Power Image Converter is the most complete image conversion package. It is capable of converting images from and to every image format to have ever existed.
The program is also perfect for performing batch scaling, batch flipping, batch rotating, and batch image watermarking. Supported formats are: jpg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff, ico, pdf, dpx, j2c, j2k, jp2, pam, pbm, pcx, pgm, ppm, ras, rgb, sgi, tga, webp, xbm, yuv, viff, wbmp, wmf, wpg, xcf, xpm, aai, art, arw, avs, bpg, brf, cals, cgm, cin, cmyk, cmyka, cr2, crw, cut, dcm, dcr, dcx, dds, djvu, dng, emf, epdf, epi, eps, eps2, eps3, epsf, epsi, ept, exr, fax, fig, fits, fpx, gplt, gray, hdr, hpgl, hrz, jbig, jng, jpeg, man, mat, miff, mng, mrw, mtv, mvg, nef, orf, otb, p7, palm, pict, pix, pnm, ppm, psd, ptif, pwp, rad, raf, rgb, rgba, rfg, rla, rle, sct, sfw, sun, svg, tim, uyvy, and vicar.
Power Image Converter is a must have tool if you want to be able to handle every possible image requirement you may come to have.
Please note folks: the Converters Pack offered during today promotion has lifetime upgrades and contains the following titles: 1AV Video Converter, 1AV SWF Video Converter, 1AV Image Converter, 1AV MP3 Converter and Video to Exe Converter (all titles in this pack are for Windows/PC).
Review Written by Constantin Florea
Prices are subject to vendor's pricing and may change
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- After you purchase Power Image Converter it may be used indefinitely.
- Power Image Converter is licensed per user, so if more people are going to use Power Image Converter you will need to purchase additional copies.
- Each license allows installation on 10 computers, and Power Image Converter may be used at exactly the same time on each of them.
- Transfer of a license to another owned computer is allowed.
- Online license activation is required with a hardware footprint, and unlimited installations per footprint. what's this?
- This promotion can be used to upgrade or extend an existing license.
- You can install/register the software at any time.
- License can be used for Personal use only.
- Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for 12 months. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will be discounted by 40%.
- Support is provided for the lifetime of the product.
- 15 days return policy.
- Prices do not necessarily include taxes, which will vary by country.