Jose L Santos Paragon Hard Disk Manager has several product kits being the Suite the most popular one, focused at the home not technical users.
Their Professional versions is a more complete versions that would match the requirements of the tech savvy users, as it can give them the information and control a technical user does look for.
44 users already posted their I Want This for the Professional product at its version 12. However, Paragon just released their Hard Disk Manager 14 Professional, na updated version of the product, which should now be not only the focus for these 44 posts, but also for a large number of potential users worldwide, which would benefit from the program's functions, while, at the same time Paragons would create a critical mass of users of the new version, therefore widespreading the knowledge about it.
So, it is the right time for BitsDuJour negotiate a considerable savings offer for Hard Disl Manager 14 Professional with Paragon. May be a killer offer for Black Friday!!!