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VIPRE AntivirusDiscount

VIPRE Antivirus

Virus Protection Without Hogging Resources

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7
VIPRE Antivirus Screenshot

"...when it comes to defense, VIPRE is a powerhouse." --

You know that you need antivirus protection on your computer, but you regard it as a necessary evil. It always seems to kick in when you need to use your computer the most, and the resulting system scan is slow and turns your PC's performance into molasses on a cold winter day! Well, today brings VIPRE Antivirus, a revolutionary new app that combines antivirus and antispyware functionality with an integrated firewall -- all in a package that DOES NOT slow down your computer!

VIPRE Antivirus boasts advanced anti-rootkit technology, combined with bleeding-edge proactive protection that ensures full protection against all internet threats! That firewall? Protecting you against both inbound and outbound security threats, the firewall runs on 32-bit and 64-bit XP, Vista, and Windows 7 systems and takes up so few resources, you won't even realize it's there! Pair this with intrusion detection, malicious link filters, and so much more, you'll be amazed that such a level of protection can be attained without gimping your system. Does VIPRE Antivirus protect against email viruses? You know it does -- every single email is actively scanned for malware!

How world-class is VIPRE Antivirus? Virus Bulletin, the world's premier virus certification lab, gave VIPRE Antivirus its prestigious VB100 certification!

What's a great app without great support behind it? Sunbelt, the maker of VIPRE Antivirus, is highly regarded for their customer service reputation. Their customer service is so amazing, they will do just about anything to help the customer resolve their problems! Try getting THAT level of dedication from a huge antivirus corporate monolith!

This promotion includes the following:
VIPRE Antivirus Premium ($39.95)
1 year / 2PCs ($50.38)
1 year / 3 or more PCs ($58.78)
2 years / 1PC ($58.78)
2 years / 2PCs ($67.18)
3 years / 1PC ($75.59)
2 years / 3 or more PCs ($83.99)
3 years / 2PCs ($109.20)
3 years / 3 or more PCs ($117.61)
Review Written by Derek Lee
The Conversation
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disenchanted Is this offering like the offering on your website? Meaning the license covers all PCs in the household? Quote from website: "We Saved The Best Thing For Last! Unlimited Home License: Uniquely, VIPRE is the first antivirus program to provide an "unlimited home license"(*)." Or is it like the "norm" these days of 1 to 3 PCs in a household? Thanks in advance.
Jul 15 2010 at 3:55pm Copy Link
John McLoughlin Is the 40% discount available on the home site license and on the 2 and 3 year licenses?
Jul 18 2010 at 1:12pm Copy Link
disenchanted Just sort of a sidenote; for anyone not familiar with Sunbelt-software's Vipre family of security product. They very generously help folks whose PC is already infected; by allowing everyone to download a free manual cleanup product that will clean your "already infected"  pc called Vipre rescue. I work with over 300 PC's everyday and naturally I get a bunch of folks that ask me for solutions to their home PC problems. The number one problem that comes up a lot is someone that says, "my kids were  downloading shareware, or games, or P2P, or etc..., and now my pc has a virus [or trojan or rootkit ]. It either won't boot, or it automatically goes to porn sites, or has been turned into a 'BOT. Followed by them asking, "How do I get rid of it?"  "Should I take it to the geek squad?"  or "Can I pay you to drop by and clean it?" I always refer them to the manual cleanup tool, "Vipre Rescue". So far, everyone that used it has reported back that Vipre Rescue cleaned their pc of virus and/or malware. [I believe if they would have taken  it to the Geek squad it would cost like $149 or more]. So I tell them that they just saved themselves at least $149 . And that they should consider buying the Vipre Anti-virus/anti-spyware/firewall home pkg; either in retail box or by download. NOTE: The Vipre rescue manual cleanup tool/product is NOT an active protection program; it is only meant to clean "all ready infected PC's". For "full time 365/24/7  ACTIVE protection" you need to get this BDJ offering by Sunbelt software. And no, I'm not an employee, nor affiliated with Sunbelt Software. But their product has proven to be a very useful protection product.  
Jul 18 2010 at 4:17pm Copy Link
Bob S Without a discount for multiple PC's, I'll have to pass.  We (like most families) have 4+ PCs and I usually purchase and install the same anti-virus software on all.  Much easier and better to have consistency.
Jul 18 2010 at 5:50pm Copy Link
Joel Kens I agree with Bob. $39.95/year/1PC is too high for AV software. $24 is just alright. There are many free AV software like MSE, Avast AV free version, Avira AV personal.
Jul 18 2010 at 6:21pm Copy Link
Maury R I already have Vipre Antivi Premium one-user, but my license expires on 7-24-10.  Buying this will save me a few bucks.  So would I have to uninstall my current Vipre and install the new, or can I just change the license key to the new key, and not have to uninstall?

Jul 18 2010 at 6:30pm Copy Link
John McLoughlin DN was only guessing and got it wrong.......

Now that the Buy button is active you will find if you look that multiple and extended licenses all have the 40% discount.

Since the first two comments were essentially the same it is slightly worrying that the vendor didn't post a reply. However, the first comment was less clear and mine was only just before the deal. Anyway all variants of the license are discounted.
Jul 18 2010 at 7:44pm Copy Link
_*_ I presently use AVG Internet Security and wondered how this compares to VIPER Antivirus Premium?

I find AVG to slow my system down a bit, and not catch everything I think it should.  Does VIPER Antivirus Premium do a better job at at not slowing down the system, and does it do well at stopping/finding Malware, rootkits, virus', etc.?

I hope someone here can help; thank you in advance.

By-the-way, do others have a very hard time trying to get their messages to post on Bits?  I have to work at it in both FF, and IE, and many times simply give up.
Jul 19 2010 at 12:08am Copy Link
Patrick J. @M B: take a look at
Jul 19 2010 at 1:01am Copy Link
_*_ Patrick J, thanks but I do not see VIPER listed to compare.  Also, this site seems a underhanded.  I try to look at a comparative review, and it says I need to be registered.  I register and then it still not show me the review as now it says I need to be a subscriber for like $175 a year.  Seems like a scam and I am glad I used an aliases to sign up.  That email mail address is already deleted.
Jul 19 2010 at 1:31am Copy Link
Patrick J. VIPRE is listed, with the vendors name 'Sunbelt'.

My personal note: Even with this discount VIPRE is too expensive, and secondly, just an average AV product.
Jul 19 2010 at 1:42am Copy Link
Doug Atkinson I've used the VIPRE A-V and firewall for a few years now, and just wanted to chime in that I've been very happy with the performance and service of Sunbelt software, and just re-upped my license again this year; I wish I had this discount available at the time! Incidentally, I work in the computer security field, and have used quite a variety of AV products. Each product has its pros and cons, and I've found VIPRE to offer a good balance.

As for the Virus Bulletin article, Virus Bulletin is a highly regarded journal and has been providing professional coverage of the virus industry for a long time. As a professional journal, it is very expensive and subscriptions are generally intended for businesses that rely on this type of information. In any case, it is not a scam.

On the other hand, the test noted above is from 2009, so does not reflect all the changes in VIPRE Premium. Also, the RAP test is only a small portion of the overall work that you'd want an anti-virus product to do. So, I would never base my purchase from a single, dated test such as the one posted.

With the family license, VIPRE is decently priced; $42 for 3 PCs isn't bad in the current market. Kapersky Internet Suite is $60 for a 3 PC license, for example.
Jul 19 2010 at 2:38am Copy Link
Patrick J. 1. The data in the the RAP graphic contains results up to June 2010
2. Another problem with VIPRE, there are nearly none tests and reports by major (professional) labs. The reason: Sunbelt didn't offer their software for testing. Strange, other companies do.
3. My experience and also reported by many other users, (even with the current version) the system sometimes completely freezes during downloading/installing online updates. This issue is known for more than 6 month now.
Jul 19 2010 at 2:52am Copy Link
_*_ Patrick J., thank you for the clrification as this really helped.  I wish the vendor would come to the boards and chime in about their product.
Jul 19 2010 at 4:35am Copy Link
Maury R Yes, I also would like the vendor to reply to comments - especially my earlier question.

I've used this anti-virus for two years and found it did not slow my system down, and has done a good job as I have not had any virus infections.

I must gripe, however, about their firewall, as it's too sensitive.  I've had to disable a lot of the features - like web filtering - as it shuts down many of the pages i visit that offer downloads.

That being said, I'd rather have too much protection than too little.  IMO this is a good product, and especially with todays discount.
Jul 19 2010 at 5:05am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Hi folks, reading through these comments it doesn't appear that there are any outstanding questions.  But I'm probably missing something -- please email me if this is the case and I'll do my best to obtain the answers. roger (at) iconico (dot) com Thanks! -r
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 19 2010 at 5:11am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Maury Checking into your previous question now...
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 19 2010 at 5:23am Copy Link
Peter C1 3:30AM Australian Time, 20th July

In the Try it Free for 30 days box on your website it says: "IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FIREWALL USERS: VIPRE Antivirus Premium contains a firewall. Only one firewall can be enabled on your computer. If you already have VIPRE 3 and Sunbelt Personal Firewall 4, you can get a free upgrade to VIPRE Premium which has SPF built in!"

Q. Does the buyer of VIPRE Antivirus Premium ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO USE the Sunbelt Personal Firewall with this AV, or, can the buyer(s) use the Firewall they own and been comfortable with for many years?

Reasons to justify question about firewall:

1. In our family (and a few of use are looking to buy VIPRE) one person prefers Kaspersky Firewall, one prefers ZoneAlarm Pro firewall and another prefers Nortons/Symantec., but we are all very interested in buying VIPRE multi-year licenses for our respective families computers.

2. All 3 firewalls (& their av's) rate more highly than does "Sunbelt Personal Firewall 4.6.1861.0" according too the Proactive Security Challenge results page at [] and although Matousec does test VIPRE they do not even have recent test results for the AV component of VIPRE and Sunbelt personal Firewall rates pretty lowly
Jul 19 2010 at 7:13am Copy Link
Doug Atkinson Not to answer for Sunbelt, but I believe you'd be looking for the non-Premium version of VIPRE, which is without the firewall portion. That does not seem to be on sale today (it is $49.95 for a one year, 3 PC license, according to the website).
Jul 19 2010 at 7:49am Copy Link
Bob Walters VB100 Results Overview: Sunbelt

1 Success / 1 Failure / 68 No Entry

Test history

April 2010 - Sunbelt VIPRE AntiVirus Premium

Status: FAIL
Failure reason: 2 false positives
Product name: Sunbelt VIPRE AntiVirus Premium
More: April 2010 in full
Review: Sunbelt VIPRE AntiVirus Premium on Windows XP
Details: Only available to subscribers.
December 2009 - Sunbelt Vipre

Status: PASS
Product name: Sunbelt Vipre
More: December 2009 in full
Review: Sunbelt Vipre on Windows 7
Details: Only available to subscribers.

Hmmm tests results aren't very promising even if Frank Kasperski does give the company a very good wrap for their service and support
Jul 19 2010 at 7:52am Copy Link
Patrick J. Hi Bob,

just see my two comments above (8:42am, 9:52am).
As member of several boards about security software I think I know what I'm talking about.
Jul 19 2010 at 8:06am Copy Link
DrTeeth @Patrick J - membership of 'boards does not make one an expert.

I was evaluating VIPRE and decided not to go for it. Once every 1-2 days, my PC would lock up totally for 1-3mins, could not even get taskmanager up to see what was hogging the CPU. Once had to reboot.

Problem went away when I uninstalled VIPRE.
Jul 19 2010 at 11:23am Copy Link
Maury R Hi Roger - have they gotten back with you yet?  It's been 6 hours - well actually 11 if you count my original question... @ Maury Checking into your previous question now... "I already have Vipre Antivi Premium one-user, but my license expires on 7-24-10.  Buying this will save me a few bucks.  So would I have to uninstall my current Vipre and install the new, or can I just change the license key to the new key, and not have to uninstall?"
Jul 19 2010 at 12:11pm Copy Link
Peter C1 Time is almost up, any answer to my question yet? 15 minutes before BdJ midnight

It doesn't say much for their customer support if they can't be bothered to answer possible buyers questions, AND, I've checked out the VirusBTN website and it seems that Bob Walters was correct VIPRE did NOT pass their latest tests in 2010 - it doesn't bode well ...

Still waiting for an answer ...
Jul 19 2010 at 4:45pm Copy Link
Maury R @ Peter C - yes, I agree.  And I'm an existing customer.  Well, I didn't buy this offer because Vipre didn't reply - AND - I'm not going to renew my anti-virus with them  I'm taking my business somewhere else where MAYBE they will appreciate the worth of a customer.
Jul 19 2010 at 5:15pm Copy Link
Doug Atkinson I, too am disappointed that SunBelt didn't provide a representative here to answer questions directly. That is one of the great benefits of BitsDuJour, and perhaps they missed the concept.

Also, Sunbelt was recently bought out by GFI, another well-known security company. Perhaps this is a case of bad timing.

In any case, I won't be letting a single mistake hamper my like for this program!
Jul 20 2010 at 2:41am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Maury, others Apologies for the communication breakdown folks.  I'm afraid that the fault lies with us and not SunBelt.  Some of these deals are brokered via third parties, and unfortunately we had our signals crossed concerning the correct support contact.  To make a long story short, SunBelt never received any notification emails for this promotion.   Again, apologies. We dropped the ball here, not SunBelt. -r
BitsDuJour Admin - Jul 20 2010 at 4:59am Copy Link
Laura Lewis Hi everyone, I do apologize Sunbelt has not be represented here.  I just received an email from a customer of ours that told me about this site (thank you!).  So I will try to answer some questions: 1.  The subscription listed here is for 1 pc for 1 yr but we do offer a 2 pc subscription and an Unlimited Home Site License that protects 3+ computers in your home. 2.  If you currently have a VIPRE Premium subscription that is about to expire or has expired and you buy a new VIPRE Premium subscription to replace it as a renewal.  You do not need to uninstall or reinstall the software you only need to remove the old key and enter the new one. 3.  As a buyer of VIPRE Premium (antivirus + firewall) you do have to use the Firewall since it is built into the software.  If you decide to go with VIPRE (without the Firewall built in) you may choose another firewall to protect you. 4. I do see we did not pass the VB100 this time due to 2 false positives but our detection rates awesome.  I am sure we will be tested again and will pass.  Once again I am sorry Sunbelt was not represented here sooner, I will be checking for any new comments.  If you need any assistance or have any other questions please let me know. You may either call me at 800-336-3166 M-F 9am-6pm ET or by email:  laural (at) sunbeltsoftware (dot) com Thank you, Laura Lewis Customer Service Manager Sunbelt a part of the GFI family.
Jul 22 2010 at 6:02am Copy Link
Nick Hallin VIPRE has done very well in the newer RAP tests.  Another pass and number one in proactive:
Aug 9 2010 at 8:50am Copy Link
Adrian Williams I'm running Vipre on one PC, ESET suite 4 on another - Vipre seems to put less load on the PC and finds/traps just as much. Both software suites win hands down over Kaspersky 2011 which, when it decides to do a rootkit scan, you can forget trying to use the PC. Vipre customer support in my experience has been very good. they replied to a support ticket I submitted about the email scanning (the limitation of one port, a problem if you're using IMAP & POP3 together). It wasn't a template reply, it was specific to my question. There are some crazy prices at present as vendors release their 2012 versions. A Vipre single PC lifetime licence at less than £10 - unbeatable !
Sep 18 2011 at 10:27am Copy Link
Roberto Adrian: can you give some advice about how to get that crazy deals? edit: ok.. i see.. bought one to try it. :)
Sep 18 2011 at 12:13pm Copy Link
Adrian Williams Hi Roberto, and anyone else who are keen to get Vipre if BDJ aren't offering it, try Amazon.
Sep 18 2011 at 10:57pm Copy Link

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