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Virus Scan for Zoho Vault - Password Manager

Password Management for Workgroups

Zoho Vault - Password Manager is the ultimate online password manager for teams, letting you remain organized and control access privileges while storing passwords securely.

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Zoho Vault - Password Manager Virus Scan Report
Zoho Vault - Password Manager Virus Scan Report
Zoho Vault - Password Manager Virus Scan Report
Zoho Vault - Password Manager Virus Scan Report
Zoho Vault - Password Manager Virus Scan Report

What are people saying about Zoho Vault - Password Manager

bernardo User This kind of offer make me feel like a fish hooked on the fisherman line for 12 months before to be catch....;-) Thanks anyway.
Apr 28 2016 at 1:54am Copy Link
Vipin User @bernardo User: ha ha ha...Seriously, I thought of the same. $420 for the full, and after one year the fisherman expectantly gets $210...
Apr 28 2016 at 2:19am Copy Link
V User Hi Bernardo and Vipin,

There is absolutely no catch here. We are NOT asking for your credit card or anything when you sign up. After a year, you have three options:

If you like the product, you can subscribe to any of the paid plans next year
use the free plan which is valid forever (
discontinue using it.

This is just an offer and there is absolutely no obligation to subscribe next year.

Zoho Vault
Apr 28 2016 at 3:23am Copy Link
Mesmerize The software will not download I'm already registered but I can't download bad business.
Apr 28 2016 at 4:17am Copy Link
John User half hour into "registering" and still can't download software.
Created account and now want to delete it and can't.
Too many loops to jump through. Too confusing. Get me out of here
Apr 28 2016 at 5:22am Copy Link
Rodney Henderson I love Bits Dujour & I am very grateful for the free software that they get for us. however I will not take up this deal as it is an obvious attempt to get you to like the program and force you to buy it to keep using it. As I have stated before free should mean free, it would have been better if you could continue to have used the program without some of the higher functions, with an option to upgrade at a discounted price. I have used Access Manager for years with the option to print out my list of passwords. I can not save to USB or disc to transfer them. That option with this offer would have been great.
Apr 28 2016 at 7:27am Copy Link
V User Hi Nelson & John,

I guess there is some confusion here. This is not a downloadable software. It is an online password manager. You just need to do the following:

Step 1:

Sign up for an account with Zoho Vault

Step 2:

Fill this form for one year free subscription license In this form, you need to enter the promotion code sent to you by BitsDuJour to your registered email address. Everything else is automatically taken care of.

The information about the download link in the checkout page is causing confusion. You may ignore that. We will request BitsDuJour team to remove that.

Zoho Vault
Apr 28 2016 at 8:27am Copy Link
John Hood I agree - all sorts of loops and hoops. Tried downloading and it says can't download it from here. Getting the same message(s) as Nelson User I suspect.
Apr 28 2016 at 8:27am Copy Link
V User Hi Rodney Henderson,

The offer does not force you to buy anything after a year. If you want to use it as a personal password manager, it is absolutely FREE FOREVER (

This offer is to enable small businesses use the solution in a business environment with up to five users free for a year.

In short, even after a year, you have the option of using it as a personal password manager absolutely free of cost.

Zoho Vault
Apr 28 2016 at 12:16pm Copy Link
John User V User says: It is an online password manager. Hmmm !. That sure throws up a big red flag for me. I don't feel too comfortable with my sensitive info like bank and brokerage passwords sitting out on a cloud somewhere with who know who may have access to. With all the hacking going on out there, my little ole hard drive seems a little bit safer for the passwords to sit on.
Apr 28 2016 at 3:06pm Copy Link
Tino User For passwords, use your keyboard layout with different codes and sequences to create passwords 16 to 20 long, have them include letter, numerals and symbols. Personally have over 150 plus passwords and all I have to do is just look at my keyboard to know what each one is. All are absolutely different from each other. Want to find out how strong is your password? Google "Check Password Strength".
Apr 29 2016 at 1:37am Copy Link
V User Hi John,

It is good that you raised this question. Your concern is quite valid and let me explain our design, which ensures complete data privacy.

Zoho Vault's design follows a security pattern called host-proof-hosting. All your data get encrypted in your browser itself and Zoho's servers receive and hold only the encrypted data. The passphrase, which you create during the sign up process serves as the encryption key. The key is NOT stored anywhere. Zoho does not store/know the key and hence even Zoho cannot access your data. If you forget the passphrase, even you cannot get your data.

So, this online password manager ensures complete data privacy. You may review our security specifications .

Zoho Vault
Apr 29 2016 at 1:45am Copy Link
RSC Hi Bala,
this works also on Ubuntu?

Apr 29 2016 at 2:38am Copy Link
Ken Taylor Great to see that the free version can be accessed on an iPad.

Apr 29 2016 at 12:38pm Copy Link
Tip Ho As I said before, there is no point to accept a software that works only for 12 months. It is in fact a shareware and not a free offer in its own sense.
I also wonder what happens to my passwords and what odds being stored after 12 months if I opt not to 'subscribe' for further usage of the software.
No thanks.
Apr 29 2016 at 3:58pm Copy Link
jim stout want to obtain two of Zoho Vault - Password Manager.
one for me and one for wife.
we have two different accounts with different email accounts. (different computers)
she is not present now.
tried to order both on my computer.
informed limit is one per computer.
please advise and/or help.
Apr 29 2016 at 11:30pm Copy Link
?? User I like it, This file very nice.
Apr 30 2016 at 2:03am Copy Link
Frookson Waiting for authentication.
May 2 2016 at 2:37am Copy Link

Our virus scan reports this website is 100% Clean View Deal

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