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Dupe AwayDiscount

Dupe Away

Quickly Find Duplicates in iTunes

Mac & PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Win XP, Vista, 7 or Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6
Dupe Away ScreenshotiPod iPhone iTunes Software ScreenshotDupe Away, iPod iPhone iTunes Software Screenshot

How old is your iTunes collection? If you're like me, you've been adding and adding to your collection of music for years -- and chances are good that you have more than just a few duplicates and "false" files! That's why you need a copy of Dupe Away, right now.

Dupe Away makes it a quick and easy task to find and eliminate duplicate files from your iTunes library. With Dupe Away, you'll be able to streamline your music collection, reclaim valuable hard drive space, and be on your way in less than a minute, and with the click of a button! Plus, Dupe Away is SMART, using factors like how many times you've played a track to flag which files are the best ones to delete.

You can even configure Dupe Away to eliminate duplicates based on your exacting preferences! You can, for example, enable or disable whether a file is identified as a duplicate based on file size or duration. A fully customizable view lets you view all of your music tracks or just the duplicates.

Review Written by Derek Lee
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