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Xojo DesktopDiscount

Xojo Desktop

Create Native, Multi-platform Apps for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux

Mac & PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP SP2 or later, Vista, 7, 8, Mac OS X 10.6 or later, Linux, Web
Xojo Desktop ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software ScreenshotXojo Desktop, Development Tools Software ScreenshotXojo Desktop, Development Software ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software, Xojo Desktop ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Xojo Desktop Screenshot

You want to start building apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux right now, and you don’t have the time to take programming classes. What do you do? Is it even possible to get instant gratification like this without all of the hard work? It is, if you have a copy of today’s discount software promotion, Xojo Desktop!

Xojo Desktop lets you create native, multi-platform apps for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. With Xojo Desktop, you’ll be able to access integrated support for graphics, database servers, Internet protocols, and more, giving you the power to build anything you can imagine. Just one set of source code is enough to support multiple platforms. Need UI controls? Xojo Desktop gives you over 40 of them to play with! Best of all, you build interfaces using drag and drop functionality.

So forget about having to learn a bunch of complicated programming languages for each platform, and get a jump on the competition! In fact, your first app can be up and running in as little as an hour!

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SM Griffith Will the inclusion of iOS and Android app composition be a major update whereby this version no longer functions fully? It's the iOS and Android features that are very important to me and I don't want to buy now and pay to upgrade a month from now?

Oct 29 2013 at 3:18am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. Absolutely not. With all Xojo licenses, you receive 1 year of updates that gives you access to new releases. After that timeframe, you can either purchase a renewal for access to future updates or you can continue to use the versions you have indefinitely - you will not ever lose access to them.

iOS will be a separate target platform, just as Desktop, Web and Console is today. The version on this sale is for the Desktop. But it is a great way to get comfortable developing apps with Xojo so when iOS ships you'll be all ready to go!
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 29 2013 at 5:51am Copy Link
Kimmo Lahtinen I think you are saying that one must pay for an other license to develop for mobile platforms? Is there any discounts for Desktop owner?
Oct 30 2013 at 3:34am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. That's right, Kimmo. Our licensing is pretty simple - you just need a license for the platform you wish to target. We do offer various discounts throughout the year for current license holders to add a platform, but since iOS is not out yet I can't say for sure.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 5:57am Copy Link
Kevin Hawkins This product (XOJO) shows as $250 retail on the XOJO website.
Why does the BDJ offer show 40% off $300 ? Surely it should be $150 not $180
Oct 30 2013 at 6:07am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. You are accessing it from the UK, which will display our Euro pricing and VAT. If you apply the discount code BITS, you will see the correct price.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 6:13am Copy Link
Mike Murphy Can you create database applications with this version?
Oct 30 2013 at 6:27am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. Sure you can. The Desktop License comes with access to SQLite. If your app needs to connect to a database server we sell a separate database access license for that.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 6:44am Copy Link
Kevin Hawkins If I buy this but then didn't renew in a particular year(s) for ongoing updates... Can I get back onto the latest version / update program later with just the one current years renewal ?
Oct 30 2013 at 7:55am Copy Link
Mike Murphy Also, does it only create 32 bit applications?

Oct 30 2013 at 7:55am Copy Link
Texas Stargazer @DanaBrown
Just to clarify about being able to continue to use XOJO. It seems that after the license expires, you can no longer deploy any NEW apps without paying for a license renewal? Below is taken from XOJO website...

Your Xojo deployment licenses allow you to deploy indefinitely with all Xojo releases prior to the expiration date of your license(s). To deploy with Xojo releases that ship after your expiration date, you will need to renew your license. Renewals are available for 12 or 24 months.
Oct 30 2013 at 7:55am Copy Link
MojoMan Hi Dana,

In just having seen your software for the first time, and not having time to actually assess it before the deal will run out, I wanted to ask about the trial version.

Is the trial time limited ?

Is it functionally limited ?

I'm hoping that the trial is not time limited and is fully functional but record limited. That would allow a trial of an actual project with full features and allow for licensing after seeing how it may work for an intended application.

Also... are there trials for IOS / Android ? I am interested in mobile app development tools as well...

Oct 30 2013 at 7:56am Copy Link
Texas Stargazer How much does it cost to renew every year? It use to be $150, is it still the same?

Oct 30 2013 at 7:57am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. @Kevin Yes. If you do not renew, you can continue to use the versions you have and then should you decide to purchase a 1-year renewal you will get the latest version.

@Texas Stargazer You can deploy indefinitely with the releases you have paid for, even if your license is expired. So, you can continue to create new applications and deploy them with your release. If you keep your license current then you would have access to new releases with new features. It does not affect your ability to deploy though - you can deploy applications with any release that you have.

@MojoMan We do offer an unlimited trial, but you cannot deploy your applications with the free version. It is fully functional so you can create a project or learn Xojo and then get a licenses when you are ready to deploy. We do offer a 90-day money back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied for any reason.

There are not trials for iOS yet. It is going to beta soon, but is not yet shipping.

@Texas Stargazer Yes, that is correct. Renewals are still $150. A new Xojo Desktop license comes with 1 year of updates.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 8:23am Copy Link
Glen Coulthard Is anyone else having difficulty setting up an account on the XOJO site to purchase? It keeps saying to confirm your email address, but I've checked every folder (yes, including SPAM) directly on my web server and through my email clients. I've even used additional email addresses, but after an hour of waiting nothing is coming through. I suspect that the Xojo website is not sending out confirmations, which makes setting up an account to purchase very difficult. (Or is it just me? grin)
-- Glen
Oct 30 2013 at 10:04am Copy Link
Troy Dangerfield I'm considering buying this and want to try it out, but can't register with the xojo site. I've tried 3 browsers, checked my spam folder, but still can't get an email from xojo to confirm my email.

I've sent an email to xojo's customer support so hopefully I can register before this offer runs out.
Oct 30 2013 at 10:40am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. Glen, Sorry if you are having any trouble with an account, can you email me over at sales and I'll get you all set up!
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 11:12am Copy Link
Robert Skinner I am trying to create an account as well but have not received the email in my inbox or spam folder.
Oct 30 2013 at 1:30pm Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. We are looking into this issue. In the mean time please contact us via email at and we'll get you all set up.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 1:39pm Copy Link
Mike Murphy I have an account but can't remember my password. I clicked for a password reset, but no email has arrived. It is not in any spam filters.
Oct 30 2013 at 2:32pm Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. @Mike Just wanted to follow-up. It sounds like Xojo Customer Service has already helped you out. If you have any further issues or questions please let us know!
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 3:32pm Copy Link
KHood Xojo comes with a 90 day money back guarantee on the Xojo site. Does this 90 day money back guarantee apply to this purchase as well? If the answer is "yes" I am inclined to purchase the software. Thank you!
Oct 30 2013 at 5:54pm Copy Link
Michael R. Is the inclusion of Android on the roadmap too?
Oct 30 2013 at 5:56pm Copy Link
Nick Kobe Hi! I'm interested in purchasing XOJO Desktop. However, unlike much of the other software on Bits Du Jour your offering is more complex then the other offerings. Consequently, one day to make a decision is far to short a time period. If I understand the offer if I purchase the software and find that it does not meet my needs I can get a full refund within a 90 day guarantee period. Is that correct? Is the refund made in a timely manner? XOJO Desktop does not seem to be a programming language, but a programming "tool". In what language(s) are the programs actually written and can they be accessed directly through software that uses the native programming language. Thank you! Hopefully, you will receive this inquiry before the end of the promotion.
Oct 30 2013 at 5:57pm Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. @Kim Yes, if you are not fully satisfied we will honor our 90-day money back guarantee.

@Michael R. Presently we are working on iOS and that will be going to beta soon. Once those are out the door we will focus on other mobile platforms.

@Nick Kobe Yes, we do offer a 90-day return policy. Xojo is a programming language and development tool. The Xojo language is modern and object-oriented and supports supports things like inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism. It is strongly-typed as well. We actually also offer a free Introduction to Programming textbook for those that are learning programming and learning Xojo that teaches programming concepts that are applicable to pretty much any language you'd ever learn -
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 30 2013 at 6:50pm Copy Link
Marco De Luca I signed up on the Xojo website, but the confirmation mail never arrived... I'll probably miss this deal :-(
Oct 31 2013 at 1:53am Copy Link
Alyssa Foley @Kim, Alyssa from Xojo here, yes the 90 day money back policy applies to this sale! @Michael, We have plans for Android support but are not close enough right now to say more than that.
Oct 31 2013 at 1:53am Copy Link
Nick Kobe Thank you for your reply. I have programmed in MS Basic.

I assume that you can use any database such as Access or Filemaker for data. Is that correct?
Oct 31 2013 at 1:54am Copy Link
Math Mike Be very, very careful about entering your order. I placed the BITS discount code in the site after I signed up as a customer. Everything looked good and the discount seemed to be applied. When I placed my order, the BITS discount code didn't take and I was charged the full $300. I will contact customer service, but make very sure that you check to see if the discount code is applied.
Oct 31 2013 at 1:54am Copy Link
Ole Jensen Password mail never arrived ! Tried several times on XOJO site but Password Mail never arrived!
Oct 31 2013 at 5:28am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. @Math Mike Please contact us at and we will take care of this adjustment promptly.

@Marco and @Ole Have you checked Spam? If so and you still don't have an email, Alyssa can get you all set up at

@Nick The Desktop License comes with access to SQLite. If your app needs to connect to a database server we sell a separate database access license for that.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 31 2013 at 6:19am Copy Link
Ole Jensen I have received my Password reset Mail! - Thank You!
Oct 31 2013 at 9:29am Copy Link
ylluminate At what point in development process do you have to buy a license to Xojo? For example, can I develop an app all the way through, test it, and then purchase the license in a month or two when I am actually ready to deploy this to the App Store?

Ie, what does the actual license get me vs the free development download?
Oct 31 2013 at 9:29am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. @ylluminate Sure. The license is required to deploy your applications but Xojo is free to learn, so you can build your app and then when you're ready to deploy it or share it you buy a license.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 31 2013 at 10:07am Copy Link
Ryan Franklin I have been using Real Basic for years and it is a wonderful product and I would like to renew my license, but it is hard for me to justify the expense. I have been waiting for nearly two years for Real Software to offer some sort of discount for renewing my license, but I have not received any offers. In the near future, will Xojo Inc, be offering a discount to existing license holders. If the price was right, I would not hesitate to renew my license. I am sure many license holders would do the same.

Please let me know, if any renewal discounts will be offered in the near future.

Thank you
Oct 31 2013 at 11:05am Copy Link
Xojo, Inc. @Ryan We do offer a variety of sales throughout the year. Make sure you are opted in to receive emails so you will be notified of sales and offers.
Xojo, Inc. - Oct 31 2013 at 11:32am Copy Link
ylluminate So the thing here is that if we purchase this now, and it takes a couple months to learn this and get a product ready for deployment, we've lost those couple of months towards our yearly license, correct? It seems to me prudent to actually start trying and using your software now and in a month, two or three when we have I have a beta done and ready for testing, then make the purchase. OR is it possible to buy the license with the discount now and just have it not become active until we are ready to deploy?
Oct 31 2013 at 2:44pm Copy Link
Kevin Hawkins So could you create a Raspberry Pi app with this ? I can see huge potential if you could.
Nov 1 2013 at 2:06am Copy Link
lynxdor Yesterday, after I opened an account on the XOJO site, I downloaded the trial version for Mac ("Xojo2013r32.dmg").
I never could open this virtual disk with the Xojo2013r32 trial version on it.
After having double clicked the virtual disk (message "unable to open"), I used the disk soft (french : "utilitaire de disque"). The result was the same.
I have an Intel based Mac, system 10.6.8 french, but anyway even an older Mac can open the .dmg by doubleclicking it.
So I cannot try your software.
Nov 1 2013 at 12:30pm Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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