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Cute ReminderDiscount

Cute Reminder

Reminders Are Only The Beginning!

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7
Cute Reminder Screenshot

There's a lot of stuff we'd like to forget. Our most embarrassing moments; lyrics to songs that get stuck in our heads; the answer to that question we got wrong at the Pub Quiz last week.

But we always seem to remember the silly stuff and at the same time forget far more important things, like our Mom's birthday, our Tuesday haircut appointment, to buy more dog food, and all those million-dollar ideas that come to us when we're supposed to be working.

Cute Reminder takes care of everything what we actually need to remember. Even better, it does it without making us spend time forcing our information into nonsensical structures that don't make sense with our work style.

This promotion includes the following:
Cute Reminder Standard Edition ($29.95)
Cute Reminder Professional Edition ($39.95)
Cute Reminder Enterprise Edition ($59.95)

Here's a little more information about the Cute Reminder user interface:

The Conversation
The Fine Print
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W Ma installed the trial.
Can't access the Quick Access Panel. As soon as my mouse cursor comes into contact with the panel's edge (located at right edge of screen), the cursor is bounced across to the center of the screen, leaving the panel unopened.
Dec 1 2020 at 6:36am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Great News! CuteReminder Labs has agreed to extend this deal for another day - Enjoy!
BitsDuJour Admin - Dec 2 2020 at 12:11am Copy Link
Ricky Rick I've been using Cute Reminder (Standard version) for more than a few years. All I can say is - it would be hard to live without it, honestly.

There's no way I would run my computers without this program on all of them, no way!

If you don't have a supersonic memory then this program is for you.

And it's fantastic for reminding you for more than just Doctor appointments or what time a meeting is ... like: "Washer is done - put clothes in Dryer" - then - Dryer is done - get clothes now" and on it goes for ANY kind of reminder.

Just remember to put 2 !! at the end of your reminders so the message flashes until you open it. You'll see. A great program. Best I tried of its kind.

With Cute Reminder on your PC you'll never miss another appointment or be late for anything. You'll have to try it though to see for yourself.

Yes, try it - you'll love it, seriously!

NOTE: I am not paid or compensated for this endorsement.

Ricky Rick
Jul 9 2022 at 5:30am Copy Link
James User Your purchase links on your website do not work. If I buy from Bitsdujour, will I get the purchase? Is Cute Reminder dead or no longer being updated?
Dec 10 2022 at 12:24am Copy Link

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