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Audiobooks from Audible

Audible, Inc.
Audiobooks from Audible

Audiobooks from Audible

Audiobooks from Audible  ScreenshotAudiobooks from Audible  ScreenshotAudiobooks from Audible  ScreenshotAudiobooks from Audible  Screenshot

Not enough time for all the books you want to enjoy? Download the app by Audible, an Amazon company, to listen to books on the go. Immerse yourself in a great story anytime, anywhere, by downloading from a breathtaking range of 150,000+ titles to your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad—from best sellers to classics, and everything in-between. Now you can turn on a good book even when you can’t pick one up—on your way to work, at the gym, while folding laundry, or any other time your eyes and hands are busy. Features: • Transfer books to your device over wi-fi • Chapter navigation, bookmarking, sleep mode, variable narration speed, button-free mode • Multitasking for background downloading and listening • Earn badges and keep track of your listening habits • NEW! Switch between reading and listening with Whispersync for Voice (compatible Kindle app or device required) • Connect to Facebook and Twitter to let your friends know what you’re listening to • Get insider information about author events and more with the Audible Newsfeed Supports,,,, and Listening with Audible is always time well spent. Download the free app now and discover a smarter way to use your smartphone. Let us help you at or get in touch on Twitter @audible_com

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