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Confessions of a CFO

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Move - How Decisive Leaders Execute Strategy Despite Obstacles, Setbacks, and Stalls ($15 Value) FREE For a Limited Time (PC) Discount
for PC
Move - How Decisive Leaders Execute Strategy Despite Obstacles, Setbacks, and Stalls ($15 Value) FREE For a Limited Time
Leaders tend to assume that stalls in execution are inevitable, unchanging parts of the workplace - but things can change.
Kali Linux 2 - Assuring Security by Penetration Testing, 3rd Edition ($22 Value) FREE For a Limited Time (Mac & PC) Discount
Mac & PC
Kali Linux 2 - Assuring Security by Penetration Testing, 3rd Edition ($22 Value) FREE For a Limited Time
Achieve the gold standard in penetration testing with Kali using this masterpiece, now in its third edition!
Getting Back to Work: Returning to the Labor Force After an Absence (Mac & PC) Discount
Mac & PC
Getting Back to Work: Returning to the Labor Force After an Absence
Getting back to the workforce may require a lot of effort. But that doesn't mean that you need to do everything all at once.
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers (Book Excerpt) (Mac & PC) Discount
Mac & PC
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers (Book Excerpt)
An invaluable book for veteran entrepreneurs as well as those aspiring to their own new ventures.
Python for Geeks ($39.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time (Mac & PC) Discount
Mac & PC
Python for Geeks ($39.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time
Python is a multipurpose language that can be used for multiple use cases. Python for Geeks will teach you how to advance in your career with the help of expert tips and tricks.
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