You know the drill by now -- you shoo your kids off of the computer, only to come back in a few minutes to find that nothing's changed. The time limits that you set are disregarded, and you're at your wit's end trying to craft a computer usage policy for your children that's actually enforceable.
With TimesUpKidz, setting limits on computer time becomes automated and effortless!
TimesUpKids lets you set appropriate limits on computer time for each of your children individually! As soon as you launch TimesUpKidz, you just fill out a simple and intuitive form indicating the computer usage limits on the weekdays and the weekends. If you ever need to loosen anyone's restrictions, as in the case with sick days at home, vacation, or homework, you can do so with a few clicks. Likewise, it's just as easy to lock down computer time completely! With TimesUpKidz, you don't even have to remember to change the time limits back, the program will automatically resume the normal schedule!
Your kids will always be aware of how much time they have left on the computer via pop-up reminders and audible alerts that will be heard even if your child is fully engrossed in a video game! Once time is up, everything stops and a dialog box indicates when computer time is available again. Time accounting is performed based on Windows accounts -- tracking begins once your child logs into the PC, and stops whenever they log off, lock the machine, or switch users!
Plus, TimesUpKidz gives you the ability to see how much time each of your children has used! Best of all, no more fighting over computer time and arguments over sharing, because everyone's got their own time slot!
Review Written by Derek Lee
- Set time limits on computer usage for each of your children.
- Put an end to conflicts over who gets to use the computer and when.
- Track your child's computer usage!
- Easily make exceptions to the schedule on a case-by-case basis.
- You can download and install a free trial of this software before purchasing
- Download available for: Windows XP, Vista, 7
- Buy with BitsDuJour's promotional coupon code and get all this at a discounted price!
- Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free up to the next major version. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will not be discounted.
- Prices do not necessarily include taxes, which will vary by country.