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RoboForm2Go v7Discount

RoboForm2Go v7

#1 Recommend Password Manager and Form Filler

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Download available for: Windows: XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003 (all 32-bit versions), Mac: OSX 10.6 and up, Intel Macs only
RoboForm2Go v7 ScreenshotPassword Manager Software ScreenshotRoboForm2Go v7, Password Manager Software ScreenshotRoboForm2Go v7, Security Software ScreenshotPassword Manager Software, RoboForm2Go v7 ScreenshotSecurity Software, RoboForm2Go v7 ScreenshotSecurity Software, Password Manager Software Screenshot

How much time do you spend entering passwords and filling out forms online, over and over again? Stop wasting time and let RoboForm do it for you!

RoboForm2Go is a lightweight application that fits onto a portable USB device, so you can bring your digital identity with you, where ever you go. Not just passwords, but bookmarks and contacts as well.

With RoboForm2Go you'll find a smart, simple and -- most importantly -- secure way to navigate your workflow. RoboForm2Go streamlines your entire online experience: it remembers and recalls your usernames and passwords, fills out tedious checkout forms with a click of the mouse, and can even fill forms in a number of languages.

It’s now easier than ever to login to your favorite web site. RoboForm2Go makes the process effortless by automatically saving, then entering your usernames and passwords. You only need to remember one Master Password and RoboForm2Go remembers the rest!

Use the RoboForm2Go Identities feature to securely store your name, address, email, credit cards, and all other personal information. Just click on your RoboForm2Go Identity to fill entire web forms automatically. Save yourself hours of needless typing!

Join over 5 million users and give RoboForm2Go a try today!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Ricky Rick @ SIber Systems

I already own RoboForm DeskTop Version - for years.

If I also buy RoboForm2Go for a USB Stick - will it work on my PC that already has the DeskTop Version Installed or just on other computers without a Desktop version of RoboForm already installed?

Another Example: My GF just ordered the DeskTop Version thru BDJ for her computer. If my PC broke down - would I be able to use my RoboForm2Go on her DeskTop PC seeing how she already has the DeskTop Version installed?

Jan 25 2016 at 1:11pm Copy Link
Siber Systems @Ricky Rick - RoboForm2Go will work on a PC that already has the desktop version installed. In addition, it will work in Chrome and Opera where it cannot attach from outside. For more info please visit:
Siber Systems Inc. - Jan 25 2016 at 1:58pm Copy Link
Ricky Rick @ SIber Systems

Thanks a lot for your fast answer!

So HAPPY to hear that RoboForms2Go will work on a PC that already has the DeskTop version installed.

And ... since it will work that way - I will definitely be ordering 2 RoboForm2Go (1 for me and 1 for my GF) seeing how they will work on a PC that already has the DeskTop version installed.

Jan 25 2016 at 4:11pm Copy Link
CFGuy Dear Siber Systems, like Ricky Rick (above), I also have Roboform Desktop. Is there a way to synch passwords and data between Roboform Desktop and Roboform2Go (without necessarily using a third, or specialized, synching program?. Thanks. -Cfguy
Jan 27 2016 at 5:52am Copy Link
Ricky Rick @ SIber Systems

Ah!! Just noticed up above it says:

Platforms: Download available for: Windows: XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003 (all 32-bit versions), Mac: OSX 10.6 and up, Intel Macs only.

We both have Windows Pro SP1 64 Bit OSs - but it only mentions it will work on all "32 bit versions".

Does RoboForm2Go v7.x also work on Windows 7 64 bit?

I'm thinking probably it does but want to know for sure.

Jan 27 2016 at 5:53am Copy Link
Siber Systems @Ricky Rick - Yes, RoboForm2Go v7.x will also work on Windows 7 64 bit.
Siber Systems Inc. - Jan 27 2016 at 2:16pm Copy Link
Siber Systems @CF Guy - There currently is not as the RoboForm2Go license allows you to use RoboForm Pro on any number of computers, but the RoboForm2Go data must be kept only on a removable drive and not on a hard drive. It is attached to the USB key and not a computer. Thus you are unable to sync the info between the two. You can, however, sync with a RoboForm Everywhere account.
Siber Systems Inc. - Jan 27 2016 at 2:28pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Siber Systems Inc. has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 28 2016 at 12:11am Copy Link
ckaraca ckaraca Does this item have lifetime licence???
Jan 28 2016 at 1:34am Copy Link
Siber Systems @ ckaraca

It does not come with a lifetime license. You are buying the license for this version. It will come with free updates that we do within this version. It does not guarantee you free upgrades to major version releases.
Siber Systems Inc. - Jan 28 2016 at 3:45am Copy Link
Ricky Rick @ SIber Systems

seeing how it's up to Version already (for the DeskTop Version and I'm sure for the 2Go Version as well) which means it's Very, Very close to a new version upgrade release ... and there is no guarantee of a free upgrade to a major version release as you said to ckaraca ... I'm gonna have to pass on buying this time and wait till version 8 comes out and there is another deal here on BDJ.

Jan 28 2016 at 4:46am Copy Link
Siber Systems @ Ricky Rick

There's nothing planned yet, but we do run periodic deals on BDJ.
Siber Systems Inc. - Jan 28 2016 at 5:37am Copy Link
Siber Systems @Ricky Rick - The USB stick can include anything else that you'd like to have on it. It is not solely for RoboForm2Go.
Siber Systems Inc. - Jan 28 2016 at 2:05pm Copy Link
Germain Lavoie After reading up on this program, I'm ready to pull the trigger on a purchase.
Got quite a few bookmarks with login passwords and bank accounts.
But need answers before promo runs out.

1) Because it's "attached" to a USB stick, what happens if the the USB stick goes south (bad), can I transfer to a new one (USB stick)? Will it allow it?

2) When I log on to bank sites with a user name and password, does it also remember to continue login in using images and questions posed before seeing actual bank statement. That is, I log in using account number and password but also have to select an image and a question before I get to the page.

Anyone with answers would be appreciated.
Jan 29 2016 at 12:18am Copy Link
Siber Systems @Germain Lavoie - Yes, you can transfer it to another USB, but the license can only be used on one USB at a time. Regarding logins that include an image element, you would need to manually select the image.
Siber Systems Inc. - Jan 29 2016 at 7:18am Copy Link

Please note that all comments for this promotion will be screened before posting. It's nothing personal, just a step we have to take because of a few bad apples last time around.

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