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Innovative, Single-View Issue Tracking

for PC 
Platforms: Web Based
Boto ScreenshotHTML Compatibility Software ScreenshotBoto, HTML Compatibility Software ScreenshotBoto, Development Software ScreenshotHTML Compatibility Software, Boto Screenshot

When you're in the business of tracking issues and bugs, the last thing that you need is a system that overcomplicates everything. After all, your customers are depending on you to investigate and resolve problems that are standing in the way of their productivity, profit, and peace of mind! That's why you need to step up to today's discount software promotion, Boto!

Boto is an innovative issue and bug tracking service that features a minimalist, yet powerful interface. With Boto, you'll be able to see all of your outstanding projects in one glance, with visual color coding to let you know how many issues remain open, resolved, and closed for each. Need to add additional contacts to a project or issue? Just type in email addresses, and boom, they're attached! Thanks to the superb implementation of an issue stream, everything that you need to know and do is handled by one screen -- launch new issues, change issue status, reprioritize, attach files and comments, everything occurs right in front of you. No more hassle dealing with form fields when you initiate a trouble ticket - just type the title of the issue and it's live, and you can fill in the rest later.

Issues with screenshots have traditionally meant having to download and open those images in a separate viewer, eating up valuable time! But not with Boto - just hover over attachments to have the larger version pop up for your review! No matter what you're used to doing in your issue tracking workflow, Boto can do even better and faster.

Please note folks, after your first 3 months of Boto usage, you will be billed on monthly basis.  You can cancel the subscription any time with no penalties, even before the first additional charge.

Also, the Basic Plan has a limit of 15 projects but the Plus plan has an unlimited number of projects you can use.

After you purchase Boto, it may be used for 3 months.

This promotion includes the following:
Basic Plan (3 months) ($75)
Plus Plan (3 months) ($225)

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Kelly Major I would like to see more of the product than the site tour provides but while I was browsing the site an offer popped up for one of the plans. It is a different offer than those offered here today. The offer stated it would not apply to anyone who already had a free plan.

Other than starting a free plan I don't see how I can really evaluate the product, and if I do I couldn't then take advantage of the pop-up offer and I'm wondering if I would be able to take advantage of this offer if I create a free account so that I can really do a thorough evaluation.

Since this offer is only good for today I need to act quickly. I'm also currently in the middle of a ZenDesk trial so the timing is good if I can trial it in time and be able to take advantage of this or the other offer, whichever is most appropriate. Although as I said, apparently if I start a trial I won't have the option of using the other offer which may be more appropriate for my needs.

Please advise.

Thanks! - KEM
Sep 4 2012 at 8:21am Copy Link
Ilay Avni Hi Kelly,

Did you watch the Video? It shows the service in details.

The free account you've mentioned allows to run only a single project, which isn't enough for everyday use.

The promotion you've bumped into is not valid anymore, and it was displayed to you by mistake. Anyhow it's less attractive and more expensive then the great deal we offer here today!

Boto LTD. - Sep 4 2012 at 9:15am Copy Link
Kelly Major Ilay,

Thank you for the clarification. I guess I need a little more detail or maybe I should say hands on to really get a feel for the service.

One thing I'm still not clear on is if I signed up for the free account to get some hands on experience could I still take advantage of todays BDJ offer?

You say one project isn't enough and you may be right but again I'm not sure. I'm a custom software developer and for the purposes of online issue tracking and collaboration purposes I have only 1 client with 1 software package that I have developed plus continuously maintain and enhance for them. I'm not sure then if that really is 1 project with many issues or if I would want/need multiple projects for that.

Boto looks like it might be just what I need but I do need to make a good decision quickly because as I said I'm in the middle of a ZenDesk trial. ZenDesk is really far more than I need but I don't feel comfortable purchasing Bojo without a trial. At least a half day so I can be sure of my decision.

I don't want to "cheat" but perhaps I could do the free version trial under another email address and then if it looks good I could purchase this BDJ offer under my real long term email? Assuming of course I need more than 1 project. Again I just can't be sure enough without a real trial before I purchase.

Thanks Again! - KEM
Sep 4 2012 at 9:55am Copy Link
Ilay Avni Hi Again,

Sure - you are welcome to give Boto a try, and what you have suggested might be a good solution for your need. Just remember - you will not be able to upgrade the free account with this deal. You will have to remember to get today's deal with a new account, during the next 14 hours... :)

From my own experience, once you begin working with Boto - you move everything to Boto since it keeps everything so organized. I actually have clients who organize regular tasks with Boto, nothing to do with development... :)

If you have any more questions - feel free to ask them here or to contact me directly.

Boto LTD. - Sep 4 2012 at 10:06am Copy Link

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