.
Jan 15 2023 at 6:33pm Copy Link
OLIN Hello.

I will buy a working license (key) for True Launch Bar. I cannot use version 8 which is free because it is not compatible with Windows 7. Please email offers to: - thank you.
Sep 14 2023 at 4:17pm Copy Link

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