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Directory Opus 9Discount

Directory Opus 9

A Revolutionary Replacement for Windows Explorer

for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7
Directory Opus 9 ScreenshotFile Management Software ScreenshotDirectory Opus 9, File Management Software ScreenshotDirectory Opus 9, Software Utilities Screenshot

"We find ourselves wondering, at times, whether Directory Opus (often shortened to "DOpus") isn't so much a file and directory manager as a cult religion." -- Charles Wright, The Age

You've probably seen dozens of applications that offer to "replace" Windows Explorer as your file manager. But what did they really offer? Besides extended cut/copy/paste abilities and a few pretty colors and icons... usually not much!

But this is different.

If you're looking for the ultimate Explorer-killer, you owe it to yourself to take a look at Directory Opus. Not only is it a far-superior replacement for Windows Explorer, it also includes a whole host of powerful utilities to extend, optimize, and organize your entire computing workflow!

Directory Opus not only replaces Windows Explorer, this monster app also handles all of your FTP, ZIP compression, file viewing, image viewing, and slideshow needs... and much more! Plus, with an intuitive and customizable interface that's a breeze to use, it won't take long to realize the substantial benefits to your time and efficiency.

With Directory Opus, you'll be up and running right out of the box, thanks to the familiar Explorer-esque default interface. But as you begin to integrate the advanced functionality that Directory Opuscustom hotkeys with ease!

Take advantage of Directory Opus' superior ability to preview images and text files without launching them, with plug-in support for many more image and document formats. Marvel at the precision of the advanced search functionality, including find-as-you-type! Utilize the powerful file management command language to weave your own functions to make your job even easier.

And when it comes to ZIP files and FTP sites, Directory Opus has got you covered. You can access ZIP files and FTP sites just like local folders, even to the point of dragging and dropping files back and forth! You'll never need to launch a separate program for ZIP or FTP ever again. Support for multithreaded processing means you can perform multiple file operations at once, without waiting for each one to complete sequentially!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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Uschi Dreck I'm looking for a file manager able to manage multiple user-defined virtual folders, i.e. the same file would belong into one physical directory but to one or several virtual directories (i.e. linking). Now for the difficulty: If you rename the physical file, or if you shift it from its original physical directory into another one, in a competing product, those links in any virtual folder that physical file might have, are broken, not updated. Is DO better in this respect, or can you promise such a feature for soon?
Feb 24 2011 at 6:45pm Copy Link
Barcode Nut I bought DO9 in a previous BitsDuJour offer. These are one of those 'don't know how I survived WindowsOS without this app" kind of utiltiy. It is used all day long and it is so feature rich. I am always finding something new and great way of doing something with DO9. I highly recommend for the power user and even casual home user.
Feb 25 2011 at 2:29am Copy Link
Linda Trevor Wow, Brent, this is great, all my questions answered, I want to hire you!
Feb 27 2011 at 3:58am Copy Link
Bruce Caithness I have used Directory Opus for many years. It is a fantastic piece of software - absolutely brilliant for copying and moving files. It is stable and fast and is genuinely multi-threaded. I could not imagine purchasing a PC without then installing it. It is the king of file managers.
Feb 27 2011 at 7:33pm Copy Link
MK I've been a Directory Opus user for years. And will remain so. It's a great product. I've tried other similar programs and Opus is head-and-shoulders above them.
Feb 27 2011 at 8:19pm Copy Link
Frank Stephens I think that these types of utilities are OK as an additional tool if you don't mind the price, but I wouldn't want to use them as a replacement for Windows Explorer, especially in Windows 7. Windows has had built-in ZIP support for a decade. Windows Search is more powerful than anything that DO can do, especially in Win7, and has always supported search-while-typing. Preview panes were introduced in Vista. Stacking was introduced in Vista, but in Win7 it's only used in Libraries, which are virtual folders. Explorer has always supported multiple windows, side-by-side or stacked windows, drag-and-drop between windows, etc. You can hide panes which are in the way. Explorer supports saved searches, some EXIF data, tags and ratings where applicable, etc. People who have used these types of utilities for a long time are typically unaware of what Explorer can do.
Feb 27 2011 at 9:22pm Copy Link
H. H. Hallo,
trying Directory Opus just now, the following questions occured:

1. a) is there a possibility to serach for duplicate files by content (real byte by byte comparison, not only md5). so that one can be really sure to only delete or move filex with exact the same content (but not necessarily same name)?
b) if not now will this feature be implemented in the near ftuture?

2. does DO have the poxxibility to directly mark content-duplicates within the search results (like xplorer2 has)?
-if not will it be possibile in the near future?

3. is ist possible to keep original timestamps even when copyping or moving files and folders between different harddisks?

4. what features /advantages does DO have, which xplorer2 doesn't have?

Thank you for answering soonly in advance
with kind regards
Feb 27 2011 at 9:50pm Copy Link
David updates does it come with lifetime updates?
Feb 28 2011 at 1:38am Copy Link
Justa Question Bruce, I've searched for such a virtual folders software some months ago, and indeed encountered during my search; I'd been happy to buy - of course, no need to buy expensive file managers then, the free FreeCommander would do.

Unfortunately, even then, it was impossible to buy virtualfolders, not under its new name, not under its old one. So I gave it another try today, and it cannot be bought. (Just click on "buy" and see for yourself.)

So be happy to be one of very few people in the world that own such a splendid, unique program, but concede that virtually all other people must do without virtual folders, unfortunately, and so DO has obviously not seen a unique opportunity to justify its incredible price.

Paying high for real value is always ok, but not getting any real extra value for your big extra money doesn't convince me.
Feb 28 2011 at 2:20am Copy Link
Chad Biggerstaff I've used Directory Opus for years as well and would hate to have a pc without it. You can easily change between slingle/dual or special modes pending on your needs and switch back just by clicking a tab. You can customize the layout in interesting ways - I have my drive letters running vertically along the side. It's got a go to dos here button. It's got it's own Favorites menu. It supports the new Win 7 homegroups and virtual directories. You can export/import your preferences have different views for folders with different content (music/photos/etc. each have their own column headers). It's got it's own fast image/sounds/zip viewers you can use and they launch qickly. It has a menu letting you copy a filename or full path and filename to clipboard. It's got a tool to merge split files. It's got a renaming tool, and a synching tool. It even supports FTP (though that I use an outside program for). It's a great program, amazing part is it does even more - that's just what I use it for on a typical weekly basis.
Feb 28 2011 at 2:42am Copy Link
Nick Kobe Very pricey even at 40% off! Several alternatves at a much better regular price on a per "user" basis instead of the Opus per "computer" basis. In addition, you can now buy the WIN7 Family license for $149.00 or less while Opus disounted is $51.98 on just one PC and would cost MORE then the WIN7 OS if you put it on 3 PCs. In addition, WIN7 IE is pretty darn good! However, if Opus was $51.98 per user it might be worth buying.

Feb 28 2011 at 3:45am Copy Link
Tom Tom It would be woth 51.98 if you get lifetime updates for that price,does it come with lifetime updates?
Feb 28 2011 at 3:58am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale Tom, Check the Policy tab on the right!
BitsDuJour Admin - Feb 28 2011 at 4:00am Copy Link
tom tom thnx
Feb 28 2011 at 4:04am Copy Link
K X Love this program, use it all day, every day at home when I'm on the computer, and I have convinced everyone at work to order it and install it on the machines there.

GP Software has kept their AUD price the same for a while, but when I initIally bought the program it was cheaper for me, because the USD/AUD used to be more favorable to the US Dollar a few years back.

They always offer extra discounts if you buy 2 or 5 licenses at a time, and I think this is true at checkout if you buy it today.

Also, you get a bonus laptop license: [from their website]

"Single, Dual and Five Install Licence packs include one free personal laptop Licence for the registered owner. In addition to the number of licensed installs the registered owner may install Opus on a single, personal laptop owned by the registered user."

I'd also recommend the additional USB version license. It's extra, but it's reasonable. I think it's discussed in some of the older comments to this thread. You can add it later through their License Manager on their site.

New versions are not free, but are always discounted for registered users.

I bought XYPlorer at Bits when it was on sale & it's very good (and has some unique features & a generous per user policy) but I still find myself relying on DOpus much more for general file management (moving, copying, renaming, etc.) for its ease of use.
Feb 28 2011 at 4:33am Copy Link
Gerard Booth Some say its pricey, but it is quite simply the best software of its kind available. Bought it a while back from BJD and worth every penny.
Feb 28 2011 at 5:22am Copy Link
xCurt When I get the next computer, will the company grant me the rights to move my single-install_license DOpus to it? Must I first ask? Going from 32-bits to 64-bits: free?
Feb 28 2011 at 6:17am Copy Link
Bruce Caithness Yes - licence can be moved.
Feb 28 2011 at 6:38am Copy Link
H. H. Hallo,
additional to the questions above (not answered until now) the following question
5. what's the maximum filelength-name DO9 does support?
-(including file-path) - is it more than the windows explorer
maximal length of 255?

thank you for answering this and the above questions soonly in advance
with kind regards
Feb 28 2011 at 6:51am Copy Link
Richard Blake I buy most of the software that I use at work. I buy all the software I use at home. I do not use a laptop because I bike to work and cannot risk its damage in a crash and don't care to add its weight and bulk to my already bulging backpack. I see that a 2-computer license in not applicable because I do not work at home and I do not live at work. To install DOpus on my two computers, then, would cost $104 through BdJ or $173 at the standard price. I'll have to pass. I prefer the 'use it as you would use a book' license: install on multiple system for use by an individual or on one system for use by more than one individual. It is noteworthy, though, that the license permits installation on multiple VMs present on those computers to which the license is assigned. This is not true of Windows and is either prohibited or not treated in many other licenses. This will become increasingly valuable in the future as use of VMs proliferates.
Also, what is a 'personal laptop'? Is it a laptop owned by an individual, rather than by an organization, corporation or government? (And if so, can a license assigned to a corporation be installed also on a personally owned laptop?) Or is a personal laptop one that is owned by a corporation, etc but is assigned to the exclusive use of an individual? (In which case DOpus may not be installed on a laptop that is shared among individuals?)
Feb 28 2011 at 7:51am Copy Link
Bruce Caithness

is a link for the manual for Directory Opus
Feb 28 2011 at 8:50am Copy Link
Ronald Moody This discount is the entire reason I signed up for the daily emails!!! Been hoping this discount would come back!
Feb 28 2011 at 9:25am Copy Link
Peter Gabriel The one disadvantage of Directory Opus is that when I use a computer with only Windows Explorer I have to swear a lot.
Feb 28 2011 at 9:45am Copy Link
GP Software Hi all, here are some answers to the questions so far!

@Justa Question: Yes Opus can do this using the File Collections system (it has to be running in the background for external changes to be noticed, however)

@HH: 1) No only MD5 is supported for this; but the possibility of an MD5 clash when files are also exactly the same size is absolutely miniscule
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) There is a comparison table at although it may be a little out of date now
5) Opus transparently supports \\?\ encoded "long paths" and so can handle paths on NTFS volumes up to 16384 characters long, however when interacting with external programs (including shell extensions) you may encounter issues

@David: All minor updates within the same major version are free, there is normally 2-3 years betwen major updates (so e.g. people who bought 9.0 in April 2007 have received all updates since for free). Additionally anyone purchasing in this sale will receive a free update to version 10 when it is released

@Nike Kobe: Main problem for you is the US dollar has dropped so much in value - our Australian dollar price has not changed in nearly 10 years.

@Curt Henning de Thurah: Yes you can move from one computer to another with the same licence, no problem. Licences are interchangeable between the 32 and 64 bit versions

@Richard Blake: Could you use the USB version at work? That is available for a small additional charge on top of the base licence price. A personal laptop is simply one owned by a person and not by a company.
GP Software - Feb 28 2011 at 9:47am Copy Link
Stephane M Hello,

I have a question regarding the next version and the upgrade.

I was told in May 2010 that DOpus 10 was under development and scheduled for being released later in 2010 and by purchasing it in May I should still be within the grace period and then eligible for a free upgrade to the version 10.
Since I finally purchased it here on the last BDJ offer in Aug 2010 (3 months later), I guess I should be able to receive the version 10 for free like those purchasing it today.
Is that correct?

Feb 28 2011 at 10:15am Copy Link
GP Software @Stephane: I don't believe we ever had a firm target of 2010 for the Opus 10 release and so you should not have been told this. The exact upgrade policy for Opus 10 has not been decided upon yet and in any case this is not really the appropriate forum for such discussions - please contact us directly for more information.
GP Software - Feb 28 2011 at 12:24pm Copy Link
Stephane M It was not my intention to rock the boat here and if I did, I am sorry.
I will directly contact you then.
Should I go through the Technical Support Request form for this or there is a specific email address I can email you to?
Feb 28 2011 at 12:40pm Copy Link
GP Software @Stephane: No harm done! There's just no point in getting into discussions with individual users about their personal circumstances in a short-lived public forum. You can contact us either via the support form or by direct email (info [at]
GP Software - Feb 28 2011 at 12:45pm Copy Link
trying dopus just trying Dopus to decide wether I buy it or not - Windows 7 SP1 - I right click on anything (folder, file0 and it hangs with 25% or 50% cpu on files.

anyone else have this problem?
Feb 28 2011 at 1:38pm Copy Link
GP Software Thanks for your feedback and contribution to the discussions, and your support of Opus.

However with respect this is fundamentally a false percept. There are always software versions being developed for all products. If you spend your life asking and waiting for a new version then you'll never buy anything. Did you install Windows 7 or are you going to wait for the next version currently being tested by Microsoft? Did you refuse to buy the latest music CD from your favourite artist because they may pout out a new album later?

I never promised you a free upgrade to a future unreleased version. This is never been policy. As I said to you last time, unlike many similar products, Opus is under continuing development. 'Updates' are free for registered users, and there have been some 35 since the original release of Opus 9 including a special free update to support windows 7. Upgrades to major new versions are provided at a significant discount to registered users with a generous amnesty period for recent purchasers. Whether you upgrade or not your existing version still functions as the leading product in the marketplace.

There's nothing 'wrong' or lacking in the current version works in comparison with other products. It works very well. With respect and as I started this comment, it's just a false policy to wait when there's no valid reason to wait for a possible future version to have new features which you have no knowledge of just in the hope of saving a few dollars some years in the future. Even if you do wait for a new version there will be a new version after that and after that and so on.
GP Software - Feb 28 2011 at 1:53pm Copy Link
GP Software Context Menu Issues.

at is showing in the context menus of Opus and Windows Explorer? The problem is some 3rd party program you have installed on your system which is adding a context handler to selected items. When you click the right mouse button to display the context menu, Opus asks the system to populate the context menu and this is then passed to all programs or handlers that have requested to be notified for such events. They then initialise their programs or libraries and add process the file list to add whatever they want. Some context menu extensions can be either poorly written or require call-backs to functions of other programs not present on your system or can handle error conditions poorly, resulting is problems such as this.

You can confirm this behaviour and test this - Go to Preferences - Miscellaneous and change the setting in Opus to hide windows items on Context menus. This will then only show Opus items and this will be very quick.

The Finding The Culprit section of this FAQ may help you track down which program's context menu is causing the problem:
GP Software - Feb 28 2011 at 1:54pm Copy Link
trying dopus Right click crash problem - excellent response. thanks. will be buying
Feb 28 2011 at 2:03pm Copy Link
Glen Hilton Purchased a few years ago at full price and is used on a daily basis. Cost is small for a App that provides so much. Better to have a few good programs that are used on a regular basis than a stack of cheapies that are rarely used and perform poorly. Excellent customization and a terrific array of useful features make Opus a very worthwhile investment.
Feb 28 2011 at 3:30pm Copy Link
Techtoysavvy The developer has generously agreed to provide a no cost upgrade to version 10 if you purchase here today. That made the difference for me and I bought the software. I was worried that Opus 10 was due out shortly and it may be better to wait. With a generous upgrade policy there is no reason to delay.
Feb 28 2011 at 5:23pm Copy Link
Michael Lenser I've been using DO for a while now and used this promotion to get a discount on upgrading to a dual license as the wife now wants DO on her computer after using it on mine. Very Happy.
Feb 28 2011 at 6:04pm Copy Link
poldem moldem Does Opus have the UNDO function ?
Feb 28 2011 at 6:42pm Copy Link
GP Software Does Opus have the UNDO function ?

Yes (within limits). Plus a hundreds of other commands and actions. Try the program and see!! (But be quick -:) The BDJ discount is only available for a very very limited time. No extensions! )
GP Software - Feb 28 2011 at 8:36pm Copy Link
Max Murkel For those interested in a German version of DO 9:
The German distributor offers this for 69,95 _ and the license _includes_ FTP - and USB support whereas these features cost
$ 20 extra f ees in the BDJ offer.

No discounts for the German version. But the advantage to use the tool in your native language may be worth the price difference.
Feb 28 2011 at 10:16pm Copy Link
Albert C. Hi GP Software! I bought DOpus last time here at BDJ and wanted to know if there's a way that it behaves like Total Commander in some aspects: right-click selection of files/folders, F5 to copy to the other window, F6 to move.

Also just wanted to know about License Manager. I bought 1 license and 1 USB license, so I have the right to use it on a PC, on a personal laptop and on an USB stick. If I upgrate to 2 licenses through your website, does the additional license also cover a second personal laptop?

Thanks in advance! ^_^
Feb 28 2011 at 10:26pm Copy Link
Andreas Schöneck Bought it yesterday, but didn't receive my license key yet. Are there any difficulties?
Mar 1 2011 at 12:45am Copy Link
PG BNax I used Win machines on a near daily basis since the late 1980's. A few years ago, I learned about this app and purchased (full price). Long story short, it was one of a handful of apps that proved, consistently, to be one helluva great purchase. It's one of the few apps I miss since my switch to Mac a few months ago. But for those still on the WinWoes platform, this is one app you genuinely need. You'll never regret the purchase!
Mar 1 2011 at 2:33am Copy Link
Software Guy DO9 is the best of breed, but the price is high. For the power user, it is well worth the price. But for occasional use another less expensive alternative might do the job. I have DO9 installed on my main computer, but XYplorer does the job on the other desktop and my laptop.
One of the strengths of DO9 is the photo/visual browsing options. As an alternative, there is a relatively little known file manager/browser that has many strengths with photos available at a very low price. It is called ACbrowser Plus and my daughter finds it does the job for file management with a bias toward photo file manipulation. But there are also many others, some of which are free.
In summary, if you need the power of DO9, I believe that you will be very happy with your purchase.
Mar 1 2011 at 3:41am Copy Link
Nico Westerdale DOpus should be available shortly to answer your questions. They are based out of Australia so that's the reason for the delay - we've all got to sleep sometime!

@Albert, Just a quick not to say we did see your comments a few days back. If you want more info on how Vendors run promotions with us click on 'Vendor Area' in the bottom navigation. We're very up-front about how it's all put together.
BitsDuJour Admin - Mar 1 2011 at 5:20am Copy Link
Beth C If you don't have this, just buy it! I have used this for years - it is my default file manager. This is the only software I'll leave a recommendation for like this.

DOpus - is just amazing!
Mar 1 2011 at 8:48am Copy Link
troy hark The only drawback to using DOpus is that whenever you use a computer without it, it feels crippled. ;-)
My main hope is that DOpus 10 also includes Mac support - unlikely but one can always dream. I still use DOpus to do work on the Mac over the network/bootcamp as there's nothing on the Mac that is anywhere near as good or powerfu [and I've looked very hard]l. DOpus saves me soooo much time compare to using Explorer or the truly execrable FInder.
It's a bargain at twice the full price, so this is a steal especially if it includes upgrade to DOpus 10.
Mar 1 2011 at 11:21am Copy Link
disenchanted Very useful program.

I've used several file manager type apps over the years and this one has quickly become my favorite.

One suggestion to folks that purchase during today's sale.
You might want to purchase the "USB add on" [for an additional $10].
It gives you the capabilities of the installed version with the ease of just plugging in a jump drive.

Very useful to be able to use your favorite file manager (Dopus) when you are helping out a friend or family member.
Mar 1 2011 at 11:39am Copy Link
Stephen Kreyling If you purchase the computer version, and also the $10 mobile option, will you get a free upgrade to both of those versions with a purchase today?
Mar 1 2011 at 12:09pm Copy Link
mlatin Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi" to Greg & Jon, who've put a good amount of their livelihood into DOpus over the years! - I remember & miss the BBT days! :) I bought another 2 licenses because I still use this after all these years so far removed from the Amiga.. It's a hell of a useful tool in my IT job.. There is NO other Explorer replacement that comes near DOpus' capabilities, period!
Mar 1 2011 at 2:06pm Copy Link
Staley Last commenter... but I just purchased two stand alone licenses last night before the deal ended... all I can say is WOW... plus knowing I get upgrades to 10.x licenses for the two purchased yesterday is even better.

One note to the developers... please... please keep the policy of not requiring online activation or DRM systems in your software... it is the major breaking point with me buying software like this. Please don't hurt a great product in the future with online activation...

Keep up the great work!
Mar 2 2011 at 12:38am Copy Link
Joris Great thanks in advance, GP Software, this would be a really nice offer!

But how much do you think an upgrade to version 10 will cost? Because this version will come out very soon, as the creator of Directory Opus, Jonathan Potter, once said ("We're hard at work on a new version of Opus (for Windows, of course) - version 10, due out in the first half of this year") at,
Mar 4 2011 at 11:58pm Copy Link
Joe Fuller I've used Directory Opus for over 12 years now and it's something that is now totally part of my PC use. Give me a PC with Explorer, or if an app defaults to Explorer, and I'm not just lost, I'm amazed at how crude and basic Microsoft's offering still is. Opus is so much more than an Explorer replacement - just try GP Software's generous free trial period to find out for yourself. Libraries lets you group the folders you most frequently access (files, music, photos, movies) at the top of your list. And now you can open Windows Control Panel from within Opus, not to mention it's rich FTP capabilities and it's excellent archiving/zip functions - I could go on, but I'll just say it again - download the fully functioning trial version and try it - you'll never, ever, ever want to use Explorer again!
Nov 2 2011 at 10:24am Copy Link

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