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Visual Lint Standard EditionDiscount

Visual Lint Standard Edition

Write Cleaner Code With Fewer Mistakes

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 2000, NT, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista (x32, x64), 7 (x32, x64)
Visual Lint Standard Edition ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software ScreenshotVisual Lint Standard Edition, Development Tools Software ScreenshotVisual Lint Standard Edition, Development Software ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software, Visual Lint Standard Edition ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Visual Lint Standard Edition ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Development Tools Software Screenshot

What's your approach to debugging your code? Program, execute, then hunt down the glitches one by one as you encounter them? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you were able to execute code that's significantly cleaner, resulting in much less effort to get it ready for production? Today, you can, with Visual Lint Standard Edition!

Visual Lint Standard Edition is an automated code analysis solution which gives coders the ability to detect and eliminate bugs and mistakes early on using industry standard code analysis tools within the Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual C++ and Eclipse development environments. With Visual Lint Standard Edition, you'll experience an immediate increase in productivity as you avoid common coding mistakes that have plagued programmers since the first coder emerged from the primordial ooze so many eons ago.

As you craft your code, Visual Lint Standard Edition supplies automated incremental analysis, catching issues and errors as you make them. And when Visual Lint Standard Edition finds an issue, there'll be no scrambling done on your part to look it up -- the program presents warning info in an easy and intuitive colour coded format! For example, do you find yourself wasting a lot of < include > files that you thought you needed, but ultimately didn't? When used with PC-lint, Visual Lint Standard Edition alerts you to the presence of unused files, letting you clean up your code even more! For the bosses that are breathing down your neck, you'll be happy to know that Visual Lint Standard Edition can produce reports automatically, and even updates them dynamically as the code analysis continues.

Visual Lint Standard Edition supports industry standard analysis tools for C/C++, C# and Java including CppCheck,, PC-lint, Vera++, FxCop and FindBugs. Although these are not included in the download, most are either open source or freely downloadable. The Visual Lint Configuration Wizard will guide you through the process of installing and configuring the analysis tool you select.

Note that a command line version of Visual Lint (that also supports C++ Builder codebases) is currently in beta and will be released as a free update in the near future.

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Exolon Miner Hello Anna-Jayne,
Hi Beth,

Great to see your excellent Visual-Lint again on BDJ.

In the description you mentioned an upcoming command line version of Visual Lint. Do you have some more Information about that?

Can I integrate the command line Version in the IDE of my choice (SlickEdit)?


Dec 6 2011 at 12:13am Copy Link
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe Hi Exo,

There's an overview of VisualLintConsole on our blog at

We're dogfooding it on our own build server at the moment, and copies are already with our beta testers. It should become available on public release in the main Visual Lint installer early next year.

VisualLintConsole is aimed primarily at batch runs (e.g. on build servers or running a scheduled update to the data for an interactive Visual Lint session) so it may not be best suited to an on demand environment, but the scenario you describe is certainly something we'd be interested in exploring.

Please feel free to write to us directly and we'll have a chat about it to explore possibilities in this area.

Direct SlickEdit (and CodeGear C++) support are both long term aspirations, of course.
Riverblade Ltd - Dec 6 2011 at 12:30am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Hey Bitsters I had the pleasure of hanging out with Anna-Jayne in London two weeks back at the European Software Conference. Anna did a great talk on software quality, and certainly knows her stuff when if comes to architecting stable, scaleable systems. For all the software architects in the audience you could do worse than to fire off your trickiest of questions to her, I doubt she can be stumped!

(sounds like a challenge to me!)
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 6 2011 at 5:33am Copy Link
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe Hi Nico,

I do try. :)
Riverblade Ltd - Dec 6 2011 at 5:56am Copy Link

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