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Compare It!Discount

Compare It!

Compare Files With Just a Glance

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit)
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Differences between files can be subtle, especially when you're dealing with software development, coding, word processing versions, or anything else that is typically created in stages. And we all know the pain that can result from deleting the wrong version of a file! Lost time, work, and weekends...

Fortunately for us, we can always Compare It!

Compare It! displays two files side-by-side, highlighting the differences between them in various colors. With just a glance, you'll be able to see and compare files while still retaining your eyesight. And with just a click or quick keystroke, you can merge changed files into a single consolidated document - with the safety of an auto-backup folder to boot!

You can even use Compare It! to strip the XML tags from a file so you can compare XML to XML, or XML with text!

Advanced users will appreciate the ability to edit files directly in the comparison windows. Plus, Compare It! now lets you compare binary and image files!

Even if you're wasting your life in middle management, Compare It! can ease the pain of your daily struggle by giving you an easy way to print out reports in full color, highlighting exactly the same differences as you see on the screen. You can even output the report as an HTML file! Your boss will be so pleased, you may even get a an acrylic paperweight with your name on it!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Frank Sielna Dear Vendor,

my (almost) usual question: Why would I buy this software?
I am the licensed owner of Scooter Software's "Beyond Compare" 3.x. What do I gain by using your software over the aforementioned one?

Thank you, Frank

P.S: Yes, I am lazy. I don't want to spend 'hours' to evaluate your software. Just buy it if there is a real use/advantage.
May 29 2012 at 2:32am Copy Link
Igor Green BC is very good, so if you are happy with it- these is probably no good reasons to change the tool you are used too.
Grig Software - May 29 2012 at 3:03am Copy Link
Deus Absconditus There are many good reviews at

One disadvantage of this product is that it doesn't compare folders, I think. ^^
May 29 2012 at 3:21am Copy Link
Lee Garber Hi I am looking for reliable comparison of pdf files even if the text in one pdf file is on a different page in the compared pdf file - how does this work on pdf's?
May 29 2012 at 6:05am Copy Link
Les Eff Hi Frank,
We got Beyond Compare bundled with our version control tools. Almost all of our Engineers switched to CompareIt, because it just plainly works better.

May 29 2012 at 6:06am Copy Link
Marcos Isidro Hi,
I'm trying to buy it, but the state selection is not appearing correctly when choosing the country as Brazil; may you fix this in order to complete the purchase?
May 29 2012 at 6:39am Copy Link
Lupke Brother Is there an offer available for the lifetime license?
May 29 2012 at 9:01am Copy Link
Igor Green Deus Absconditus,
We have additional too for folders comparison, and same coupon works for bundle too.
Grig Software - May 29 2012 at 9:27am Copy Link
Igor Green Lee Garber,
PDF comparison is difficult mainly because it's not always possible to extract text from it - it depends on generation routine.
CompareIt extracts text from pdf, so it doesn't mater on which page it was originally.
Grig Software - May 29 2012 at 9:28am Copy Link
RCG I agree, a lifetime licence option would be good. Seems version 4 has been out quite a while - version 5 can't be long away.
May 29 2012 at 9:45am Copy Link
Mitch K I am a registered user of Compare-It and have been using it for a couple of years. It is really good software and works well. However, I do find it strange that there are never any updates to the software. I am using version 4.2.2221 and the copyright indicates 2009. Is this software still under active development? Will there ever be any updates to Compare-It?
May 29 2012 at 10:07am Copy Link
James Evans @ Igor: "same coupon works for bundle too."
1. So far, I have been unable to locate a link or invoice for the bundle. Can you help?
2. I too would be interested in the lifetime license. Is there a promo price on it today?
May 29 2012 at 10:20am Copy Link
Rick Hello,

The policy states “…Compare It! may be used indefinitely.” However, I am not certain how to interpret this. A response to the following questions would be appreciated:

-Can the license be transferred to another owned computer?

-Is license activation required? If applicable, what is the process for requesting a transfer (e.g., automated or email).

I have over 40 activated products on my system and upgrade frequently; I need pin down detail whenever I consider adding new programs.

Thank you…
May 29 2012 at 10:21am Copy Link
Software Guy Seems like a great deal for $9.57 as compare it! allows users to compare AND merge two different documents. the merge feature can come in very handy at times.
Did notice that it is possible to add the lifetime license, or to add synchronize it! to the cart, but that the additional items added were not discounted. At any rate, great price for a nicely featured compare and merge utility.
May 29 2012 at 11:41am Copy Link
Lupke Brother @ software guy,

It's possible, but you have to use the coupon through the plimus payment on grig.
May 29 2012 at 11:54am Copy Link
Igor Green Lupke Brother,
Thank you, I have just setup plimus with same coupon.
Grig Software - May 29 2012 at 12:07pm Copy Link
Igor Green And sorry for anyone - you might have problems with key generation on Plimus, but I will send you key with 24 hours.
Grig Software - May 29 2012 at 12:08pm Copy Link
RCG Hi all, sorry to be a bit slow on the uptake here. Can I just check, is it possible somehow to get the lifetime licence with the 67% discount. I clicked through and saw how to add the lifetime licence option to the checkout but didn't know what voucher code to input. Thanks for any help.
May 29 2012 at 1:08pm Copy Link
H. H. Hallo,
My perosnal opinnion (owning beyond compare and compare It): if you only will own one comparision tool I think beyond compare is by far the most versatile and best comparision utility for folder and file comparing. (didn´t find any other software being better(. Beyond Compare is under active development and the support always has been reliable.
Nevertheless I myself decided to buy Compare It at last bdj an supplement to beyond compare.
I think Compare It hassome advantages when e.g. comparing word and excel documents (beyond commpare only seems to convert them to plain text and the text that is shown in the comparison pane is not very coomfortable to read (tell me if I´m wrong and you mange to get the doc files been shown like an ordinary page): Commpare It seems to keep more of the original layout, so it is clearer to read: Best try yourself with a few excel and word documents.
Beyond Compare has real image-comparison, compare it only side by side view.
Conclusion: I would recommend buying compare it at this discountet price in case you often have to compare word annd excel files- even if youu already own beyond compare
May 29 2012 at 1:17pm Copy Link
Frank Sielna Dear H.H,
MANY thanks for this info! Look, 10$ is (almost) no money at all (I know, shame on us 1st world people).
I'm going to buy just out of your detailed recommendation. This was what I asked the vendor for "What would 10$ gain me?"

@Igor Green:
Give this H.H. a lifetime license, he just did /your/ job!

Regards, Frank
May 29 2012 at 1:42pm Copy Link
Brenda Adams I own several compare programs, but Compare It! is the one I use the most often. One reason is, unlike some, the lines can be wrapped...which lets user see the entire line(s) without effort.
May 29 2012 at 2:00pm Copy Link
Frank Sielna 3rd post, I know.
But @Nick (of Bits): I do not appreciate having to change my login data to my payment provider after an order at BDJ.
That's really not the idea of ordering here!
May 29 2012 at 2:02pm Copy Link
Yudha Yan Kusuma Is it possible to add the lifetime license and synchronize it! to ShareIt cart?
May 29 2012 at 3:10pm Copy Link
Brenda Adams I wish you would extend this offer. I have emailed my friends that they only have a few hours and I'm concerned they may not see the offer in time to buy at this great price. Please extend offer another day.

PS: I just rec'd an email from one friend that she bought today. :) There will be more. My friends and I use your program to see Before and After's that our own program's complicated. But there is a large group of us and THE recommended compare program for this project we are continually on is IS Compare It! (Having tried many others, yours gives us what we need and is quick, easy-to-use, and offers all the features we like in one inexpensive package.)
May 29 2012 at 4:53pm Copy Link
Igor Green We will extend this action for a day or two, and I will make lifetime license available
Grig Software - May 29 2012 at 10:23pm Copy Link
Software Guy Sounds good because I would like the lifetime license too. Please tell us how to get it as it looks as though the deal expired. Thanks!
May 30 2012 at 2:38am Copy Link
Lupke Brother This comment has been deleted due to a violation of the rules
May 30 2012 at 5:55am Copy Link
RCG Hi, purchased this yesterday and still waiting to receive the key to use it. Any chance I will get it soon. Cheers.
May 30 2012 at 1:20pm Copy Link
Igor Green RCG, Sure! Sorry for delay!
Grig Software - May 31 2012 at 6:18am Copy Link
Lee Garber Hi Igor - I bought Compare It on this promo and would really like a lifetime license (but did not know it was available at the time I bought it) - is there an email I can contact you on (maybe through your website) to discuss - Cheers!
May 31 2012 at 8:00am Copy Link
Igor Green Hello Lee Garber and others!
I'm sorry , according to BDJ rules I can not make any additional actions with 2 weeks, so would you please contact me, I will me you personal offers after 2 weeks time.
Grig Software - Jun 2 2012 at 1:45am Copy Link

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