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Tunes DoctorDiscount

Tunes Doctor

Automatically Find/Correct Info In Your Music Collection

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista (x32, x64), 7 (x32, x64)
Tunes Doctor ScreenshotMP3 Tag Editing Software ScreenshotTunes Doctor, MP3 Tag Editing Software Screenshot

You've got an impressive music collection, but much like data on your hard drive, all of the information about your music files is fragmented! Misspellings in song titles, artists, and album details translate to seemingly incomplete CD collections, accidentally repurchased content, and utter confusion when you're searching for a song that you absolutely know is in your collection, but you just can't find it. That's why the subject of today's discounted software promotion, TunesDoctor, is going to make you very, very happy.

TunesDoctor automatically repairs misspellings in your music collection, plus fills in artist, album, date, and genre information that's missing. If TunesDoctor finds multiple sources for information, you're free to choose which ones to include, whether from an original album, a compilation, or a greatest hits collection. If you've grown wearing of staring at a generic music note instead of real album art, TunesDoctor will save the day by fetching high resolution art that's ready to display proudly in iTunes, on your phone, or on any of your portable devices! As a bonus, spare yourself the embarrassment of singing the wrong lyrics to a popular song! TunesDoctor also adds lyrics to your music library, easily and quickly.

Designed to work easily with iTunes, TunesDoctor lets you load your entire iTunes library with just a click. Combined with solid support for Windows Media Player, WinAmp, and Foobar, there's no platform that won't benefit from your TunesDoctor installation!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Brian H Hi - Does this have to be used within iTunes, or is a separate, stand-alone application? Thanks. :-) -Brian
Jan 9 2012 at 12:23am Copy Link
Techtoysavvy I installed the trial and it did not work for me at all. I may be confused about what it does. I keep some known tracks with scrambled tags. Track 1 has tags for track 2 etc. The program fingerprinted the songs and then happily downloaded the lyrics for the track indicated by the incorrect meta-data. It did not correctly rename or identify any song. Even one tracks lyrics could not be downloaded becuase of licensing restrictions.

I then deleted all the metadata from the track and gave it a new name. The program could not identify the tracks. I have found mislabeled tracks before with musicip.

This was on aac m4a tracks. I then tried wma tracks and found our there was no wma support. So far I am not impressed.

If I am luckly, Revo uninstaller will remove the program and it did not damage my system.

Not 100% useless but not worth my time.
Jan 9 2012 at 1:04am Copy Link
Lupke Brother what's the upgrade/update policy?
Jan 9 2012 at 4:40am Copy Link
Kevin Li Life time upgrade for free! - Jan 9 2012 at 6:42am Copy Link
Lupke Brother thank you, that's great!
Jan 9 2012 at 7:05am Copy Link
Kevin Li The application can mount your iTunes libraries, so you don't need to add each songs individually. If you don't have iTunes, that's totally doesn't really matter. - Jan 9 2012 at 7:24am Copy Link
David H (Seattle) What distinguishes Tunes Doctor from TuneUp, which has been offered here on BDJ?
Jan 10 2012 at 7:24am Copy Link
Brian H Hi- thanks for addressing my questions re: the necessity of the use of iTunes with this program. I think it is a real plus that one does not HAVE to use iTunes to benefit from this program, because there are so many other good music player applications out there (some that many users feel are superior to iTunes in terms of features). But a comment that Prasad made above concerns me in that he found it would not support "wma" tracks. Is this true? If so, it seems rather limiting because after MP3 I have found wma to be the next most popular music file format (at least in my experience). If the product does not currently support the wma format, are there plans to implement this in a future release? And also, what is the upgrade policy for this offering? I see that it can be used indefinitely once purchased, but are minor and major upgrades free for the life of the product, or just discounted for registered users? Thanks. -Brian
Jan 10 2012 at 11:45pm Copy Link
Kayla Anderson My experience is similar to Prasad Paranjpe's. I installed the trial version this morning. I used three .mp3 files of the same song: one missing all the metadata, one with metadata but no cover art or lyrics and one with metadata and cover art but no lyrics. It was unable to update all of them.

I then tried a song by The Beatles and removed the artist and cover art from the metadata and it was able to find the artist and lyrics.but not the cover art. When I tried the same song with none of the metadata, it found nothing.

There is no information as to what database it uses. The concept is fine but it's certainly not at all useful to me for tagging music. Too bad.
Jan 11 2012 at 10:25am Copy Link
Brian H Hi Kayla- thanks for letting us know your experiences with a "test drive" of the product.

There is no information as to what database it uses. The concept is fine but it's certainly not at all useful to me for tagging music. Too bad

This does not sound good. :-( I hope a rep from Candysoft will come on and address what might be the problem with these issues. I was initially excited about this product and was ready to buy; but afte reading your and Prasad's experiences, I would want to know why the product might be behaving this way before I purchase.

Jan 11 2012 at 9:13pm Copy Link
James Kenney What is the difference between this program and beaTunes that I bought here?
Jan 12 2012 at 1:22am Copy Link
Ron K Is there an option in Tunes Doctor to only apply certain tags, like lyrics only?
Jan 12 2012 at 3:37am Copy Link
Tony Simpson I have tried to buy this (twice) using PayPal and the Payment Processor "esellerate" that CandySoft uses. Regretably esellerate produces an error and will not process the payment despite funds being on PayPal. So, I am unable to make the purchase.
Jan 12 2012 at 4:19am Copy Link
Techtoysavvy I really need to know the answer to question by Ron K. This is vital. In my case I do not want it to change the Album. I will warn people in next post about inherent problems with programs like this making unwanted changes to tags. I saw no place in this program to review and accept changes to tags or identify mistagged songs.
Jan 12 2012 at 3:25pm Copy Link
Ron K Prasad Paranjpe, I bought a license to try it out, and I did a few tests. It does overwrite tags that it thinks should be different, but doesn't touch any other tags than what it shows in the grid.

I'm not comfortable giving it free access to my curated files, but I'm letting it work on copies. I'd love to find something that only did lyrics. I obsess over my tags, and nothing goes in my main collection until I've got everything like I want it. I don't have a lyrics tool at present, and hoped this would be it.

Ultimately I think this is for a different purpose than what I need. I think this would be most useful for someone that has a lot of files with missing or bad tag info. For that purpose, I'd consider it a good first-pass tool, but I'd still go behind it with Tag&Rename.
Jan 12 2012 at 3:51pm Copy Link
Techtoysavvy Tagging Album names is hard. Any song can be in several Albums. There is no single answer so the software should provide options. This is one big reason I decided against TuneUp when it was on sale here.

Let me consider 2 types of collections called "Neat" and "Messy". Neat collections have 95% of the tags correct and most of the music is ripped from CD or purchased online. Tags match filenames. "Messy" collections have 50% or more tracks with tagging errors. Artists are close but there are lot of spelling errors, incorrect title tracks and a variety of file format names. File names don't always match tags. Messy collections have music from many varied (ahem) sources. I am restricting myself here to english pop collections. Classical music collections are even harder.

Programs like Tune Doctor (if it works) and Tune Up (which does work) can be an absolute boon in fixing and improving messy collections. They can cause damage to neat collections.

I do not use TuneUp becuase it will damage my neat collection. I can divide some files into neat and messy pile and then take a chance on my messy files.

Album Names are HARD. Dates are even harder.They only time you know an album name is if you ripped the CD or purchased online. This is where everyones music comes from ... right :) Good luck on the date.

So let's say you have a song "Hotel California" by "The Eagles" but it is tagged "Heartbrake Hotel" by "Elvis Castillo" (sic). If a program changes the track title and artist to the correct song mentioned first then you are ahead of the game. Good!

Now if your collection contains the song "Hotel California" by "The Eagles" on the Album "Eagles Greatest Hits, Vol. 2" and the program changes the Album Name to "The Very Best of the Eagles [2001]" then this may not be an improvement. It will be even worse if all the reasonably tagged songs on one greatest hits compilation are separated into several different tracks on different compilation Albums. If you have the album "Hotel California" then you may not be able to listen to the orginal Album once the software "fixes" your collection. This will really mess up your Album artwork as well.

I even want to change the Album Names of my ripped CDs and definitely want to change album names of store bought downloaded music. In my case, I want the Album Name to be the name of the album on which the song was orginally released. This means the date of the Album names has to be known and then the program should select the earliest date. This is useful for greatest hits or other compilation albums. I don't like even purchased music that I have being on some sondtrack. I want to consolidate these purchases under their orginal Album.

yes, this is a long post but beware.
Jan 12 2012 at 4:03pm Copy Link

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