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Your Favorite Folders in Every Dialog Box

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Platforms: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7
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Despite the fact that you have hundreds of different folders and subfolders on your hard drive, chances are good that you find yourself navigating to the same handful of choice locations over and over (and over). Wouldn't it be great if, instead of maneuvering to the same folder with every Open/Save As/Browse operation, those folders could magically appear in every dialog box? It's entirely a reality with AutoDialogs!

AutoDialogs provides quick access to the folders you use most often in standard Open/Save As/Browse dialog boxes. With AutoDialogs, preselected folders of your choosing are automatically inserted into your dialog boxes with just two clicks of a system tray menu or a single press of a hotkey!

Today is the day that you say "Sayonara" to clicking dozens of times to get to where you want -- just use AutoDialogs to bring up your desired target directories in a flash!

Review Written by Derek Lee

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SoftCollector A nice one, but I already have a File Manager (Servant Salamander) and the AutoDialogs icon does not appear in its window. Since I have a file manager, I do not need to use Windows Explorer.

1). I would buy the program if I could run it from the tray, but in such a way that the directory opens in my file manager instead of in Windows Explorer. Is that possible?

2). I had Trados Studio v2009 open at the time of installation and running of AutoDialogs and the two programs seem to disagree - Trados disappeared, reappeared, disappeared again. Is this a known problem?

Kind regards,
Aug 10 2011 at 12:56pm Copy Link
Ansel Taft My $0.02 - I do not think this app's name accurately describes its purpose. I read the description a couple times, and still scratched my head in wonder. I think the word 'folder' is the most important term that is left out of the name.
Aug 10 2011 at 1:05pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov SoftCollector:

We added support for Salamander managers:

I also installed Trados, but no incompatibility was discovered. Will try to look more at this.

Ansel Taft:
Yes, we had plans for more dialogs automation in past. Then stopped at the folder navigation mostly. Perhaps, we will extend this in future versions.
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 11 2011 at 4:33am Copy Link
SoftCollector Thank you, Alexander, you are amazing!

1. Indeed, it works for Servant Salamander now with one small note: when I click on SS's upper window border and start moving it around AutoDialogs' icon falls behind and follows SS's window around the screen. Can this be fixed?

2. Will this added SS integration become part of the commercially sold version of AD, offered through your site?

3. If it is possible to implement integration on such short notice (and you are kind enough to do it) could I also ask to integrate AD's icon in PowerArchiver 2011 Pro's window. It is one of the best archivers on the market today and has become increasingly popular - you efforts will not be wasted.

4. I will buy AutoDialogs when it becomes available here.

Thank you again!

Kind regards,
Aug 11 2011 at 5:09am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov OK. Power Archiver was harder to deal with, but now it works:


The next version that officially supports these file managers will be released in September.
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 11 2011 at 7:28am Copy Link
SoftCollector Great, Alexander, thanks!

This was a perfect display of what prompt customer service is about. A few notes to consider for the official release of AutoDialogs with the new intergration:

1. When I click on SS's upper window border and start moving it around AutoDialogs' icon falls behind and follows SS's window around the screen. I am not sure this is a bug, but it looks like one.

2. As far as I can see the PowerArchiver integration is through the "Open archive" window and not the main program window - is this by design?

3. I have Foxit PhantomPDF Business Edition installed and the AutoDialogs icon appeared at strange places in the program's window yesterday. May need to be looked into. Tried to reproduce it today, but could not.

Other than that I am very happy with the implementation and will buy the software when it becomes available at BitsDujour.

Thanks again!

Aug 11 2011 at 10:55pm Copy Link
Michael K I too don't use Windows Explorer and use Directory Opus 9 instead which I bought when offered on BitsDuJour.

Does AutoDialogs work within and support Directory Opus 9 too?


Aug 12 2011 at 2:46am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov SoftCollector:

1. Yes, we are thinking on how to improve this.

2. What is the main window? I used the one where you have folders/files list.

3. OK. I will take a look later.

Michael K:

There is only Directory Opus 10 version on their site now. AutoDialogs works perfectly with it.

But I think I was developing for the previous version of this software, so it should be compatible.
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 12 2011 at 3:57am Copy Link
Richard Andersen @Michael K: Autodialogs works fine with DOpus 9 & 10. There is a minor problem though (at least in XP) - it happens occasionally that if you want to jump to a folder within a file dialog via AD, it opens the folder in a DOpus lister instead. Not sure what triggers it.
Aug 12 2011 at 4:01am Copy Link
Michael K Thank you for your response Richard - perhaps Alexander will comment on your observation of the minor problem.regrding Opus directory you mentioned.

I don't know if anyone who has experience of Listary which I also bought through BitsDuJour, could say if I would be just be duplicating utilities unnecessarily or whether AutoDialogs would add something that listary doesn't do and would therefore still be a useful addition to have on the computer.


Aug 12 2011 at 4:14am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov We haven't worked with DOpus that much. We will try to reproduce this and see what could be done to fix.
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 12 2011 at 4:21am Copy Link
Michael K Hi Alexander - clearly from what I see here, you give great customer service and support which is fantastic and I will be buying your software based on today's offer.

I would appreciate clarification of one point though please. You are offering free upgrades for life which is super but with regard to support, it says it's only through to the next major version.

That means we'll get the major version upgrades for free but no support if we have a problem and need help which does not really make sense to me.

Aug 12 2011 at 5:10am Copy Link
VLM Works with Directory Opus 10 == bought the product.

Suggestion: Offer some sort of family pack or the like, so that we can purchase multiple licenses. (I know we can type in a number greater than "1",, but a pack typically carries a bit of an additional discount, whether at list price, via BDJ, or elsewhere. Just a thought, as many other vendors here seem to do this.

Great presence in this discussion, Alexander! Much appreciated!
Aug 12 2011 at 6:12am Copy Link
Eduardo Amado I cannot get it working in Directory Opus 10, Win7 64 bits. On the other hand, it works ok. in Total Commander. Is there any solution for DO?
Aug 12 2011 at 6:25am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Michael K, if you have real problem we will be glad to help you - this will improve the product and help to another users who have the same problem but do not write us. Therefore - you are welcome! :-)

We will do our best to help you and any other BitsDuJour user.
Thank you for your kind words!
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 12 2011 at 6:27am Copy Link
VLM Hi Alexander, Another product, Direct Folders, states:

One of the many useful features of Direct Folders is its ability to automatically switch the folder views of open dialogs to thumbnails, list or details depending on the application you are working with. You can select your preference of file sort order to be the default as well.

I believe that product is abandonware and have already purchased AD today. So I am with you. And ... this does sound like a nice feature to have. Does AD do something similar, or would you consider adding such functionality in a future release?
Aug 12 2011 at 6:36am Copy Link
MK Well, I went the opposite way this week. Been using AD since 2005, but replaced it with DirectFolders. It may be "abandonware", but its functions, stability and interface on Windows 7 x64 won me over.
For those still interested in AD, it does work with Directory Opus.
Aug 12 2011 at 7:34am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Presiding

I second your emotion. Alexander deserves a thunderous round of applause for his participation in this thread!

Releasing same-day upgrades based on Bitsters' requests?

BitsDuJour Admin - Aug 12 2011 at 8:00am Copy Link
Eduardo Amado Just to insist after rebooting and trying different kinds of tests, this utility does not work with my Directory Opus 10 on Win 7 x64. Converging with @MK, DirectFolders is doing well.
Aug 12 2011 at 9:01am Copy Link
Richard Andersen Being a user of several Metaproducts programs since 2003 I can comfirm that the quality of their software is high and their support very good. You always get a reply in their support forum, usually within the same day.
Aug 12 2011 at 9:19am Copy Link
VLM Thanks Richard, I really appreciate when a long-time customer steps forward with such feedback. Software is important ... and so is support. :) That's one reason I so appreciate BDJ ... I'd rather pay for software and receive support than rely solely upon user forums.
Aug 12 2011 at 10:08am Copy Link
MK I have no problems with Metaproducts - I have also been using their Inquiry Professional extensively for years.
But if it works, it works - and DirectFolders does so, and better.
Incidentally, DirectFolders last updated in July 2010; AD went for a long time without any updates (4 years between version 2.4.148 and 2.4.150 - I remember the long wait). They are updating more frequently now - but still can't match DirectFolders for usability.
I don't think folk should be so precious over so called "abandonware" if it's better than "live" software.
Aug 12 2011 at 10:22am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Eduardo Amado:

Yes, there are still some issues on 64-bit Windows. We worked on it, but still looking for ways to improve. We are sorry for being unable to make an immediate fix.
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 12 2011 at 10:22am Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Regarding DirectFolders - yes, we plan to make new versions of AutoDialogs this Fall. We will take a look at this program features and will try to add at least some. Thank you!
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 12 2011 at 10:56am Copy Link
SoftCollector I think AutoDialogs developers are thinking in the right direction!

1. The thing with a software item like this one is that it would not be normally bought by the average Windows user, watching movies and chatting in Skype - and using Windows Explorer - as such users would not know what a WE extension is. Its real customers are people who spend a lot of time in front of their computers and are software savvy. But those people do not use Windows Explorer anyway, they use other more advance file mangers.

2. In my opinion, the key to AutoDialogs' success lies in improving its integration with those managers, and maybe introducing new functions in the future.

Keep up the good work, MetaProducts!
Aug 12 2011 at 12:33pm Copy Link
VLM I agree with SoftCollector ... after the 64-bit problem is fixed. 128-bit is coming, that really needs to be addressed in applications that work directly with the file system and such, IMO.

Alexander, thanks for your reply and for your openness to suggestions.

I must admit, after reading the user comments above about DirectFolders, I feel some sense of conflict about what to do here.
Aug 12 2011 at 12:57pm Copy Link
Eduardo Amado It is not DirectFolders you have to look, but Listary.
Aug 12 2011 at 1:03pm Copy Link
Oleg Chernavin SoftCollector:
Actually, it doesn't matter where the icon is placed, I think. It still changes the folder in the main area (where 00 TRANSLATIONS folder contents is displayed).

Also, I can suggest to assign hotkeys to the AutoDialogs folders. I myself use Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2... Ctrl+9. In fact, I do not use button/menu at all - just press the keys on keyboard and I am in the desired folder in a moment.
Aug 12 2011 at 1:14pm Copy Link
VLM Eduardo - I do use DOpus 10. Are you suggesting Listary instead of AD, or are you suggesting something different?
Aug 12 2011 at 2:15pm Copy Link
Eduardo Amado The Presiding....:
Yes. I am suggesting to try Listery because it has the same (or more) functionalities than DirectFolders and has "FULL" integration with Directory Opus 10, Total Commander, Salamander, Explore2, and all other file managers around. And works perfect in Windows 7 x64. AD has to do some work to reach the functionality of any of the other two. Just try each for 15'.
Aug 12 2011 at 2:46pm Copy Link
SoftCollector To: Eduardo Amado

I have just downloaded and installed Listary. Looks nice, but does not have integration in Servant Salamander. Also: it is free, you do not have to buy it.

To: Oleg Chernavin

Thank you! I can see the icon in PowerArchiver now. It is indeed in the main window.
Aug 12 2011 at 3:18pm Copy Link
Eduardo Amado SoftCollector:

You are right. Almost all the other file managers, but not Salamander. Sorry.
Aug 12 2011 at 3:48pm Copy Link
VLM Thanks Eduardo, I'll try it, looks great! I really appreciate all the conversations on BDJ!
Aug 12 2011 at 5:09pm Copy Link
Tazzie @ Alexander ... just wanted to thank you so much for your feedback and participation here, not to mention your great product service!!! I have bought a license, and look forward to using AutoDialogs!
Aug 12 2011 at 10:31pm Copy Link
Alexander Bednyakov Tazzie, thank you for your kind words.

For your information, there were several MetaProducts people replying at this forum using my login during this BDJ day.
We do our best to help users of our software to learn it faster and resolve any question they may have. I hope we manage this well.

Thank you for all your suggestions. Our developers will keep them in mind when prepare the next release.

Best regards,
MetaProducts Corporation - Aug 12 2011 at 11:33pm Copy Link
Michael K Alexander - In buying your software today I was heavily influenced by the responsiveness of you and your team today.

BitsDuJour do a great job in bringing us well discounted products but the responsiveness of the developer is also a key ingredient and you all performed admirably today - thank you.

I passed on buying Direct Folders when it was on offer for the very reason of lack of response from the developer and I had no confidence that I would be well supported. Having said that, it is apparent to me and clearly to you also from the comments made in this conversation that Direct Folders has some good features which were good enough to convince one of your own long standing users to move away from your product to theirs recently.

We can see from what what you have said and the quick customizations you have made to your program that you take user feedback seriously and although you've already said you would do it, I encourage you to review the Direct Folders features that users here have said they like so much and incorporate them where possible in your next release.

In conclusion, I too am a Windows 7 64 bit user and clearly it's important for this platform to be well supported with stable software and I trust it will be looked at as a matter of some urgency.

Many thanks to you and your associates for your super responsiveness and participation today.

Aug 13 2011 at 12:17am Copy Link
Oleg Chernavin Michael K:

Yes, it is clear that 64-bit is a top priority now. We will concentrate on adding this support to the next version. Thank you!

Oleg Chernavin
Aug 13 2011 at 5:01am Copy Link
VLM If I may add a comment, Eduardo has pointed to Listary, and I suggest also looking at that feature set, as well as that of Direct Folders.

And as with others, x-64 support is a high priority for me. I believe I speak in concert with a growing number of users when I say that I choose software with native x-64 support wherever such a choice seems at all reasonable.

And ... thanks for being so present, so responsive, and so receptive to all our suggestions!!!

One more question ... for those of us buying today, will you include for us an upgrade/update that strengthens x-64 support, and perhaps adds some other features, given the extent to which we've emphasized the importance of this?

Best regards!
Aug 13 2011 at 6:31am Copy Link
Richard Andersen I'm in the middle of upgrading my computers to Win 7 - 64 bit so I also look forward to 64 bit support for AutoDialogs. Hopely also support for Directory Opus 64 bit.
Aug 13 2011 at 7:04am Copy Link
Oleg Chernavin Yes, all upgrades to future AutoDialogs versions are free. I will work on 64-bit support first and then concentrates on adding other features.

Thank you for kind words!
Aug 13 2011 at 12:06pm Copy Link
VLM Well, Oleg, I am impressed by your presence, your attitude, your commitment, your receptiveness to suggestions ... very nicely done!
Aug 13 2011 at 1:53pm Copy Link
Oleg Chernavin Thank you!
Aug 13 2011 at 1:58pm Copy Link
VLM You're welcome! Looking forward to seeing what comes next, hopefully back here in another BDJ promotion. I mean, where else can one so enjoy such a conversation as this? !! :):)
Aug 13 2011 at 2:09pm Copy Link
SoftCollector Dear Oleg,

It would be great if the developer could introduce the following new feature: the ability to export the list of directories and their order, so that when Windows is reinstalled the process of setting AutoDialogs can be made quicker and easier.

I understand that currently the file containing said information can be located at: C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Application Data\MetaProducts\AutoDialogs\ad.dat , but finding it and backing it up and later returning it to the same spot after the reinstall seems like an unnecessarily difficult task. A simple export and import could do wonders.

I hope this feature (which should not be too difficult to implement) can be introduced in a future version.

Kind regards,
Sep 2 2011 at 11:22am Copy Link
Oleg Chernavin Thank you! We will work to add it.
Sep 2 2011 at 11:32am Copy Link
SoftCollector @ Oleg Chernavin

Dear Oleg,

There is an excellent file manager called XYplorer - and it is on sale today, here, on BitsDuJour:

It seems, however, that AutoDialogs will not work with it. When I press a key combination preset for AD from within XYPlorer, a Windows Explorer window is opened instead. I cannot see the AD icon in XYP either.

Any hope of adding XYplorer support to AD in the foreseeable future?

Kind Regards,
Oct 5 2011 at 1:36am Copy Link
Oleg Chernavin Thank you! I added its support yesterday and released the new version of AutoDialogs on our site. Please try it!
Oct 6 2011 at 2:37am Copy Link
SoftCollector Job well done, Oleg! You really set standards as to what great customer support should be about - thank you!
Oct 6 2011 at 3:00am Copy Link
Oleg Chernavin Does it work well?

Unfortunately, I am still behind with the 64-bit support. I need it more and more every day myself - because I switched to Windows 7 64-bit. But a heavy load with other projects delay this.
Oct 6 2011 at 3:22am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Oleg

Very impressive customer support!

BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 6 2011 at 7:28am Copy Link

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