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Online Meeting Guide: Software and StrategiesDiscount

Online Meeting Guide: Software and Strategies

Modern videoconferencing services are easy to use, and available to nearly anyone with a computer or Smartphone.

Online Meeting Guide: Software and Strategies Screenshot

Modern videoconferencing services are easy to use, and available to nearly anyone with a computer or Smartphone. The ability to connect and meet with people online means we’re no longer limited by geographical location. Furthermore, countless websites provide us with a wide variety of tools and resources for conducting meetings, planning and executing projects, and reducing the amount of printed paper traditionally needed to get things done.

The purpose of this guide is to introduce you to many of the popularly used, free, or relatively inexpensive, online resources and tools for holding meetings online and working collaboratively on projects, reports, presentations, documents, and the like. MakeUseOf also provides tips and suggestions for how some resources are more useful than others, what you might consider as you make choices about which resources you need for your team or committee.

Review Written by Constantin Florea
Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change

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