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Publish How-to Posts to WordPress

v2.0 Mac & PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Mac OS 10.7 or higher
Clarify ScreenshotWriting and Journaling Software ScreenshotClarify, Writing and Journaling Software ScreenshotClarify, Hobby, Educational & Fun Software ScreenshotWriting and Journaling Software, Clarify ScreenshotHobby, Educational & Fun Software, Clarify Screenshot

If you’ve been paying attention to the blogging landscape, you know that How-To blog posts are commanding most of the attention, and driving the most ad revenue. But writing them takes so long, it’s almost not worth doing! Enter today’s discount software promotion, Clarify.

Clarify lets you write and publish How-To blog posts quickly and easily in just three steps, making you more prolific in your writing. With Clarify, you’ll be able to organize and edit your pictures, screenshots, annotations, and more in a way that’s far superior than just using the stock CMS editor. When you’re done, click a button and Clarify will publish to WordPress.

If you decide to revise your blog post later, you can either re-open it in Clarify, or edit it directly in WordPress. Find out what happens when you start building a stunning collection of How-To posts – watch your audience and influence grow by leaps and bounds!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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govertz Is there someone, who has tested this one out with WordPress.

If there is, I would appreciate if you shared your experience, I will take it for a spin now, but there isn't that much time left, before the deal is on.

If it really can post to my WP blog, with out any editing after upload, then it's a must have.
Dec 16 2014 at 6:04am Copy Link
Greg DeVore Hey there - A co-worker of mine has tested it out on WordPress to a personal blog and here was the result: http://www.charlottedad.c...-a-rope-3/ He made a few minor edits such as an extra space here or there.

Here is a post he just published today with no additional edits - http://www.charlottedad.c...bberbands/

Clarify is great for grabbing screenshots and explaining how to use any onscreen process - but his personal blog is geared toward an audience of dads, so he doesn't use many screenshots of computer workflows.

Instead, he takes pictures with his iPhone, saves them to a folder on his desktop, then imports them into Clarify to mark up, write his entire blog post, and publish directly to WordPress.

In those two examples, he explained how to do simple magic tricks because... well... he's a nerd and thinks magic tricks are cool! But you can use Clarify to explain how to use PhotoShop, a web app, Excel, or how to do other hobbies like woodworking, cooking, baking, sewing, basketball, etc.

Pretty much any time you want to use images (e.g. screenshots or pictures) in your how-to blog post, Clarify will make it way easier.

Note: one of the videos in the example post is hosted on Wistia and the other is hosted on YouTube. Clarify does not host videos, but you can embed video from YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo, etc.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 16 2014 at 7:59am Copy Link
govertz @Greg DeVore Thanks!
Dec 16 2014 at 8:15am Copy Link
Petr Can Clarify do the following:

(a) Output or export a tutorial to both Wordpress and to a Word document?

(b) Can I save each project with Clarify, then come back days or weeks later to edit, update, add on to... the project?

(c) If 'yes' to (b) above, if I update my Wordpress site, will it replace the older tutorial sequence with the new one? Or, will it create a new post? If it creates a new post, I assume I need to login to my Wordpress site and delete the old? Please provide details about such work-flow. Thank you.

(d) Does Clarify use a database to store projects? or is it file based like Word or Excel? If file based, can a project file be moved between Windows and Mac versions of Clarify?

(e) I have been using TechSmith's Snagit program for screen capture and mark-up of images. Can I use Snagit with Clarify? Please describe.
Dec 17 2014 at 2:23am Copy Link
DH007 I noted that the price as advertised at at is 29 USD. Here it says 39 USD. Was the price arteficially increased so the discount looks better? If 50 percent discout would be applied it would be just 14.99 USD.
Dec 17 2014 at 5:02am Copy Link
Norm Sash @DH007 > I noticed that the $39 price is for the dual Win/Mac version of the software. $29 is for a single platform. I don't know if the discount would apply to getting a single platform license.
Dec 17 2014 at 5:53am Copy Link
Greg DeVore So many great questions! This is to answer Petr:

a) Clarify can output to Word, PDF, Evernote, HTML, a webpage (using a free Clarify account), Dropbox, and you can copy and paste the contents to other editors.

b) Yes - you can save Clarify just like you would a Word document and come back to it. If you save it to Dropbox, others can author on it as well.

c) When you update your Clarify document and republish it to WordPress, Clarify replaces the images and updates everything in the original post so you don't need to go in there and delete an old post (it even updates the images for your so you don't have extra images floating around that aren't being used)

d) Clarify does not come with a database to store projects (it's bigger brother, ScreenSteps does, however). Yes, the Clarify file can be moved between Windows and Mac versions of Clarify.

e) You can import images prepared using Snagit. Just save the Snagit image as a jpeg or a png in a folder and import the images into your Clarify document.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 6:06am Copy Link
Greg DeVore DH007 - the price wasn't artificially raised, and you can certainly purchase one of the other versions of Clarify that are currently priced at $14.99 because of the discount.

The difference in pricing is the $19.99 is good for a Mac AND a PC. It's a user license, so if you have a PC at work, but a Mac at home, you can run one license of both of your computers (and more if you own more computers).

The less expensive versions ($14.99) are for Mac only or PC only. You can still run it on as many computers as you own, but the Mac version will only work on the Mac and the PC version will only run on a PC.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 6:12am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @Norm Sash -

Others are welcome to chime in, but if you're interested in seeing the various use cases and want to get an idea of how Clarify works, you can check out some of these videos -

Most of the comments we get from happy customers are about how much time it saves them compared to Word. What took 30 minutes before takes 5 with Clarify - things like that.

The workflow is meant to decrease the time it takes to grab multiple screenshots, annotate them, format a document, add titles, add text, and publish. Clarify integrates all of that into one app.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 6:19am Copy Link
Mustang Does Clarify only publish to Wordpress?
Dec 17 2014 at 9:19am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @Mustang - nope, it also publishes to PDF, Word, Dropbox, the web (via a free clarify account), Evernote, HTML, and you can copy and paste to email or another editor like PowerPoint.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 9:38am Copy Link
Curious Steve Excellent app. I use it daily to provide customer support, markup images for social media, and to document my own processes.

Bluemango (the developer) is very responsive to feedback.
Dec 17 2014 at 9:47am Copy Link
govertz When will the discount be applied, I've tried to go through the whole process, with the windows only version, it was $29.99, all the way.
Dec 17 2014 at 10:02am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @govertz it should be applied immediately if you clicked the link from bits du jour. When I test it out the discount is applied.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 10:25am Copy Link
govertz @Greg DeVore It doesn't happened to me, I have tried more than once.

I'm taken to a page where I can choose version and quantity, but the pricetag on the page is $29.99 for the Mac and Windows solo version, and 39.99 for the combi version, there's no change from what I experienced yesterday.

Isn't there someone who can try and press the "Get this deal" button, just to try it out. Am I the only one, having this experience?
Dec 17 2014 at 10:37am Copy Link
HJ B Is this application useful for simply creating WordPress posts, regardless of whether they are "support" oriented?

I am looking for an application that will quickly create a WordPress blog for me, and then permit me to post to that blog with minimum amount of time necessary to format the postings.
Dec 17 2014 at 10:44am Copy Link
Norm Sash @govertz > I just clicked the Get this deal button and it worked for me. I was presented with the $14.99 and $19.99 deal. I haven't actually purchased yet... but it is giving me the option.
Dec 17 2014 at 10:47am Copy Link
govertz @HJB You can, if you regard a step a paragraph and the name of the step a subheading.

I've payed around with it since yesterday, and I think it's a must for every blogger, but you have to decide for your self, just take it for a test spin before the discount offer ends.
Dec 17 2014 at 10:51am Copy Link
Mustang Greg DeVore @Mustang - nope, it also publishes to PDF, Word, Dropbox, the web (via a free clarify account), Evernote, HTML, and you can copy and paste to email or another editor like PowerPoint.

Thank you, but I was referring to other platforms like Blogger and Squarespace.
Dec 17 2014 at 10:52am Copy Link
govertz @Norm Sash Thanks for trying, but it still doesn.t happen to me. I have never had this problem before, here at BDJ. Wonder why.

I'm taken to this page:

It looks like te right one, wit the BDJ campaign text, but it still shows without discount.

Kind of sad, I'd really like this software, but I want it at the same discount as others.
Dec 17 2014 at 10:58am Copy Link
Norm Sash @govertz > strange. I'm not sure what is happening for you. Maybe try a different browser?? I click on the link you posted and it takes me to the page with all the discounts showing properly.
Dec 17 2014 at 11:09am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @govertz - Can you try using a different browser? I am wondering if a cookie setting on the store got confused.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 11:12am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @HJ B - Clarify can certainly be used in that way. But if you aren't using a lot of images in your blog posts and really just want a more freeform editor for WordPress you might look at MarsEdit. Clarify is really focused on creating step-by-step documents with screenshots though it does have basic text formatting as well.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 11:15am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @Mustang - The only blogging platform it publishes to is WordPress.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 11:24am Copy Link
govertz Got it, it was the browser.

Thanks for helping.
Dec 17 2014 at 11:24am Copy Link
Petr I just purchased Clarify for Windows, initiating from BitsDuJour. My bank shows your charge as follows:
Point of Sale - Visa Debit INTL VISA DEB RETAIL PURCHASE FASTSPRINGSOFTW 435119511604 00000000014.99 USD @ 1.195464 $17.92 CAD

Yet, after proceeding on the purchase page, a page that is titled "Order Not Accepted" was displayed. As my payment was taken from my credit card account, please fix and verify that my order is good ASAP. I purchased the software for a project I am working on today. Thank you.
My email address domain is "". I don't want to post my entire email here. Thank you for your attention to resolving my purchase.

By the way, I did look at StepShot, a competitor. StepShot does not post to Wordpress and it is selling for close to $100. Clarify is a great value.
Dec 17 2014 at 11:36am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @Petr - I am looking into this with the people who run our store. I will let you know when I hear back. Probably best for you to send an email to so that we can handle this in our support desk.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 11:47am Copy Link
Petr @ Greg D.
Thanks for getting my purchase sorted out.
Dec 17 2014 at 2:13pm Copy Link
42gr Hi Greg
I've been trying out Clarify for Instructional Blogs at work.

The HTML style output (Corporate) is excellent. the product is easy to use.
We use Confluence (Atlasian) for our corporate data and notes. Confluence can handle HTML. Unfortuanately it cant handle Clarifie's CSS and JS.

I somewhat got around this by exporting to word and importing that to Confluence. The output is a lot more vanilla plain but acceptable.

One major problem That Im having is that the document anchors that Clarify generates are unstable. In that they are generated in inappropriate places. The word document generated is so tightly packed, teh anchors generally live to the side of images rather than directly below or above the related section of document.

When I try to move the anchors - they are unstable and jump all over the place. This is a limitation of word, exacerbated by the lack of line spaces in the generated document. The anchors have "no where to go" and get squeezed into unusual spots.

How do I turn of anchors ? My perception is that the majority of Confluence users are in too much of a hurry to bother with niceties like anchors. (even If they knew they existed).

Clarify is a great product - really like it.
Please give me a way to switch off anchors.

Dec 17 2014 at 2:42pm Copy Link
Daniel - Hi Greg,

Is there a way to insert a table in the document?
Dec 17 2014 at 7:57pm Copy Link
Greg DeVore @42gr - I would send an email to You probably just need to create a custom HTML template that Confluence would handle better.

@Daniel - No, Clarify doesn't support tables.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 17 2014 at 8:15pm Copy Link
HJ B It seems to me that Clarify would be significantly enhanced if it were able to support tables. I created a table in MS Word and then attempted to past it in to Clarify, The result was just the words in the table, strung in sequence. The lines and the relative table positions of the words were lost.

I suppose that a workaround would be to change the table into a graphic format and then bring the graphic into Clarify.
Dec 17 2014 at 9:29pm Copy Link
Neil Went to order with 57 minutes left...takes me to their site. No discount shown


Maybe clocks are not synced.

So no deal.
Dec 17 2014 at 11:03pm Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! Blue Mango Learning Systems has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 18 2014 at 12:11am Copy Link
Constantin Florea @Neil - Could you please clear your browser cache and try again? If that doesn't work, please consider trying other browsers while purchasing like: Firefox, Chrome, Opera and IE. I just tested the purchase flow in all these browsers and the discounted price is showing up correctly after clicking on the Get This Deal button above.
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 18 2014 at 1:04am Copy Link
Chris Dennis Is this sites or self-hosted WP sites as well?
Dec 18 2014 at 6:39am Copy Link
Greg DeVore @Chris - It will work with self-hosted WordPress sites as well.
Blue Mango Learning Systems - Dec 18 2014 at 6:41am Copy Link
Norm Sash @HJB > although this isn't a support site, I also would really love tables. They are used in so many instances. I'm just starting up with Clarify, but in general it would be great to see the text editing features significantly enhanced. Improving the aesthetics would be really nice in order to produce a polished publication.
Dec 18 2014 at 9:13am Copy Link
Neil @Constantin Florea: I was using Chrome on my Windows 8,1 desktop. Still does that, even after clearing the cache. However, I ran iExplorer and it worked correctly. And Chrome on my Mac laptop worked correctly. Not sure why--all have exactly the same URL:


And I cleared the cache two ways with no better result (Ctrl-F5 and through the settings, deleting all "Cached images and Files" through the start of time.)

Not sure why it won't work, but I just used my laptop to order, so I'm ok.
Dec 18 2014 at 9:53am Copy Link

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