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BestCrypt Container Encryption for WindowsDiscount

BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows

Safeguard Private Data with Encryption

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows ME, 9x, NT, 2000, 2003 Server, 2008 Server, XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32 and 64 bit)
BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows ScreenshotEncryption Software ScreenshotBestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows, Encryption Software ScreenshotBestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows, Security Software ScreenshotEncryption Software, BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows Screenshot

Please note: For EU and UK customers the price will appear in EURO, but the 50% discount will persist.

At any moment, on any day, your data could fall into the wrong hands:

  • Personal records (medical, financial, taxes)
  • Copies of identity (passport, driver's license)
  • Personal projects and contracts
  • Password lists
Are you prepared? What would you do, thinking of all of your private data and sensitive information out there in the open? With today’s discount software promotion, BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows, you wouldn’t have to worry!

BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows automatically encrypts your files, safeguarding your critical data against anyone without the proper password or key. With BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows, you have the flexibility of working with encrypted data in ways that suit how you work. You can store encrypted data in containers, accessing it via virtual drives. Or encrypt multiple files into compressed, self-extracting archives.

Check it out folks! BestCrypt Container for Windows includes the full version of BCWipe to surgically clear selected data! For over a decade Jetico’s BCWipe has been the preferred choice of top defense industry organizations as well as personal users seeking to permanently delete files. Best of all, once you activate 'Transparent Wiping', BCWipe will automatically wipe files and folders and all their contents when deleted, so you don't have to!

When you use BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows, your data is automatically encrypted before each save, and is transparently decrypted when you need to open the file. The encryption isn’t even noticeable, since you’re working with virtual drive letters with the ease and grace that you’ve been working with traditional drive volumes for years. You can even backup, move, or copy encrypted containers as you need to!

Featuring your choice of multiple encryption algorithms, BestCrypt Container Encryption for Windows is the best way to guard against unauthorized access to your data!

The Conversation
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Jeffrey Sherman I've looked at this in the past, but one question remains: what is the advantage of this over TrueCrypt?
Apr 26 2013 at 12:55pm Copy Link
DrTeeth You beat me to it Jeffrey!

Update:- "You must install/register the software within 12 months, and cannot do so afterwards." This is a deal killer, sorry.
Apr 27 2013 at 3:46am Copy Link
Ville Valko This is not just an encryption product! BestCrypt includes BCWipe to securely delete files and folders, including
Wipe free space
Wipe Internet History
Wipe Local History

Great deal! Thank you Bits du jour!
Apr 27 2013 at 4:05am Copy Link
Graham I'm not so sure that the statement about "not able tp install it after 12 months" is correct.
I bought versioon 8.06 about 3-4 years ago. For the first year I got updates. After the the first year I can still use it, reinstall it on a clean system, register it using my original code and eveyrthing works fine. I don't of course get updates and I do get a one time message telling me that.the update license has expired
Apr 27 2013 at 5:49am Copy Link
Valeria Corti @ Jeffrey: Thank you for your comment.
For data no longer needed, BestCrypt Container Encryption includes the full version of BCWipe. Read more about BCWipe on Jetico website (

Why do I need BCWipe?
While files stored in encrypted containers are safely tucked away from intruders, recoverable traces may still exist out in the open. Hence, BCWipe is needed to clean up the mess.

Plus, Professional Support is well worth small cost.
Jetico Inc. Oy - Apr 27 2013 at 6:45am Copy Link
Valeria Corti @ DrTeeth: Graham is correct, BestCrypt Container Encryption is a perpetual license but with restrictions.
Every purchase subscribes you to Maintenance and Support Services for one (1) year from the date of online purchase, including:

* Updates, bug fixes and program upgrades
* Technical support via e-mail (response based on availability)
* Web based support, including FAQ

To install/re-install the license after one (1) year you need to contact us.
Jetico Inc. Oy - Apr 27 2013 at 6:52am Copy Link
DrTeeth @ Valeria

"To install/re-install the license after one (1) year you need to contact us"

Graham says he does *not* have to do that. That restriction is not acceptable to me so won't be buying for that reason alone. I have to say that this is the first time that I have ever come across anything like this for paid software.

Is BCWipe better than the many open source data shredders available?
Apr 27 2013 at 7:50am Copy Link
Valeria Corti @ DrTeeth:
Thank you for your reply and for your feedback!

Since updates are not included after the fist year (without buying a renewal), to install / re-install the software you just need to have the download link for the latest version covered by your license.
Jetico Inc. Oy - Apr 27 2013 at 8:40am Copy Link
Valeria Corti @ DrTeeth:
For over a decade Jetico’s BCWipe has been the preferred choice of top defense industry organizations as well as personal users seeking to permanently delete files.

I would suggest you to read more about 'Transparent wiping' ( - few testimonials about BCWipe are also available under 'Testimonials'.

Here is the full list of commands and tools available on BCWipe:

•Delete With Wiping
- Wipe files, folders, and even compressed files with ease

•Wipe Data Remanance
- Free space; File slack space; Swap file; MFT records;
Directory entries; NTFS log file; Directory slack space;

•Wipe Internet History

•Wipe Local History

•Swap File Encryption

•Transparent Wiping
- Wipes deleted or temp files automatically on the fly

•Reserved Space Manager
- Preserves wiped free space in a clean state to save time

•BCWipe Task Manager
- Set scheduled wiping tasks

• Disk-level verification

• Hexadecimal File Viewer

• Log File Viewer
Jetico Inc. Oy - Apr 27 2013 at 9:04am Copy Link
Graham I have never needed to contact Jetico when re-installing Bestcrypt after the 1 year update/maintenance ends and have never been prompted to do so. Obviously I am reinstalling a an older version which was originally licensed.
to me. I don't find it different from any other piece of software I have purchased. Normally at the end of 1 year you no longer get updates but nothing prevents you reinstalling a copy you purchased. I intend the purchase the latest version though 8.06 appears to still work okay.
You can continue to get updates etc after 1 year at a discounted price (as is usual practice) but I also know that if you don't but wait for 2-3 years before buying updates they expect you to pay full price. The bottom line is that this is a perpetual licence not subscription software. Jetico has never been that good on the way they word their licensing.but I've never had an issue. I guess they want people to renew each year.
Apr 27 2013 at 9:07am Copy Link
Linda Lawson I've used Jetico's BestCrypt *Volume* Encryption software for some three years now and never had an issue with installing the software on my system - I've changed computers a number of times since then.

The company are Finnish so there could be some language issues but I agree with Graham that you will still be able to install your software long after the 12 month period has expired...providing you keep a copy of the download of course.
Apr 27 2013 at 10:00am Copy Link
Rosalind Share I noticed that this (Container encryptions) is not recommended for Windows 8 uses.
Apr 27 2013 at 10:13am Copy Link
Giganto Pithecus Does Jetico BestCrypt include any optimizations for use on SSD drives or with AES-NI?
Apr 27 2013 at 11:26am Copy Link
S B BestCrypt certainly looks professional, and Jetico seems to understand their technology.

If I may:

1) what is the source of entropy for encryption passwords & salt?

2) is if ever necessary to defrag the *contents* inside a BestCrypt container?

3) can passwords be changed? Can I have multiple simultaneous passwords for the same container?

4) are there limits to what BestCrypt Traveller can do with existing BestCrypt containers? (e.g., can I use the combination of Traveller and BestCrypt containers as distributable, secure, almost perpetual archives?)

Apr 27 2013 at 12:28pm Copy Link
Linda Lawson I can't speak for BestCrypt CE but with BestCrypt VE you can manage and add passwords to an encrypted volume.
Apr 27 2013 at 1:34pm Copy Link
Frank Stephens Rosalind Share, that's not what Jetico wrote. You can do your own research on the features of Windows 8 and Microsoft's horrible implementation.
Apr 27 2013 at 3:56pm Copy Link
DrTeeth Jetico has said several times and using different words the same thing. Their rep's English is faultless and with all due respect, I will listen to them...unless one of you is willing to underwrite my purchase ;-) ? I would most likely buy it if it were not for this issue.

Also, they do not seem to have answered a question that has been asked several times... viz the advantages of this software over TrueCrypt.
Apr 27 2013 at 4:18pm Copy Link
Frank Stephens DrTeeth, I don't know if you were addressing your comment to me.

"NOTE: In Windows 8 it is not recommended to use container encryption in Storage Space Volumes, as the system may accidentally bring the volume offline in low disk space conditions and your data will be damaged. Please, use BestCrypt Volume Encryption instead."

Windows 8 Storage Spaces is a new low for a Microsoft implementation, just when I thought that they couldn't get any worse. If you use them, then it's entirely your fault. I find that all brands of high-capacity drives are notoriously unreliable, you will lose data if you use them individually. Storage Spaces are a disaster, spend the bucks and get external USB 3.0 RAID enclosures where all components and drivers along the hardware path allow Hard Disk Sentinel to see and monitor the individual drives.
Apr 27 2013 at 4:40pm Copy Link
Valeria Corti @ Giganto Pithecus:

Thank you for your interest in BestCrypt Container Encryption!
BestCrypt supports hardware acceleration for AES-NI instructions.
Jetico Inc. Oy - Apr 27 2013 at 11:15pm Copy Link
S B Yes, it is unfortunate that Jetico hasn't responded to a number of questions.

Thank you Linda Lawson for your answer!
Apr 28 2013 at 12:53am Copy Link
Rosalind Share @ Frank Stephens

This is from Jetico:

NOTE: In Windows 8 it is not recommended to use containter encryption in Storage Space Volumes, as the system may accidentally bring the volume offline in low disk space conditions and your data will be damaged. Please, use BestCrypt Volume Encryption instead.
Apr 28 2013 at 6:48am Copy Link
Valeria Corti @ S B Thank you for your interest and for your patience - we wanted to double check your questions with our tech support.

1) what is the source of entropy for encryption passwords & salt?
When a container is created, the encryption key is generated from your password..
For this process, BestCrypt uses hash algorithms - 4 hash algorithms are available within the software.
For additional security, BestCrypt adds "Salt" random sequence to the password and performs the hash procedure several times - the number of times is called "Iterations".
The "Salt" and "Iterations" values do not affect the speed of the encryption process, instead, they slow down the process of guessing the encryption key.

BCArchive utility allows users to change the number of iterations and the size of the "Salt" sequence. As for BestCrypt, some default values are used.

The master key - the key used to encrypt the data - is generated when you move the mouse or click keyboard keys during the "Create container" procedure. It is "Seed value generation" process. The random sequence is taken from:
- cursor's coordinates
- computer time
- combination of the above values

2) is if ever necessary to defrag the *contents* inside a BestCrypt container?

BestCrypt virtual drive should be considered as a regular drive, meaning that defragmentation is also required.

3) can passwords be changed? Can I have multiple simultaneous passwords for the same container?

Yes and yes.

4) are there limits to what BestCrypt Traveller can do with existing BestCrypt containers? (e.g., can I use the combination of Traveller and BestCrypt containers as distributable, secure, almost perpetual

Limits are that BestCrypt Traveller is to be used to mount containers in machines not equipped with Full BestCrypt.
In addition, BCTraveller:
- does not support containers encrypted with public keys
- can't change container's attributes
Jetico Inc. Oy - May 2 2013 at 10:33am Copy Link
Stephen Kreyling any deals on the pricing this year?

Dec 6 2014 at 11:00am Copy Link
Mappi75 Need this Tool - please do a sale! :)
Aug 21 2015 at 6:16am Copy Link
Caxap No 50% discount for BestCrypt VE ?
Dec 25 2015 at 7:22am Copy Link
N4N No 50% discount for BestCrypt VE !
I want it. Please !!!
Jan 25 2017 at 8:47am Copy Link
Pixel Grinch A big turn off this this:
When your subscription expires you can forget about installing bestcrypt again and unlock your containers !!!
They make you buy a new license to install bestcrypt after your license expired.
I contacted support saying I have a new computer and need to install BestCrypt and it tells me I have to buy a new license, mine is expired. They said I would need to buy a new license or should have upgraded (reduced fee) during the couple weeks period after expiration. What I find shocking is that you paid for the product and you can't install it again after a crash or adding a new computer, when your license expired. I expected to still be able to install BestCrypt, just not the newest version so I can at least open my containers !!! NO LUCK THERE, Jack ! They have a free travel container thing but it doesn't open your containers if you used encryption keys, only works to open containers encrypted with username and password only.
Considering the unwillingness of support to help unlock my containers even though when I created them I had a valid license for that version of Best Crypt, made me switch to a different product. If I can't trust an app to let me access my encrypted containers at all times, it completely defeats the purpose of having this app.
Apr 1 2022 at 5:31am Copy Link
Daniel Anderson @Pixel Grinch Thank you for your comment and patience in waiting for a reply.

Purchasing a license is required if you want to use the latest version. Yet if you want to keep using the older version, you should keep a copy of the installer. If you had contacted Jetico directly, we would have sent you a copy of the installer from the archives valid with your license. We have setups up to version 8. The Traveller version is meant for portability and it is limited.
Apr 21 2022 at 4:07am Copy Link

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