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Pick The Collector You Need, Organize Away!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7; Mac (music, movie and book collector only): Mac OS X 10.4.9 or later à la carte! ScreenshotOther Utilities Software à la carte!, Other Utilities Software à la carte!, Software Utilities ScreenshotOther Utilities Software, à la carte! ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, à la carte! ScreenshotSoftware Utilities, Other Utilities Software à la carte!, Software Utilities, Other Utilities Software à la carte! Screenshot à la carte! Screenshot à la carte! Screenshot à la carte! Screenshot à la carte! Screenshot à la carte! Screenshot à la carte! Screenshot 14

There's a point where every one who amasses CDs, DVDs, books, comics, or video games graduates from "enthusiast" and becomes a "collector". Usually, this also corresponds to teetering stacks, dangerously-laden shelves, overstuffed closets, and worst of all, the decreasing ability to remember what you have and where you last saw it!

That, friends, is when database software becomes a critical need!

But, you think, "I've considered databases, but who has the time to go through all of those titles to enter them?" Ah, with the wonderful apps from, cataloging your collections of CDs, DVDs, books, comics, or video games becomes quick, easy, and *gasp* even FUN! Keep track of borrowed items, prevent duplicate purchases, and have a comprehensive list of everything you own for insurance purposes! Plus, search and print out lists on the fly!

Take Movie Collector, for example. Just enter your movie titles or scan each DVD's barcode to automatically log it into your database! Plus, Movie Collector will instantly retrieve movie details and cover art for each of your titles. It's perfect for searching for every movie that you own that has a particular actor in it!

If you like music, and have the shelves and shelves of CDs to prove it, you'll love Music Collector! Much like Movie Collector, Music Collector lets you enter your CDs into the database simply by scanning barcodes or entering titles, plus you have the ability to enter a disk just by placing it into your computer's tray! Imagine listening to your music AND cataloging it at the same time! Artist and track details, as well as cover art, are instantly retrieved for each of your CDs.

Next, who has time to stand in front of their bookcases, trying desperately to find a particular book that you may or may not have bought, or that you bought and possibly lent out? Stop pulling your hair out and pick up Book Collector! Like with all of the other fine programs, Book Collector lets you build a database of all of the books that you own simply by entering titles or scanning ISBN barcodes, then fetches cover images and title information instantly from the web!

Comic book guys, don't feel left out! I know how hard it is for you to try keeping track of comics using a database designed for books - and so does! With Comic Collector, you have an app DEDICATED to the fine art of comic collecting! Just enter the name of the comic series and select the issues you own, and BAM, Comic Collector logs your comics, providing details of each issue, creator lists, and cover images! Comic Collector is the perfect tool for finding holes in your collection!

Lastly, are you the one that everyone visits when they want to play the latest and greatest video games? Do you look forward to every Tuesday, just so you can pick up the latest new releases? If so, you've got a lot of games, and you need Game Collector to keep track of all of them! Game Collector logs each of your video game titles when you enter their names or scan their barcodes, then pulls up cover art, descriptions, release dates, publisher information, and more!

This promotion includes the following: Comic Collector ($49.95) Game Collector ($49.95) Music Collector ($49.95) Movie Collector ($49.95) Book Collector ($49.95)
Review Written by Derek Lee
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  • Prices do not necessarily include taxes, which will vary by country.
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ebdju Does the book collector allow for e-Books, Audiobooks (links to PDFs, CHMs, Folders containing MP3s) etc. ? Is the barcode scanner also available on discount of 75% on the day ?
Jan 26 2010 at 4:24am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @J Jani, Book Collector is designed for cataloging physical books but is also perfectly fit to organize your audio and ebooks.
There is an eBook File data field for linking to ebooks on your harddrive. For audio books you can use the Links tab to link to the files. The barcode scanner is not on sale, only the Pro editions of our software. - Jan 26 2010 at 9:04pm Copy Link
Steve Newport Hello,

it seems that you don't plan to upgrade MP3 Collector anymore and put all the functionallity in Music Collector. Are there any major differences or features that are only in MP3 Collector (and will not added to Music Collector)?

I'm also upgraded to Book Collector Pro almost a year ago. Do you plan to release a new major version in the next 12 month (or what is your upgrade policy) so it would make sence to use the discount for as kind of upgrade protection? Thanks for making these great products.
Jan 27 2010 at 6:12am Copy Link
Stefan Hauber Just visited your website...

This offer is not ONE tool containing all these subtools for administrating all the books, games, for one price, but different tools, with EACH one ist $12,50. Correct?

I'm not so sure, because on your webpage each separate program cost's about 25$ for the standard and 39$ for the pro version...

So perhaps there is a bundle of all these collectorz-tools in one for 49.95$ regular price (as noted as list-price in this offer here). But I did can't detect it on the your website...
Jan 27 2010 at 2:01pm Copy Link
Stefan Hauber My special interest is the book-version:

I already have a list of books entered in another program, with which I can export the ISBN-Number: one number at each line.
Can I import these numbers into your application?

Would be great, if this would be possible.

With that it would also be possible to use a dictaphone to speak the ISBN-Numbers to, retype it afterwards with an editor (without the need to stop it every time a number is typed into your program (because waiting of a result would probably need some secs)) and afterwards let your program import these numbers and get all the information for itself....

Most books I have are not in english. So: Does CollectorZ also get Non-English book information?

When buying a barcode-scanner: Is there something it needs to be able to work with your program? E.g. a certain protocol?

Thank you...
Jan 27 2010 at 2:26pm Copy Link
Mica D. I have just tried your software an I'm quite impressed.

I entered some books as try, but not all were found. My question: Do you check only one internet-site pro language? For Germany, I suppose this is only So when I entered a ISBN, e.g. 9783460319455 I got no hit, same as in Other sites, e.g. instead have this book.

Do you plan to do more website-checks than just this one.

Perhaps it would even be possible to allow a custom PlugIn for additional sites?


In Amazon it is possible to offer books for selling. Some books are very cheap - I've seen some for 1 cent! - but some are quite rare and so high-priced. I think it could be interesting to get additional info about the lowest 2nd hand price. (E.g. the lowest lowest price ever, the highest lowest price ever and the current lowest price (including the dates)). This would quickly help to find out, if a book, just capturing dust, would be interesting to be offered...
Jan 27 2010 at 6:49pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Steve. We have just released a major upgrade of Music Collector version 9. This version introduces the catalog and tag music files (MP3, WMA, FLAC, APE, OGG, etc..) on album level. For an overview of features I would advice to install the trial version of both Music and MP3 Collector to see which product suits your collection best.
For now we have no plans to work on MP3 Collector, our other software titles are first on the project list.

We do plan to release version 7 upgrades for Movie and Book Collector later this year. Unfortunately you can't use the current Bits special for a future upgrade purchase. Of course we always email our customers a discounted upgrade link once a new major upgrade gets releasaed.
You can find our upgrade policy on our Support pages and included in the license agreement of our software. - Jan 27 2010 at 7:55pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Stefan. The offer is for ONE tool, each Pro software title can be purchased with 75% discount for $12,50.
The full prices are $29.95 for a Standard lcense, $49.95 for a Pro. You quoted the prices after Mail-in Rebate, that is another promotion we have running now.

If you want more then 1 title, you have to place a second order, or third :-) That is why we called it à la carte!

As for your Book Collector questions.
Yes you can import an existing collection into our software but it has its limitations. More info can be found on the Book Collector support pages.
It is also possible to import an ISBN list from a text file.
When entering non-English books make sure to select the corresponding Region in the Add Books Automatically screen. For example, for French books, set your primary Region to France. Please test this in the trial version, that way you know how it works before you decide to order on Feb First or not.

Most scanners will work but need additional wedge software.
Wedge software is scanner specific. If you have not received this kind of software with your scanner, ask the manufacturer of the scanner for it.
When using a different scanner, there is no need to initialize it in our software. The menu option Tools/Find scanner is for our supported scanners only. When scanning just make sure you're cursor is in the barcode box when scanning the code. - Jan 27 2010 at 8:05pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Mica. See my reply above to Stefan.
When entering non-English books make sure to select the corresponding Region in the Add Books Automatically screen. For example, for German books, set your primary Region to Germany. Please test this in the trial version, that way you know how it works before you decide to order on Feb First or not.
Several libraries are included in the book database and we are contineously improving the book searches by adding new online sources. - Jan 27 2010 at 8:15pm Copy Link
Mica D. @Sytske
Yes, I had set my primary region to Germany.

....we are contineously improving the book searches by adding new online sources
Good to know. I would (beside recommend and It would be nice to be able to see from insdide the program which web-sources are checked.

I'm quite sure, i'll buy, because it has quite a lot nice things inside. And my annotations were more a proposal, than a critisisme.
Jan 28 2010 at 4:37am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans hey Mica, only with your help can we improve our software! - Jan 28 2010 at 9:14pm Copy Link
Stefan Hauber Thanks for the former answers.

In the meantime some additional questions arises:

Are your programs (quite) completely in a proprietarial format or do they allow interactivity with other programs?

(1) Do your database is a standard-one (e.g. dBase, Paradox, ...), i.e. can it be accessed directly from outside? Or is it in a completely proprietary format?

(2) Is it possible to import all of a single book's data from a file, e.g. a text, HTML, XML-file?
Checking the trial-version I found an export of the database in the XML-format.
But no import of it. I just found an import of a very rudimentary way (only ISBN, Author, Title). Will this still come in this major version?

(3) Can the database-storage-directory be customized?

In my system I keep the datas and the programs on different partitons, so it is possible to backup/restore them separetely. So to return to a secure system-state I just have to restore complete partition C: without destroying my current user-data. With your database on C:\... this won't be possible (without inconvenience)

(4) On your help-pages I found out, your program does access not access directly to the sources (any more), but exclusively to your database for getting information about the books, movies, etc.

So does this way of access keep older versions (i.e. the current one) up to date with a perhaps changing page-format of the sources like Amazon when a new upgrade appears? That would be a big plus... Please confirm...

On the other hand, if your firm does no longer exist - might occur nowadays... - there is no way to get data from online sources.

(5) You said for Collectorz Books and Movies a new upgrade is about to come this year.
And today's buyers are NOT entitled to get it for free. That's not so nice. I've read former buyers were entitled to get your software with lifetime free upgrades.
I think you should reconsider this... One year free upgrades is common habit.
What upgrade-price do you have in mind? (50% off to 49$ would result in nearly the same current (discounted?) full price it is offered on your website (39$)

Thank you...
Jan 29 2010 at 6:41pm Copy Link
Mary Wilson I collect Teddy Bears. Would this work with this?
Jan 30 2010 at 5:09am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Mary. We don't offer a specific teddy bear collector but I know from other customers that they use Photo Collector for other collections.
Just install the trial version and see if this works for you:
The trial is limited to 500 photos so you can really try before you decide to buy. - Jan 30 2010 at 8:51pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Stefan.
The answers to your questions.

1. You can export your database to text, HTML, XML or to your iPhone/iTouch or classic iPod. And of course print lists any way you want. For Book Collector you can also print labels, using one of the included Avery templates.

2. Our software offers a limited import feature. For more info, visit our Support pages and search on 'import'. You can test it in the trial version by importing say 25 books.

3. Yes you can overrule the standard file locations.

4. The databases for movies, music, books, games and comics are the core of our business. As you can imagine our database admins work on them full time.
We have no plans to stop with

5. We offer a 50% discount on upgrades to new major versions. Minor upgrades are of course free of charge. - Jan 30 2010 at 9:02pm Copy Link
Thomas Duntze Hello Sytske,
on your webpage there is no mentioning (at first glance) of your scanner working with comic book collector. I assume it does. Does it?
Is the scanner shipped from US or from your European location if ordered in Europe?
I assume, all products ordered via bitsdujour will be eligible for updates within the current main version number and then are granted the same upgrade options to the next version as "normally" purchased versions.
Thanks for a great product (tested it already a few years back).
Thomas from Berlin, Germany
Jan 31 2010 at 5:52pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Thomas.
Comic Collector does not support the use of barcode scanners. There are two reasons for this.
Adding comics from our online Comic database can be done by series, which makes adding comics a lot faster than scanning each comic.
Just use the menu Edit | Add Comics Automatically.
Secondly, publishers tend to re-use barcodes, so that a barcode no longer is unique. This makes finding a comic by barcode more difficult.

The scanners are shipped from our warehouse in Portland OR, USA only.

Our standard license policy applies to today's Bits du Jour special too. Minor upgrades for free, major upgrades are for a fee but existing customers always get a personal discount of 50% on the full price.

The Flic scanner is replaced by the Opticon scanner. This is a more robust scanner, a native USB device and can hold 10,000 codes per session.

You can use 1 license on 2 PCs for personal use only, that is no problem. For transferring data or sharing the database, please visit our Support pages online for full instructions. - Jan 31 2010 at 7:42pm Copy Link
Jon Koerner I do not understand the difference between Music Collector and MP3 Collector.

is Music Collector a superset of MP3 Collector (i.e. does it contain all the functionality of MP3 Collector program within it)??
Jan 31 2010 at 7:44pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @JK, thanks for your question.
Music and MP3 Collector are 2 different things.
Music Collector is about cataloging your physical albums. With the new version 9 you can also catalog and tag music files (MP3, WMA, FLAC, APE, OGG, etc..) on album level.
MP3 Collector is about organizing a huge digital music collection by scanning your PC.

Just look at your personal music collection and decide for yourself. Install the trial version of Music and MP3 Collector and see what works best for your music. - Jan 31 2010 at 8:18pm Copy Link
Jon Koerner I have installed the trial versions.

In the interest of saving time, and not requiring us to re-invent the wheel here, could you just please explain what if any capabilities are in the MP3 Collector which are not in the Music Collector program?

I have a large number of physical albums and also a large number of digital music files, some but not all of which are from the physical discs. Does Music Collector fail to accomplish anything that MP3 collector can do?
Jan 31 2010 at 10:08pm Copy Link
Michael R On the buy-screen there is the possbility to get a scanner (cue-cat) for about 30$ (including sending): I did not find a description of this scanner. Is there a webpage describing it?

My most important questions:

Does it have a USB-Port? Does it simulate keyboard-entries? Is it possible to make it simulate the ENTER-key after it sends the barcode itself? Is it restricted to some kind of barcodes?

What is the advantage of the much more expensive other scanner you offer?
Jan 31 2010 at 10:24pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Michael. We offer 2 scanners, the CueCat (simple swiping scanner) and the Opticon OPN-2001 laser scanner (on the shelf scanning).
The specs for each scanner can be found here:
We offer scanner support in Movie, Music, Book and Game Collector.
Each scanner has a USB connection. The CueCat is plug & play, the Opticon needs drivers. Install instructions for both scanners can be found on our support pages. You can also view the scanners in action on the home pages, for example for Movie Collector:
Scroll down and click on movie 2 and 3. - Jan 31 2010 at 10:52pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @JK, and that is exactly the difference between Music and MP3 Collector :-)
As said, Music Collector is album based, MP3 Collector is file based. If you have loads of separate tracks, MP3 Collector is better suited for your music. However, if you have all your music on CD then Music Collector is a better solution.

You have now scanned your PC and found 5900 tracks. I would say stick to MP3 Collector. - Jan 31 2010 at 10:55pm Copy Link
Howard Beard Long-time user of both the Book Collector and Movie Collect products and couldn't be happier with the software. I do not see the MP3 collector listed as one of the discounted products, is it possible to purchase it at the listed discount with this promotion?
Feb 1 2010 at 12:44am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Howard. Sorry, MP3 Collector is not available for today's Bits promotion. But if you contact me at contact at collectorz dot com I will send you instructions for a custom deal. - Feb 1 2010 at 1:00am Copy Link
Frank Nicodem 2 questions. First, I had a trial of book collector so I was curious in order to keep the work I have done in there, is it better to "upgrade" from inside the program or to get the discount do I need to buy through here (and will that save my work?). Secondly, part of the reason I want this (and why i was hesitant to pay full price) was because i mainly just wanted the ipod book collectorz app...which of course is not currently available. Is that coming back?
Feb 1 2010 at 2:00am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Frank. Just buy a Book Collector license through Bits and enter it in your trial. You'll see your already entered books directly available, there is no need to start all over again.
Make sure to upgrade to the latest version though, Book Collector is now at version 6.4.2. You can check it in menu HelpCheck for Update.

Clz Books, the iPhone add on will be back yes! Our aim is for 5 to 6 weeks from now. - Feb 1 2010 at 2:20am Copy Link
Frank Nicodem Thanks, Sytske. I assume the upgrade from what I have to 6.4.2 will be included in this price or free after paying it? (whereas, if I understand correctly, version 7 would NOT be included but would be additional, later). So if everything I want is available, no reason to wait until version 7? As far as the ipod app, I know the issue was due to amazon data, etc. but that's all on the back end, correct? when the app is back up, it should function 100% the same as before as basically an extension of the desktop application that you can take with you?
Feb 1 2010 at 2:42am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Frank. There is no need to wait, just purchase your license and enter it in your copy of Book Collector.

Clz Books will work like a charm again once it returns to the App Store. - Feb 1 2010 at 2:50am Copy Link
Ash Goyal I have a huge collection of foreign DVD's (Indian, Bollywood), many of which are not recognized when I enter the barcode or the title in the search. These movies are available in the IMDB database so somewhere there is a disconnect in your software and IMDB. Are there plans to fix this so I do not have to maintain a separate IMDB login account just for my Hindi movies collection? Thanks
Feb 1 2010 at 4:52am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Ash: Movie Collector uses our own movie database for movie database and barcode lookups. It does not use IMDb (IMDb cannot be searched by barcode anyway :-) ).
I recommend searching by Title instead.

Even if our online database does not have your movie, you can still add it manually. In that case, you can submit your manually entered data back to, so that other owners of that movie can enjoy the fruits of your labor. - Feb 1 2010 at 5:06am Copy Link
Howard Beard Thanks for the response, Systke. I didn't really need the MP3 Collector but I figured for the price I couldn't go wrong. Went ahead and picked up the Music Collector anyway.
Feb 1 2010 at 12:38pm Copy Link
Good Guy I wanted to ask if Movie Collector can catalog VHS video tapes as well as DVDs and Blu-Rays?
Feb 1 2010 at 1:16pm Copy Link
Howard Beard Yes, it will catalog VHS, CDi, DAT, VideoCD, LaserDisc and a number of other formats.
Feb 1 2010 at 2:21pm Copy Link
Jon Koerner How to reach you for that "deal" on MP3 Collector?
Feb 1 2010 at 2:26pm Copy Link
Ash Goyal @sytske, thanks for promptly replying my post.
@JK, thats exactly what I was going to ask. Perhaps we should get a lifetime upgrade for uploading a reasonable number of missing movie data ;)

As JK also mentioned, why aren't you also linking to IMDB for missing movies? IMDB has thousands of International movies and a whole lot of detailed information on each which I would hate to type manually.
Feb 1 2010 at 3:49pm Copy Link
Wilson Piriz Google Books is what I use to catalog my home books library. It has good social interface, is free, and accessible online from any place! Just enter an ISBN or title to search any books and add them to your collection.
Feb 1 2010 at 3:53pm Copy Link
Jon Koerner I was forced to go ahead and purchase the 3 Collectorz databasesI was interested in, despite not getting answers to my questions, because it was almost midnight and I did not want to miss out on the discounted price. The Vendor has not responded to any posts here since 1:06PM today, though there have been 9 comments posted since then.

The question about Windows 7 compatibility is important. I hope to be able to get a refund if it turns out that these programs are not going to be Win7 compatible.
Feb 1 2010 at 4:18pm Copy Link
Sytske Hermans hi all, thanks for your comments on our products. This sure was a very successful promotion!

Please notice that we are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We are in a completely different time zone. That is why I did no reply to the latest posts here, it was late evening in Amsterdam.
Our software is Win 7 proof.
For all other specific questions please contact us using the Contact form on our Support pages. - Feb 1 2010 at 7:33pm Copy Link
John Beam I only discovered bits when seaching for info on Collectoz software - but unfortunatly it was after your promotion ended!

Please run another one soon - it sounds like exactly what I have been looking for!
Feb 5 2010 at 3:47pm Copy Link
Joe K Wow! This was a great deal
I wish they would have told their existing customers about it!
Feb 10 2010 at 1:57am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Joe K, we did inform our customers about this 24 hour deal through our Twitter account. Follow us on Twitter: Collectorz. - Feb 10 2010 at 8:56pm Copy Link
John B I do follow the twitter feed - but guess I missed this deal...

Mar 4 2010 at 6:29am Copy Link
Sabine N. I was about to suggest Music Collector when I found it had been already offered as deal in February. I didn't know Bitsdujour at that time (and Music Collector as well), but now had the test version and feel in love with it. Please offer it again and soon!
Nov 15 2010 at 7:04am Copy Link
Lupke Brother I phoned this dutch company today (12th august 2011) and they personally said to me this offer will not come back again. They don't have discounts elsewhere and they don't give personal offers. Well, let's have a look for other comparable BDJ offers.
Aug 12 2011 at 3:06am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans @Lupke, as said on the phone I did give you a personal discount offer by using a special coupon code. The only thing you had to do was to send an email to receive the special link. You did not send that email. - Aug 19 2011 at 12:26am Copy Link
Lupke Brother @ Sytske,

Well, I must be deaf or so. The only thing you offered me was a $5 discount and you said to me 'we offer more discount if you buy more products'. That's true. The price lowers when have more products in your basket. In my opinion you did NOT offer me a 'special' discount. Now I bought products form Bolide software. Very responsive, grear support and clear terms. Just what I needed.
Aug 19 2011 at 1:05am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale @Lupke, Collectorz have always been nothing but very responsive to us here at BitsDuJour, and also great dinner guests at conventions! Let's give them the benefit of the doubt here :-)
BitsDuJour Admin - Aug 19 2011 at 12:40pm Copy Link
Jon Less any deals like this soon?
Oct 25 2012 at 5:09am Copy Link
Sytske Hermans Hi Jon,
sorry, no discount deals any time soon. If you send an email to contact at collectorz dot com with your wish list, I can send you a custom deal.
Just mention my name in the Subject (Sytske) and I will personally answer to your request. - Oct 25 2012 at 6:04am Copy Link
Germain Lavoie I totally missed the offer not long ago this year (I believe). Looking to get catalogs for Movie, Music, Game and the CLZ Buddy for iOS. Or the iOS versions. I hope the offer will be forthcoming in the near future.
Aug 6 2016 at 5:13pm Copy Link

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