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BrowseEmAll StandardDiscount

BrowseEmAll Standard

Achieve Cross-Browser Compatibility Fast

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7
BrowseEmAll Standard ScreenshotHTML Compatibility Software ScreenshotBrowseEmAll Standard, HTML Compatibility Software ScreenshotBrowseEmAll Standard, Development Software Screenshot

As a web developer, you know that a site that's perfectly designed for one browser is very likely going to look terrible in another browser. That's why cross-browser testing is a critical component for web development, but the act of launching multiple browsers to test your site can be tedious. That's why today's discount software promotion, BrowseEmAll Standard, is going to revolutionize the way that you develop for the web!

BrowseEmAll Standard lets you reach cross-browser compatibility faster than ever before, with no deployment to a webserver necessary. That's right - BrowseEmAll Standard runs locally on your machine, letting you test your site across all of the latest versions of all of the major browsers! You'll have the ability to test DOM and CSS styles, Flash plug-in performance, and more, receiving useful and comprehensive cross-browser reports to guide your development.

How many browsers does BrowseEmAll Standard test? How about 21, including multiple versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Elizabeth Bright This offer indicates it is for the Standard version of the software and refers multiple times to the ability to simulate mobile platforms, but when you got to the website, only the Professional version includes mobile browser simulators (and is $89 , not $49).

So is this deal for the Standard without mobile platform capabilities or for the Professional version with mobile platform capabilities?

Please clarify this. Thank you!
Jun 22 2012 at 8:48am Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens I'm using the Professional edition (sorry, I can't say much about the Standard edition), and it's really a great tool for testing websites. I'm a web developer, and it saves me a lot of time. The developer of BrowseEmAll is very responsive and kind, too. The program is very actively developed. Just give it a try!
Jun 23 2012 at 2:28am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Elizabeth Bright
Your right this promotion is about the Standard version which does not include mobile testing.

Thanks for the great feedback :-)
BrowseEmAll - Jun 23 2012 at 4:48am Copy Link
Glenn Crouch I've been very happy with BrowseEmAll and have appreciated the regular updates!
Jun 25 2012 at 12:22am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Gleen Crouch Great, I love to hear this :-)
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 12:29am Copy Link
PW Um, use Browsershots - online, easy to use and very effective ;)
What doers this offer that browsershots does not?
Jun 25 2012 at 4:05am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @GW

BrowseEmAll is very different.

First of it runs on your local machine so you can test during development without deployment of your site to an actual webserver (which can take time and effort, depending on the type of page).

But more important it does not work using screenshots (like Browsershots does). There are real rendering and JavaScript engines of all these Browsers working in BrowseEmAll. That means you can test interactive features like:
- JavaScript
- Animations
- Mouse Over
- Plugins (Flash / Silverlight)
- Forms
which you will have a hard time testing using the Browsershots screenshots.

Daniel Herken
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 4:15am Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @G W: I know and use Browsershots. With BrowseEmAll, you're able to not only stare at screenshots you've waited a while for; you can browse your sites as you would with any other browser, and you can switch engines at any time. This means you can test dynamic sites, too, and it's far less time-consuming.

// Edit: A few seconds too late... ;)
Jun 25 2012 at 4:16am Copy Link
Chintan Karnik I hope there will be an enticing offer for the pro version soon (at least for the bits users who download today) ... it looks like there is the standard option to upgrade to pro for $49 ....but hey thats retail !!
Jun 25 2012 at 5:28am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Chintan Karnik
Your right you can upgrade the Standard version (if you get the free one today) to professional for $49. If you do this you would get the professional for $49 instead of $89 which would not be such a bad deal after all?
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 5:49am Copy Link
NotesTracker - Tony Austin Just took advantage of today's excellent offering (the standard version). It looks very promising.

After a bit of familiarization I may well go for the Pro version -- especially if you offer the upgrade for the $40.00 differential price -- Hint, hint.

One change that I'd like to see ASAP is for what I'll call the "control bar" at top ti be reduced in width, rather than occupying the full monitor width at all times. It's good that you can move things around multiple monitors (which many developers would have, but often is not supported by a product).

Actually there's a small, in that the "control bar" is always a few pixels wider than the width of a monitor.
Jun 25 2012 at 6:34am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Tony Austin
Don' tell everybody but you could visit and purchase the upgrade to pro for $49 dollar (instead of $89 retail)...

Regarding your suggestions, I'll be sure to see what I can do about it :-)
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 6:52am Copy Link
Lupke Brother @ Tony A & Daniel H,

and of course we are all looking forward to this special $40 upgrade offer!
Jun 25 2012 at 7:42am Copy Link
Jonathan Keener This looks like an excellent app that I can get some use out of!

From a quick look, I've got one quick question: reviewing the "Cross-Browser Report" functionality, if I go to a "secure" site with login credentials, I can't seem to come up with how I might generate this correctly, as it will generate it based on the login screen vs. the real target. (using the right URL that goes to my target page, but since it isn't logged in, it redirects to the login page, and would redirect once I enter credentials) Any way around this?

Looks great, and assuming the above is solvable, may have to upgrade to pro!
Jun 25 2012 at 8:04am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Lupke Brother:

Maybe I was not clear (or don't get the joke) but if you purchase the upgrade after you got the Standard edition today you save $40 :-)
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 8:04am Copy Link
Lupke Brother @ Daniel,

Of course I got the joke :-) but it was such a great idea from Tony Austin it was worth trying (and still hoping for) ;-)
Jun 25 2012 at 8:08am Copy Link
Daniel Herken :-) If you check the homepage maybe you can find some additional discount?

*Hint* Newsletter *Hint*
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 8:11am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Jonathan Keener
You are absolutly right as of today you cannot create a cross browser report if the website is behind a login screen but this feature is already planned. So stay tuned :-)
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 8:14am Copy Link
Nelson Therrien Lol, too cool your little hints... I bought the pro version even if I didn't have the time to try the standard one... A software vendor that has good ideas and is responsive to comments/emails always have my support!
Jun 25 2012 at 10:10am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Nelson Therrien
Thanks I love to hear that :-)
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 10:57am Copy Link
Watcher1924 The online license activation has to be done during the promotion period?
Jun 25 2012 at 12:02pm Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Watcher1924
No you can activate your license anytime it's not bound to the promotion in any way (except for the price of course).
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 12:11pm Copy Link
Watcher1924 A link, please, for a comparison table of the two editions?
Jun 25 2012 at 12:27pm Copy Link
Chintan Karnik @Daniel Herken ... just read the first newsletter and placed an order for pro upgrade. Thanks!
Jun 25 2012 at 12:32pm Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @Watcher1924: The Professional edition just has more engines (the mobile ones), see
Jun 25 2012 at 12:39pm Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Chintan Karnik
Great, thanks!

You can see the different features here:
but I'll summarize for you real quick!

The Standard Version is designed to test websites in all major desktop browsers (like IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera). Moreover you get HTML and CSS inspection and comparison and cross-browser reporting.

The Professional Version has all that to but is extended with mobile simulators. So with the Professional Version you can test for all major desktop browser and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android and Android tablets (Windows Phone is current planned).

Hope this helps!
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 12:39pm Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Jan-Christoph
If you keep this up I'll going to hire you :-)
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 12:41pm Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @Daniel: Well, I'm very active in several forums, so I guess I'm just accustomed to answering... ;) And supporting the authors of good software is a matter of the heart for me.
Jun 25 2012 at 12:55pm Copy Link
Fuchs und Elster Keine Aktivierung möglich, trotz Onlinekontakt zur Registrierung!! Was soll das?
Jun 25 2012 at 2:03pm Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Fuchs und Elster
Kannst du mir etwas mehr Informationen liefern? Kommt eventuell eine Fehlermeldung?
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 2:22pm Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @Fuchs und Elster: Dass es in jedem System hin und wieder Probleme gibt, wirst Du sicherlich schon mal gehört haben. Wenn Du statt aufgebrachter, aber wenig hilfreicher Fragen Dein Problem einmal detailliert beschreibst - vorzugsweise auf Englisch, da zumindest die Seitenbetreiber damit mehr anfangen können -, wird Dir sicherlich schnell geholfen. Diese Erfahrung habe ich sowohl mit BitsDuJour als auch mit dem Entwickler von BrowseEmAll gemacht.
Jun 25 2012 at 2:24pm Copy Link
Watcher1924 @Jan-Christoph Ihrens
@Daniel Herken

Jun 25 2012 at 2:36pm Copy Link
Gina Anderson Thank you! I'd never heard of BrowseEmAll until this offer came up in my Bits newsletter. I have used Adobe BrowserLabs, but after trying BrowseEmAll, I like BrowseEmAll better, and immediately bought an upgrade to professional. Even though I liked the software, my pockets aren't stocked with cash right now, and I wouldn't have purchased a pro license without the special discounts you provided. :) Thank you for this offer, Bits and Daniel :)
Jun 25 2012 at 3:17pm Copy Link
Fuchs und Elster Wenn ich da Programm starte, lande ich immer wieder auf der Webseite zum Download.
Die Freischaltung klappt so überhaupt nicht. Das Programm ist installiert und mir wird nach Codeeingabe immer die Downloadseite im Web präsentiert. Win 7 HP x32, Opera
Jun 25 2012 at 3:23pm Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @Fuchs und Elster: Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich Dich wirklich richtig verstehe. Wird Dir die Seite innerhalb von BrowseEmAll angezeigt? Falls dort aufgerufen wird (mit dem Button "Download Trial (v2.4)" unten), so ist das normal - die Website ist als Standard-Startseite eingetragen, was Du in den Optionen (erreichbar über das Schraubenschlüssel-Icon ganz rechts oben) aber ändern kannst.

Oder wird Dir die Seite angezeigt? Wo? In BrowseEmAll selbst oder in Deinem Standardbrowser? Das wäre vermutlich in der Tat verkehrt.

Wenn Du schauen möchtest, ob Deine Version möglicherweise bereits korrekt lizenziert ist, öffne mal wie oben beschrieben die Optionen und schaue, ob dort unten ein Button mit der Aufschrift "Enter new license key" vorhanden ist. Wenn Du ihn anklickst, wirst Du gefragt, ob Du das wirklich möchtest ("Nein" anklicken). In dem Fall sollte bereits alles okay sein.

Leider weiß ich nicht mehr, ob bei korrekter Lizenzierung eine explizite Rückmeldung kam oder ob diese einfach stillschweigend akzeptiert wurde, was natürlich zu Irritationen führen könnte. Beim Kauf der Professional-Version wurde ich allerdings in der Bestätigungsmail dazu aufgefordert, eine andere Programmversion herunterzuladen und die Testversion vor der Installation der anderen Version zu deinstallieren. Findet sich etwas Vergleichbares in Deiner Bestätigungsmail? Falls ja: Hast Du das schon erledigt?

Falls das Problem weiter besteht, wird Daniel morgen sicherlich die Lösung präsentieren. :)
Jun 25 2012 at 6:25pm Copy Link
Nelson Therrien Hi,
I upgraded to the pro account. I received an email saying the upgrade was ready and that I don't need to do anything... But I just installed it on my desktop and it's still the standard version (without the mobile browsers)... When I look in the program's folder, all of the "desktop" browsers are there, but not the mobile ones...

Is there finally something I need to do in order to "activate" the pro features?
Jun 25 2012 at 7:57pm Copy Link
Jan-Christoph Ihrens @Nelson Therrien: When I purchased the Professional edition some months ago, in the order confirmation mail there was a link to the professional version, and I was told to uninstall the trial version and then install the Professional edition. Isn't this still the case?
Jun 25 2012 at 8:03pm Copy Link
Nelson Therrien @Jan-Christoph Ihrens,
Thanks for the reply, but no... no message and not link. Here's litterally the email message I received:

Thank you for your upgrade of BrowseEmAll.

The upgrade is ready right away, you don't need to do anything.

Daniel Herken | BrowseEmAll
Lenggrieser Straße 2 | 81371 München, Germany

So, according to that it should "detect" automatically (though I really don't know how) that I have upgraded and download the mobile browsers... which isn't the case... The trial seems to only be the Standard version. I don't know if I should install and run it without entering the code (so it installs the pro trial) and then enter the key...?
Jun 25 2012 at 8:12pm Copy Link
VLM From the BDJ Policy tab:
Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for 12 months. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will not be discounted.
But from reading your website (upgrades), the last statement is not correct, as the annual renewals do appear to cost less than the first year's service.

Or perhaps I'm missing something here?
Jun 25 2012 at 9:49pm Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Nelson
The licenses given out by BitsDuJour have to integrated into our system, so it can take up to 24 hours until your pro license is upgraded. You'll get an email once the upgrade is ready (there is no need to download anything).

Sorry for the confusion!
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 10:11pm Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Fuchs und Elster
Wenn beim Programmstart kein Trial Warnungs Fenster erscheint ist die Version bereits korrekt installiert.
BrowseEmAll - Jun 25 2012 at 10:15pm Copy Link
Andrew Blankenship You can download opera mobile browser emulator and view your webpage as if they were on a phone. I have it and its extremely useful for making your website mobile friendly. Plus its FREE!!
Jun 26 2012 at 12:02am Copy Link
Daniel Herken @Andrew
But it only shows you the website on opera mobile not the native browsers which come inside iPhone, Android and many more...
BrowseEmAll - Jun 26 2012 at 12:14am Copy Link
NotesTracker - Tony Austin I have now purchased the upgrade to the BrowseEmAll Professional version.

While the standard version was nice enough -- and free via BitsDuJour, which is hard to beat -- I'm delighted with the added ability to switch between displays of iPhone and iPad plus their Android equivalents in both landscape and portrait mode. ... To top it off, they're all in one convenient package (even if a largish download, as it must be to incorporate them all).
Jun 26 2012 at 3:53pm Copy Link

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