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Control WordPress Admin Access With a Tap

v1.0 Mac & PC 
Platforms: WordPress, iPhone, iPad and/or Android device
FencePress ScreenshotInternet Security Software ScreenshotFencePress, Internet Security Software ScreenshotFencePress, Security Software ScreenshotInternet Security Software, FencePress ScreenshotSecurity Software, FencePress ScreenshotSecurity Software, Internet Security Software Screenshot

WordPress is probably the top choice for people setting up websites, thanks to its intuitive interface, flexibility, and ease of administration. But that also leaves it open as a target for hackers who can take control of your site for their own purposes and misdeeds. Lock them out with today’s discount software promotion, FencePress!

FencePress lets you lock out unauthorized hackers from your WordPress site with the tap of a smartphone application. With FencePress, you’ll be able to block attackers with the push of a button, which translates to maximized site uptime, increased sales, and total safety for your customer and company data. All unauthorized users and bots are redirected to an error page, which will block most automated hack attempts in their tracks.

What exactly can you do with FencePress? For starters, you can block, unblock, and control access to the login page and admin dashboard directly from your phone. No more rushing home to do it! Next, you can manage multiple sites using just one installation of the app. And from a proactive standpoint, FencePress removes all references to the version of WordPress that you’re running, plus the README file, so it eliminates a major liability that’s been exploited by hackers.

    Please note folks:
  • the Blogger license allow the plugin to be used on 1 site
  • the Webmaster license allow the plugin to be used on up to 30 sites
  • the Agency license allow the plugin to be used on up to UNLIMITED sites
Also, each coupon code must be used before 10th of April 2016.

After you purchase FencePress, it may be used for 12 months.

This promotion includes the following:
FencePress Blogger v1.0 ($17.88)
FencePress Webmaster v1.0 ($59)
FencePress Agency v1.0 ($199)
Review Written by Derek Lee
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Bought DOS 1.1 Just bought the Webmaster version, got my login info and coupon code.

When I enter my email and the coupon code, i DO NOT get the software, I get the error message:

"The requested coupon is not valid, is expired or is already used"

Tried a couple of times, same result. Left a message for 'support'.


Took a chance on an unknown product, hope I'm not screwed. Also hope I don't have to make use of the 30 day no questions money back BDJ policy.
Jan 16 2016 at 6:06pm Copy Link
Ugo Grandolini Hallo Jonathan,

thank you for your order!

Please check your email for the license: I just redeemed your coupon code on you behalf and associated to the gmail address you used to buy the product.

Most probably when you copied the coupon code some extra character was copied in the clipboard and the code was not validated – it happens!

If you like me to change the email associated to the code just let me now the new email address at

Best regards,
Ugo - Jan 17 2016 at 12:19am Copy Link
Bought DOS 1.1 Ugo,
Thanks for the help. I guess it was help.


I have clicked on every link I've received and am told that when I put in my license code I'll get instructions to download. The instructions send me to a page where I put in the code AGAIN and when I click on SEND it says 'Enter valid email address" but THERE IS NO PLACE TO ENTER AN EMAIL ADDRESS.

I understand that this is a product dealing with security, but perhaps you could back the FUGGING security process off enough to allow legitimate buyers to ACCESS YOUR PRODUCT.

I'd appreciate any help you could render to enable me to download, install, and use the plugin. If I am not able to access, install, or otherwise use the product by Monday 1/18 I will be requesting a refund.

PS. I have bought many products on BDJ over the past 10 years, and I have decades of online and offline computer experience, including setting up WP sites since version 2.0. IOW, I am not a noob who can't figure out what link to click on or what to do with an archived file.
Jan 17 2016 at 1:37pm Copy Link
Ugo Grandolini hi Jonathan,

there was a problem in the download page preventing the download under certain circumstances – Now its fixed.

I just sent you the plugin by email.

Thank you for your patience!
Ugo - Jan 17 2016 at 3:06pm Copy Link
Bought DOS 1.1 Ugo

I did receive the plugin by mail.

Now I have ANOTHER PROBLEM! I have followed the instructions on your website explicitly in terms of installing, activating, and incorporating the mobile app.

The license code you sent doesn't work. It doesn't authorize to the mobile app when the 'secret code QR' is scanned.

When I enter the license code,etc. and click on Save Changes, the screen cycles and comes back as though the license has not been entered.

When accessing the website from the mobile ap, it reports "ERROR (104) Either the Secret Key, the License is wrong or the Plugin is not yet activated"

I also note that there are less than 5 downloads of the plugin from the Google Play page. (It's actually showing 1 download as I look at it.) To be honest I've never seen a commercial product with that few downloads.

Do you actually have this product up and successfully running???

Because I've gone this far, I'm going to give you a chance to get this up and running for me. If we can't make this work soon I will ask for a refund.
Jan 18 2016 at 1:41pm Copy Link
Ugo Grandolini Dear Jonathan,

first of all please let me underline that I’m not here trying to steal anybody’s money!

About your concerns on the product

All I want is to be able to help people in living an easier life, with FencePress the idea is to help people to make their sites more secure as easy as possible: with more than 30 years experience in software development I believe to have a sufficient preparation to do so.

Then, if I can get some money to pay for my family needs, I am even happier.

As in software development there are many things that can go wrong it is possible that a product need some time before it become stable, meaning all the problems are fixed.
In this case the product is made by several pieces, including: the site, the plugin and the app.

FencePress is relatively young, I completed the development last December. You can be sure that I’ve tried to test all the possible problems but, as I’m a simple and imperfect ape, it is possible that there are still things to be fixed.

As I offer a full refund policy this should not be a big issue: if in the fist 30 days you are not happy with the product, you simply ask for a refund and you will get it – just as you like to remind me in every message you write.

About your concern on the Google Play downloads, please note that the App is also available on the Apple Store: at the moment it is clear that all the other customers are actually using an iPhone.

I do not have thousands of customers right now, but I can assure you that the product is up and running for some people — or, they bought it and are not yet using it.

Actually, if you open you can see how many attacks FencePress has already blocked: 1,218 at the time I’m writing.
This is not a fake number, it represents the total number of times a site protected with FencePress redirected an user trying to access their login page to the forbidden access page ( ).

About your technical problem

You wrote:
“I have received multiple 'license' info and neither works. Currently I have:
0JQ6-***** ”

To avoid any confusion:

The code starting with 002001- is the COUPON code you used to redeem the license: once you redeemed the coupon the code is invalidated so you can safely trash it.

The LICENSE is the code starting with 0JQ6- as shown in the email you received, right after “Here is your License:”

Trying to reproduce your problem I installed a fresh WordPress copy (4.4.1) on the subdomain.

Then I installed the plugin and used your license (0JQ6-*) to activate it; finally I scanned the QR Code on my development iPhone – everything went fine as shown on the following screen shots:

Please note that on the screen shots I obfuscated your license to avoid anyone seeing it to be able to use it on their site; if you do not trust me I can open you an account to access so that you can double check it yourself.

So, all in all, it looks like either my installation instructions are missing something or you are doing something wrong like, for example, when copying the license you might get some extra characters in the clipboard – just as it happened when you tried to redeem the coupon.

To be able to help you please provide the following:

1. the domain name on which you are trying to install FencePress
2. a screen shot showing the plugin “SETUP” tab open – just like this one:

I might need more information and screen shots to be able to proceed, I will let you know after I see the initial information.

If the information you provide does not lead to any clues I might ask you to open an admin account for me so that I can access and see by myself what’s going on: sometimes this is the best way to find the solution to tricky problems, moreover it can save us both a lot time. Once the problem is fixed you simply remove my account so that I will not be able to access anymore.

Alternatively you can share your screen with Skype, see my final thoughts below.

About your problem to open a support ticket

You wrote:
“Just tried to send you the above message on your support site, and was told "unable to find valid license"
What a freaking mess...”

Again, I tried to ask for support trough using your license and email address and was able to open the ticket.

Probably the best way to assist you is to use a remote connection to see exactly what you do: by seeing what you do I will be able to help.

Final thoughts

If you like we can set a mutually convenient Skype chat so that you can share you screen and show me what’s going on live: in such case, just contact me on Skype and we will proceed from there – my Skype ID is: fencepress

All in all I hope I can prove you and everyone reading this conversation that I am honest, willing to help and definitely not here to get anybody’s money and then disappear.

Every company in the world, Apple and Google included, started from “zero customers” before they become what they are today. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of talented people out there that you can trust, even if their app download counter is showing just one download.

Waiting for your news,
Best regards - Jan 19 2016 at 6:12am Copy Link

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