The Angel Network (TAN) is where Trey Songz lives. Download this app and connect directly with Trey. TAN is the only place where Trey joins his fans in chats, shares exclusive backstage photos, and gives shoutouts to Angels across the world. - Meet Trey in person Available only to the Angels on TAN - Chat with Trey Join the chat room and talk to fans across the US and around the world - Get personal messages from Trey Personal photos, videos or voice messages just for Angels on TAN - Get noticed Get recognized by Trey and the Angel community This is what fans are saying about The Angel Network: Simply Amazing ***** by michellemimiii Love interacting with & getting to know other Trey Songz fans. It's amazing to see all the support that he has & he shows us how much he appreciates it as well. The contest are a bonus getting to meet trey or a prize of some sort is pretty cool also. He interacts with us as much as he can because he's a very busy man, but we all know that he's out there doing something for us. I love when he comes in his chat & manage to put a smile on our faces & yes a gift from him means aloootttttt lol. I bragged about it for days when I first received one lol. Idk how I almost forgot the V.I.P it's a quick way to get noticed by Trey also when he's online. Just join I'm sure you'll love it. Michel'le - Trey's Angel Sensational App!!!!!!! ***** by Angel At Heart This is by far one of the best apps I've ever downloaded! It gives all Trey Songz fans from around the world a chance to connect with our favorite artist. Ive interacted with some wonderful Angels from all around the globe who share the same passion as I do and it is simply amazing! There are contests that we get to participate in for a chance to meet him and he takes the time to even chat with us. ... What more could you ask for?? I absolutely LOVE this app I Love the TAN app! ***** by Shamonya (@buttaflyangel) I love this app it is hands down my new favorite app to go to!! I enjoy interacting with other angels and people that have the same love for Trey Songz like I do. FINALLY!! a network that speaks my language and also great fun with contest & prizes! Plus you never no when Trey's online and you might get that shout out,gift or msg! Trey will not let you down he's always giving someone life. You want this app! Trust me! Download Now!!! Like Right Now!! See you there