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WM CaptureDiscount

WM Capture

Record Anything on Your PC Screen in High Quality

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7
WM Capture ScreenshotVideo Capture Software ScreenshotWM Capture, Video Capture Software Screenshot

Version alert!!! Folks, WM Capture *just* entered v6. Here is a list of a few of the many exciting improvements:

  • Record anything playing on your PC screen
  • Save to MPEG, WMV, AVI, DVD-ISO & more
  • Automatically detects video windows
  • Scheduled recordings
  • Dual-monitor Support
  • Record audio tracks from mics, speakers, or both
  • Take video frame snapshots

How many times have you tried to record online video, or capture a DVD movie, and the results just looked horrible? No longer! With today's discount software promotion, WM Capture, you'll be able to record anything that's playing on your PC screen at the highest quality imaginable.

WM Capture is the key to creating high quality video recordings that can be saved as MPEG, WMV, AVI, DVD-ISO and more! With WM Capture, you'll be able to capture anything that's playing on your PC's screen, regardless of format, using a method that's completely legal. Plus, WM Capture lets you record audio using an attached microphone, or captures the audio that's playing through your speakers. Capturing video is so simple - just highlight the window or region that you'd like to record, click the Record button, and play the video source. That's all there is to it.

The results are yours to keep forever and ever - in fact, you can even burn captured content to DVD discs for playback in DVD players and other computers. If you know when something is going to be broadcast on the Internet, you can configure WM Capture by scheduling recordings in advance. That way, you can go out and enjoy yourself while your computer does all of the work!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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disenchanted Hi,

I downloaded your trial version, and installed it.

I am totally at a loss as to how to initiate or start this program.

After I launch the application from either my start menu, or from the desktop shortcut, the "WM Capture 6" banner comes up briefly and then it goes away.

I am left with no controls to launch/start a recording.

There isn't any WM capture button down in the lower right system tray.

If I double click the WM capture 6 desktop shortcut a second time, a banner pops up and says the program is already running.

I even launched a video from a DVD and had hoped that perhaps the WM capture program was part of a "right-click button" feature
for my default video player, but it wasn't.

My OS is XP Pro, updated with latest service packs.
The computer is a standalone (not connected to the internet).

I tried reinstalling the demo and there is no change.

I rebooted and I still can't get it to work.

Any suggestions?
Mar 6 2012 at 7:29am Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi -
I wrote to the developer about your problem and this is what he replied:

If the main screen doesn’t show up when you first run the program it means that there is delay due to security checkup. Just wait until it shows up. This should only happen when you first run it and only with some security programs. I have never seen this on my computers but is possible.

Please try again - and wait for a few moments while your security software does it's check and let me know how it works. Thanks so much.
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 6 2012 at 4:07pm Copy Link
Harald Vogel Hello,

I'm a registered user of WM Capture 5. Will there also be a discount for upgrading?

Mar 8 2012 at 2:07am Copy Link
VLM I'm a bit confused by the distinction between your 2 products, WM Capture and WM Recorder. Does WM Recorder simply provide a subset of the functionality in WM Capture? Could the developer help clarify a bit, or perhaps provide a link to a product comparison page?

Mar 8 2012 at 6:42am Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi Harold - As a registered owner of WM Capture 5 this latest upgrade is free to you :)
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 8 2012 at 8:18am Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi VLM -

WM Recorder is a STREAM capture program - it downloads videos from the internet. While WM Recorder can download many different types of streams it is not able to download protected streams. WM Capture is a SCREEN capture program. It creates high-quality screen capture videos of ANYTHING you can see on your PC screen. WM Capture isn't downloading - it is creating a video of what you are playing on your screen - the quality is so good, however, that you can watch your recordings on a big screen tv. I hope that helps.
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 8 2012 at 8:20am Copy Link
VLM Yes Leslie, it is plain as day, thank you! Stream and screen, what a scream!

Ack! Get this guy out of here! :):)

What's different between WM Capture and say, Snagit 11?

1. Your BDJ write-up says: "Record audio tracks from mics, speakers, or both". Does this mean one can record JUST audio, or that one can record audio over a video, or ...?

2. Your BDJ write-up says: "Take video frame snapshots". Does this mean capture individual frames from within a video? And may we assume that this works for any video in one of the supported formats, and not just for videos created by your software?

Mar 8 2012 at 1:04pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi VLM -

Very funny. WM Capture records both Audio AND Video. Beautifully. And yes it can ALSO take stills from a video - any video that is playing on your PC.

There are some YouTube videos on our Channel -
That show WM Capture in action - in a variety of ways - capturing movies, burning to DVD, taking stills etc. Hopefully that will help.

Also you can demo the program for free. It will allow you to capture 2 minutes of video at a time. So that might be a good thing to do so you are assured that it does what you want it to do.

And alas - I haven't used Snagit - so not sure about that. Sorry
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 8 2012 at 2:03pm Copy Link
VLM Thanks Leslie.

I wasn't clear in my question ... can the audio and video be separated, saved separately? For example, can a voice overlay in French be added to an existing video that was originally made in English? Or, can the audio be stripped off, saved separately, and used for transcription or some other purpose?

I'm noticing the Replay Video Capture feature. Is this a feature of WM Capture, or of another product, or of more than one product?

Mar 8 2012 at 3:27pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi VLM -

Yes you can record the audio ONLY. In fact there is a video I did on Youtube that shows how to record just AUDIO. You can save the audio as a separate file - what you do with your audio only file is up to you :)

Replay Video Capture is a separate program - sold under the Applian Technologies brand. And hasn't been updated with all the features that WM Capture offers - yet.

I hope this helps,
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 8 2012 at 3:51pm Copy Link
Brian H Hi- Cool product! Question- regarding the audio capture features, does this software have the feature (and they have a tern for it- I just can't recall what it is at the moment!) that allows the recording of ONLY the source/stream and not extemporaneous sounds that a computer might make in the background? Sorry I can't remember the term- but I would appreciate it if you would let me know if this software has that feature. Thanks :-) -Brian
Mar 8 2012 at 4:06pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi -
Yes I am not sure what it is called either - but yes it can be set up just to record the audio that is playing on your PC - or both the audio from a mic and the audio from a streaming site.

I hope that helps. There is a lot of flexibility in how it can record.

WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 8 2012 at 4:26pm Copy Link
Brian H Thanks, Leslie! Sounds like it has the feature I was hoping for. :-) -Brian
Mar 8 2012 at 4:50pm Copy Link
VLM Thanks again, Leslie. So would it be fair to say that the Replay Video Capture feature I saw in one of your videos ... for example, the ability to capture streaming Netflix videos ... is fully available in VM Capture?

I use Netflix as an example, first because it's the example in your video, and second because if the program can capture that at high quality, then I'm willing to believe it really can capture just about anything.

And would it fair to say that, whereas VM Recorder captures the downloading stream and this captures the on-screen display, the result, in terms of video and audio quality, is fairly similar?
Mar 8 2012 at 5:01pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi VLM -
Yes WM Capture can capture streaming Netflix videos beautifully. And yes the quality is really wonderful.

Again you can try the demo for free and if you don't like it - don't buy it - but I think you will be surprised by the quality.
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 8 2012 at 9:13pm Copy Link
VLM Leslie, after witnessing your performance today, I will not be surprised by the quality. Rather, I will be delighted.

Any response to my inquiry about purchasing mechanisms and the bundle discount? I'd gladly buy the bundle, if the same discount rate were applied to it.

Of course, if you're asleep by now, I surely understand! :)
Mar 8 2012 at 9:28pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi VLM -

Not asleep yet - but alas the discount only applies to WM Capture - BUT if you purchase WM Capture you are then entitled to a great deal on the bundle. But why not try WM Capture first - and make sure that you actually love it - before committing to the whole bundle?

We want you to be happy with your purchase
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 8 2012 at 9:38pm Copy Link
Michael R. Just tried the demo, captured a DVD-video and the (2 min) result output makes a good first impression (on my win7, x64 computer).

First it seems like there would be no sound-recording, because the sound-level was not displayed. But the result has sound. Later I read on your website that in win7 the sound-recording is independent on the speaker-sound, which can be muted; the sound is recorded anyway. So perhaps it makes sense to make these sound-level-gadget ínvisible on win7-systems?

Is there a way to fine-tune the area of the video to be recorded (pixel-accuracy)? Is the area just inside the green border captured or is the green border itself also part of It's a little difficult just by using the mouse. Keyboard-usage would help too (e.g. CTRL-arrow-up/down for moving the upper-border one pixel up/downwards, CTRL-SHIFT-arrow-up/down for moving the lower-border one pixel up/downwards; same with left/right-arrows).

Is there a way to find out, how many frames have been slipped? This would help to create an environment which would result in a best-possible output. (E.g. by terminating background-processes , finding out, if it is possible to do some simpler tasks on the second screen or changing the output-format (MPEG, WMV). Btw. does MPEG2-output needs more cpu-time than wmv?
Mar 8 2012 at 10:55pm Copy Link
VLM Hi Leslie,

Thanks so very much for all your help. Looks like I'll have to pass on this offer, though. REASON: I don't do electronic transactions unless it's genuinely necessary. And since you only offer PayPal and plastic ... Hope the promotion goes well for you! Of course, if you have another alternative ... :)
Mar 8 2012 at 11:03pm Copy Link
Peter C1 I would rather purchase the entire Bundle of WM Recorder products - sold through Applian Technologies.

Is there any likelyhood of the WM Recorder Bundle being offered during the next 9 months? A simple YES or NO would suffice as an answer without giving away when it might occur.
Mar 8 2012 at 11:43pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi Peter - We haven't talked about that. I will see if that's something we can plan. Thanks for your interest. Leslie
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 9 2012 at 8:02am Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi VLM -

You can pay by check if you like. We do transactions like that for businesses all the time. If you'd like to do that please contact customer support on our website.

WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 9 2012 at 8:07am Copy Link
VLM Thank you Leslie, that's great to know. I appreciate all your help! And I do hope you choose to put the whole bundle on sale here sometime soon. Suggestion: If/when you do, offer an upgrade path for everyone who purchased during this promotion.

Best wishes!
Mar 9 2012 at 4:35pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi VLM -
Yes we always offer upgrade paths - no matter when you purchase you get credit for your prior purchase when you decide to upgrade.
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Mar 9 2012 at 6:06pm Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi Michael R -

I wrote the developer to get answers to your questions here goes:

1.) The sound level bar graphs can be enabled/disabled from Settings/Tools/Audio recording options. The actual audio levels are not displayed when Auto mode is used because changing the computer audio level has no effect. It does however if audio recording is manually setup on the internal speaker loopback (Stereo Mix) or a microphone (in Settings/Audio Setup).

2.) The recording area is the area enclosed by the green rectangle. Regardless how precisely you mark this area WM Capture will recalculate the width and height to be multiples of 8 or 16. This is required by some of the video compressors used for recording. The video marking method can be changed from Settings/Tools/Setup video detect mode.

3.) The actual (achieved) frame rate on a given system is displayed during recording in the status window. For example WMV, 30000, 128, 25/19 shows that the video format is WMV, video bitrate 3000 kbps, audio bitrate 128 kbps, preset frame rate 25 fps / actual frame rate 19 fps. WM Capture displays a warning message when the actual fps is lower than the preset. Note that the status window can always be visible. WM Capture main screen does not get recorded even if it covers the recording region.

WMV and MPEG-2 video quality is pretty much the same but MPEG-2 files are 2 to 3 times larger. WMV consumes about 25% more CPU then MPEG. Use WMV for regular computer storage and MPEG-2 if recording in DVD format.

I hope this is useful :)
Mar 9 2012 at 6:09pm Copy Link
VLM Wow! Thanks Leslie! Great support! Really hope you'll put the bundle on BDJ sometime soon!
Mar 9 2012 at 9:22pm Copy Link
Michael R. Hi Leslie - Thanks a lot for the extensive answers!
Mar 15 2012 at 9:03am Copy Link
Colette Harris I have been using WM Capture 5.4.2 for some time. This weekend I changed my hard drive and needed to reinstall the program. However, when I typed in the code instead of registering the program I get the following message:
You will need to upgrade to WM Capture 5.0. Would you like to learn more about this new release?

If I type yes, then I get to a screen to buy WM Capture 6. If I type no then I can only use the trial version.

I was able to reinstall the WM recorder with no problem.

How can this problem be fixed?
Jun 25 2012 at 11:03am Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi Colette -
The best thing to do is to contact tech support. You can reach them from the WM Recorder website - they will need to look up your original order and then they can help you. The upgrade is voluntary not mandatory so no reason why you can't happily use the version you already had. They can help you download your prior version.
Good luck
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Jun 25 2012 at 11:14am Copy Link
michael vanier when does this discount start / end ????
Apr 23 2013 at 5:12am Copy Link
Leslie Bee Hi Michael -

We don't have a promotion scheduled with Bits du Jour at this time.
To learn more about WM Capture you can go to the WM Recorder website.

Thanks for your interest,
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Apr 23 2013 at 7:54am Copy Link
michael vanier So,I guess this Promotion dated April 11th,stated "coming soon",is no longer in effect,or has been withdrawn....Link :
Apr 23 2013 at 8:29am Copy Link
Leslie Bee That was 2012 :)
WM Recorder (All Alex, Inc.) - Apr 23 2013 at 9:46am Copy Link
Tiffany Snow Greetings and Salivations Kids,

Okie dokie smokie I'ma gonna hit this fast and hard and leave ya to yourselves alrighty? I have a Netflix and Prime Instant Video account so riddle me this Batman, 1. Can this program copy their content/video? 2. Can this program record content/video from mulitple sites simultaneously without degradation of the video/audio/playback "High Quality" that you denote? 3. Can you surf the net or access other programs on your computer, such as email, or other browsers ect. while recording? So that's about it Guys and Gals. I'll be doing the new century's equivalent of waiting by the phone for any replies!

Kiss, Kiss & Bah Bye, Bye Tiffany Snow :)
Jun 6 2013 at 5:13am Copy Link
Louis Nemecek Dos this work in Windows 8
Jun 25 2013 at 4:25pm Copy Link

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