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docLock - 3 user licenseDiscount

docLock - 3 user license

Secure Your Files, Folders, And Documents!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 both 32 and 64 bit
docLock - 3 user license ScreenshotEncryption Software ScreenshotdocLock - 3 user license, Encryption Software ScreenshotdocLock - 3 user license, Security Software Screenshot

Personal Computer.

It's a funny phrase.

On one hand, computers are becoming increasingly representative of our personal lives, from finances to photos from emails to status updates, there's a lot of ourselves on our computers.

On the other hand, often it's not just you who's accessing your personal computer. Friends check email, nieces and nephews play online games, and the IT guy at work "fixes" something for you while you're on lunch break...

So how do you keep what's truly personal on your personal computer, well, personal?

docLock's got a lock on that!

Beyond simply applying passwords to folders, docLock offers a wide variety of security features that are flexible and effective. It won't interrupt your work flow, or leave you locked out of your own folders.

docLock knows your computer is personal, and docLock intends to keep it that way!

Please note folks: today's offer is for the 3 user license.

Review Written by Derek Lee

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The Conversation
The Fine Print
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_*_ Hello, I would like to ask if this install policy is still in place?:

"Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint."

Would dearly like to purchase, however with one install per computer before you have to ask the developer time and again for a new activation if anything is altered in the system (hard drive, video card, memory, etc.) gives me great pause to click the "Get This Now" button.

Thanks for your help with this answer.
Feb 18 2015 at 4:20am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support Hi the install policy, is 1 license per computer. If you update your video, memory cards etc. that is still the same computer. If you want to add the product to another computer in the house or you get a new PC, you will need to use one of your three license keys this purchase comes with. If you have any other questions please let us know.
Large Software - Feb 18 2015 at 7:35am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support Hi - The website is constantly being updated, if you are referring to the copyright date, we only change that date if we have a complete and major overhaul, where the site looks completely different. In fact we are completely our new complete overhaul in the next 30 days, and will then update the copyright to 2015, but for updating and everyday changes we do not update the copyright date.

As for the product, we are always updating the product, and are always working on it. Our last update was just a few months ago, this update was based off of user feedback and small QA issues we have noticed.

Pricing wise, the price of $49.95 that you saw, was a shopping cart only pricing. If you are in the shopping cart this is the only way you can get that pricing. This is an incentive for someone that was already interested in purchasing the product. That is not an advertised price we have on the site or anywhere for that matter for $49.95.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please let us know.
Large Software - Feb 18 2015 at 7:47am Copy Link
_*_ @Nick Forcier, thank you for the quick replies it makes things much clearer.

I just want to make sure I am clear on the installs. The software no longer has a hardware footprint and is not limited to 1 install any longer?

Feb 18 2015 at 8:55am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support That is correct. If you do change operating systems, ie. Windows 8 to Windows 10, that would require a new license key. If you buy a new computer that would need a new license key. If you move computers to a new one in your house, you would need a new license key, etc.
Large Software - Feb 18 2015 at 9:27am Copy Link
_*_ Nick, would that be as simple as sending an email, or is there some procedure to get a new key sent to registered users? Not like 20 questions of why one would need a new key?
As a legitimate user I would rather not feel like I am looked at as a pirate of any nature.
Feb 18 2015 at 9:36am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support Hi - Your discounted purchase is for 3 licenses. So you are able to use those licenses as you see fit. For example, if you have two PC's in your home, and you wish to put a license on each PC and save one license for a potential new PC, or for an upgrade of an operating system, etc. you may. There is no need to contact us unless you wish to purchase more licenses for additional PC, operating system upgrades, etc.
Large Software - Feb 18 2015 at 10:46am Copy Link
_*_ So, is this still in effect?

"Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and 1 installation per footprint."

EDIT: after rereading your post above, I am not sure of something.
Are you saying that if I use 1 license on a PC then change something in that PC I need to use another license key up? Also, it appears from your statement that once all three keys are used up, then any further changes to a system that would require a new key additional keys would need to be purchased.

I have two PCs, so after the third key is used, that is it; I now need to purchase more keys (i.e. buy the software again)?

You would not simply offer me a new a key as a registered user?

Thanks for the help and offering clarity to my uncertainty.
Feb 18 2015 at 7:04pm Copy Link
disenchanted I have a few questions.

What level of security encryption are files and folder protected with?
Do folders and files have the same encryption choices?

I do IT Security work and have used products that are on the other-side-of-the-fence, like Passware forensic edition. Passware is for unlocking files if
someone forgets their passware, or an employee quits or passes away.
The older, less-secure 40-bit acrobat encrypted files are UNlocked within seconds.
The only files Passware can't unlock "instantaneously" are the
newer MS Office passwords and Acrobat 128-bit or higher.
Those can take hours to days to weeks to unlock.

That is why I ask about the level of encryption, because I know first hand just how fast the various encryption levels can be broken.

I was looking at purchasing this for my home PCs, depending on it's encryption level choices.
Thanks for your time.
Feb 19 2015 at 7:05am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support Hi,

In terms of the licensing, you will need a license for each PC you own. If you change anything on your PC, for example video card, memory etc. you do not need to use another license key. If for example you get a new computer, you will need a new license key, if you update your operating system from for example Windows 7 to Windows 10, you will need a new license key. This purchase is for 3 PC's, you may use the keys as you wish, if you have 3 PC's in your household, you may use all three keys on those computers. If you have two computers and plan on buying one in another month, use the two, and keep the third for the new PC. With the 3 PC license with this purchase, you are completely free to use how you wish, but minor changes to your PC does not require a new license key.
Large Software - Feb 19 2015 at 8:38am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support Hi,

All encryption levels on our software is 128bit. This is user friendly, easy to use, drag and drop technology. I hope this helps.
Large Software - Feb 19 2015 at 8:40am Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @LargeSoftware Customer Support: I guess the lack of clarity arises from your usage of "license key". Most often, when some vendor tells me that I need a new license key, that means that I have to contact him to get one *for free*. Well, it's just a key...

What you obviously mean is that, if I choose to upgrade my Windows version or if I migrate to a new PC, I have to use a different license, not just a different key (or purchase a new one if necessary). That's something that really alienates me... Software isn't something you use and throw away. When I purchase a license, I'd really like to be able to transfer it to a new OS or a new computer if necessary. I'd still be using the same license then, so it would be no abuse (using one license on two or more computers), but just normal use of a software license.

Sorry, I can't support such a business model.
Feb 20 2015 at 9:05am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support Hi Jan,

Thank you for your response. That is the exact reason that we are offering you a 3 PC license, which allows you to use this software on three separate PC's. You are correct this is not a unlimited use license which allows you to use the software on an unlimited amount of systems and PC's, you have 3 licenses that you can use on news PC's, current PC's, or upgraded PC's.
Large Software - Feb 20 2015 at 9:14am Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens Well, this is a 3 PC license where I should use only one at a time in order to be able to use the software now, after the purchase of a new computer (which could be necessary next week or even tomorrow if my PC suddenly stops working), and after switching to Windows 10 in a few months. Sorry, but in my eyes that's still extremely strange, even with a three licenses package. I wouldn't want to burn software licenses just by switching computers or Windows versions.

It would be better to sell just one license with the possibility to transfer the license to another machine or OS version when needed.
Feb 20 2015 at 9:29am Copy Link
_*_ @Jan-Christoph Ihrens, I really wanted to buy this software. However, with the way I understand it, once you use up your 3 licenses you have no recourse other than repurchase the software.

I would rather have one license that I can install over and over again on the same PC, or move to different PC after uninstalling from the first one.

I wish it were simpler and could be explained in a more plain fashion. It leaves me personally not knowing exactly what-is-what, but I think I have it right at this point.
Feb 20 2015 at 9:56am Copy Link
Nadin Good day. Tell me, is there support for Russian language.
Feb 21 2015 at 1:29am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support If you send us a message in Russian, we will do our best to translate and respond to you with our best answer.
Large Software - Feb 21 2015 at 5:30am Copy Link
LargeSoftware Customer Support Hi All - I am really sorry the 3 PC license is not a perpetual license you can use for life. I wish we had something like that, but I am told that is why we are tying to at least give everyone the 3 PC license for the price we are. My apologies again, if you have any other questions please let me know.
Large Software - Feb 21 2015 at 5:38am Copy Link
_*_ @LargeSoftware Customer Support, thank you for the clear response. Whoever has the authority to make such decisions it would be good to let them know about lost sales due to the licensing policy.
I understand this is a deal presently, however once all three are used up it is no longer any form of a deal. Let the powers that be know if they put just a little faith in users that are willing to pay for the program and not lump everyone together as if they are not trustworthy there just may be more sales.
Feb 21 2015 at 5:48am Copy Link
Nadin Thanks for the answer, I mean in the program have the opportunity to choose the Russian language?
Feb 21 2015 at 7:19am Copy Link
Ela S. Agreed with the opinions above:

Really was keen to buy this software, but this licensing model is not satisfactory for me.

I usually have to move every 2-3 years to a new computer due to technical rsp performance issues. Besides, I am using one work notebook + one travel notebook + one tablet + others parallely.

In any case, I want to move purchased programs to a new computer model - and not to throw them away.
Feb 21 2015 at 9:04am Copy Link
RS Regarding the price, the developer's explanation defies what is clearly reflected on their website. Actually, the MSRP is listed as $49.95, not $149.95, and the software is currently on sale for $29.95. So the 'cart' explanation doesn't hold water. Given this deceptive response and the rather absurd licensing terms, I'll pass.
Feb 22 2015 at 12:32am Copy Link

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