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High Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store)Discount

High Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store)

Create Impressive Email Marketing Communications

for PC 
Platforms: Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Office 2003, 2007, 2010
High Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store) ScreenshotEmail Tools Software ScreenshotHigh Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store), Email Tools Software ScreenshotHigh Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store), Internet Software ScreenshotEmail Tools Software, High Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store) ScreenshotInternet Software, High Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store) ScreenshotInternet Software, Email Tools Software ScreenshotHigh Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store), Internet Software, Email Tools Software ScreenshotHigh Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store) Screenshot 8High Impact eMail 5 Platinum (plus 3 Months to the TemplateZone Store) Screenshot 9

Please note folks, every High Impact eMail 5 Platinum license purchased includes a free 3-month subscription to the TemplateZone Store. That's a $75.00 value!

If you're a savvy business owner, you've been leveraging the power of email to quickly get the word out to your clients about the latest and greatest products and services. But what does your email look like? Is it just a bunch of text, with a message likely to be lost in the hundreds of other text-based emails in an inbox? Face it, in order to really capture and hold your client's interest, your email needs to be jazzy, interesting, and bonded with your brand! The best way to achieve this is with High Impact eMail 5 Platinum!

High Impact eMail 5 Platinum lets you use professional email marketing templates to craft online newsletters, advertisements, invitations, and more! With High Impact eMail 5 Platinum, you'll have access to hundreds of templates, ready to get you up and running quickly, making positive impressions on your clients and driving revenue. Customizing the templates with High Impact eMail 5 Platinum is easy, with no HTML coding or design experience necessary - just you and your amazing ideas.

Here's how easy High Impact eMail 5 Platinum can be: Pick a template, then add/remove/edit the stock text and place your own images. That's it! If you really want to take it to the next level, you can take advantage of the eMail Merge feature, which customizes each document with personalized customer information, including names and addresses.

Your masterpieces are designed to work across the board with all of the major email clients out there, and High Impact eMail 5 Platinum designs can be sent out using Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Gmail, Windows Mail, even ACT! Or you can choose to upload your design as an HTML document using MailChimp, Constant Contact, iContact, and any client that supports HTML-formatted messages.

With your three-month pass to the TemplateZone Store, you'll have access to more templates than you could ever handle, plus new templates added each month! It's all yours with your copy of High Impact eMail 5 Platinum.

Review Written by Derek Lee
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John Paradiso Not sure how they consider this 50% off when it sells for 149.99 on their site. It's really 25% off. Reviews seem pretty good though.
Sep 22 2011 at 5:46am Copy Link
Justin Rondeau John,

You are not just getting high Impact eMail 5 Platinum with your purchase, you are also getting a 3-month subscription to the TemplateZone Store ($75) with your purchase.

Hopefully that helps!
TemplateZone - Sep 22 2011 at 6:05am Copy Link
John Paradiso I understand that but on your site it says the $149.99 price (on top of this page http://www.templatezone.c...g-software) includes:
Free Bonus With Purchase

3 months of additional template downloads from the TemplateZone Store ($75 Value)

So sounds like the exact same product and bonus. Just think you should reflect the correct savings from what is being offered on your site.
Sep 22 2011 at 8:08pm Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Great Software but Dubious Pricing?

At TemplateZone, I noticed the Platinum edition's price is $149.95, not the $224.95 stated above. ALSO, I noticed the Professional edition is $99.95, which seems pretty much identical to the Platinum edition (with regard to features).

After looking at the comparison chart, Pro is the same as Platinum except for 300 templates versus 600 and "ReadyShare" 2MB versus 5MB. Also, Platinum has "subscribe/ unscribe".

Me thinks that the discount offered on Bits isn't as sweet as the vendor paints it out to be!
Sep 22 2011 at 10:41pm Copy Link
Justin Rondeau @Preston & @John I am sorry if this comes off as 'dubious' or 'sneaky', but the actual value of these products are $224.95. We did not have to add the 3-month subscription to the deal, but we wanted to give you more with your purchase so you could have access to more designs to create great looking emails.

As you pointed out that the 3-month subscription comes with the version on our site, this is an issue on our end that will be resolved. We previously thought we got rid of that over a month ago. I'll contact my webmaster to reflect the proper changes on the website to remove that offer, as it is one we did not intend to still have available.

@Preston We don't have any plans to offer the professional version here on BDJ. So for the time being this will be the best price you can get it at.
TemplateZone - Sep 23 2011 at 5:13am Copy Link
Preston Mitchell Justin: TY and pardon me...

Thank you for your reply...and pardon me if I seemed to imply that your offer was 'sneaky'. No, I was simply pointing out an anomaly between your pricing on Bits and that on your own web site. Oversights can happen even to the most reputable vendors.

We, the Bits Consumers, appreciate you and other vendors for offering discounts for your software. Thank you.

By the by, I still wish you would offer the Pro version on Bits. Most of my governmental customers require simple text-based emails. So, the 'lite' Pro version would be more appropriate in my case...and the same is probably true for other Bits consumers.
Sep 23 2011 at 8:50am Copy Link
Roger Thomasson @ Preston

BTW, a good way to quantify interest in a product (or version, as the case may be) is to officially 'suggest' it via the following link and then get that 'want' count rising :-)

Just an aside...

BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 23 2011 at 12:42pm Copy Link
HJ B Truth in Advertising: 50% off means 75$ if the same dealer is charging $150 for the exact same package.

For them to say they thought they were charging more, is not an excuse and does not jusify continuing an admittedly false claim. That is particularly so when it is realized that the true price is plainly and unequivocally shown on their website.

The Template Zone should face up to the problem and change its deal price to $75.00.

Bitsdujour should verify discount claims before posting them in the future.
Sep 25 2011 at 4:07am Copy Link
Dave D When this truly is 50% off what I can buy it for on the website I'll be all in. Roger at BDJ I think you need to take a closer look at the valid concerns raised here as it reflects as much on BDJ as the vendor.
Sep 25 2011 at 11:39am Copy Link
Neo Anderson @ Preston

You may not want to come right out and call it "sneaky" but I will. This is shifty, sneaky, classic bait and switch. I buy lot's o' stuff here but not this time. Shame Shame Shame.
Sep 25 2011 at 1:28pm Copy Link
Roger Thomasson Apologies folks, it's been a busy couple of weeks over here and I'm afraid we missed the boat with this. We updated the discount accordingly so that there's no more confusion.

I know you'd all prefer we dropped the price rather than the discount, but unfortunately it's a little late in the game (logistically) to make a change like that, especially on a non-business day.

Again, accept our jet-lagged apologies. Anybody who shops on Bits regularly knows that in general we're quite diligent about these things. This slipped through the proverbial cracks.

BitsDuJour Admin - Sep 25 2011 at 2:41pm Copy Link

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