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EverDesk StandardDiscount

EverDesk Standard

The Smartest Personal Information Manager

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7
EverDesk Standard ScreenshotEmail Client Software ScreenshotEverDesk Standard, Email Client Software Screenshot

Your life seems to be a seesaw between spending time in email, dealing with file management, or figuring out which contact needs to receive an email or file attachment. Often, the worlds collide, and you're jumping between applications to attach files to an email, or work an attachment out of your email inbox into its proper folder on your hard drive. It's about time someone made sense of this by bringing all of these elements together in perfect harmony, with a cool application called EverDesk. It’s today’s discount software promotion, available for a limited time.

EverDesk integrates your email, contacts, calendar, and files together in a single intuitive interface. With EverDesk, you can see, with just a glance, everything that’s important to you. Mail and files are organized together in a way that makes sense, so when you need to see all of the information that's related to a specific project, activity, or event, you don't need to hunt down bits of info scattered across your hard drive. Plus, EverDesk lets you preview almost any document right inside the application. A broad array of tools lets you create new folders, rename them, import, export, apply color codes, add notes, and more - all in the name of bringing Zen to your desktop experience.

Imagine just how much more efficient and productive you'll be when all of your information is within reach, in one consolidated interface. With EverDesk, you can bring this vision out of your imagination and make it a reality!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Desmond Haas Is there a possibility of getting a similar price/discount for the Google Edition?
Jun 5 2012 at 5:27am Copy Link
EverDesk Support BDJ had promotion for EverDesk Google Edition a week ago. Please check your mailbox for more details.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 5 2012 at 11:02am Copy Link
Stephen Cohen It appears that one has to use Internet Explorer as ones browser. If this is not true, which browsers can one use that will enable all of EverDesk's features, including the ability to save Web pages, Yahoo emails and HotMails.
Jun 7 2012 at 5:28am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Stephen!
You may use any browser for Internet browsing, including saving Web pages and using webmail. EverDesk uses only the Internet Explorer engine for previewing messages, webpages etc. which is part of any Windows OS (for instance same IE engine is used by Windows Explorer) - this doesn't affect your choice of preferred browser.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 7 2012 at 10:27am Copy Link
Stephen Cohen Vladimir,
Thank you for the answer.
More questions:
1) How many levels of subfolders can be created in the Folder Tree?
2) I would use EverDesk mainly to organize files rather than emails. (I currently use PIMs such as myBase.) Does Everdesk have the capability of searching for all files with a particular word or phrase in the file names and assigning these files to a specific folder in the folder tree?

Thank you!
Jun 7 2012 at 12:55pm Copy Link
EverDesk Support HI Stephen
1) Folder tree in EverDesk is just a regular Windows folder tree - you can create as many levels as in Windows Explorer.
2) You may search files in EverDesk by word of phrase and the results can be moved / copied to any folder of your choice (manually - there is no automatic assigning files with a particular word or phrase to a preferred folder). Search results can also be assigned to a category (virtual folder) regardless their actual location - you may create unlimited number of color-coded categories.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 7 2012 at 1:12pm Copy Link
Michael Guilfoyle Is there a conversion utility to convert from Outlook?
Jun 8 2012 at 12:35am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Michael!

1. You can import email messages, contacts and calendar from Outlook directly into EverDesk.

2. Please contact us at for upgrade solution. Upgrade option will be added to the website within couple of weeks.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 12:49am Copy Link
Mitchell Kastner Is EverDesk a database? If so, how do I back it up.
Can I continue to use Outlook and EverDesk? If so, how do I synch the data?
Jun 8 2012 at 2:36am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Mitchell
No, EverDesk is not a database. Unlike other email clients, including Outlook, which store messages and attachments in their proprietary database files (.pst in case of Outlook), EverDesk stores all data as separate open-standard files (eml for emails, vcf for contacts, ics for calendar). This is much more safe since if your database file is lost or corrupt, you lose ALL your data. This is simply impossible with EverDesk. Besides, backing up is really simple - you just back up your root folder (My Documents by default) and ALL your data, including files, documents, messages, attachments, contacts, calendar, encryption keys and other settings are saved. EverDesk uses internal database files in each folder. However, these are automatically recoverable should such file is lost.
There is no connection between EverDesk and Outlook or any other email client, so you can continue to use any and all of them as you wish. The data between EverDesk and Outlook can only be synced if you use Google as a central point for synchronization (EverDesk Google Edition is required for this). Otherwise, you can only import data from Outlook into EverDesk.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 3:25am Copy Link
Software Guy I use everdesk to archive my old emails. It is without a doubt the best way to store messages and attachments - as regular windows files - rather than in a mail server database. You must try it to see if it is for you. But if you deal with emails which you must save or have available frequently - this is the way to go.
Basically, it reads your current emails and converts and saves the messages as regular windows files in a folder you specify. This frees you of the need for your mail application to read or use those files. Plus the files are right on your computer ready to be copied to a thumb drive if needed. And now they have added organization tools which help when searching for a given file/message. IMHO this app is a must have for people that wish to archive their email messages in a standard, convenient format.
Jun 8 2012 at 3:50am Copy Link
Bill User Hi Vladimir,
What about collaboration - that was always the Achilles heel of Optima EverDesk? I've experimented with your Google client, but it doesn't appear to be optimised for collaborative working, although the eminently sensible concept of treating e-mails as just another kind of file would appear to be an ideal solution for collaborative environments (shared inboxes etc.). I'd be interested to know more.
Jun 8 2012 at 5:59am Copy Link
Emil Kucera Emil Kucera Is there a dialer included - can I click on something to dial my contact's name, or can you suggest something else with a similar functionality that works with Everdesk?
Jun 8 2012 at 6:59am Copy Link
NK Is there a portable version available or planned? It would save all of the settings in the program folder on a USB drive.
Jun 8 2012 at 7:15am Copy Link
H. H. Hallo,
when reading the description of everdesk I thought it could be worth trying, although I´m unsure in how far one can make changes to email-subfolders and decide if these changes shall only be made at everdesk local or also be done via imap at the server (the freeware koma-mail allows to distinghish between these cases)
But reading the license - policy I´ve to say that that´s the deal-breaker for me. 3 pcs per user would be finet , but the 1installation per hardware - footprint is something people who use only very few programs will not mind about, - and unfortuantely I also didn´t think abut thisin the past unttil several system-crashes and hardware-failure happened (you may read the comment at - and since those experiences (and inbetween even more problems occured) the handling of registration / activation has become a really important decision maker. And what is difficult to understand for a simple user is, why even when already hardwaretootprinted activation is requred, this is limited to 1 installation per footprint -
The first thing software and hardware companies ask to do,if they can´t solve a problem instantly is to tell the user to make a new clean insall / to run the recovery cd/dvd - and having to manage this scenarion with installation requring contacting each company with hardware-footprint activaition procdeure becomes a timeconsumig nightmare with the increasing number of this activation kind. Perhaps you may consider if you do not lastly beat the people, which are willing to pay for the development. and hold potential customers back from making a purchase.
Thank you or considerig
with kind regards
Jun 8 2012 at 7:39am Copy Link
Anthony Larson Is there functionality to sync Everdesk Calendar, Contacts & Docs between computers?
Jun 8 2012 at 7:42am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Bill
True real-time collaboration is only possible in the central server-based environment (for example Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, Zimbra, etc.) or through web interface (Google). EverDesk Optima was a standalone application and never intended to be a collaboration instrument. With creation of Google Edition which supports Google Mail, Contacts, Calendar AND Docs it can be used partially for collaboration - currently only sharing of documents is possible with short-term plans to add versioning and sharing of calendars. This is what Google API currently allows us to do in terms of collaboration offline - we will add more collaboration features as soon as it will be available from Google. Also, we are planning on adding Microsoft Exchange support.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 8:40am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Emil
If you have Skype add-on for Internet Explorer installed, then in EverDesk contacts will appear with phone numbers ready to be dialed through Skype. You may use any browser as your default - no need to use IE for this, just to have the mentioned add-on installed.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 8:42am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi NK
No, there is no portable version of EverDesk. However, EverDesk stores all data in the root folder (My Documents by default) and if you set your EverDesk root folder to be on a USB drive then all your documents, emails, contacts, calendar, encryption keys and other settings will be stored on that drive. You may use it on any computer with EverDesk installed as if you were working on your own computer - just make sure that the root folder directs to the USB drive.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 8:47am Copy Link
Anthony Larson Are you also giving a discount for EverDesk Google Edition?
Jun 8 2012 at 8:51am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi H.H.
EverDesk licensing allows simultaneous use on up to three computers. If you only have two installations even in case of a hardware problem the third license will be issued. Since the licenses are automatically renewed every three months, the unused old license will automatically expire within three months. The potential issue with hardware footprint used for licensing is valid only in case if all three installations are used. To resolve this issue without need to call or write to customer support we are in the process of adding a possibility for EverDesk users to deactivate their license(s) through web interface in the personal cabinet. To avoid misuse of this feature there will be a limit on the number of license de-activations per year. If the limit is exceeded, then customer support should be contacted for verification purposes.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 9:03am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Anthony
1. No, there is no such synchronization functionality in EverDesk. However, EverDesk stores all data in the root folder (My Documents by default) and if you set your EverDesk root folder to be on a USB drive then all your documents, emails, contacts, calendar, encryption keys and other settings will be stored on that drive. You may use it on any computer with EverDesk installed as if you were working on your own computer - just make sure that the root folder directs to the USB drive. This way you can actually use same data on all computers. Alternatively, you may use EverDesk Google Edition to have all computers synced through Google.
2. BDJ had promotion for EverDesk Google Edition a week ago. Please contact us at for more details.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 9:55am Copy Link
Steven Avery Hi,

I use Eudora for email, which uses .mbx files. Certain parts of the email are very important, and have a couple of thousand emails, while the bulk is unimportant forum mail (that I occasionally search in Eudora).

On the important email, I am looking for tools for better searching, also for better creation of individual urls (including the screen pics that I put in the emails from Abbyy Screenshot Reader as .jpg .

Would Everdesk be a good tool for enhancing my capabilities .. seaching and archiving and possibly making to HTML .. with this subset of my email archive ?

Jun 8 2012 at 10:41am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Steven
From your description it is hard to say whether EverDesk is a good fit or not. We suggest you download EverDesk from our website at and try it for a few days to see if it meets your expectations. We will reserve a BDJ price for you - just save the Buy Now link from this webpage to use it later for purchase at discount price. Let us know at if you have any issues or comments about EverDesk.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 8 2012 at 10:53am Copy Link
Ed Ward Vladimir - I am also interested in the Google edition but missed the discount last week. Can you extend that discount again? Thank you.
Jun 8 2012 at 6:18pm Copy Link
Stephen Cohen have downloaded trial. I can set up my hotmail account, but not my Yahoo mail account. The url for this account is

Any suggestions?
Jun 8 2012 at 8:33pm Copy Link
J S I am new to this idea but I think i can see the advantages so please allow me to ask these questions (even if they seem dumb):
1. There is little time for me to install and try this before the BdJ offer expires AND according to the BdJ Policy box there is NO REFUND after purchase.

Q1. is NO REFUND correct or may I ask for an offer similar to what you've offered Steven Avery QUOTE: "... We suggest you download EverDesk from our website at and try it for a few days to see if it meets your expectations. We will reserve a BDJ price for you - just save the Buy Now link from this webpage to use it later for purchase at discount price. ..."
To me the idea of this program appears to offer some of the same or similar functions to M$ Outlook, (but Everdesk has the advantage of NOT being Microsoft) which I have a little knowledge of.

Q2a. is this a reasonable assumption to make?
Q2b. does EverDesk Std/Google Editions, require M$ dotNET to be installed
Q3. I read one of your answers (above) that you can use any browser with this program, will it also allow the use of - opening/reading of, *.MHT browser archive files instead of the usual *htm/html? especially those created with Firefox and the firefox extension/addon "Mozilla Archive Format"

Note: Normally files created with Firefox and the firefox extension/addon "Mozilla Archive Format" can be read by/opened with M$ Internet Explorer
Q4. Is the only difference between this version above and the Everdesk Google Edition, the google uploading/syncrhonizing software or are they 2 programs very different?
Jun 8 2012 at 9:29pm Copy Link
Silat Give us time to try the product please.......

Jun 8 2012 at 10:20pm Copy Link
EverDesk Support TO ALL.
Please copy the Buy Now link and try the program for three days. After that, if you like EverDesk - please use the link to purchase the license. The discount will be applied to all purchases made through the BDJ link within three days.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 9 2012 at 12:10am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi J S

1. Please see the message above. You can try EverDesk for three days and then use the BDJ link to buy it with the discount.

2. Yes, a lot of EverDesk users switched to from Outlook trying to find an alternative to it. In fact, most of them found out about EverDesk while looking for an Outlook replacement.

3. No, .NET is not required to run EverDesk

4. EverDesk reads / shows virtually any file which you can read / view on your computer. There is not problem to work with mht files since EverDesk uses IE engine for viewing the files - same approach has Windows Explorer.

5. The only difference between Standard and Google editions is that Google edition is optimized to work and sync with Google services like Gmail, Google Contacts, Google Calendar and Google Docs.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 9 2012 at 12:19am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Stephen

Could you please send a message to with detailed description of what went wrong with setting up a Yahoo mail account?
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 9 2012 at 12:21am Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Ed Ward
BDJ had promotion for EverDesk Google Edition a week ago. Please contact us at for more details.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 9 2012 at 12:23am Copy Link
EverDesk Support TO ALL
Guys, we receive a lot of messages from you, including questions and thank you letters. Please share your EverDesk experience - regardless bad or good - with other people on BDJ. This will help others to know what are the advantages and drawbacks of EverDesk. Thank you.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 9 2012 at 12:29am Copy Link
J S No dotNET sounds like a winner to me.

I have just read your reply and I'll now go and test the program. Many thanks indeed.
Jun 9 2012 at 8:56pm Copy Link
Mitchell Kastner I imported into EverDesk several Inbox folders from Outlook. Assume I receive more emails that are stored in those same Outlook folders. If I mported those same folders again in EverDesk, will EverDesk detect that most of the email messages from those folders have already been imported and will EverDesk then import only the new emails?

I also imported some Contact folders from Outlook into Everdesk, but the names are sorted by first name rather than last name. How do I sort contacts in Everdesk by last name?

I have numerous Conact folders in Outlook, classified by business relationship with the contact: "client" "adversary" "court" family, etc. Can I pick and chose which Contact folders I want to import into EverDesk?

Does EverDesk have a utility for finding deleting duplicate emails?
Jun 9 2012 at 11:41pm Copy Link
EverDesk Support Hi Michell

1) EverDesk provides import from Outlook - not synchronization. Therefore, if you import previously imported messages again - there will be duplicates. We assume that EverDesk will be used as an email client and importing feature is needed to switch from previously used email application.

2) In Contacts, next to the Name column header, there is a column header with letters L | F (L - for Last and F - for First). Clicking on this will switch between sorting by first and last names.

3) No, EverDesk will import all contacts and put them in the respective Groups (Contacts folders). After importing contacts simply delete the Groups you do not need in EverDesk.

4) No, EverDesk doesn't have the utility for finding and deleting email duplicates. However, such duplicates can easily be found and deleted using EverDesk Search.

Please send all your support-related questions to since this page is not monitored on a regular basis after the promotion is over.
EverEZ Systems Limited - Jun 10 2012 at 4:02am Copy Link

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