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UltraEdit (Windows Version)Discount

UltraEdit (Windows Version)

The Ultimate Text Editor

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista (x32, x64), 7 (x32, x64)
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"We won't mince words: UltraEdit is outstanding..." -- CNET Editorial Review

UltraEdit is a text editor. But not just any text editor. It's a text editor that has been mutated by gamma rays into a super powerful, ultra flexible, do-everything go-everywhere must-have coding application!

With UltraEdit, you'll be able to work with text, HTML code, and hex, and programmers will enjoy native functionality that supports XML, advanced PHP, Perl, C/C++, Java, JavaScript, and a veritable laundry list of other languages. There's even support for 64-bit file handling on 32-bit Windows platforms!

Have you ever run out of memory trying to edit a huge file? UltraEdit unleashes your editing power, not only letting you edit files larger than 4GB, but also doing so with minimal usage of RAM! And when you're in the midst of editing bliss, you'll enjoy the same basic editing features you're used to, plus a whole host of advanced functionality that you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere! Stuff like support for extremely long lines (up to 20,000 characters), quick access to favorite and recent files, multiple levels of undo/redo, and advanced find/replace and cut/copy/paste features that are worlds ahead of even the industry leading word processing programs.

UltraEdit truly keeps the needs of developers at the forefront! Imagine using UltraEdit to manage your projects, grouping all of the files that you need and manipulating them as your requirements dictate. There's support for code folding, syntax highlighting that's smart enough to know which language you're using, function lists, and special support for XML. And you can forget about having to launch your FTP client to move files back and forth between your server, because UltraEdit comes with an integrated FTP client that supports multiple FTP servers with different authentication for each!

Please note folks: this BDJ-exclusive UltraEdit license includes maintenance and updates through the current version (v17) only.

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Stefan Hauber Having been on your website and read about the license. Just for clarification:

Is it correct, that - with this buy - if version 18 - current version is 17.x - comes out within a year the upgrade to v18 is free?

And also all updates of a owned versions?
Jun 26 2011 at 1:47am Copy Link
Yoshiaki Amano The multi-platform version was better...
Jun 26 2011 at 8:07am Copy Link
MBPBo @Stefan Hauber

While I can't comment on what the current deal may include for updates, I bought the UltraEdit + UltraCompare + Mobility! deal back in May 2010 and with that purchase I got 12 months of free releases, no matter whether they were updates or upgrades to the programs. The only thing that I found a bit odd was that even very minor update releases after the 12 months had passed were NOT included as free. Beware if your last free upgrade occurs just when a new major version is released - you won't get any free minor bug fix releases after your 12 month period.

Also discovered that their relatively new online activation scheme had a bug and when I was near my 12 month limit, a free upgrade was refused until I wrote to Support. While I didn't like the hassle of going back and forth with Support a few times, they did correct it to my satisfaction in the end.
Jun 26 2011 at 12:18pm Copy Link
disenchanted Any discounts on the lifetime license?
Jun 26 2011 at 12:48pm Copy Link
John Tompkins Does this include the mobile (USB drive) version?
Jun 26 2011 at 1:32pm Copy Link
disenchanted I see the pc and mac versions will be offered here on BDJ.

Will the linux version be available for sale here as well?

Thanks for your time.
Jun 26 2011 at 8:08pm Copy Link
Stefan Hauber Yet some other questions:

Can the language of the bought version be changed? In my case: Can I change it to German?

Is there a link where the canges between the main-versions can be seen. I am having v15, so I'm not sure, if it makes sense to buy the current v17 now?

Can this really be true, that updates/bugfixes are only free until 12 months after a buy? (Thanks for the info Beau Barnabe). I understand, that new features somewhen would need to pay extra money, but updates which are mainly bugfixes definitively be free! Some software-firms even publish (free) fixes for older main-versions!
Jun 27 2011 at 12:34am Copy Link
MBPBo Update to my previous comments:

I was just able to successfully update UltraCompare (another IDM product) from version to which is a "hotfix" released after my free 12-month period expired. Perhaps the 12-month period for free bugfix releases is not as inflexible as I thought. However, this time around, the description here for what constitutes included free updates does not seem to match what the IDM website states (i.e. 12-months of free major and minor releases). Can someone clarify that issue for potential buyers?
Jun 27 2011 at 8:51pm Copy Link
Chad Biggerstaff I've been using UltraEdit for probably a decade and it's great. Always improving and still stays fast. Keep up the great work. UltraCompare is a great compliment as well.
Great ASCII/HEX editor and opens HUGE files (with proper settings - work on file directly) quickly and manages memory so able to open multi gig files and look around. Tons of tool buttons allowing lots of flexibility. Even has built in ASCII/EBCDIC charts. Macros, macro recorder, color coded text customizable libraries/text coloring/completion. Added fold up methods/groups not too long ago. It's the ultimate load the code/file fast and get productive. I highly recommend it. I've tried competitors off and on over the years but, at least for me, it's consistently the best all around editor.
Jun 29 2011 at 1:22am Copy Link
iv I'm an existing UE v15 user. Does this discount extend to an Upgrade from V15 to V17 as well?
Jun 29 2011 at 1:36am Copy Link
pumpkin +1 with 'disenchanted' about a lifetime license.

Is it a possibility?
Jun 29 2011 at 1:50am Copy Link
No Name Can I get the UE Studio with this discount also?
Jun 29 2011 at 5:10am Copy Link
Ben Schwenk Hello Everyone,

To answer some of the questions here:

- The promo pricing applies to a new, standard license
- This is for the desktop version of UltraEdit, not the USB version
- The license will include all hotfixes and updates for v17 at no extra charge


IDM Computer Solutions, Inc - Jun 29 2011 at 5:11am Copy Link
S B Ben,

I'm a very happy licensed user of UltraEdit, and highly recommend it!

The regular $59.95 product does include:

"One Year Free Upgrades Receive a full year of free upgrades - including all major and minor releases."

My "1-year free upgrade eligibility period has expired." Would it be better to upgrade or purchase the BDJ promotion?

Jun 29 2011 at 8:03am Copy Link
Michael Begley Does UltraEdit for Windows support PowerBasic compilers? Thanks.
Jun 29 2011 at 9:01am Copy Link
Ben Schwenk @ S B - Thanks! We appreciate your support of UltraEdit! I'd actually recommend going the upgrade route, as this will renew your free upgrade period for another 12 months.

@ MIchael - UltraEdit includes command line interaction via the user tools feature. If you are comfortable compiling your source files through the command line, this would give you a way of compiling right out of UltraEdit. More info:
IDM Computer Solutions, Inc - Jun 29 2011 at 9:05am Copy Link
Michael Begley Ben,
Thanks for your comment. You answered a question I had not thought to ask yet. Now back to what I intended to ask:

Does UltraEdit support template files for PowerBasic compilers such that it can be aware of keywords and program structure? UltraEdit would need to know this if it was going to be able to expand and collapse blocks of code. Also color coding dramatically improves readability. The EditPlus product does support templates for each language (EditPlus has far fewer features than UltraEdit). I have downloaded UltraEdit and don't see how to do this. Thanks.
Jun 29 2011 at 10:01am Copy Link
Ben Schwenk Hi Michael,

Yes, you can get a PowerBasic wordfile here:

...and install it quickly using the method described here:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our tech support group at


IDM Computer Solutions, Inc - Jun 29 2011 at 10:13am Copy Link
Peter Falk Policy
Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint,
and 3 installations per footprint.

Jun 29 2011 at 11:18am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Peter

Not sure if there is a question in there?

BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 29 2011 at 1:48pm Copy Link
Michael R. Is there a way, to let UltraEdit reformat given source-files, e.g. C++, in a way the user is used to write his own source, e.g. define where the brackets should be placed, how many spaces an indentation should have, ...?
Jun 29 2011 at 3:17pm Copy Link
Overtkill Giggity! The best all around editor! Hands down!

Those of you looking for a good text/hex/doc/every other text format editor, stop looking and buy Ultra Edit! You wont be disappointed!
Jun 29 2011 at 8:50pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Due to the overwhelming response IDM Computer Solutions, Inc has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 30 2011 at 12:00am Copy Link
PW Er um notepad++..... plus it is free :)
Jun 30 2011 at 2:06am Copy Link
Maik Kamasakis "3 installations per footprint"? wtf? I change my pc at least four times a year, meaning I would have to buy a new license every year?

sorry, guys, this is a blatant rip-off for those who are not smart enough to understand.
Jun 30 2011 at 2:11am Copy Link
Michael Guilfoyle Does the discount apply to the studio version.t has already been asked but not answered.

Jun 30 2011 at 3:21am Copy Link
Ben Schwenk @ Michael R, yes, UltraEdit includes astyle integration for reformatting source code files, as well as a reindent feature for source code.

@ Michael G, this promo is for UltraEdit only.

IDM Computer Solutions, Inc - Jun 30 2011 at 5:11am Copy Link
disenchanted Regarding the 3 installations per footprint.

Does the software allow an end user to De-authenticate a license
and later re-install the software, without it counting as a 2nd installation?

Reason I ask is that sometimes a windoze installation needs to be repaired. Or someone using the pc picks up a virus or malware, which requires cleaning and may include doing a windoze repair.
The windoze repair often times messes with the 3rd party apps, requiring reloading some/all of the 3rd party apps.

More and more apps are addressing the
"my windoze needs to be repaired" issue
by offering the end user an option to De-install
the app before performing any windoze repairs.

Just curious how IDM handles this with ultraedit.
Jun 30 2011 at 7:06am Copy Link
Ben Schwenk disenchanted - Yes, you can deactivate and reactivate your license as many times as needed. This can be done manually or by simply running the uninstall. There is no limit to how many times you can do this.

Additionally, the *default* is 3 activations per license. If you email us requesting more activations, we can adjust your license to allow for more.
IDM Computer Solutions, Inc - Jun 30 2011 at 7:31am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Maik

Sorry, not a rip-off. You are absolutely positively mistaken.

Please be polite. That's how we do things in these parts.

BitsDuJour Admin - Jun 30 2011 at 3:17pm Copy Link
James Kenney OK, I must be misunderstanding the term 'footprint'.
I was under the impression that it was referring to a particular hardware footprint that indicates it is on the SAME machine...
Why would there be ANY limitation in re-installing the same software on the same machine?
Or is footprint referring to the USER? As in the user can install it on three different computers he owns???
Jun 30 2011 at 3:55pm Copy Link
jonas rot Ok, as far as I can see it's like this:

- The question with a different language has been left open
- Now Online-Activation is needed
- there's no real discount as this is limited to version 17
- in about a year it may be that you might not be able to download the software anymore that you've licensed (minor issue)

Sorry, I know that there's no possibility to buy the version at the homepage of IDM for that specific price - but if you buy today for ~60 $ the regular license you will most likely get a free upgrade for version 18 (which is 2 x 30 $). I know that this is not for sure right now but if you check the version history there's a pretty good chance.

And please: This affects for me this deal and not any other - I hope a little bit of criticism is allowed.
Jun 30 2011 at 8:30pm Copy Link
Brent Smith It would be awesome if this offer would roll back around for us here at BitsDuJour. :)
Oct 26 2012 at 12:27pm Copy Link
Pavel Stusek Can't buy with sale coupon. Redirect to developer page don't add coupon...
Jan 22 2016 at 3:59am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Pavel Stusek, I am sorry about the confusion. The regular price you noticed on the promotion page, was the one used during the previous discounted promotion. Since then, it seems the vendor updated the regular price for his product without notifying us. I have updated the regular price with the new one from the product site.
BitsDuJour Admin - Jan 22 2016 at 10:49am Copy Link

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