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Organize Files and Reclaim Wasted Disk Space

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP Home SP2, XP Professional SP 2, Server 2000, Server 2003, Vista, Server 2008, 7
DrivEvaluator ScreenshotFile Management Software ScreenshotDrivEvaluator, File Management Software Screenshot

Hard drives are pretty straightforward -- you save files on them, and you retrieve files when you need them. But, over time, the number of files that you no longer need starts to multiply, taking up valuable space. Whether it's outdated data, duplicate files, or files that you can't even remember the purpose for, DrivEvaluator will help you to organize your hard drive!

Just put DrivEvaluator to work, and the app will scan your hard drive, sort files by multiple criteria, and identify duplicate files that can be safely deleted. The results of the scan can be copied to your Windows clipboard or imported into a spreadsheet, XML file, or Microsoft Word document for archive and research purposes. You can even use DrivEvaluator to run simple and advanced queries against the list of results! A handy comparison tool lets you verify that drives and folders are properly backed up.

With DrivEvaluator, you don't need to commit to an entire hard drive scan if you don't need to! You can direct DrivEvaluator to scan a single folder, multiple folders, or a single drive or multiple drives. Your list of results includes compelling details such as file name, directory, extension, and modified/created dates, all of which are sortable and rearrangeable.

And lastly, while other file organizers merely display a list of results, leaving you to do the hard manual labor, DrivEvaluator lets you copy, move, and delete files in your results list to any location of your choosing!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Steve Smith Sounds great. What operating systems does this run on?
Win NT, Vista, XP, Windows 7 ?
Jul 1 2010 at 4:59pm Copy Link
Les Covington Not a problem Steve.  If you have any other questions just let us know. 
lmno8 - Jul 2 2010 at 3:02am Copy Link
Brad S I'll take one.  11pm?
Jul 2 2010 at 10:10am Copy Link
Les Covington 11pm central
lmno8 - Jul 2 2010 at 10:35am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale All our deals run from midnight to midnight eastern standard time
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 2 2010 at 5:24pm Copy Link
Jim Maioriello I just purchased after watching the video's on the vendor's website.  I like the idea behind that product and had an immediate use for it.  So, I thought go for it.

Now, I have a problem...

I get a system error during an initiate scan of my hard drive, stating it cannot find the specified path.  So, I thought to relaunch the scan and remove the path it is having problems with. But, I realize there is no way to relaunch the scan without shutting down the program and restarting inorder to get the initial menu once more.

How do I rescan without having to close and reopen?


Jul 3 2010 at 6:24am Copy Link
Matias Malfaud Hi
Does DrivEvaluator helps to clean windows duplicates and cn advise which are safe to delete, such as old, temp files.....

What is the policy of updates on the soft? Is there lifetime updates

On howmany pc can be added the soft

Is there any portable version
Jul 3 2010 at 6:28am Copy Link
Les Covington Jim You can run another scan by clicking on the wizard button in the top left hand corner of the app
lmno8 - Jul 3 2010 at 6:49am Copy Link
Jim Maioriello Thanks Les, I now see that.  The problem I had previously was that I ran into system error and that menu selection was disabled.  I sent a screenshot to support.

I now tested against a network drive and got the same system error.  Are network drive supported?
Jul 3 2010 at 6:58am Copy Link
Les Covington Matis DrivEvaluator does not automatically remove any files. This process is controlled by the user. And as we state in our help and video tutorial you should never remove any file that your not sure of it use. Software update are free up to the next major version and then those version are 50% off for current users. The license is designed to be used on one pc at a time. You can certainly uninstall from one pc and then install on another using the original license key DE can be used attached drives such as USB or thumb drives
lmno8 - Jul 3 2010 at 6:58am Copy Link
Jim Maioriello Also, in the email you had sent, you provided a link to a forum for support.  I clicked on the link but the web page indicated the forum not found.   I then visited your company's website to find it and did not see it.

Do you have a support forum or not?
Jul 3 2010 at 7:03am Copy Link
Les Covington once you login into the site you will have access to the forum
lmno8 - Jul 3 2010 at 7:05am Copy Link
Jim Maioriello ah.  Thank you Les.
Jul 3 2010 at 7:12am Copy Link
Barbara Blackwell Is there a bits du jour  drivEvaluator option for 4 computers (all mine).  Trying to consolidate all my STUFF onto a single external drive I can move from machine to machine.  What do you recommend?  (Your demo is impressive).
Jul 3 2010 at 7:32am Copy Link
Les Covington Barbara There is not an option for 4 computers through bits du jour other than going through the purchase process 4 times. Once you have purchased DE you can use the same license key on your multiple personal computers. This tool was designed to do exactly what you are needing and because of that we did not limit the number of personal computers you can load it on.
lmno8 - Jul 3 2010 at 8:54am Copy Link
Bob S How does DrivEvaluator identify "suspected identical files?"  Does it examine and compare the contents or some "digital fingerprint" and provide a probability that the files are identical?  My question is whether I can rely on the information to delete a suspected identical file, or whether I would need to examine the contents before deleting (time consuming). Thanks.
Jul 3 2010 at 4:38pm Copy Link
BGee i CAME TO THIS SITE AT 11:30 PM on July 3 but the July 3 software was already unavialable !  Why say the software is available on July 3 if it's not avaialable on July 3? 
Jul 3 2010 at 5:40pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale b g, our time is set to change at midnight earstern time, which is why we have a countdown timer so its clear when the deal ends. Sorry if you missed out!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 3 2010 at 6:05pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Dorbel - The vendor's website uses a login for customers who purchase, hence no create account form.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 3 2010 at 6:27pm Copy Link
Les Covington Bob S We use two options to identify duplicates. CRC which examines the content of the files which is effective but slow. The other we developed and it uses a combination of the filename, mod date and size
lmno8 - Jul 3 2010 at 8:16pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Folks, please ensure that your comments are relevant to the promotion page that you post them on.  If they're not, we welcome you to use our suggestion forum or feedback form. Thanks! -r
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 12 2010 at 1:31am Copy Link

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