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Virus Scan for Chord Pad

Build and Manipulate Chord Sequences

Chord Pad is an innovative tool that lets you lay down chord sequences and manipulate them, perfect for creating backing tracks for practicing musicians and hobbyists alike.

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What are people saying about Chord Pad

J Hello,

I downloaded and installed the trial version. It looks very interesting.

I couldn't find a help file. Is there one? I did watch the video and saw the hotkeys on the 'about' tab.

Also, the copyright date on the about tab shows 2011.

Have there been any updates since 2011? Is this software still being developed?

Jul 21 2015 at 8:49am Copy Link
Alexander User There is online help:

And on the right more help links

It is active product as are all others by the same company

2011 is the time of the first publishing.

desktopmetronome - Jul 22 2015 at 1:58am Copy Link
J Hi Alexander,

Thank you for the 'help' links.

Do you think you could include these links within Chord Pad?

Help links within Chord Pad would make it much more convenient.

Also, I know it says above that this is version 1.2, but I couldn't find anywhere within the Chord Pad program that shows the version number. Not even on the 'About' tab, just a copyright date of 2011, but no version info.

Thanks again!
Jul 22 2015 at 6:04am Copy Link
John van Hulst Hi,

The email that (probably) gives me the serial nr. was empty. This is my receipt:

BitsDuJour Purchase. Objectnr. BDJ-zed2Hd , Products: Chord Pad v1.2 (1) , ID: 9376604c-e425-4517-98b2-719aa3921935

Could you please send it again?

Regards, John van Hulst
Jul 24 2015 at 1:52am Copy Link
Que La @John van Hulst, We resent your receipt email, please check your inbox and spam folder.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 24 2015 at 5:58am Copy Link
John van Hulst And now the download button doesn't work! There's no link attached to this button!
Jul 24 2015 at 6:28am Copy Link
CodeDog Would like to have purchased this, but can't seem to get to the buy page.

This page loads fine, but every time I click on the "Get This Deal" button above it just sits trying to load. Tried in FireFox, IE, and Chrome, all the same. Also tried manually entering the address for the buy page, same thing. First time this has happened for me...

Edit: Nevermind, for some reason as soon as I posted the above, I was able to get to the buy page by clicking on the "Get This Deal" button. Strange...
Jul 24 2015 at 8:16am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @John van Hulst, I have just sent you an email regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 24 2015 at 8:28am Copy Link
CodeDog Purchase, download, and install were easy and quick.

Very fun piece of software, I see a lot of possibilities for quickly creating some nice backing tracks...
Jul 24 2015 at 8:33am Copy Link
Louis H I also had some problems getting the BDJ page to cooperate with my browser. Or vice versa. ;-)

Eventually it all worked out and purchase, download and install went off without any further problems.

I agree with CodeDog... fun app. Very useful as well!

Thanks to BDJ and Desktop Metronome for the discount!
Jul 24 2015 at 1:12pm Copy Link
CodeDog Louis, I agree, it is going to be a very useful tool. I've already put together a few backing tracks as a proof of concept for some tunes myself and some internet band mates are working on, and it's nice to be able to do it this easily.

Of course I've worked with Band In A Box in the past for this type of thing, as well as others, but this is just a really cool piece of software. And a great price point...
Jul 24 2015 at 3:28pm Copy Link
RichV Hi, and thanks for the offering. I went to the website and didn't see anything to indicate that I can select or set voicings; does this have that capability?
Nov 30 2016 at 6:20am Copy Link
Alexander User Yes you can change instruments in the Mixer page, thanks for your inteerst :)
desktopmetronome - Nov 30 2016 at 11:27pm Copy Link
Terry User Hi,
Is this a newer version of the program? I own Chord Pad, but the version I have doesn't give a version number. In the 'About' section, it only says "Copyright 2011". Nothing about version number.
Oct 27 2017 at 9:00am Copy Link
Alexander User Yes it is newer.
desktopmetronome - Oct 27 2017 at 9:28am Copy Link
Terry User Thanks, Alexander. Great program, have to grab this deal...
Oct 27 2017 at 9:34am Copy Link
vincenzo User I am in the UK can i buy this deal
Dec 5 2018 at 4:43am Copy Link
Alexander User I don't see why not,
desktopmetronome - Dec 5 2018 at 8:33am Copy Link
Terry User I first bought this program in 2015, and updated in 2017. Useful (and fun) program.

The "About" option in my version shows the year, but not the actual version number of the program. Is this (version 1.2) an updated version from 2017? And if so, what are the updates? I checked the website, but did not find any information on this. Thanks...
Mar 14 2019 at 4:45am Copy Link
Alexander User Yes there is 10x10 blocks version, but turns out most users have small screens verticaly (laptops...) to fit so I didn't decide to make it public version,but you can have it from me if you email me
desktopmetronome - Mar 14 2019 at 5:27am Copy Link
Terry User Alexander, thanks, but the version I'm currently using is 10x10 blocks. I don't know why anyone would use a laptop or small screen for audio/video editing, I like my big screen.
Mar 14 2019 at 9:27am Copy Link
Alexander User Then I must have sent it some time via email communication. People like to compose while they are in bad,on a train,holiday... and than they take laptops (my guess)
Although i share your view with multimedia+desktop PC
desktopmetronome - Mar 14 2019 at 10:33am Copy Link
Ben FAKE? Bought this, received the email with download link and this page does not work. You guys need to refund or allow download.
Sep 27 2020 at 12:17pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Ben, I just sent you an email regarding the issue you mention.
BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 27 2020 at 12:45pm Copy Link
A B Can you customize cords to something not listed in the software. I like to create Steely Dan'like backing tracks and they have some crazy chords.
Sep 27 2020 at 1:35pm Copy Link
Alexander User No you are limited to chords that are available in the software
desktopmetronome - Sep 27 2020 at 2:49pm Copy Link
Ben User Hi, my name is Ben, I just bought a copy of this program but the program download didn't start. Every refresh and workaround attempt counted, however, so now I'm unable to download it at all. Is there a way to fix this?
Jan 15 2022 at 2:32pm Copy Link
Alexander User Hi,I just sent you download link,thanks :)
desktopmetronome - Jan 15 2022 at 3:20pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! desktopmetronome has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 16 2022 at 12:11am Copy Link
Mr Dave I bought this back in 2015, it was version 1.2 back then. But the file I downloaded then is for version 1.0.0 -- I just checked since I want to install it on a new PC. I had my receipt e-mail resent to me and from there I downloaded it again -- it took me to the page for version 1.2. The File downloaded but it's the same version 1.0.0 file. It says 1.0.0 at start of installation. Once installed, the "About" screen says its from 2011, with no version number given. If I look at the properties for the downloaded file, it says (under "Details" tab) version

Does version 1.2 exist? Is there any way to get it? Is there a change log that describes the differences between 2011 1.0.0 (or version and 1.2?
Thanks, I'm confused!
May 16 2024 at 10:59pm Copy Link
Alexander User @Mr Dave
Hi, sorry for the cinfusion. it is the same version,only differenecies are some minor bug fixes,and there was not so many or important ones.
desktopmetronome - May 17 2024 at 2:31am Copy Link
Yoshiaki Amano I bought it today. (Chord Pad v1.2 and Chords & Scales) However, when I click the download button, the download and installation do not start...Why?
May 17 2024 at 7:20am Copy Link
Mr Dave Thanks @Alexander User.
I want to make sure everyone knows these programs are excellent. Easy to learn, they do some very useful things for musicians. I also have Band In A Box but tend to use Chord Pad more often because it's simpler and does the job when I want to jam over some chords or write a new song. The different styles in Chord Pad are fun, and having a limited number (instead of hundreds or thousands in Band In A Box) means I spend less time searching and trying things and more time playing.

If I want to create a more professional backing track to accompany me at Open Mic night, then Band in a Box is great - faster than recording tracks myself and messing with drum programming. BIAB and Chord Pad both have their strengths.

Chords and Scales is a great reference tool and also a big help in songwriting or figuring out what chord I just "discovered" on my fretboard or keyboard, and to help decipher what chord I'm hearing in a song, as well as what notes & chords work well over different chords.
May 17 2024 at 2:58pm Copy Link
Alexander User @ Mr Dave
Thanks a lot!
desktopmetronome - May 18 2024 at 1:34am Copy Link
Don User I cannot download this software - anyone else having this issue?
May 19 2024 at 3:16pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Don User, I just sent you an email regarding the issue you mentioned.
BitsDuJour Admin - May 19 2024 at 4:48pm Copy Link
Jeff User I just purchased both the Chord Pad and Chord & Scales today. However, I was unable to download Chord & Scales. The Chrome browser kept flagging these programs as dangerous. So I was able to download Chord Pad using Microsoft Edge. I went back to the link to download Chord & Scales but by this time I had reached your limit of download attempts, so my request was denied. What you'll want to do is send me another link to download CHORD & SCALES. It may take a few tries so give me about 3 attempts, alright?
Order number: BDJ-R7lMyi
Sep 23 2024 at 6:51am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Jeff User, I just sent you an email regarding the issue you mentioned.
BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 23 2024 at 2:35pm Copy Link
David Sutphin Purchased. Download link does not work! :-(
Sep 24 2024 at 10:53am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @David Sutphin, I just sent you an email about this.
BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 24 2024 at 1:32pm Copy Link

Our virus scan reports this download is 100% Clean Free Download

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