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Nitro Pro 8Discount

Nitro Pro 8

Create PDF Files From Over 300 Formats

for PC 
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Nitro Pro 8 ScreenshotPDF Utilities Software ScreenshotNitro Pro 8, PDF Utilities Software ScreenshotNitro Pro 8, Business & Finance Software ScreenshotPDF Utilities Software, Nitro Pro 8 Screenshot

How awesome is the PDF format? How not awesome is the process of jumping through hoops to get files into the PDF format? Not anymore, thanks to today’s discount software promotion, Nitro Pro 8!

Nitro Pro 8 lets you create industry-standard PDF files from nearly any file format, with just a click or by dragging and dropping. With Nitro Pro 8, not only can you produce PDF files from Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you can also mix all of these formats into a single PDF that contains spreadsheets, images, documents, presentations, and more!

It doesn’t end there. You can edit pages in your PDF and modify text and images, and specify file quality based on web, office, or print-readiness. And compatibility only begins with those Microsoft applications, since Nitro Pro 8 features support for over 300 file formats, in addition to supporting any application that has a Print function!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Jim Fortune My customers create small databases in Word, save/export them as a PDF and send them to me. I open the PDF in my vector graphics software, Corel for example, and the result is always an unpleasant surprise. The format is stripped, the characters are unstable, and the only correction I can see is to have the customer fax me a copy of the original so I can retype it.

How will Nitro Pro 8 perform in these circumstances? Please advise ASAP. Thanks.
May 24 2013 at 8:30am Copy Link
Nitro Hello Jim,

Thank you for your interest in Nitro Pro! Rather than answer your question with a theoretical solution our tech support team asks that you email us the original word document you are using, as well as the exported PDF file for so we can run this issue through our testing lab. You may email us directly at As soon as we receive your documents we will troubleshoot and provide you with a full solution ASAP. If you have any additional questions or concerns please feel free to include them in your email. Thank you very much, have a great day!

- Nitro PDF Sales
Nitro - May 24 2013 at 4:01pm Copy Link
Brian Crane Can Nitro Pro encrypt passwords, restrict printing etc... so others cannot amend the document?
May 25 2013 at 5:00am Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen I have Nitro 7 Pro which I bought at BdJ. It is a good and powerful software, albeit not user friendly when tackling some functions.

Lately they have bombarded me with offers to upgrade to Nitro 8 Pro at a price which I find unacceptable and difficult to justify considering the new options offered. I declined.

The question I want to pose is: Do you offer an upgrade at a much more reasonable price on BdJ?
May 25 2013 at 11:18am Copy Link
Garrett Goyette @Jim don't want to sound like I am beating up on you but I would take advantage of their tech support advice and just send the files they request. NOT sure why you would use a vector graphics program to try and work with a PDF. Most PDF readers many which are free should be able to read it. As far as being able to read, edit, markup etc. Nitro is certainly one of the Contenders for the throne in this category and much less expensive than Adobe PDF the defacto standard and namesake for the PDF category.

Also, download the trial and try for yourself. I have used Nitro for many years and one other competitor which I won't name here with about equally happy results, new versions often leapfrogging a bit in features.
May 26 2013 at 2:23pm Copy Link
Danny This was on my wish list. But a few weeks here have a good PDF software purchased. This is undoubtedly in addition to a good one!
May 27 2013 at 1:42am Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen NITRO: Are you too busy to answer my question??
May 27 2013 at 1:46am Copy Link
Brian Crane Hi Garrett Goyette
Howz about answering my question sent in Saturday about encryption?
May 27 2013 at 5:06am Copy Link
PBMCMLXXI @Brian if you mean can you password protect the document with encryption then yes you can. Would advise you to check the website out...
Also download a trial, see if it does what you want it to.. :)
May 27 2013 at 7:43am Copy Link
Brian Crane Many thanks for the guidance.
May 27 2013 at 10:12am Copy Link
Mappi75 No german version offer?
May 27 2013 at 10:29am Copy Link
Faisal Humayun NitroPDF appears to be, without a doubt, a competent offering in the PDF creator/editor market (OCR is a very nice touch); however IMHO their standard pricing is borderline outrageous (while Adobe is completely outrageous), and the discounted price point merely grazes into the normal pricing territory of competing packages (e.g. FoxIt ).
There are also some very competent free alternatives such as PDF-XChange, and my personal favorite Libre Office. I'm afraid this is a pass for me.
May 27 2013 at 12:28pm Copy Link
Alexander Deliyannis I also own a license to the previous version of Nitro; I bought it at the full price when I needed this kind of functionality for a major project and I simply refused to pay for Adobe Acrobat. Overall Nitro does what it says, though I've noticed several quirks. Unfortunately, such issues are only noticeable after long term use. Like Gunderic above I'd consider upgrading to v.8 if the price was more attractive.

@ Faisal: I'm not sure one can compare Nitro to PDF-XChange, many of whose products I also own and use extensively. I think Nitro is more comparable to ABBYY PDF Transformer.

One more thing: a couple of years ago, the free Nitro PDF Reader was made Evernote compatible. Ironically, this functionality never made it to the paid edition, at least not in the version I own. I wonder if it is available in version 8.5.
May 27 2013 at 12:54pm Copy Link
Dwayne Reid Hi there.

How many computers can I install this on? I have several computers that I use interchangeably but I am the only user and only one computer is in use at any one time.
May 27 2013 at 1:38pm Copy Link
Cary Adams @Alexander Deliyannis ... I'm not sure what you mean by "evernote compatible", however NP8 does have "send to Evernote" functionality.

@Brian Crane Yes, NP8 can password encrypt your pdf, restrict printing and editing at various levels.

@Faisal Humayun NP8 far exceeds the capabilities of PDF X-Change Free and LibreOffice. If you are satisfied with those tools, you do not need NP8

Tech Support is very responsive, and the app is developing nicely.

Although it's may seem pricey, the BDJ offer is one of the best promotional rates you will find. If you wait until year-end, you may (or may not) be able to get it for $10 less.

FWIW, NP8 supports redactions, forms. scan acquistions, editing the original pdf document, and exporting PDFs to various Microsoft Office formats.
May 27 2013 at 2:10pm Copy Link
Faisal Humayun Just to clarify, when I was in the market for a 1-stop PDF editor, I decided to opt in for Foxit PhantomPDF Standard Ver 6 ( which I got with a discount of 15% over their standard price of $89 ). Nitro8 was only available for $119 at the time (with no discounting, and BDJ promotions are not "on-demand" ). I should add that if this promotion was available back then, I may very well be a Nitro8 customer today.
May 27 2013 at 6:44pm Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen The software is -as Faisal-says, indeed overpriced. They also need to work in its user friendliness. It is advisable to have another Pdf software. Sometimes I become so frustrated trying to find a certain function that I give up and use my backup software (Pdf Annotator), much more friendlier to use. Nitro has a good function among others, namely Quick Sign.

As you all can see, they don't even answer my question. In any event, judging by the additional paltry functions being offered with Nitro 8, and especially the upgrade price, I doubt anyone would want to upgrade. I know i will not.
May 27 2013 at 11:29pm Copy Link
VLM I agree with some of the comments about lack of user friendliness. Functions are often difficult to find. Shortcut support is inadequate. And speaking only in terms of my own preferences, Nitro's choice to follow Microsoft down the ribbon rabbit hole was a poor one. I find it MUCH easier and more productive working with old-fashioned menus.

I would also comment on Nitro's support. They are good in the sense that they respond in a timely manner. But I have been told to uninstall and reinstall this application at least two dozen times ... and they provide no way to migrate forward all the settings and customizations I create. So every reinstall is a TOTAL do-over.

A minor point: I find their blog to be a nuisance. At times they publish constructive, useful tips. But far more frequently they publish about their new office or their most recent party or some award or the like. They seem VERY preoccupied with awards. Honestly, I receive upward of 1000 emails daily, I don't desire such content. I wish they would separate into 2 blogs, one primarily for application-related content, the other for all their nifty stories and such.

In the end, after MUCH effort expended to try and make Nitro 8 work for me, I gave up on both the application and the company.
May 28 2013 at 6:07am Copy Link
Nick Kobe It is absurd to have to sign it to ask a question! You may not under any circumstances use my email address or name for any purpose what so ever. You may ONLY use it to post questions from me.

If you drag and drop an email from Thunderbird will it save the email AND attachment as a PDF? I currently usePDF redirect2 PRO, Other then editing PDF files what does this program do that you cannot do with a lifetime update license from EXP Systems LLC do through its program PDF redirect2 PRO? I paid $19.95 for PDF redirect2 PRO for lifetime license which also includes installation on all my personal computers!

To help compare Nitro Pro to PDF redirect PRO here is what I can/.do with PDF Pro:

I can create PDFs, use stamps, merge, optimize, FTP them, directly email the PDF file, lock files, enter metadata, set fonts, create batch PDF printers, create VBA automated operations, 128 bit encrypt, pull pages, include hyperlinks, include attachments, and determine how I want PDF files displayed.

Someone asked about Nitro Pro and available translations. PDF Pro can be setup using French, German, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Norwegian.

In advance of the question: No, I do not work for nor sell EXP software. I'm a user, but always interested in adding software that can be useful, user license (ALL my personal computers), with unlimited updates.

Thanks in advance for your reply!
May 28 2013 at 6:08am Copy Link
Cary Adams @Nick Kobe... PDF Redirect Pro is a pretty basic PDF tool. I recommend you install NP8's Free Trial and see for yourself. Some of Nitro's features are compared with Adobe Acrobat here:

If you're content with PDF Redirect Pro, you probably don't need NP8.

@VLM... I receive nearly zero email from Nitro—maybe one every 3 months. Perhaps you should re-examine your email preferences. If your receing 1000+ emails daily as an individual, you may have a spam problem, lol.
May 28 2013 at 8:14am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Cary

Thanks for the link!

@ Nick

In a nutshell, PDF reDirect Pro doesn't approach the functionality of Nitro Pro. From what I can tell the former is a simple PDF printing utility with a minimal feature set.

Nitro Pro, however, is a robust, professional tool whose features include advanced editing, scanning, annotation/markup, security, review, redact, compliance, watermark/stamp, form-creation... and much, much more:

Really, the advantages of Nitro Pro are too lengthy to detail here. I'd recommend you spend a few minutes with the trial version. I think you'll be very impressed :)
BitsDuJour Admin - May 28 2013 at 8:40am Copy Link
VLM Cary Adams - Thanks for your response. I receive the Nitro blog. The promise was that the blog would provide tips and such, and sometimes this is the case. But all too often, not so. Anyway, I did call this one a minor point, which I believe is fair.

Regarding all that email, not a spam problem, but rather a reflection of my diverse interests and also of groups I own/moderate.

I agree that Nitro Pro 8.x is rich with features. I just don't find it all that easy to use, and I really do detest the ribbon interface, regardless of application. It seems, to me, that this approach all that has been learned since the first real GUI was developed at Xerox PARC during the 1970s or so. And please notice my comment about support (reinstall, reinstall, reinstall) and the fact that there is no way to carry forward settings from one installation to another.
May 28 2013 at 9:00am Copy Link
Mark Johnson Is there a comparison anywhere between this product and Tracker PDF-XChange Pro? Looking at features listed on each website, they appear very similar except for the inclusion of such a great reader with the Tracker product. It would be great to see a comparison, since the sale price of this software is only a couple of dollars different than the regular price of the Tracker product but the upgrade pricing of this product is 3x that of PDF-XChange Pro.

May 28 2013 at 2:37pm Copy Link
disenchanted A few years back I needed a PDF creator and converter.
Adobe was too expensive. The only cheap alternatives I readily found were Nuance PDF converter pro and NitroPDF.
I went with the Nuance product first and that was a mistake.

Nuance was so deeply embedded in the OS, that on my XP Pro computer, I was experiencing BSODs one day. I couldn't log in to the computer to disable my nuance pdf license.
Then to rub salt in the wound, I could not even run the XP repair disk because the [^%$#^] nuisance activation was trying to muscle it's way out to the internet.

I switched to Nitro and am still using version 6 on multiple computers at home.

I then proceeded to switch out all my copies of Nuance PDF converter pro 5 to Nitro pdf 6.

I am happy overall with the Nitropdf abilities to convert pdf to word vs other products. It did a decent job of creating pdf files as well.

I would like to see 2 editions like there were a couple years ago.
1. standard - without OCR and/or a couple other features
2. pro - with OCR

As others mentioned:
It would also be nice to see more and better discount offers sent to existing customers, so we do not have to wait until, if & when, BDJ offers Nitropdf for 40% off.
It doesn't really make a Nitropdf customer feel very special when they/we have to wait for sale on BDJ to upgrade at a reasonable discount. A discount similar in savings, like most other software vendors offer existing customers.

When I was first converting my computers over to nitropdf 6, the retail price was about $99 I think.
Newegg and amazon would sell nitropdf 6 retail boxes. Often times you could get the retail box on sale for $49. Occasionally I found it for $19.99 on newegg.
Since version 7 or 8, Nitropdf seems to only be available online, no retail channels. Would like to see it back in retail channels again.
May 28 2013 at 4:13pm Copy Link
Loco Driver I almost went nuts when I needed to be able to enter data into some government pdf forms (as opposed to printing the pdf, hand writing the info, then snail-mailing the forms, for lack of a way to scan the doc to pdf).

Adobe's pricing is beyond outrageous for an occasional-need user and I'd tried several other products, incl Nuance, but kept running into problems between the gov forms and other pdfs that I had to use.

Finally saw Nitro on BDJ, downloaded the trial and discovered that it didn't have the snags I'd encountered with the other non-Adobe products. I took advantage of the BJD offer and have been using Ver 7 ever since. I did run into one issue but Support was very responsive and pointed me to an upgrade that was just being released. Fixed!

Yes, sometimes it's a little difficult to find how to use a function that you don't use very often - (I suggest Nitro expand the content of their help file, then a simple "search" of the contents would be more useful) but for the most part it's pretty easy to use.

Frankly I think that one of the most important features is the responsive Support team. I wasn't able to get useful, timely support from several of the other products I'd tried.
May 29 2013 at 8:53am Copy Link
Cary Adams @Loco Driver ... If you need to enter data into PDF forms (assuming they really are forms, and not just documents with lines and boxes), the free version of Nitro Reader can do that, AND it can flatten (save) your completed form so that the entries you made cannot be easilt changed.

On the other hand, if the document "forms" you need to complete are just "dumb" forms with lines and boxes, but without from fields, Nitro Pro has a tool that allows you to enter auto align text boxes on the lines that your need to fill in.

Nitro has an upcoming feature planned which will enable you to change dumb forms into field forms for easy entry with most PDF readers. I'm not sure when this will come out, but I'm hoping it will be within version 8.
May 29 2013 at 11:39am Copy Link
Loco Driver @Cary - Thanks for the info. I purchased Nitro Pro more than a year ago after I found it did what I needed. Probably use it to read or scan documents into PDFs, etc., a couple times a week. It's a great product.

In the case of "government forms" some are "dumb" PDFs, others were sophisticated PDFs with form fields, restricted fields and other tricks built in. Of course there were alsosome MS Word type "forms," but I have Office for those. The most miserable "forms" were actually blurry jpg files. Not much else you an do but print the file and hand-write the data.
May 29 2013 at 12:35pm Copy Link
Gilbert Olbregts I hope this deal will come back soon, I was to late .

What a shame,

Jul 3 2013 at 4:07am Copy Link

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