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Beyond Sync StandardDiscount

Beyond Sync Standard

Synchronize your files in real time!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista (32 and 64 bit), 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Beyond Sync Standard ScreenshotFile Sync Software ScreenshotBeyond Sync Standard, File Sync Software Screenshot

File sync is a handy tool, for sure, but its utility is somewhat lessened if you have to wait for a scheduled timer to sync your files. In today's day and age, it's more important than ever that changes made to a file in one location be reflected across all synced platforms, immediately! And the best way to accomplish this is by using today's discount software promotion, Beyond Sync!

Beyond Sync is a revolutionary utility that synchronizes files immediately after each file change, quickly, easily, and reliably. It's the perfect solution for backup processes, or situations where you have many team members in multiple locations working on project files, or for people who constantly shuttle files back and forth using USB drives. An intuitive side-by-side comparison view lets you see and control the entire sync process, while an integrated scheduler ensures that your files will remain in sync without requiring any user interaction.

Using Beyond Sync could not be any simpler - just choose the files that you wish to sync, a destination, and click on Go. So, no matter if you're syncing individual files to a flash drive, or need a scheduled solution that backs up specific files at a certain date and time, Beyond Sync is exactly what you need in your workflow!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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mr virus im waiting :))))
Nov 5 2012 at 1:44am Copy Link
Roberto is there a comparison chart between standard, pro and enterprise?
Nov 5 2012 at 1:10pm Copy Link
Fevosoft - Nov 5 2012 at 11:43pm Copy Link
Stephen Kreyling Pro would be the lowest I would recommend, but the enterprise if there was a good discount would be the one that I would recommend.
Nov 6 2012 at 3:51am Copy Link
David McCartney I think I have tried them all...this is the best. The Real-Time Sync sets it apart from the competition.
Nov 6 2012 at 5:17am Copy Link
Roberto upgrade is alloweb between versions? std-pro?
Nov 6 2012 at 8:01am Copy Link
Peter Martin Thank you for the very generous offer
If I may suggest a feature... How about the option of automatically encrypting a file or a folder while synching it with another.

I make reports and also revise reports. Once I lost 2 days work because of problems with the hard drive. So I backup/ save my work both at my computer and an sd card. Since Sd cards can easily be stolen, I encrypt my sd card.

Would it be nice to write a report or revise a report/document save it and automatically it gets copied/backed up in another area or folder or drive and encrypted (as an option). A master password is given for the folder but the password is not needed to add files to the foldersor disks. It only when extracting the file that the master password should be given

Thank you once again for considering my suggestion. And thank you for your generous offer

Nov 6 2012 at 8:01am Copy Link
cricket59 cricket59 dear all,

how to get it ? I tried ... but nothing !

I click "I Want This", I wrote my email 1 hour ago
... but nothing in my mailbox

I tried with Firefox or IE

please, could you answer how to do ?
Nov 6 2012 at 8:01am Copy Link
Nino Saluzzo 1) Will it sync open files in use?
2) Is it possible to sync files automatically every time I connect my USB device?
Nov 6 2012 at 8:02am Copy Link
RPP.SysAdmin.a To sync across the internet - does this occur thru Windows File Sharing? I'm wondering - how secure is the file access mechanism? Do I need to open a secure tunnel between the PC and the backup destination on the internet?
Nov 6 2012 at 12:08pm Copy Link
bazzy bazon Without looking deep into this platform, what if your other net computer (or server) is off line? Will the sync sense this and re-establish the transfer once the network is back on line?
Bazzy Bazon
Nov 7 2012 at 4:46am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Bazzy, Beyond Sync will retry them later when the connection is available.
Fevosoft - Nov 7 2012 at 6:08am Copy Link
RPP.SysAdmin.a Still hoping for a reply to my question, where I see bazzy has been replied. To rephrase, what is the mechanism of data transmission to a backup location that is identified by IP address? Thank you.
Nov 7 2012 at 6:39am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Roy, sorry for the delay. Yes, you'll need to use network shared folders if you want to synchronize files over network. The security depends on Windows itself , Beyond Sync doesn't control the data transfer. I think it's always a good idea if you can establish a secure connection,
Fevosoft - Nov 7 2012 at 7:25am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Peter, thanks for the suggestion. I have forwarded it to developers. In current version maybe you can try the "Task settings-Scripts" if you have third party software can encrypt the files. Beyond Sync can launch it after sync completes.
Fevosoft - Nov 7 2012 at 7:36am Copy Link
ehab i just wanted to thank you for offering this for free. i will try it out soon.
Nov 8 2012 at 12:21am Copy Link
Leslie Milburn What version is this
Nov 8 2012 at 2:41am Copy Link
Corno Jacobsen How does it work? One license for, say, three PC's, or do I have to get a license for each of them?
Nov 8 2012 at 3:45am Copy Link
Tor User @Peter Martin
You should encrypt your SD card (or set it up to contain an encrypted container file) using TrueCrypt. This way, you can trust the encryption algorithm and implementation to a higher degree. Also, this will work transparently to any software.
Nov 8 2012 at 3:46am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler Is there an upgrade from Standard to Pro? IS there a discount on Pro? Pro is the "lowest" I would need. What is the cost?

Is it possible to backup or sync with an FTP address or a website? I want to be able to change a local file associated with my website and have it publish to the site.
Nov 8 2012 at 4:18am Copy Link
P C The files can be synced per sync is 1000 for the standard version. What would happen if Real-time sync has been enabled and there are 3000 files to be synced?

Would the system behave in a way, to sync the first 1000 files in real-time. Then we have to manually run the Sync (Ctrl-F2) function twice to sync the rest of the 2000 files.
Nov 8 2012 at 4:27am Copy Link
Roberto Zavala Sorry Folks! no backup allowed after 1000 files!!! get the pro.
Why wasn't this clarified? I tried to backup itunes folder but suddenly stopped after 1001 files were copied and itunes alone is a mammoth folder if you have lots of apps and music. mmm...did I forgot videos and voice recorded files and pictures? Get pure sync is perfect unlimited and is also free. Been using it for more than 2 years. But I wanted to test this one to see if there was possibly something better than puresync. And It is. But the limitation to 1000 kills it. Too bad.
Nov 8 2012 at 4:27am Copy Link
Martin Jay I can live with syncing only 1,000 files for the time being. Unfortunately I haven't received my registration code yet. But I'm patient... :) [It's just arrived.]

I can't see the $19.95 version listed on the vendor's website, so I'm guessing it's been created for this (and similar?) 'giveaways.'

I'll treat this 'giveaway' as an extended trial. It might be worthwhile for Fevosoft to pop back in a couple of months with a discount on the full version. If it lives up to expectations (and it seems to so far) I'd be willing to part with some hard cash for it. :)
Nov 8 2012 at 4:48am Copy Link
Lang510 When I download this software, my pc says "the publisher of this program couldn't be verified". It is warning me not to install this program.
Nov 8 2012 at 5:04am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Corno,

You need one license for every computer which Beyond Sync installed.

But when you synchronize files with remote computer, you don't need license for this remote computer. For example, you have two PCs that synchronize files with a server computer. You'll need two licenses for the two PCs only. No license is needed for the server computer.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 5:29am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Ralph,

We'll provide an discount for all registered users of Standard edition later. About the FTP sync, please try FTP Synchronizer,, instead.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 5:31am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Roberto, if you like Beyond Sync, please wait for several days. We'll give all users a chance to upgrade to Pro or Enterprise at a discount.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 5:32am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Lang510, the message will show for all unsigned programs. As a commercial application, Beyond Sync is 100% clean as long as you download it from our site.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 5:35am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler How much will the upgrade to Pro cost? I DO like the FTP version. Any chance of a discount on it?
Nov 8 2012 at 5:40am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Ralph,

We didn't decide the discount for Pro yet, please wait for our email notification. As for discount of FTP Synchronizer, please contact for detail. Thank you.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 5:44am Copy Link
Lang510 I installed the software but keeps on telling me that my registration code is wrong.
Nov 8 2012 at 6:31am Copy Link
Tim Webb Same here, enter name & code and get back message that the license info is incorrect. Running on Windows 7 x64.
Nov 8 2012 at 6:56am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Lang510,

Please notice that you can't use Standard license on Windows server.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 6:57am Copy Link
Thomas Evans I have Beyond Sync from the last BitsDuJour offering. Every time I use it I have to reregister. It always treats me like an unregistered user.
Nov 8 2012 at 7:41am Copy Link
Lang510 My pc is windows 7
Nov 8 2012 at 7:47am Copy Link
Ralph Bressler @Lewis Tian I sent an e-mail to sales. So far, no response.
Nov 8 2012 at 7:48am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Lang510, could you please contact me at and attach the registration info. I'll check it for you.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 8:09am Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Ralph, I have asked FTP Synchronizer sales to contact you.
Fevosoft - Nov 8 2012 at 8:10am Copy Link
loving thesixties I already have version -- is today's offer newer?
Nov 8 2012 at 9:16am Copy Link
John Hickey If you get a registration error, make sure you use BitsDuJour as your User name, I got tripped up on that for awhile!
Nov 8 2012 at 9:19am Copy Link
Joe M Reply to Lang510.

I get the same message.

"Sorry, but the license information you provided is
incorrect. Please check and try again."

I put in "BitsDuJour " as the Registration Name and then did a copy and paste of the Registration Code as instructed in the email.

I have done an uninstall and a reinstall and it still won't register.
Nov 8 2012 at 11:43am Copy Link
From The North You have to backspace once on the "BitsDuJour "
Nov 8 2012 at 12:28pm Copy Link
loving thesixties Yeah, no other character, punctuation or formatting including no space or linespace or paragraph, tab or other indenting, etc. is allowed. In your comment, it looks like there is a space between BitsDuJour and the closing quotation mark, which could be the cause of your problem. Similarly, it is also possible during the copy and paste process to lose a character or pick up an extra space.
Nov 8 2012 at 1:00pm Copy Link
bazzy bazon Try entering the user and password by hand. It worked for me rather than copy/paste - Don't know why... Maybe will work for you.
Nov 8 2012 at 1:28pm Copy Link
Jac A. Hi, I've just got the offer and suddenly the page "crashes" with a message:

"Uh-oh, Something really bad happened. We've dispatched our squad of techies to track it down!"

And a funny ASCII art below.

I tried again and I got this msg:

"You have already purchased this product using the email address supplied. Below are your purchase details. You can Resend Your Email Receipt if you can't find it."

I used the link to "Resend your email", and I got the first "Uh-oh" error with the funny ASCII again.

What can I do to get the reg code?

Nov 8 2012 at 2:54pm Copy Link
umike Same here. Got an ASCII art after registering.
First time see an ASCII art after registering. Hope that this is not a joke.
Nov 8 2012 at 3:39pm Copy Link
Joe M I cut and pasted the Registration Code.
I then typed in BitsDuJour and it finally registered.
It would not work if I used cut and paste.
Nov 8 2012 at 3:52pm Copy Link
John Who No email, just ASCII art and
"Uh-oh, Something really bad happened. We've dispatched our squad of techies to track it down!"
Nov 8 2012 at 5:03pm Copy Link
Harvey Hartman Registration code not sent. If attempt to re-purchase and have receipt e-mail resent get error: Uh-oh, Something really bad happened. We've dispatched our squad of techies to track it down!

How do I get the registration code?

Harvey Hartman
Nov 8 2012 at 5:03pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Sorry about the weirdness folks, we really are checking into it!

BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 8 2012 at 5:04pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Should work now guys, sorry about that!
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 8 2012 at 5:14pm Copy Link
Jac A. Now it indeed works, no more ASCII art and I've received my code :)

Nov 8 2012 at 5:45pm Copy Link
VLM Lewis Tian - The FTP Synchronizer sounds interesting, but honestly, the price seems high. Just my opinion. Perhaps you'll offer it here one day, or include it in a bundle upgrade offer from this promotion, or ...? Just my suggestions. :)
Nov 8 2012 at 6:35pm Copy Link
Dennis Lawrence ASCII message.... fail!
Nov 8 2012 at 6:54pm Copy Link
Lisa Griffiths I got the failed message too.
Nov 8 2012 at 7:27pm Copy Link
Richard Kennedy Sorry, but I'm getting the ASCII art after I submit my name and email address. Tried 3 times.
Nov 8 2012 at 7:40pm Copy Link
Daniel Gaudet I am getting the same error too.
Nov 8 2012 at 7:41pm Copy Link
Michael Lenser Been getting an error for the last 1hr now.
Nov 8 2012 at 7:43pm Copy Link
Katherine Fritz I'm also getting the ASCII art error message.
Nov 8 2012 at 8:14pm Copy Link
Phred E A fix was implemented, guys. Have you downloaded again and restarted the process? To use a fix you have to have it. Just saying..
Nov 8 2012 at 8:18pm Copy Link
Scott McClenning Cool ASCII art, but I would rather get the software. Hopefully the offer will be extended if it can’t be fixed.
Nov 8 2012 at 8:30pm Copy Link
Dennis Lawrence No fix implemented that I can see. Still getting ASCII artwork.
Nov 8 2012 at 8:30pm Copy Link
Fr Kra error on page after clicking on "complete checkout." tried 6 or 7 times, and 3 or 4 times with firefox.
Nov 8 2012 at 8:40pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Sorry guys, working on it now...
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 8 2012 at 8:44pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Fixed - so sorry for the problems guys we were running a few updates.
BitsDuJour Admin - Nov 8 2012 at 8:57pm Copy Link
internet explorer Anybody know what version is being offered today? The earlier question seems to have been passed over somehow in all the comments about the ASCII art, etc.
Nov 8 2012 at 10:03pm Copy Link
Lisa Griffiths I assume it's the latest Standard version as my email said to download the free trial for it and unlock it with the registration code.
Nov 8 2012 at 10:08pm Copy Link
internet explorer OK, but then what is the latest Standard version number?
Nov 8 2012 at 10:15pm Copy Link
loving thesixties For all those wondering, the installer says that the version number is, which is newer than the last time it appeared here.
Nov 8 2012 at 10:39pm Copy Link
Lisa Griffiths Just installing says
Nov 8 2012 at 10:40pm Copy Link
loving thesixties There is one "nagging" problem with this software that is not new and should have been corrected since it was pointed out the last time this program was offered here, namely, even after it has been properly activated, once it has been closed it won't let you run it without entering the registration code again, no matter how many times you have already entered it before. This needs to be fixed.
Nov 8 2012 at 11:02pm Copy Link
internet explorer Thanks everybody for the version number; I do appreciate it. But now there is a very inconvenient aspect to this software that may keep me from wanting to use it, namely the need to re-enter the registration code every time the program is started up, which is not a small matter. Why on earth would they let such a serious negative continue to irritate their users, making us wonder if they even have the ability to fix it? I for one certainly would not pay to upgrade it if that is the kind of programming that I might expect from it! If you asked me, I would say it should be offered again after it's fixed.
Nov 8 2012 at 11:14pm Copy Link
Ralph Bressler I installed and activated on Thursday without ANY problem. Bo ASCIIT whatever and I only had to enter the code once. Now it works perfectly.
Nov 9 2012 at 12:01am Copy Link
Lewis Tian To all users who encountered registration issue.

1) Please use "BitsDuJour" as the registration name, not your own name.
2) Make sure there isn't extra space after the name.
3) The Standard license doesn't work on Window server.

If there is any other question, please post here or contact me at
Fevosoft - Nov 9 2012 at 12:15am Copy Link
Daniel Gaudet I wasn't able to get the deal. I followed your message, but it just crashes when I put BitsDuJour to register.
Nov 9 2012 at 4:19am Copy Link
Donald Kulumpos It is very frustrating when the site doesn't work or the info to register is not correct. No discount for the regular or pro version after the give away. Sometimes you don't want an automatic sync on every folder. Look at all the confusion. Pages of replies on how to use the product or register. Maybe GoodSync is a better choice.
Nov 9 2012 at 9:55am Copy Link
cricket59 cricket59 Is it a beta release ?

2 major bugs
1) I tried to update, and it failed - an error occured, send a message

2) I installed the software with the administrator account.
When I use the program, Beyond will use a 'config.ini' file... and it is the file of the administrator account.
It is impossible to use this program with several accounts (and of course several/different rights) with the same computer.

What a pitty... it is not a final version.
Nov 9 2012 at 1:45pm Copy Link
Lewis Tian @Donald Kulumpos, see the previous post please.
Fevosoft - Nov 9 2012 at 4:53pm Copy Link
Lewis Tian @cricket59,

No, of course it's not a beta release. If you want to run Beyond Sync under a different account than who installed it. You need to move the whole configuration directory "Beyond Sync" from "%APPDATA%" to "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%".
Fevosoft - Nov 9 2012 at 4:59pm Copy Link
Atalay Tan Dear Lewis,

Is it possible to use a custom configuration directory for example "Beyond Sync" installation directory for all configuration files?
Nov 18 2013 at 3:34am Copy Link

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