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UpdateStar Product Key Finder 6 - 3 PCs licenseDiscount

UpdateStar Product Key Finder 6 - 3 PCs license

Uncover and Export Product Keys

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
UpdateStar Product Key Finder 6 - 3 PCs license ScreenshotRecovery Software ScreenshotUpdateStar Product Key Finder 6 - 3 PCs license, Recovery Software ScreenshotUpdateStar Product Key Finder 6 - 3 PCs license, Software Utilities ScreenshotRecovery Software, UpdateStar Product Key Finder 6 - 3 PCs license Screenshot

Software is simple, right? Download or install from CD, punch in your registration key, and be on your way. But what happens when you need to reinstall after a hardware upgrade or crash, and you can’t find your license information? File after file, drawer after drawer, cabinet after cabinet gets turned inside out, revealing a great trove of forgotten things – but no license. That’s why you absolutely need UpdateStar Product Key Finder!

UpdateStar Product Key Finder is a unique application that lets you discover hidden license information and product keys for more than 3,600 leading software applications. With UpdateStar Product Key Finder, you don’t need to find your original license to get up and running in no time. Just unleash UpdateStar Product Key Finder on your local computer or remote network machine, and the application will find all of your product keys and give you a chance to export them. You can even use UpdateStar Product Key Finder to pull license information from crashed disks!

Once UpdateStar Product Key Finder finds your licenses, you can choose to export them in a variety of file formats, including Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, CSV, and XML. If you want, you can print them out for hardcopy archival. So grab a copy of UpdateStar Product Key Finder today, and say goodbye to repurchasing software or going insane looking for old licenses!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Bruno Verschraegen How annoying... Trying to install the trial file it wants to force me into installing 4 unwanted programmes/"services"... First one is Iminent SearchTheWeb, next comes Giant Savings, followed by Qtrax Free Unlimited Music, and closed by Ginyas Browser Companion (to get coupons and special offers)... You can un-tick all but, when you do that and click on next, the "programme" (it is actually the programme downloader file) first comes with a message "Your Software is downloading...", then with the notification "Your download is complete" inviting you to click on "Install Now". But what happens...? The whole loop starts again! Again you are tempted into accepting one-after-one the installation of 4 unwanted programmes, and again you can un-tick them, and again you can go into the download routine, and again you get into the next loop... In short: to install the trial, you must accept the 4 unsolicited "offers". It looks like this "free" offer is designed to be a money earner for the developer.

I'll be happy to stand corrected if someone (the developer?) can show how to install the trial without accepting the 4 "offers"...

On a side note: I have purchased several programmes via BitsDuJour, many of them 3x (for our small events team), and have mostly been very happy with them. But recently the "free" downloads seem to be snowballing; I cannot remember there having been so many in such a short timespan as in the last two months or so. Is this coincidence or “by design”? Some of the free offers are worthwhile for sure, but some of them have also been subject of serious criticism and raised a hoist of questions from many posters. Question to BitsDuJour: are you actually doing an install test of the software that is proposed? I am not expecting BDJ to actually test out all software, but doing a quick install and open the software to verify that it actually corresponds with what the software developer promises would possibly not be a bad idea in order to preserve your own credit in the eyes of the users. Those of us who have used BitsDuJour many times will probably be able to differentiate, but people who come to BitsDuJour for the first time and stumble upon one of the rather dodgy offers (despite BDJ’s good intentions) may not – and BitsDuJour could rapidly get badmouthed.
Nov 8 2012 at 3:45am Copy Link
Lupke Brother @ Bruno

Hi, I tested the trial and did not see any of the 4 unwanted programmes and or services you mentioned. Opened the trial and it worked right out of the box for me. Just to let you know.

In general, key finder found licenses for the big boy companys like Adobe et cetera and a few smaller ones, but not a whole bunch of the smaller pieces of software i.e like the ones I bought one BDJ. So this is not for me.
Nov 9 2012 at 4:02am Copy Link
Edward Smith Like Lupke, I did not see the unwanted programs. Like Lupke, it found only a handful of licenses.

Additionally, I keep getting an "out of memory" error from the program when I run it (after it finds 16 licenses). I am not out of memory so I'm not sure why I am getting this error message. If this is only going to find 16 licenses on my system, it will not be worth the price for me.
Nov 9 2012 at 11:07am Copy Link
Mike B I suspect that Bruno's comment was for another product than "UpdateStar Product Key Finder" because he mentions that the product he's having trouble with is a "free" offer (one of the "100% off" offers, I assume).

I've noticed that it's quite common for the BDJ site to have a bug where the comment link for a product takes you to the comments section for a different product. For example, moments ago, the comments link for "Aneesoft YouTube Converter" took me to the comments for "010 Editor" (but this seems to not happen anymore).
Nov 10 2012 at 12:16am Copy Link
Sukru Boztepe I second Lupke Brother.
Nov 10 2012 at 6:44am Copy Link
DrTeeth I find keeping my licence keys on one place works for me - and I am very untidy - my hero is Oscar from the Odd Couple.
Nov 10 2012 at 9:28am Copy Link
DroidLuvr I'll have to agree with the above general comments: I love the idea here, but the execution was lacking...

Out of over 250 programs installed on my PC, this program only managed to find about 20: the standard Adobe, Microsoft, etc... Also, I have many BDJ licensed programs installed (almost 100, and this software found less than 6 of them :(

I'd love to see this again, but only if it can really do the job. However, to the developer: I'd buy it in a flash if it could at least catch 80% or more!
Nov 10 2012 at 7:15pm Copy Link
ciss e I posted a question some time ago now. To quote your description: "more than 3,600 leading software applications" .if this can't be backed up with some kind of a list, I would be force to look askance at your program, and in fact, your company itself. I am asking this question again because it has been some time since I first posted it and I have yet to see it show up here. I have to tell you that a lack of response would seen to me to be quite telling.
Nov 10 2012 at 10:54pm Copy Link
Cary Adams How does this compare with Nirsoft's free ProduKey?
Nov 10 2012 at 10:54pm Copy Link
Bruno Verschraegen I am happy that others did not have the same issues, but I have the screenprints to support my experience (I have the habit of making a screenprint of every single page/screen when I order/download something online). After Lupkie's comment, I tried the "Download trial" again. This time the downloaded file had a slightly different name. The first one was called keyfinder.exe, whereas the new one goes by ProductKeyFinder64.exe (or ProductKeyFinder32.exe if you download the 32-bit version). It looks like something was (silently) changed/corrected inbetween my first download and the later one? On the positive side: the new installer file comes indeed without the other software enforcements. On the less positive side: if I am not mistaken the responses to my query came from other (helpful) users, not from the software developer (who could have helped clarify the incident)... And having tried the second installer, for me too the number of software keys detected is very small compared to the number of registered programmes I have on my laptop. I will just keep creating an Outlook contact for every software license...
Nov 11 2012 at 3:40pm Copy Link

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