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HelpXplain - Simply tell it with picturesDiscount

HelpXplain - Simply tell it with pictures

Build Animated Tutorials in Minutes

v1.0 for PC  Download Trial
Platforms: Windows 10, 8, 7
HelpXplain - Simply tell it with pictures ScreenshotHelp Authoring Software ScreenshotHelpXplain - Simply tell it with pictures, Help Authoring Software ScreenshotHelpXplain - Simply tell it with pictures, Development Software ScreenshotHelp Authoring Software, HelpXplain - Simply tell it with pictures Screenshot

Do you have trouble holding your audience’s attention during presentations? Does it get even worse when you are explaining multi-step procedures? Tired of explaining things over and over to people that attended your presentation? Time to improve your effectiveness with today’s discount software promotion, HelpXplain!

HelpXplain is an amazing tool to present and train on step-by-step instructions. With HelpXplain, you’ll be able to build series of slides across a huge canvas, in a manner that keeps your audience engaged while fostering self-paced learning.

Imagine being able to build animated step-by-step tutorials and quick instructions in mere minutes that you can then embed into web pages and technical documentation. You can also use HelpXplain to build multi-page screencasts of programs that autoplay. Plus, editing is just as easy as creating in HelpXplain!

Best of all, the tutorials, instructions, and screencasts that you create in HelpXplain are pure HTML5 and JavaScript, compatible with all platforms, with a load time of less than a second!

Review Written by Derek Lee
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K User How do you campare it with stepshot pro?
Jul 9 2019 at 1:02am Copy Link
Roberto great company (help&manual people), thanks for this. I work in education but and this is a bargain.
Jul 9 2019 at 1:15am Copy Link
Alexander Halser StepShot does screencasts only, with a limited set of animations. HelpXplain does screencasts, "too". With a large toolbox for enhancements to each slide. You can start with a simple screencast like with StepShot, but it doesn't end here. Not even close. Look at the "teaser slideshow" on this page (below the description) - it has been created with HelpXplain.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 1:58am Copy Link
Roberto email with the registration info/download did not come, just to notice (not sure it will be sent manually). The receipt was sent correctly.
Jul 9 2019 at 4:12am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Roberto, please contact BitsDuJour about the delivery. This promotion is sold and delivered by BitsDuJour.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 4:46am Copy Link
Roberto thanks Alexander.. got it. Thanks Constantin!
Jul 9 2019 at 5:59am Copy Link
Mike Murphy Is this different than PowerPoint? Kind of look like they would do the same thing.


Mike M
Jul 9 2019 at 6:15am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Mike, on the surface it looks very much like PowerPoint, users familiar with PowerPoint should find it easy to work with. The transitions between slides, however, are very different. And the output is HTML, ready to be deployed on a website.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 6:25am Copy Link
Mike Murphy Playing with the demo a bit. Could this be used to create animated web banners in various sizes, such as 250px X 250px or tower ads 120px X 600px?


Mike M
Jul 9 2019 at 7:43am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Mike, web banners are really easy to create with HelpXplain.

Create a new (empty) Xplain and as the first thing change the slide size. We recommend to use a pixel size TWICE the desired size, because this covers high resolution monitors and smartphones better. The Xplain will scale itself anyway.

Fill the slide with any content and move on to create more slides. If you want a sliding banner, arrange slides in a long row on the canvas (switch to slide overview, then change the slide arrangement).

To create some visual effects for your web banner, try to resize some of the slides in slide overview. This will create a zoom-in and zoom-out effect that can look pretty cool.

When you are done, publish the slideshow to HTML and apply one of the player skins that work best for self-running slideshows:

a) "Blank Skin" has no controls whatsoever. Best for slideshows that start automatically and run in an endless loop.

b) "Minimalistic Skin" has a prev/next button only, that's good for switching manually from one slide to the next

c) "Slide Indicators Skin" has small bullet buttons at the bottom - one for each slide. This can be used with autostart or manual switching from slide to slide.

d) "Start/Replay Skin" places a big play button at the first slide and ends with a darkened slide that has a share and replay option.

Just try them to see which skin fits your banner best. Player skins can be customized (colors, button size, etc) in the Publish dialog.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 8:05am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Tip for creating small Xplains!

When you create relatively small Xplains (less than 500 x 500 px slide size), this is perfectly fine. But when you insert a text object into such a slide, the default text size will be too large. You can change the text size for each object individually, but there is a simplier way: global styles. Click "Edit Styles" next to the text formatting options in the toolbar and change the standard font size to a smaller point value. This will affect all text objects in a presentation that are not individually formatted.

More about styles and fonts here:
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 8:16am Copy Link
Stefan Hauber Do I get it right with the upgrade-fineprint?
With today's purchase all v1.x are included and
if v2 is published within 12 months, all v2.x are included too?
Jul 9 2019 at 8:27am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Stefan, the license includes a free 12-month-maintenance period. You get all updates within these 12 months for free, no matter if it is an version 1.5 or 2.1. The license is perpetual, it does not expire. Just the free maintenance expires after 12 months and can be extended for another 12 months at any time.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 8:34am Copy Link
Mike Murphy Is the discounted upgrade price based on the 49.90 offer on here today or on the 199 original cost?

Mike M
Jul 9 2019 at 8:59am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Mike, the maintenance extension per year will be about 20% of the original list price. Maintenance is optional, the license will never expire.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 9:15am Copy Link
Alexander Halser (duplicate post)
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 9:17am Copy Link
Roberto Embedding a video inside a slider and music would be great for offline presentations.
Jul 9 2019 at 10:36am Copy Link
Mike Murphy Is there a way to insert a voice narration within a slide?
Jul 9 2019 at 10:48am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Voice overs are planned for one of the next updates. It's yet not possible.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 11:00am Copy Link
K. Christoph Kurz und herzlich:
Testinstallation ist erfolgt.
Prima !
Auf die geplante Voice-Erweiterung freue ich mich ...
Ich möchte die Software für eine nicht kommerziell tätige Einrichtung verwenden.
(Alzheimer Gesellschaft Hannover)
Paypal verwende ich grundsätzlich nicht.
Eine Kreditkarte steht mir nicht zur Verfügung.
Kann ich auch überweisen bzw. abbuchen lassen ?
(BitsDuJour bietet es leider nicht an.)
Dankeschön !
Jul 9 2019 at 1:31pm Copy Link
Alexander Halser K. Christoph, let's talk in private. Please send a message (in German) to our support: support (at)
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 1:58pm Copy Link
Mike Murphy Is there a way to show a grid on the slides to align the text, pictures, etc., when we would put them in a slide?


Mike M
Jul 9 2019 at 2:43pm Copy Link
Alexander Halser I assume you are referring to grids in PowerPoint. No, this kind of grid is not available in HelpXplain.

There is, however a practical alignment feature in the toolbar. Select multiple objects on a slide, then click the "Arrange" button. If more than one object is selected, the "Align Multiple Objects" functions become available. You can align the objects horizontally and vertically, align their top borders, right borders, center them, etc.
It's still not a grid with content auto-alignment, but the effect is very close.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 3:06pm Copy Link
Alexander Halser For those not convinced yet, we are already working on the next feature update of HelpXplain (included in the maintenance plan, if you purchase this BitsDuJour deal). Here's a first preview of what is in store for the next update:
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 3:14pm Copy Link
R Master What advantages does this have over Focusky? Is there any kind of lifetime upgrade available? How active is this software being developed? Thank you.
Jul 9 2019 at 3:19pm Copy Link
Alexander Halser @R Master - Sorry, never heard of Focusky. HelpXplain does offer free upgrades for 12 months from the time you first activate the license. The BitsDuJour promotion includes this as well, there is no difference to a regular purchase.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 9 2019 at 3:33pm Copy Link
Praveen From the fine print:
"Upgrades to future versions of the software will be free for 12 months. For versions after that, upgrades will require additional payment, which will be discounted. It will be discounted only if you've purchased the last major version."

Your message:
"the maintenance extension per year will be about 20% of the original list price. Maintenance is optional, the license will never expire."

Can you please clarify:
"It will be discounted only if you've purchased the last major version."
Is this your policy or is this the standard BitsDuJour template?

Since your licenses are based on time (12 months) and not versions, if I don't renew for a year after my upgrade eligibility expires, can I still purchase the maintenance extension with the 20% of list price discount rate?
Jul 9 2019 at 6:17pm Copy Link
peter User Which version is this compared to the website? Personal?

If it supported TTS and voiceovers,
and video export
like its rival,
I'd be more tempted.
Jul 10 2019 at 1:29am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Constantin from BDJ has changed the fineprint to reflect the update and maintenance policy more accurately. The part "It will be discounted only if you've purchased the last major version" has been removed. Future upgrades will be possible from all previous versions.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 10 2019 at 3:27am Copy Link
Craig Haywood which browsers are supported, and specifically, from what browser version?
Jul 10 2019 at 11:33am Copy Link
Bill Blackledge Will it be possible to insert videos into Xplains in future versions?
Jul 10 2019 at 11:39am Copy Link
Alexander Halser Craig, the HTML pages that HelpXplain creates are compatible with almost all browsers from the last couple of years. The canvas animations are preferrably done with 3D animations, with a fallback to 2D animations if required. The browser must support the CSS "transform" attribute (if it doesn't, or if Javascript is disabled, the Xplain shows a preview of the first slide and displays a meaningful message).

2D/3D animations have been supported since MS Internet Explorer 9, almost all desktop browsers of this generation and most mobile browsers of this generation. MSIE 9 was released in 2011. Practically speaking, if a desktop browser is not older than 8 years or a mobile browser is not older than 6 years, it will safely play.

We paid special attention to support MSIE as well, to make it possible to embed Xplains in Windows help files. We also paid attention to support older iOS browser which were critical in terms of maximum image sizes. An Xplain definitely runs on an iPad 2 (released 2011) and iPhone 5 (release 2012).
EC Software GmbH - Jul 10 2019 at 3:49pm Copy Link
Alexander Halser Bill, we have plans to support online YouTube videos in Xplains. But I cannot say when. Slide audio (voice over) will be implemented in one of the next updates, most probably Autumn 2019.
EC Software GmbH - Jul 10 2019 at 3:52pm Copy Link
Craig Haywood Thanks, I bought a copy
Jul 10 2019 at 11:02pm Copy Link

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