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Tabs StudioDiscount

Tabs Studio

Organize Multiple Document Tabs in Microsoft Visual Studio

v4.6.1 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 10, 8.1, 7
Tabs Studio ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software ScreenshotTabs Studio, Development Tools Software ScreenshotTabs Studio, Development Software ScreenshotDevelopment Tools Software, Tabs Studio ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Tabs Studio ScreenshotDevelopment Software, Development Tools Software ScreenshotTabs Studio, Development Software, Development Tools Software ScreenshotTabs Studio Screenshot 8Tabs Studio Screenshot 9Tabs Studio Screenshot 10Tabs Studio Screenshot 11Tabs Studio Screenshot 12Tabs Studio Screenshot 13

As a Microsoft Visual Studio user, you certainly appreciate the power and flexibility of this popular IDE, but what you DON'T appreciate is the massive amount of clutter that results when you have lots of open files ("lots" meaning more than, say, 8). It bogs your workflow down when you have to hunt for the right content in the middle of a burst of productivity! That's why you need Tabs Studio!

Tabs Studio is the best way to organize and customize Microsoft Visual Studio tabs, making all document tabs visible as multiple rows and grouping relevant tabs together. And if you have a widescreen monitor you can set tabs on a side in a vertical row! In fact, you can use Tabs Studio to gain complete control over all aspects of tab presentation, with custom add-ins that extend the flexibility to unheard-of levels of awesomeness!

There's an impressive list of good things that you get when you install Tabs Studio! There's support for multiple IDEs, including the latest Visual Studio 2019 and SQL Server Management Studio 18. The ability to remove paths from tab names. You can even color your tabs and customize their shape for easy visibility!

So get cracking on a more productive approach to working with Microsoft Visual Studio today - with your very own copy of Tabs Studio!

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