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Organize Info Using Searchable Databases

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7
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Sure, folders were a great idea back in the day, before we started accumulating hundreds of files. Now, even having a hierarchy of folders doesn't necessarily equate to being organized! It's time to bring your information management to the next level, with TreeProjects!

TreeProjects lets you organize all of your information using freeform, hierarchical, searchable personal databases! With TreeProjects, you'll be able to store text, files, reminders, and a whole host of other data types in a way that makes finding information quickly an easy task. And don't think that such power comes with unnecessary complexity -- all of your data is stored in single, small, portable file that can go wherever you do!

TreeProjects boasts an intuitive and friendly user interface that will be instantly familiar to anyone who's ever used WordPad or Windows Explorer! And there's no need to worry about draining system resources - coded in C++, TreeProjects occupies very little space, takes up very little memory, but remains fully capable of delivering fast results no matter what the size of your database!

Check out some of the awesome features available in this version TreeProjects!

  • Databases can be password-protected. Protected databases are encrypted (encryption-decryption is performed on the fly without noticable slowdown).
  • Complex search queries are supported, that allow finding items by any combination of their properties. A visual editor of search queries is available.
  • Multiple, dockable, editable, persistent search results windows, with optional auto-update.
  • Workspaces (positions of windows, opened items etc) are preserved between sessions for each database.
  • Faster search and tag search.
  • Improved drag and drop capabilities.
  • Better looking, more customizable and configurable.
  • ...and much, much more!

Review Written by Derek Lee
The Conversation
The Fine Print
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Michael R. Is it possible to protect a certain branch of the project with (another) password?

So it would be able to share a project with other people, but keep certain information even protected from them.
Mar 2 2015 at 12:57am Copy Link
Yaroslav Pidstryhach Hello Michael, No, it is impossible to password-protect only part of the database. For maximum security, the entire database is protected, which includes not only your data, but also search indices and all the meta-information, which by design pertain to all the items. This makes it impossible to peek inside a protected database using a HEX editor or a similar tool. However, you can easily export branches of a TreeProjects database into a separate database, and set its security level as you see fit.
Smereka TreeProjects - Mar 2 2015 at 1:51am Copy Link
Michael R. Thanks for the answer. Correct me, if I am wrong, but when replacing an internal branch by the exported one, I suppose the links from a position outside this branch to the inside of the branch (and vice versa) are not working as intended any more, are they?

Or can I define links between different (password-protected) projects?
Mar 2 2015 at 2:21am Copy Link
Yaroslav Pidstryhach There are no special provisions for database links in this case; when you export a branch that references an item outside the branch, and then try to use the link, you will be informed that the destination is missing. There are also no facilities for inter-project linking at the moment. However, the links should work again as soon as the branch is re-imported back to the original database. (Re-importing a branch is done by opening the source database, copying the branch, and pasting it into the destination database).
Smereka TreeProjects - Mar 2 2015 at 2:29am Copy Link
Chris Roy Jackson Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free up to the next major version and minor versions thereafter have question Regarding the following "Fine Print" Item:
"Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free up to the next major version and minor versions thereafter"
The question is:
Does this Sentence MEAN what it SAYS (It SAYS that: (assuming this is version 5.xx) "Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free up UNTIL version 7.00")
Is that correct??
OR If you mean to say that updates are free until Version 6.00 (in this example),
Your statement SHOULD read:
"Minor version Updates to future versions of the software will be free up to the next Major Version".
Mar 2 2015 at 7:12am Copy Link
Robert W I continue to use and like TreeProjects. The price, especially on BitsduJour is very reasonable. I like the way TreeProjects works better than many other somewhat similar alternatives which I’ve tried. I do have a concern.

On the TreeProjects website on April 20, 2014 you wrote: “After a long pause, a new TreeProjects release is already in the making. There will be a couple of maintenance releases to introduce some of the long-due bugfixes, and then a major release which will be a free upgrade for the users of the current version. "

Would you update us on your current thinking or development plans for TreeProjects? Are you hoping to continue to work and develop TreeProjects?
Mar 2 2015 at 8:05am Copy Link
Yaroslav Pidstryhach Hello Chris, upgrade to version 3.0, and all 3.xx upgrades, will be free for 2.9 users. Version 4 may be a paid upgrade.
Smereka TreeProjects - Mar 2 2015 at 8:18am Copy Link
Yaroslav Pidstryhach Hello Robert, I concur that development is not as vigorous as it used to be, but work does continue under the hood. A release was made in August 2014. I do have plans for a 2.10 release which will include a new data type and important bug fixes; its scope will be completely defined by user requests, and I plan it for the April of 2015. The date of version 3 is less definite.
Smereka TreeProjects - Mar 2 2015 at 8:28am Copy Link
Roberto Smereka does not have bugs.. man!
Mar 2 2015 at 9:03am Copy Link
HJ B I downloaded and installed the program. A brief exploration indicates that the program can log the file name of an MS Office or pdf file, but that the contents of the such files can not be displayed within the program and are not indexed by the program.

Is the functionality of this program limited to text files, rich text files and html?
Mar 2 2015 at 10:52am Copy Link
Yaroslav Pidstryhach You need a PDF viewer installed in order for TreeProjects to view and index PDF files (it will still store them without it). Similarly, you need Office or Open/LibreOffice installed in order to receive similar functionality for Office files. Generally, whatever software is installed on your PC that offers "ifilters" and ActiveX viewers, TreeProjects will use it and be able to search/view. This functionality has been tested with all major PDF viewers, but obviously not all could be tested, so please try out the things you'd like to be able to do.
Smereka TreeProjects - Mar 2 2015 at 12:14pm Copy Link
Yaroslav Pidstryhach I will have now to pause the conversation for a short while, as night time has come to my side of the globe :)
Smereka TreeProjects - Mar 2 2015 at 12:38pm Copy Link
_*_ I bought and use this program. It is simple to use and does what it states. I use to use MyInfo, but I never cared for a simple little thing of always starting in a window and not maximized, so I now use TreeProjects.
Mar 2 2015 at 4:26pm Copy Link
Fadi I am getting an error while doing advanced search
Mar 2 2015 at 10:31pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Smereka TreeProjects has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Mar 3 2015 at 12:11am Copy Link
Peter Martin My one greatest desire: The ability to join and split items, eg join all items which is a result of a search, relocate it and then split it. Or put several markers in one item, and then split that item at the markers, rearrange the item, join them then erase the markers.

As far as I know only Infoselect does that.
Mar 4 2015 at 12:41am Copy Link
Yaroslav Pidstryhach Hello Fadi, advanced search has passed my automated tests, and I cannot see any immediate problem with them at the moment... You might get an error if you do not any search clause to a query, or a query may not return any results because it's too restrictive.
Smereka TreeProjects - Mar 4 2015 at 1:23am Copy Link
peter User I want to buy the deluxe edition. Can you use the program on more than one computer. I now have five active computers in my office, my home, and my vacation home. Can I download the program on to all of them?
Jul 27 2015 at 11:46pm Copy Link
JOI Hasn't been updated since 2.9.4 (16 August 2014)!
D/L link doesn't work to try demo version?
May 6 2019 at 2:19am Copy Link

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