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R10Cipher VIDiscount

R10Cipher VI

Safeguard Your Most Important Files, Documents, and Email

Mac & PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, 2003, 2008, Vista (x32, x64), 7 (x32, x64) and Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 - Universal Binary, Linux
R10Cipher VI ScreenshotAccess Restriction Software ScreenshotR10Cipher VI, Access Restriction Software ScreenshotR10Cipher VI, Security Software ScreenshotAccess Restriction Software, R10Cipher VI Screenshot

R10Cipher offers you complete privacy and security for your most sensitive files, documents, and email messages. With R10Cipher, you'll be able to apply encryption to your most important files, meaning you can safely travel with them on your laptop, external drive, or USB flash drive without worry - even if you lost the files, no one would be able to read them!

But what if you WANTED someone to read a file you've encrypted with R10Cipher? That's easy -- just hook them up with the free decryptor! That's right, your price of admission gives you the ability to encrypt files, documents, and email, and makes it simple for the intended recipients to decrypt and view the files!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Danny Unfortunately not an option to purchase lifetime upgrades license.
Oct 16 2014 at 12:12am Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen I want to understand this correctly; there are many software to encrypt files but very, very few capable of encrypting emails in a friendly way.

1) I buy the software, download it write an email (AOL, gmail, etc.), click on encrypt and the mail will be encrypted and will be sent as such.

2) My recipient receives a garbled message and in order to decrypt it, she needs a password which we agreed on previously by phone.

3) She enters the password and the the email is decrypted and readable.

Please let me know unambiguously if your software works like I described above.
Oct 16 2014 at 2:02am Copy Link
_*_ I too would like to see a Lifetime License option available. Thanks
Oct 16 2014 at 3:54am Copy Link
Herman Carnell McCrea @Gundric Hagen 2.5)Your recipient downloads and installs R10Cipher for free. She then runs it, in order to have a place in which to type the previously agreed upon password.
Oct 16 2014 at 6:26am Copy Link
Harold User Attempted purchase today, and was informed that credit card was declined. Upon checking with the card issuer, was told that the bank approved the card 4 times. Was given a number for FastSpring who handles the purchases. Unfortunately, the number has no live person, only recordings. Good to know, as I will not do business with companies who have no live contacts.
This and all offerings using this company are off limits to me.

Oct 16 2014 at 12:06pm Copy Link
DrTeeth It says v6 here but the program's site only mentions v5. Which is correct? I already have v5, but if v6 is the current version, is there a changelog to tempt me?

Oct 16 2014 at 1:03pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea @DrTeeth - I am sorry about the issue regarding the version. We've just contacted the vendor to clear this out.
BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 16 2014 at 1:05pm Copy Link
Constantin Florea The vendor replied that version 6 has been delayed and the version which can be purchased today is version 5. However all customers purchasing today will receive a free upgrade to version 6.
BitsDuJour Admin - Oct 16 2014 at 2:27pm Copy Link
Gunderic Hagen @Harold User

This is a very serious and widespread problem.
Sadly, many vendors use payment platforms, some very incompetent and others located in weird countries to avoid taxes, which many US banks at times refuse to process.

When I see that the vendor works with some platforms (which I will not name), I simply don't buy the product due to the expected hassle. If I want the product badly I will then send a mail to the vendor telling him clearly that it will be THEIR job to clear any problem. I have done this a few times, and vendors have responded (they do want to sell their products!)

TO ALL VENDORS: Wake up! You do NOT need theses payment platform which simply are leeches, profiting from your hard work as developers of software. Using them is bad for you, for your image and it is bad for your clients. There are many payment platforms located in the old U.S. (avoid the big ones like the pox) which charge moderate fees. Go for it!
Oct 17 2014 at 1:14am Copy Link

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